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Dissidia Final Fantasy: HotT [v1.1b]

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

Map Description
Cosmos, the Goddess of Harmony. Chaos, the God of Discord. Reigning from distant realms, the two Gods had gathered warriors from all lands to lead them in epic war. Assume the role of your favorite FINAL FANTASY character in an epic battle between light and darkness. Level up characters in stunning environments that only the FINAL FANTASY series can provide!

Playable Characters
There is currently total 14 playable characters and 1 secret character from original Final Fantasy series available.
- Warrior of Cosmos:
Firion (FF II), Cecil (FF IV), Terra (FF VI), Cloud (FF VII), Squall (FF VIII),Zidane (FF IX) and Tidus (FF X)
- Warrior of Chaos: Garland (FF I), Cloud of Darkness (FF III), Exdeath (FF V), Kefka (FF IX), Sephiroth (FF VII), Ultimecia (FF VIII), Kuja (FF IX), Jecht (FF X) and Gabranth (FF XII)

Arena Dungeon
To reduce boredom and make game more excited, player also can explore huge Optional Dungeon Area named "Dimensional Castle of the Rift", inspired from Final Dungeon in Final Fantasy V with it's original BOSS "Demons of the Rift" included. 3 of them is enable to summoned to arena and fight as Arena BOSS (you have to fight the rest of them in their original place it's placed). And so, at the end of the Rift Dungeon, you'll find a portal that acces to The Edge of Madness. Yep, a place where Chaos and it's manikin forces lies (total 5 Manikin from Warrior of Chaos). There is also another optional BOSS if Chaos is not strong enough for you. It's Shinryu with his deadly Atomic Bomb spell. He is an optional BOSS from FF V and also appear as summon on Dissidia Final Fantasy itself. His lair could be acces on upper portal on the arena.












Feature: AI Included, 1 vs 1 Duel, Huge Optional Dungeon based from FF V "Dimensional Castle of the Rift", Strong Optional BOSS, Powerful EX Burst, etc

Extra Feature: Voice Clip for every characters (DISSIDIA ENG), BGM from FF I -DISSIDIA rearrange-, Spell & Damage Show-Up, Item Stack (Recovery Item Only), Recipe Item, Custom Spell, Custom Icon (Pic source from FF Wiki), Secret Room contains many powerful items, etc

• Creep Level Up System.
• Randomized creep spawn to create more varied enemies.
• Added EX Mode model for Cloud of Darkness.
• Spell Remake:
- Garland: Tsunami
- Jecht: Ultimate Jecht Shot and Jecht Block
- Exdeath: Delta Attack
- CoD: [Long-range] Particle Beam
- Terra|r: Firaga, Thundaga and Riot Blade
- Cloud: Blade Beam
• 1st, 2nd and 3rd Hero's Spell is now can up to Lv. 5.
• Heroes EX Burst icon changed.
• Item won't drop whenever player dead.
• Re-balance several Item's price.
• Re-balance heroes spell.
• New Playable Character: Kefka and Tidus
• New Upgradeable Item: Helm
• New Exclusive Item: Dancing Mad and World Champion
• Reduce tome effect.

For Credits and Game Info detail: see it in game by press F9.
Oh, and please rate the map. thanks. ^^

dissidia final fantasy, dissidia, final fantasy, ff, hero arena, game, squaresoft, square enix, psp

Dissidia Final Fantasy: HotT [v1.1b] (Map)

16:51, 8th Sep 2011 Vengeancekael: Status: Rejected Ripped off models from other games are not allowed. Contact Me




16:51, 8th Sep 2011
Status: Rejected

The models looks like they are taken directly from Dissidia itself. Exdeath's and Chaos' are the most suspicious ones.
dead-man-walking: ah, yes. he is. :))

Ripped off models from other games are not allowed.

Contact Me
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
The models looks like they are taken directly from Dissidia itself. Exdeath's and Chaos' are the most suspicious ones.

EDIT: Ooooh. Ye sneaky bastard.



<ignore the text, look at the damn pic>

All of them are shots of Exdeath's model for Dissidia. And they all seem to match the model on your map.
Level 4
Sep 15, 2010
damn i like it
i never play real Final Fantasy Dissidia in PSP(basiclly i have psp but i dont have Final Fantasy Dissidia in game)
The voice attack spell is good
The model and icon is very cool Final Fantasy Dissidia

I Give you 5/5 even OVER 9000!!!!!! too(i m not crazy)
My Vote is Approvad

And Welcome Hiveworkshop.com @reyzu.
Level 14
Jan 21, 2008
light bolt30: uhmm.. sorry, what is BB code for hide section?
and thanks for compliment :)

dead-man-walking: ah, yes. he is. :))

hugo802: thank you :D okay, i'll email you whenever next version is released.

UuiX25: thanks, glad you like it.
and thank you for the greeting. :)





I don't know if this is your solo work or not, but map looks great.
Level 4
Nov 23, 2010
Hmmm... looks pretty good. But there is something I don't like:
-Why every heroes' 1st, 2nd, and 3rd skills have only 3 level? And the heroes' 4th and 5th skills just 1 level. Look so boring dude!
-The camera on Duel event is annoying. Change it to the original view.
-When I duel with enemy hero (AI), when I go to the right or left side, the enemy ranged heroes can attack me. I mean, the allies of the enemy heroes that are waiting can attack me. I think you should disabled the attack command.
-Make the AI can buy items. :)
Enough, just that. Besides that, everything is good.
GJ and keep up the good work dude! 3.5/5 :ogre_hurrhurr:
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
From what i already tried:

1.Duel arena, why our friend or them can be moved and shooting freely to the duelist? Is it usual? If you wanted to make it like this way , so there are some skills that couldn't cast in that time. [Example Cloud of darkness , secondary skills]

2.Sometimes when i died , my item was dropped.

3.Money is too easy to invest and if item can be dropped so we will see a lot of item on ground. It makes a box of item in a mess.

4.My our score didn't reach to 40 kills yet, but it showed our team win and the end was ended

5.Make a old view of duel arena please [Remove pillar will nice] , it look terrible and hardly to move & see.

this is a bug that i found.
Level 2
May 21, 2009
great map but u shud fix the saund and if u can make the towers go invisible when u stand above becos they realy stud in the way of the epic work u got there !!!
Level 14
Jan 21, 2008
@Anachron: thanks for the sugestion, this version isn't final yet. so the character's attribute could be overpowered at the late of the game because of using large number of tomes. to fix that, i've planned to reduce tome effect by 1/4. i've already reduce armor bonus and attack speed per-AGI anyway. :)

@sentrywiz: thanks. :) i made this map myself, but there is also some people who help me with their suggestion and who did made and fix some trigger. :)

@DarkReborn: okay, added Kefka to new character wish list. :)

@-BLOOD_BATH-: thanks for the critics.
1. 4th and 5th ability can be considered as ultimate, their EX Burst already deal damage depends on player level. so i think it's not really necessary to increase it's levels. for 1st, 2nd and 3rd ability, i've planned to increase them to lvl. 5 each.
2. eh? :vw_sad: what make u annoy with that?
3. yah, it happen, but i think it's not really neccesary since duel is only short-battle. but i'll try.
4. sure! :)

@copsychus: thanks for reporting. :)
1. oh, i've just understand what you mean. yes they are, so stay out from them. :) btw, when you said duelist, it kinda remind me with Yu-Gi-Oh! LOL
2 and 3. yes, items have chance to dropped when player died. thats why i've made items price kinda cheap. perhaps it'll be auto-remove-on-ground-items feature in future release.
4. really? so far i haven't found that kind of bug. i'll check that. thanks for telling me.
5. te-hee, perhaps it because duel arena is not big enough. :)

@WatsoN: uhmm.. what sound to fix? the pillar position is decorated like that for a 'small' reason. :) ah, actually i've searching for a pillar with death animation (which tremble and break) on it but didn't found one.

@Sleas: wohoo thank you, i'm glad you like it. :D

@oldmilk: thanks. :) i don't want to brothering people reading a long-description, so i describe what i think it's neccesary. they can see full Game Info and Credits in game. :D
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
For the current heroes that it's avaiable in this version, is it done with hero's skills? or a lot of far beyone the real one

PS. i mean hero's skills.
Level 14
Jan 21, 2008
@hugo802: to play as Chaos.. uh, u have to find it out yourself. ;D
yes, AI is kinda stupid, i'll improve them later. :>

@copsychus: no, several of hero's ability isn't final yet. it'll be better and more better in every next release. :)
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
Is it need to know FF? Because i did play only FF7. Can i make a ideal from your name skill and your description?
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007

Well, i want to suggestive in Cecil hero.

Skill 1 : Searchlight [Active]

Throw a light sword to the point.

Condition 1 :
while it's moving , if any monster get in the way , deal minor damage to them and pass throught until its reach the limit range.

Condition 2 :
If enemy's heroes get in its way. Lock them up with the way of light [invisible , only our team can see it]

Maximum length between your hero and him/her xxxx range.

Every 0.x s Cecil will blink to strike their enemies in the line between your hero and him/her.

If there are x units, Cecil will stab x enemies at once.

When the duration was over or their enemies go out of your range.

Cecil will blink and attack the target that locked up with rapid stab[X] times. [Deal 75% of their current damage]

[Not invulable , but immune to any effect that made him stopped]

X = every x times while u're attacking your enemies in the line.it will count as 1 stab.

After finished, cecil will move to behind the target.

Skill 2: Saint Fall [Active]

Call a holy sword around him. Every xxx strength will be increasing his skill duration by x.

The total damage that your enemies did in the past for x second.

It will return to them with more xxx% damage.

If you used it with your Searchlight skill. After x seconds, this sword will move to the target directly [Stright line]. Our enemies have a chance to dodge it , because it's not homing and this sword will deal only xx% of the total damage that all of your enemies taken.

Skill 3: Paladin Art [Active]

Once it actived everytimes that Cecil attacked , it will reduct his target's ability by x% for x seconds. [Stack]

[Their damage and stats will reduct by x% each hit and he will be lost x% of their current hp in each of their attacked]

Example : Cecil attack his enemies 3 hit already = 3%. So his enemies in stats and attack damage will be reducted by 3% and everytimes that he tried to attack he has to lost 3% of current hp per attack.

Every xx% that he lost, it will release a light bomb xxx AoE around him. His stats and damage will be back as normal but the unit around them will take this effect instead of him/her [-attack damage , - stats] plus more xx% for xx seconds.

Utimate: Soul Shift [Active] [Target require]

Once it actived, Cecil will move to the target directly.

First attack , it will stab down his/her target's strength in a half and added it up to your hero.
[This effect will be canceled after Soul shift was over]

Second attack, it will stab the target's current mana in a half and xx% in that mana will be added up to our strength and make the target receive more xx% damage for x seconds. [This strength buff will be canceled after xx duration]

Final Attack, It will attack 2 times in maximum damage to the enemies with critical strike x.x. [Every xx strength , critical rate will increase by x.x]

Last , the target will fall down around x seconds.

Well, i want to suggestive in Ultimecia too.


Skill 1: Great Attractor [Active]

Make a mobile orb around your hero, xxx AoE from that ball will drag your enemies toward the ball. It will -xx% of their ms in every x seconds.

Any incoming projectile will be dragging toward this ball too. After any enemies attach to that ball . It will explode deal AoE of knockback for a

long range and they will take a negative buff xxx damage over xx seconds.

[Ball damage + her agility + any damage that ball's collected]

SKill 2: Knight of Arrow [Active]

Shooting an homing arrow toward enemies in xxxx range.

While it's moving , it will make a bombard of arrows around it. Deal xx damage per one arrow.

If the main arrow nearly to the target it will explode and deal a massive of arrrow to the point that your enemies position.

Each arrows deal xx damage per xx seconds [+x seconds, +x damage per 1 arrows] and they will take a spike effect.

Spike effect will deal a damage per seconds around him/her. [damage : xx% of his current damage]

Skill 3: Sorceress's Aura [Passive]

xxx AoE of Utimadic. She get a x% chance to control a incoming projectile.


If it succeed, enemy's projectile will pause and it will be increasing +x damage and +1 movement per 0.x seconds.

After it reach 522 max speed, it will be moved with a 522 speed toward to enemies that used this projectile attack to your heroes.

This projectile deal half damage of original + increased movement speed.

Projectile movespeed will reduct 0.x per 0.x seconds. If projectile become 0 ms , it will disappear.

Each xxx of Utimadic's agility will slow a reduction of movement speed by 0.x s.

Skill 4: Utimate skill - Time compress [Active]

After actived this spell [xxx AoE], Any buff duration will become zero.

Example [Before]:

Your enemies take inner fire ability +25% damage for 40 seconds > after take this > = 0 s = cancel

Your enemies take slow 40% for 10 seconds > after take this > = 0 s = cancel

Your enemies take poison 600 damage over 50 seconds > after take this > = 0 s take 600 damage suddenly

Your enemies will change their hp , stats , armor , attack damage in [current lv + x [number] lv in the future] for x seconds.

Example [After]:

Your enemies will change back to their original level plus -x [number] lv for xx seconds and any negative effect will be back too.

They took inner fire spell [But it's positive effect] = no effect.

They took poison 600 damage over 50 seconds [it's negative effect] = take this effect again with 600 damage over 50 seconds.

They took slow 40% for 10 seconds [it's negative effect] = take this effect again with slow 40% for 10 seconds.

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Level 7
Jan 9, 2010
this map is awesome, i only have one suggestion: Fix the int heroes AI, its just stupid to 1 hit kill a hero with 999 int and basic str lol
Level 14
Jan 21, 2008
@-BLOOD_BATH-: i see, so if i enlarge duel arena a bit the view won't be a matter, no? :)
actually, it just need to use ur mouse scroll to easily makes it back to normal camera position. :D
no problem, i've appreciate every comments that i got, so i've always reply them. :>

@copsychus: so very nice, but the trigger is also not easy to make. haha thanks for the suggestion u've give anyway. i'll try if i could. :D

@frostloh: thanks :D of course i'll do, wait for the next release! :>
Level 4
Jan 29, 2010
You can also press delete(the camera panning side to side button) to fix the camera.

I don't like how the character's voices are louder than all the other sounds in the game. It gets annoying. Also, there's never enough time to finish the dungeon before the kill cap is reached and a team wins.
Level 14
Jan 21, 2008
well, actually the latest version of this map is 1.1b which have release on 1st week in last january, I currently focus on my Dissidia ORPG project, since I've work(ed) on my project alone, it's gonna take a time to finish (but I'll try my best to finish that project within half a year without reducing a good ORPG map quality).
but I guess since I see that people did enjoy playing this map, I'll upload 1.1b here tomorrow. ^^




Level 2
Dec 31, 2008
Man, I know the limitations of WC3 and all, but this map would be so much more amazing if the skills worked anything like their descriptions stated.

More realistic suggestions would be to make games last longer, you can't realistically do the dungeon before the game is over. Also, try to add at least a little bit of skill variety. It's basically a mix of crit, bash, pulverize, storm bolt, thunderclap, and delayed TAoEs. The map is visually very impressive but the gameplay feels a little bland to me.
Level 6
May 14, 2009
I've tried it! Very great graphics! It's just that the Kill box blocks the view... about almost 1/4 of the screen is blocked by it... It would be nice if you can hide the box... one that can be shown or hidden upon the player's will...

Now... if only warcraft enabled Aerial Battles...
I also noticed a bug... When dueling... one of the sides can already start attacking while the other cannot. I don't know if this only happens when I just placed an AI controlled player.
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Level 14
Jan 21, 2008
@3LF: I know, I'm not a pretty much expert spell trigger maker but I'll do as good as I can. Several spell like Ultimecia and Kuja EX Burst is still under my construction though. If I were an expert triggering, I would love to bring a map with real dissidia gameplay on it. There is lots of things that I wanted to fix but I don't really in the mood to look throught for this map. Just wanted to focus on 1 map project at the moment. After my Dissidia ORPG finished, I'll update this map agn. ^^

@Sumallo2: thank you, as a design student, I'd love to make simply well-made map with a nice visual that ppl (esp. FF fan) can enjoy. ^^ for leaderboard, I planned to change it into multiboard later on.

@omnom18: I have lightning model but she is unanimated. She isn't appear on Dissidia though, but later on Dissidia 012 which release on this May 3rd.
Level 1
Jul 14, 2008
ive tried your map and i found a lot of bad parts....

(1) AI is (as you already said) quite stupid
(2) if you die by a creep, it still counts as a kill for the enemy team which is very frustrating
(3) you cant adjust the kill limit which is pretty annoying related to (2)
(4) you should make recipes sellable cause it seems that lots of people get a bit confused with the rod[5] and the staff[5] related recipes
(5) let the contestants for the duel be random. its pretty useless to always have the guys with the most kills fight eachother
Level 14
Jan 21, 2008
@FrozenFenrir: I appreciate your suggestion, it's still beta though. Your suggestion contain things that I wanted to change as well. But later on okay. ^^

@omnom18: haha don't worry, she is one of my favorite ff character too. I would love to add her as well. Later on if somebody did animate her and dissidia 012 english is out. ^^