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Director's Cut Horror Project - Dualism

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You're kidding right -,-?
I just spend 14 hours straight to improve it and you're telling me it got worse :/

Could you please tell me what your download speed is and do you have caching enabled in your google chrome browser? Are you perhaps using incognito mode?

Also did you test the site only once or several times? Because the first time it should cache all the images so that the second time the images won't have to load thus going fast.
There are still some issues I'm trying to prevent, please be patient as I will try to improve it for you guys.

It would be good if I know what kind of download speed you guys have so that I can take that into account.

EDIT: The random black spot issue should be fixed, tell me if it did please. I'm not seeing that bug anymore.
EDIT2: working on a loading bar beforehand to preload everything on the website in order to make it faster.

My dl speed is 15 mb/s
I don't use incognito mode.
I tried it multiple times
I could provide screen shots of broken images as well o.o
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
Thanks guys, I think I found a solution.
However it's going to take a while to implement it.
You'll see the result tomorrow ;)


Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010
@Total Warrior

Nope, I am covered when it comes to voice acting. I cannot reveal yet who I am working with tho.

I also feel like it is time to do a update.

On the Dualism homepage there will soon be a timer. When that timer expires Dualism Beta will be available to ALL users.

Slightly before that timer expires all Beta Testers will be notified with a PM. Inside this PM you will find a hidden download link to Dualism Beta, rules, copyrights and material for video making.

I am still looking for a 2D artist! Please inform your friends and family because this is very important.
@Total Warrior

Nope, I am covered when it comes to voice acting. I cannot reveal yet who I am working with tho.

I also feel like it is time to do a update.

On the Dualism homepage there will soon be a timer. When that timer expires Dualism Beta will be available to ALL users.

Slightly before that timer expires all Beta Testers will be notified with a PM. Inside this PM you will find a hidden download link to Dualism Beta, rules, copyrights and material for video making.

I am still looking for a 2D artist! Please inform your friends and family because this is very important.

You can't issue a copyright over Dualism. Not even a creative commons license. All maps, blp and mdx files are property of Blizzard Entertainment. Don't even bother trying.


Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010
All voice acting and 2D art is copyrighted to Sverkercraft, a company owned by me. You may use it for open sources such as Warcraft3 maps but not outside those frames. You may also have a donate function assosiated with the map or other resourse you are publishing without getting into any legal issues.

My point is;
Do not use the voice acting and 2D art that I've payed for for a product which you are planning on selling. Doing that will get you into legal issues.
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All voice acting and 2D art is copyrighted to Sverkercraft, a company owned by me. You may use it for open sources such as Warcraft3 maps but not outside those frames. You may also have a donate function assosiated with the map or other resourse you are publishing without getting into any legal issues.

My point is;
Do not use the voice acting and 2D art that I've payed for for a product which you are planning on selling. Doing that will get you into legal issues.

I highly doubt you have both the money and the time to legally persue someone over the internet.
You can't issue a copyright over Dualism. Not even a creative commons license. All maps, blp and mdx files are property of Blizzard Entertainment. Don't even bother trying.
Yup, if you read the fine print, everything you make in the editor is 100% property of Blizzard Entertainment. If you start making some hefty money off of their game, they WILL take your map, and or sue you.
But we are talking about Warcraft 3, which has long since been dead. It's doubtful your map would appear on their radar.


Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010

I sell this map to you = Illegal
I made this map and I am going to continue to make maps. I am also going to form my own game developing company. If you want to help me out you can donate and get benefits in every single game I make = Not Illegal

I am not selling any property of Blizzard thus not breaking any laws.

EDIT: Oh and no I wouldn't actually legally persue someone over the internet for using my copyrighted material as of right now. However, a lot of sites respects the copyright law and would put the content which contains my copyrighted material off their site if I sent them a message which I probably would.

Also, let's do a update shall we?

- All doors. DONE
- Dining Section. (2 hours)
- Main Hall. DONE
- Some more noises in the forest. (10 minutes)
- Bug where the cellar is accessable trough the house.
- Take a look at the code Hylke made for a scare.
- Ask Catch about Images inside Multiboard.
- Journal updates.
- The rest of the reading stuff triggers.
- Water part puzzle. DONE
- Alchemist potion return in time.
- Make houses interesting.

And then we got the main thing:


But you guys are probably not interested in the list itself but rather how much time it will take.

I'd say 6 days but that might change. Stay tuned.
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Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
- Take a look at the code Hylke made for a scare.

This kinda made me lol xD
Just a small thingy, check it out real quick. Doesn't take more then like 10 seconds.

Also, preloading will be finnished today and will make the site run on it's full potential ;)
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
But you guys are probably not interested in the list itself but rather how much time it will take.

I'd say 6 days but that might change. Stay tuned.
IMO it's good to show a list of the things left to be done, it's not that we are not interested in the list itself, we are just more interested in how much time it will take because we can't wait to play the map:p


Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010

This is all that is left until Dualism Beta will be released.

- Dining Section. (2 hours)
- Little girl in main hall + chain quest
- Some more noises in the forest. (10 minutes)
- Ask Catch about Images inside Multiboard.
- Journal updates.
- The rest of the reading stuff triggers.
- Dualism homepage.
- Houses Items.

Note that "The rest of the reading stuff triggers" cannot be done without a voice actor.

Also, I got a surprice for you guys.

I've contacted Gabe which I am paying to make a professional trailer for Dualism.
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
Sverkerman said:
- Dining Section. (2 hours)
- Little girl in main hall + chain quest
- Some more noises in the forest. (10 minutes)
- Ask Catch about Images inside Multiboard.
- Journal updates.
- The rest of the reading stuff triggers.
- Dualism homepage.
- Houses Items.
well those things don't really seem much, except this part:
Note that "The rest of the reading stuff triggers" cannot be done without a voice actor.
that scared me a little, i thought you already had a voice actor o_O
Sverkerman said:
Also, I got a surprice for you guys.

I've contacted Gabe which I am paying to make a professional trailer for Dualism.
Im not sure what kind of intro you need for Dualism but RavenProDesign makes some pretty good ones
This intro was a paid one(not sure how much it costed), you could use one of his free intros or contact him of what you would like to be in your intro and offer him/ask him a price.

You can find a list of his free intros here
Level 14
Apr 20, 2009
Good news here, the web page works nicely for me with the loading bar.

good job

That sounds great, however it seems like the loading bar has started giving some problems.

Basically, our service provider made sure that the .htaccess file that was on our server
(which controlls whether images should be cached *saved* on your hard drive or not) doesn't work anymore.
This basically means that if you don't already have these images saved on your hard drive from the previous time that it did work, the website will ask the images again and again from the server
(which is why the black spots are being shown).

So untill this is fixed there is a small problem with loading the animations for those who haven't already cached the images to their hard drives.
Those that did, should have no problems viewing the animations right now. You're safe now Chaosy ^.^
This problem lies with our service provider
(I haven't contacted them yet but will do so tomorrow morning).
Hopefully they can help us find the root of our problem.

If you already have the images cached, I solely advice you to NOT clear your browser cache if you want to view the dualism website in a respectable way.
This is just a gentle notice, ofcourse you can ignore this if you really have to clear your cache. I will make sure that this problem is solved soon enough.


Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010
Yup my family is poor.

@Drunken Jackal

Yeah Herr Brushurslem is bad-ass!

Nah, they just wanted the engine and the wheels. These people that did it are proffesionals, I've done some research around where we live and it seems that I am not the first victim of this type of crime.

The engine does have a serial number and so does the wheels but if they have done this before they are most likely not stupid enough to sell it to any legal store.


- Dining Section. (Almost done!)
- Journal updates.
- The rest of the reading stuff triggers.
- General Flies in hay place.


Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010
@Drunken Jackal

Haha I actually did read about that.

But unfortunately I don't have time to play games. All I do is Dualism, eat, workout, sleep.

FINALLY after almost 30 hours the Dining Section is done!
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Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010
I got a little something to share with you guys.

A few days ago my developing team got a new member. This member has chosen not to reveal his indentity in public, but it's somebody here inside Hiveworkshop, that I can tell you.

He is now working together with me and is currently drawing concept art for Dualism, here is some of it!



Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
Sverkerman said:

wow that looks really well done and scary!!

I have some questions: (if you have time to answer them ofc)
  • Is the Dualism website published or close to being published? What contents will the website contain? Link maybe?
  • Are you going to upload Gameplay videos on youtube?(other players will do too) Perhaps some videos of Tips & Tricks?
  • Are you going to take a pause from developing Dualism after the Beta is released?

I like the little kid. Kids makes horror games 10x scarier.
Hope you reveal who he is.
10 bucks that you are the "hidden" 2D artist:p


Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010

xorkatoss said:
Is the Dualism website published or close to being published? What contents will the website contain? Link maybe?

The Dualism website is published. We are still experiencing some bugs with the graphics, but it is fully functional. The reason that we have it is mainly for donations. If you donate you get a serial code which you will be able to activate in my next map which you can read about further down in this message.

Here is a link to it:

xorkatoss said:
Are you going to upload Gameplay videos on youtube?(other players will do too) Perhaps some videos of Tips & Tricks?

Yes. I am going to upload a "The making of Dualism" video. I am not going to upload any ingame footage of Dualism apart from the trailer that will be done in a couple of days.

I will also open up a thread separatly for finding the "Treasures" inside Dualism once the whole game is finished. If you are unfamiliar with this I'll tell you abit about it.

Dualism is full of easter eggs and a special type of item that we call "Treasure".

If you collect all the hidden treasures you can unlock additional gameplay. It is kind of a secret area.

(Note that BETA does NOT contain any treasures! That will be released when the whole game is finished!)

xorkatoss said:
Are you going to take a pause from developing Dualism after the Beta is released?

Yes. In fact, I need more money to continue developing Dualism. I am hoping to get support from the people that plays it.

As soon as I got the money needed I will finish Dualism. In fact, I am only planning on adding around 20% more content + all the treasures and some improvements from Beta to the actual finished product.

I will however NOT take a break from map making. It took me a while to recover from my last break. As you might understand making a map like this is extremely hard.

I will now attempt to explain my next project briefly. Do keep in mind that this game is going to be concentrated 100% on the fun and replayability factor rather than good graphics and seeing as how far you can push the limit of the Warcraft3 engine.

I am going to remake Troll vs Elves.
I am going to add talent trees for both Elves and Trolls. The talent trees for the Elves are going to improve their Economy, Towers and Walls meanwhile the talent trees for the Trolls are going to improve their Spells, Mobility and Damage.

The replayability lies within the levels of each player. You gain levels by playing the game. The levels unlocks misc items that you can put on your character to "stand out" from the crowd.

The smart thing about this is that it will be supported by a homepage. This enables something that has never been used inside Warcraft 3 maps before. I'd like to introduce Serial Codes.

Basically, my Troll Vs Elves map is going to have a save and load system. It will save your level, your talent tree choise (so that you wont have to re-enter it every game!) and which misc items your were equipping. (also so that you wont have to re-enter it every game!)

Now here comes the cool part.

Let's say that you participated in a tournament which our community hosted. The tournament host will then provide serial codes for 3rd, 2nd and 1st spots in the tournament. Now, if you go to our homepage you can enter your load code together with the serial code that you recieved for winning the tournament. The homepage will then decrypt your loading code, add in a super rare misc item as a reward for winning, re-encrypt and give you your new loading code to load inside your next game. Next time you load it you will have a new cool misc item to put on your character!

Oh and did I mention that the map is going to be under 2000 kb big to avoid any downloaders on Garena or Bnet from leaving before they already finished downloading it?

So yeah... That's what I will be working on meanwhile collecting more money to finish Dualism.

Also, after I am done with Troll vs Elves I will be working on a RPG with the same graphics as Dualism.

But first, let's finish Dualism BETA so you know what I am capable of :ogre_hurrhurr:
Level 11
Jul 5, 2010

The Dualism website is published. We are still experiencing some bugs with the graphics, but it is fully functional. The reason that we have it is mainly for donations. If you donate you get a serial code which you will be able to activate in my next map which you can read about further down in this message.

Here is a link to it:

Yes. I am going to upload a "The making of Dualism" video. I am not going to upload any ingame footage of Dualism apart from the trailer that will be done in a couple of days.

I will also open up a thread separatly for finding the "Treasures" inside Dualism once the whole game is finished. If you are unfamiliar with this I'll tell you abit about it.

Dualism is full of easter eggs and a special type of item that we call "Treasure".

If you collect all the hidden treasures you can unlock additional gameplay. It is kind of a secret area.

(Note that BETA does NOT contain any treasures! That will be released when the whole game is finished!)

Yes. In fact, I need more money to continue developing Dualism. I am hoping to get support from the people that plays it.

As soon as I got the money needed I will finish Dualism. In fact, I am only planning on adding around 20% more content + all the treasures and some improvements from Beta to the actual finished product.

I will however NOT take a break from map making. It took me a while to recover from my last break. As you might understand making a map like this is extremely hard.

I will now attempt to explain my next project briefly. Do keep in mind that this game is going to be concentrated 100% on the fun and replayability factor rather than good graphics and seeing as how far you can push the limit of the Warcraft3 engine.

I am going to remake Troll vs Elves.
I am going to add talent trees for both Elves and Trolls. The talent trees for the Elves are going to improve their Economy, Towers and Walls meanwhile the talent trees for the Trolls are going to improve their Spells, Mobility and Damage.

The replayability lies within the levels of each player. You gain levels by playing the game. The levels unlocks misc items that you can put on your character to "stand out" from the crowd.

The smart thing about this is that it will be supported by a homepage. This enables something that has never been used inside Warcraft 3 maps before. I'd like to introduce Serial Codes.

Basically, my Troll Vs Elves map is going to have a save and load system. It will save your level, your talent tree choise (so that you wont have to re-enter it every game!) and which misc items your were equipping. (also so that you wont have to re-enter it every game!)

Now here comes the cool part.

Let's say that you participated in a tournament which our community hosted. The tournament host will then provide serial codes for 3rd, 2nd and 1st spots in the tournament. Now, if you go to our homepage you can enter your load code together with the serial code that you recieved for winning the tournament. The homepage will then decrypt your loading code, add in a super rare misc item as a reward for winning, re-encrypt and give you your new loading code to load inside your next game. Next time you load it you will have a new cool misc item to put on your character!

Oh and did I mention that the map is going to be under 2000 kb big to avoid any downloaders on Garena or Bnet from leaving before they already finished downloading it?

So yeah... That's what I will be working on meanwhile collecting more money to finish Dualism.

Also, after I am done with Troll vs Elves I will be working on a RPG with the same graphics as Dualism.

But first, let's finish Dualism BETA so you know what I am capable of :ogre_hurrhurr:

WoW thats just Great! i really wait to see how Troll and Elves will work...


Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010
What is left to do before I can release Dualism?

Well, I have to make a small chain event that involves a item and some voiceacting, then I need my voiceactors to create 5 more files for me and put them in.

Then guess what?


It makes me kind of emotional knowing that I've managed to actually finish such a huge project. It has so far taken more than 1000 hours over the course of 7 months of my time which gives you a average work time per day of roughly 3 hours (12*30*7/1000=2,52)
I don't know anyone else that have worked 3 hours every day for 7 months and payed over $500 "just" to finish "a Warcraft3 project" other than me, and that makes me feel very proud of myself.
I could of course not have done this without all of the support that all you wonderful people at Hiveworkshop has offered me and neither without all the people which I've been working together with. Thanks to you!

I'll make a video containing a full list of credits once I've published Dualism. It would be nice to see the result of the Map of the Month competition before releasing it tho as I might actually win that one ;)
Before leaving you to complete Dualism Beta, you all deserve some good 'ol ...

Level 6
May 4, 2012

MAN! THIS IS SO COOL. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE FINISHED MAP ( Though sometimes I think it will take you years! o.o)

Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
wow after so long the dualism beta is finally going to be released!!

Not 100% sure yet but i might make gameplay videos for Dualism so i have a few questions:
  • Should i upload the videos on my youtube account or send it to you for upload?
  • Is there going to be any sort of Dualism Intro that we could include at the beginning of the vid?
  • I am able to record warcraft sound/music and i will, but i do not want to record myself screaming/talking from the mic, is that ok?:p
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