Destiny never Dies

Destiny never Dies



Story: A campaign set in the same world as Warcraft, but following an alternate, made-up, storyline.

Genre: It's a strategy game set heavily within a role-playing environment.

Maps: This is a demo version, consisting of three maps:

First map - Prelude.
Second map - A playable prologue, around 15 minutes long.
Third map - The main chapter, around 3 hours long.

- Detailed terrain.
- High quality cinematics (skippable).
- An original story.
- Custom spells.
- Tons of imported files; including imported music, loading screens and a custom campaign screen.









Full credits will be displayed at the end of the Campaign.

Hive Workshop

Magos - Model Editor
Shadow Daemon - Button Manager
Dragonson - Signature

Lich Prince
Mechanical Man

And plenty of others who have helped with triggers, requests, and feedback.

Change Log

25/12/10 - V1.0: Campaign uploaded.

26/12/10 - V1.1: Removed the two Blink Stones you get at the start of Chapter II. Those were test items I used to quickly play through the map. If you're playing through V1.0's Chapter II, please do not use the Blink Stones, they will mess up everything.

Additional Info

All three maps are unprotected, so feel free to take a look;
however, do not edit this campaign without my permission, and do not distribute this campaign to other sites.


Hive Workshop Account:
E-mail: [email protected]
Warcraft III Account: OvH_Chenqui

Warcraft, Campaign, Medievil, RPG, Strategy.

Destiny never Dies (Campaign)

01:58, 15th Oct 2011 Vengeancekael: Re-approving with review and rating! Date: 2011/Oct/15 01:58:39 Vengeancekael: VM // PM: Status: Approved Rating: 4/5 Recommended Rep Received: 5Reasons: Other: If you have any complaints or questions...




01:58, 15th Oct 2011
Vengeancekael: Re-approving with review and rating!

Date: 2011/Oct/15 01:58:39
Vengeancekael: VM // PM:
Status: Approved
Rating: 4/5 Recommended
Rep Received: 5
If you have any complaints or questions directed towards a moderator, make a thread here: Map Resource Moderation
If you think the moderator's judging is unfair or you have overall complaints, make a thread here: Admin Contact
Please read the rules thoroughly: Rules

Comment: Review:


You can control 2 heroes at the same time, both of them have powerful and flashy spells, making them really fun characters to play.
The campaign isn't really that long, however in the second chapter, the defense sequence takes way too long, it's too slow and it would be better if you reduced it to 10 minutes max and just pack every enemy unit in these 10 minutes to also make it more fast paced and intense.
There are a lot of story driven quests to do and also some minor side-quests with rewarding items&xp&...
Some of the quests aren't that fun, for example the gold gathering one where you just have to go trees to find gold coins, but the mini-arena quest is kinda fun, but a bit too hard.
The storyline is also interesting and sad.


You've covered the basic terraining points, it's not too flat, there's tile variation and the environment isn't too empty, however the castle for example misses huge, detailed structures and the castle overall is really empty, it feels very abandoned.


Neat preview image and description!
The spell tooltips are also clear and informative.


A short campaign, packed with some really fun quests, but with some features that could still be improved and the terrain being a bit lacking, but acceptable.
Level 4
Oct 11, 2010
A new campaign today ... I like the intro , the terrain is good ( maybe need a bit more work ) the quest are hard (too much?) but the gameplay is exelent voting for Approval with 4\5 A nice present to Hiveworkshop , merry christmas .
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Level 12
Apr 4, 2010
Gonna test...Holy shi- from screenshots, it looks like director's cut, gonna get a very good review for it.

Edit: >_> no voice overlay. 5/5

Wasn't able to complete chapter 3, so, im not able to give full review. Chapter 3, I was stuck at the part to find the "dala" guy, used about 3 hours but still can't find...(Note: im in dalaran already)

The overall game-play was good, except that there is very little custom spells. +2
-The quests were hard as well and it wasn't very informative. I need to open up map to check the triggers where to go.
You could add voice overlay into ur cinematic though. The storyline was very nice. +3
-Hmmm. Chapter 2, why did the girl went back? It was very abrupt.
-And the sounds played, example,"For the horde!". Doesn't really fit for some parts.
-Camera angle was good.
The terrain was nicely done. +4
-It wasn't plain other than the first chapter's open plain, its just not right to have a big land with too less props, add some bird props there.
-And also, I don't see any bird props and bat props, are the birds and bats sleeping? >_>
Description was very good. +4
-Screenshots were provided and it was very informative.
-However, it only uses 1 colour/color for the whole text.

-10~0 = Map Reported 1/5
1~3 = Lacking Map 2/5
4~6 = Approved Map 3/5
7~9 = Recommended Map 4/5
10~15 = Highly Recommended Map 5/5
16~20 = Director's Cut 5/5

Your map has a 5/5 Highly Recommended Map Rating. Congratz.
Voting for Approval.

PM/VM me if you want another review.
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Level 9
Sep 18, 2010
Just saw the Prelude and played till Mission 1
I got to say the cinematic are really well made
the Terrain was a bit sloppy but the Over all Hilly area gave a decent look,
nice storyline and gameplay
I really liked the starting children with mugs guarded by dogs thing,
so guess I'll do 4 + Rep, Great Christmas Present for Hivers :)

I might edit after I play the other 2 missions
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
Thanks GIANT_CRAB and Stormy.

About those custom spells, the good ones will come later on in the game. If you still need to find Dalar, you're just starting. ;)

You're right about the girl wanting to go back is very abrupt. I always planned this campaign to be like a 10 chapter story, but I don't have that much time anymore. So I decided to upload the first two levels.
If more chapters are coming, everything will be explained.

And with the open plain, you mean the bottom part of chapter I?

I'll see what I can do to make the quests a bit easier. Perhaps I can ping the map every 30 seconds or so.

Stormy, it's all about the second (last) chapter. I think it's the best one. x)

What terrain is sloppy though? In the prelude or chapter I?
Level 12
Apr 4, 2010
Level 2
Mar 25, 2010
I must say it's one of the best campaigns i've have played.:goblin_good_job:

here is my preview: you are f***ing good at terraining, you are good at cinematic stuff, good storyline( i look forward the final version:vw_love:)
cool gameplay. i didnt find any bugs

overall: 5/5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:goblin_good_job::goblin_good_job::goblin_yeah:
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
Thanks all for the feedback!

The thing with the prelude is, it's already at the max destructibles (or max total doodads even). But I can easily add more doodads to Chapter I.

And about the leaks, yeah, I didn't really pay attention to those, because it's single player. But if you notice any slow downs, post it here.
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Level 4
Sep 5, 2009
This campaign truly has great potential. I can't recall any grammar mistakes and I have to say, that is refreshing Excessive grammar mistakes tends to be so distracting but this flowed very well. There are many things about this that are very exceptional. Here are some that stick out to me. I admired the interior of the cathedral with its stained glass and its overall setup. Excellent job on that. Good use of the custom models for all the units and items. It was enjoyable to play as well. There are some things I think you might want to consider changing. The doors of Dalaran always have to be attacked and broken down in order to enter them. I just blinked beyond them. I'd recommend maybe making it so they open when you get near them. And some should be locked. The one scenario I ran into was when I brought both heroes to complete their training to get their ultimates, they get a key to the armory which I had broken down long before that and claimed the treasure inside. Concerning the main quest where you have to defend the mages for 60 minutes, I really think you should reduce that time. The orcs do not attack the gates so all you have to do is wait in the city for 60 minutes and that got very boring. I literally went and jumped in the shower while the clock was ticking to pass some time. 60 minutes is a bit excessive for what little activity happens, especially since the map is not won upon completion of that objective. Anyway, those are just some things to think about. I really liked it and hope to see it completed.
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
Thanks Drakexx and Dragonson. :)

Forsaken Ranger, huge thanks for pointing out the bug with the Blink Stones, because those are not supposed to be there. Play through it again without those, if you got time, so it isn't all bugged and messed up (you missed the biggest, and best part of the map, so you really should :D).

Those items explain most, if not all, of the bugs you mention; like the armory, the invulnerable gates, the victory condition, etc.

And to everyone else, please replay the map if you had the same problems as Forsaken. Do not use the blink stones.
I updated the campaign as well.
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Level 4
Sep 5, 2009
I tried playing this again and ran into a bug that cost me the game. While defending Dalaran, I was at around the 20 minute point and in the middle of killing a bunch of orcs when suddenly the Dalaran guards and towers turned against me and started attacking my heroes. Of course there were way too many archers firing on me and easily took out my hero. I have no idea how that happened because I didn't even use the attack command to execute orders on the enemy let alone an ally. Needless to say, the mission was failed. If future versions are released, I'll probably end up cheating for this map since I've already completed it and because it's time consuming. I can see that the map is different without the teleport stones now, but I still stand by what I had said before; I think 60 minutes is too long for the defense. It's of course up to you though what you decide to do. Good luck.
Level 27
Jul 26, 2008
I am very glad a new good campaign is being worked on. Most of the good War3 campaigns stopped being made years ago, so it is nice to see that there is still hope for those who don't want to turn to SC2 for new campaigns =p
Good job
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
Thanks everyone. I will definitely work more on the campaign. It'll be hard to finish it though, with my study and all.

@Forsaken: Did that happen during a fight? Or was anything going on at all?
Right now I got two triggers that could be the cause of what happened to you. The AI ally will turn on you if you attack any allied unit 3 times (you'll be given a warning), or if you kill an allied unit. Maybe you accidentally killed a unit with some AoE attack? If not, weird. I'll check all triggers again.

You've got some bad luck though. Now you still haven't seen the final cinematic. xI

About the timer, to me 60 minutes is fine. But let's see what others think about this.
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Level 4
Sep 5, 2009
Thanks everyone. I will definitely work more on the campaign. It'll be hard to finish it though, with my study and all.

@Forsaken: Did that happen during a fight? Or was anything going on at all?
Right now I got two triggers that could be the cause of what happened to you. The AI ally will turn on you if you attack any allied unit 3 times (you'll be given a warning), or if you kill an allied unit. Maybe you accidentally killed a child?

You've got some bad luck though. Now you still haven't seen the final cinematic. xI

About the timer, to me 60 minutes if fine. But let's see what others think about this.

It was while I was in the middle of fighting the orcs, the allies were near me. I'm pretty sure all I did was right click one of the enemies. Just in case though, is there a trigger that you can make so that allies are not target-able by attacks or spells?
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
I could do that, pretty easily. But I wanted to do something original (try attacking (not killing) an allied unit, and see what happens).
You should save more often though, so things like this won't ruin your whole game. ;P

I guess I'll just wait till I get more feedback, to see if others got the same problem.
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
I just started the campaign and I need help getting into the prison to get the key.
I don't know where the entrance is.
Level 12
Mar 18, 2008
Nice, finally released. I'm just gonna list the things I disliked since everything else was awesome.

  • Gnoll archers ambushing and killing one of my precious kids in 2 attacks.
  • Jaina appearing only as a cameo.
    • Jaina not having a special request/quest, not even a simple one. I'd rather be Jaina's errand boy than a Chosen One anytime of the year.
    • Jaina not helping with the defense of Dalaran, profanity!
  • Certain issues about the 60-minute defense quest.
    • The lack of any change of events around halftime the quest till the end of it. Seriously, the Orcish heroes and ladder mechanisms discontinued spawning. I just stood there killing waves of Orcs with the Elites above Dalar's spot, you might want to remove that part from the timer so the game doesn't get dull.
    • Orcs gathering around the walls trying to kill the Archers. I know you tried to avoid this problem (I noticed your thread in the WE Help Zone). It's not a big deal anyway.
  • The Orcs not slaying Romeo and leaving Juliet to commit suicide. =P

All in all this campaign is great, it was worth the wait. If you don't continue working on this it will be a huge disappointment because a big deal of time and effort will go to waste.
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
Thanks for the feedback.

  • Yeah, you gotta be careful with those kids. The dogs are always a bit behind. Don't forget to hit those gnolls in the head with some mugs. :D
  • I thought about doing a quest with Jaina, but I couldn't think of one at the time, so I just added her as an ''easter egg''. I'll probably add one in a later update though.
  • Jaina does help defending Dalaran, but just the library. She will use her skills as well. Maybe you defended Dalaran so well the orcs never even reached the library? :p
  • Did the orc heroes stop spawning halfway through the Defend quest? That's not supposed to happen, so that might be a bug. And what elites are you talking about? You mean all the allied units at the last two gates the orcs need to destroy?
  • I thought I fixed that problem with the orcs and walls. Where exactly are the orcs still trying to get to the archers? The main entrances?

I will definitely be working more on this campaign. Just not right now. I got lots of exams coming, and I want to play some other games as well. Taking a little break.

What do you rate the campaign though?
Tested it, though havent finished coz I died on the 2nd part...

so far,
-I like the gameplay
-the cinematics are quite good
-the idea is cool
-I love the blue Blood Elf campaign screen!
-I suggest trying to fix the floating rocks on the prelude (on the part where the humans go to fight the orcs, some of the smaller rocks that were part of the rock model are floating... ^_^

gotta try again later...
Level 12
Mar 18, 2008
  • Jaina does help defending Dalaran, but just the library. She will use her skills as well. Maybe you defended Dalaran so well the orcs never even reached the library? :p

Yeah I noticed this, but for some weird reason one of the Royal Guards before Antonidas's Room was at the Library helping her. I didn't notice how he got there but I did notice that Jaina + Royal Guard + Some healers = impenetrable defense for any band of Orcs.

  • Did the orc heroes stop spawning halfway through the Defend quest? That's not supposed to happen, so that might be a bug. And what elites are you talking about? You mean all the allied units at the last two gates the orcs need to destroy?

Yeah somewhere around halftime, the siege mechanisms and Heroes stopped spawning so it was real easy just helping the units at the crossway above Dalar dispose of everything.

  • I thought I fixed that problem with the orcs and walls. Where exactly are the orcs still trying to get to the archers? The main entrances?

Yep, just there.

What do you rate the campaign though?

A 5/5 or DC would fit well. =P
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
Thanks Adiktuz and Lich. I think a DC would fit well too. :D

I don't get those bugs though. I tested this map so many times. I even got a trigger that makes the Royal Guardians go back once they get too far from the throne room... :I
And I've got no idea why the heroes stop spawning. Did the big attacks stop as well (these include catas, kodos, more regular units, etc.), or just the heroes?

I'll take a look at those rocks too, Adiktuz.
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
Yeah and the funny thing is, that if you attack the Dalaran Forces, they will attack you in turn.

Oh and by the way, where did you get that Spell Breaker Hero Model for the campaign?
Level 4
Sep 5, 2009
Rmaza, something else I noticed in chapter 2 is that there is an area right next to the southeast village on the lower left. It is the one that has a tome of XP, a bag of gold, and a potion of greater healing. There is actually no way to get in there to get them. I think the trees may have been placed too close together because the heroes can't fit through it.
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
Yeah and the funny thing is, that if you attack the Dalaran Forces, they will attack you in turn.

Yeah, so behave. ;P

Oh and by the way, where did you get that Spell Breaker Hero Model for the campaign?

It's a skin. I'm using it for the campaign screen as well.
I did some minor edits to the Spellbreaker model myself (like giving it blue particles, etc).

I can't find it on this site anymore (downloaded it years ago). But you can export it from my campaign if you want. It's made by Schockwave.

Rmaza, something else I noticed in chapter 2 is that there is an area right next to the southeast village on the lower left. It is the one that has a tome of XP, a bag of gold, and a potion of greater healing. There is actually no way to get in there to get them. I think the trees may have been placed too close together because the heroes can't fit through it.

There's a way to get there. :)
You have to scout around that village a bit. Look for something unusual.
If you can't find anything, just post it here and I'll send you a PM.
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
Well for a more better update later, make Jaina help with the defenses and have the buildings under control of Dalaran itself build units each a few minutes going after the Horde Forces.

Looking forward to more in the future and I'll give this a 4/5 for some flaws, but still its a awesome campaign.
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
Well its too short for a Campaign and I was really excited to see what happening next, and some of the creeps are too powerful as well, and sometimes the quests get buggy and don't work.

Oh and by the way, looking forward to the whole story plot as well and see the survivors flee Dalaran.
Will they get it back?

I kinda wanted to try more Heroes as well in the Campaign with other spell powers, helping out the Defense of Dalaran, and having someone betray them later in the Campaign.