Destiny never Dies

Destiny never Dies



Story: A campaign set in the same world as Warcraft, but following an alternate, made-up, storyline.

Genre: It's a strategy game set heavily within a role-playing environment.

Maps: This is a demo version, consisting of three maps:

First map - Prelude.
Second map - A playable prologue, around 15 minutes long.
Third map - The main chapter, around 3 hours long.

- Detailed terrain.
- High quality cinematics (skippable).
- An original story.
- Custom spells.
- Tons of imported files; including imported music, loading screens and a custom campaign screen.









Full credits will be displayed at the end of the Campaign.

Hive Workshop

Magos - Model Editor
Shadow Daemon - Button Manager
Dragonson - Signature

Lich Prince
Mechanical Man

And plenty of others who have helped with triggers, requests, and feedback.

Change Log

25/12/10 - V1.0: Campaign uploaded.

26/12/10 - V1.1: Removed the two Blink Stones you get at the start of Chapter II. Those were test items I used to quickly play through the map. If you're playing through V1.0's Chapter II, please do not use the Blink Stones, they will mess up everything.

Additional Info

All three maps are unprotected, so feel free to take a look;
however, do not edit this campaign without my permission, and do not distribute this campaign to other sites.


Hive Workshop Account:
E-mail: [email protected]
Warcraft III Account: OvH_Chenqui

Warcraft, Campaign, Medievil, RPG, Strategy.

Destiny never Dies (Campaign)

01:58, 15th Oct 2011 Vengeancekael: Re-approving with review and rating! Date: 2011/Oct/15 01:58:39 Vengeancekael: VM // PM: Status: Approved Rating: 4/5 Recommended Rep Received: 5Reasons: Other: If you have any complaints or questions...
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
Its not under the waterfall, because go near the waterfall in the bush like area.
A cutscene will emerge and the kids will find the treasure. If this doesn't work, then I don't know whats wrong.
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
Aj... :p
But remember that it's an optional quest. You won't need the quest's reward to finish the game (it's handy, though).

I have looked through the triggers again, and I really can't find the glitch. But if more people start complaining about it, I'll have it looked at by someone else.
Aj... :p
But remember that it's an optional quest. You won't need the quest's reward to finish the game (it's handy, though).

I have looked through the triggers again, and I really can't find the glitch. But if more people start complaining about it, I'll have it looked at by someone else.

I'll try to give feedback soon.
I'm having trouble with the 1-hour defense.
Alright! Here we go. :D

[+] Positive Comments [+]

[+] Excellent Terrain
[+] Smooth Camera Movements
[+] Creative Doodad Placement
[+] Excellent use of Sounds

[=] Neutral Comments [=]

[=] The only dialogue was a scream? :D

[-] Negative Comments [-]

[-] Too many doodads within the cathedral, it makes other computers lag. I didn't lag, but I'm sure others did.
[-] Add more terrain variation to the area outside the cathedral.
[-] The other huge-ass block of orcs were not attacking the assaulting knights.

Final Rating of this Mission: 4/5
[+] Positive Comments [+]

[+] Beautiful Terrain
[+] Colorful Village
[+] Guard Dogs :3
[+] Excellent Difficulty in the siege
[+] Powerful units

[=] Neutral Comments [=]

[=] Artemis is soooooo weak. :D

[-] Negative Comments [-]

[-] Too many pathing holes...
[-] Lack of terrain variation in the village

Final Rating of this Mission: 4/5
[+] Positive Comments [+]

[+] Very, very, very beautiful terrain.
[+] Very good doodad placement.
[+] Beautiful models.
[+] Very good spells.
[+] I just had to say it twice: VERY GOOD SPELLS.
[+] Excellent work with Dalaran.
[+] Very powerful units.
[+] Inventive quests.
[+] Excellent work with the villages!
[+] Lovely work with the prison.
[+] Awesome work with the swamp.
[+] Awesome items
[+] Perfect difficulty!
[+] The storyline's so... Epic.
[+] You gave me an sense of adventure. I love that feeling. :)
[+] SPELLS :3
[+] Very annoying hero. Green's hero, to be exact.
[+] Large playing field.

[-] Negative Comments [-]

[-] 60 minutes is a bit too long for me...
[-] Those agonizing 60 minutes are too hard. I whosyourdaddy'd 45:00 - 30:00. But then again, I wanted to finish the rest normally.
[-] Lack of healing methods. Arctic Strength was (one of) my only alternatives.
[-] Green's annoying hero. :D
[-] The Arena was a bit hard at Level 3. Or was I 5 at that time? Oh well.
[-] Arius' Wife quest couldn't be completed.

Final Rating for this Mission: 6/5

My overall rating for the campaign is a full-on 5/5!
I loved the campaign; keep mapmaking, you're doing an excellent job. :D
Level 2
Jun 25, 2010
I loved your campaign. . . since the prelude I felt it would be incredible, and it was with no doubt! 5/5
you received already the correct revision. so I'll just say...
I wonder if you think in complete this campaign or add it more chapters maybe?, 'cause this must continue, it's great storyline!
keep working hard.
Level 1
Feb 25, 2011
Hehe, I'm not spoiling anything like that yet. ;P

About the quests, you didn't use the blink stones, did you?
If not, what quests exactly were buggy?

Yeah, me too. I'm glad it all worked.

Oh My god this map is Beatifull :wthumbsup:
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
Wow, great review. :eek:
I'll respond mostly to the negative points:

The only dialogue was a scream? :D

Hehe. xP
I couldn't think of any dialogue that wouldn't ruin the cinematic. I don't like one liners, and I thought the viewer should focus on the screen, so I just let it be like that.

Too many doodads within the cathedral, it makes other computers lag. I didn't lag, but I'm sure others did.

Yeah, didn't really think about that. My computer is pretty old (6 years), so as long as it's running good on mine, I just assumed everything was fine.

Add more terrain variation to the area outside the cathedral.

I know, but I'm not sure what. There aren't much small desert doodads.

The other huge-ass block of orcs were not attacking the assaulting knights.

I'll check it out again to see which ones you mean exactly.

Artemis is soooooo weak. :D

Yeah, true. How many times did she die? xD

Too many pathing holes...

Hmm, what do you mean? Holes in the ground? Small areas unit's can't pass through?

Lack of terrain variation in the village

I really like it this way, to be honest. I was thinking about The Shire when I made it, with the hills and all. xP


Lol! :D
You might've been the first to find it (or at least the first to mention it).

60 minutes is a bit too long for me...

More people have complained about this as well. I might cut it back to 45 minutes.
It actually was 45 minutes originally, but I felt like it wasn't hard enough (though I already tested the mission like 30 times, that might have made it easier for me :p).

Lack of healing methods. Arctic Strength was (one of) my only alternatives.

You're right, the main heroes don't have any real healing skills. You can buy Priests and items, though.
Do you think this was a big problem?

The Arena was a bit hard at Level 3. Or was I 5 at that time? Oh well.

Must've been level 5. But I can see it could've been too hard. I was often level 6 (or 7 even) at that time.
But did you complete the Arena?

Arius' Wife quest couldn't be completed.

Yeah, about that. No idea how to fix it.
I've never encountered the problem myself too, after the latest fixes. :I
I'll keep looking for it, though.

My overall rating for the campaign is a full-on 5/5!
I loved the campaign; keep mapmaking, you're doing an excellent job. :D

Thanks a lot! And thanks for all the positive comments as well. I've been waiting for a review like this for some time.
I'll give you rep once I can. :)
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
I loved your campaign. . . since the prelude I felt it would be incredible, and it was with no doubt! 5/5
you received already the correct revision. so I'll just say...
I wonder if you think in complete this campaign or add it more chapters maybe?, 'cause this must continue, it's great storyline!
keep working hard.

Thanks. :)
I'm not sure about more missions. I'm not working on them right now, at least. I'm really busy with studying especially (and playing some other games ;P).
To finish the campaign would be great, but I really can't tell yet.

Be sure to rate the campaign on the first page.

Oh My god this map is Beatifull :wthumbsup:

Thank you. ^^

For the 3rd map I can't even past the 1st misson there is no way of me getting 1000 gold.

What exactly is the problem? Do you find the creeps too hard? Or can't you find any gold?
There are two optional quests you can finish near there, and make sure you search behind trees for some coins as well.
Ramza said:
Hehe. xP
I couldn't think of any dialogue that wouldn't ruin the cinematic. I don't like one liners, and I thought the viewer should focus on the screen, so I just let it be like that.

I see. I didn't really find a place to put a line in the cinematic anyway. :D

Ramza said:
Yeah, didn't really think about that. My computer is pretty old (6 years), so as long as it's running good on mine, I just assumed everything was fine.

Oh, I see. :)

Ramza said:
I know, but I'm not sure what. There aren't much small desert doodads.

I mean the place with a Rock patch covered with Lumpy Grass tiles. The one in the start of the cinematic.

Ramza said:
I'll check it out again to see which ones you mean exactly.

After the Humans attack the Orcs, a few of the orcs from the other block of Orcs follow the call for help range, but the rest are to far to do the same.

Ramza said:
Yeah, true. How many times did she die? xD

She didn't die. It was just annoying that she had like 45 health. :D

Ramza said:
Hmm, what do you mean? Holes in the ground? Small areas unit's can't pass through?

I mean areas between trees that the three kids can pass through. Unless those are intentional...

Ramza said:
I really like it this way, to be honest. I was thinking about The Shire when I made it, with the hills and all. xP

Oh, I see. :D

Ramza said:
Lol! :D
You might've been the first to find it (or at least the first to mention it).

It's model was actually pretty cute. Yet I couldn't really say that he was strong. I cut him to size with Berserk. >:D

Ramza said:
More people have complained about this as well. I might cut it back to 45 minutes.
It actually was 45 minutes originally, but I felt like it wasn't hard enough (though I already tested the mission like 30 times, that might have made it easier for me :p).

It is rather long, but fun. It's like a real life war. :D

Ramza said:
You're right, the main heroes don't have any real healing skills. You can buy Priests and items, though.
Do you think this was a big problem?

Nah. Artic Strength owned. Lol.

Ramza said:
Must've been level 5. But I can see it could've been too hard. I was often level 6 (or 7 even) at that time.
But did you complete the Arena?

I did. I was fighting the golems when I noticed that Araghnor had less than a 100 health left, and I quickly typed in whosyourdaddy. I had a hard time; I think I should've gotten stronger first. Lol.

Ramza said:
Yeah, about that. No idea how to fix it.
I've never encountered the problem myself too, after the latest fixes. :I
I'll keep looking for it, though.

Sure. :)

Ramza said:
Thanks a lot! And thanks for all the positive comments as well. I've been waiting for a review like this for some time.
I'll give you rep once I can. :)

It was no problem. :)
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
I mean the place with a Rock patch covered with Lumpy Grass tiles. The one in the start of the cinematic.

After the Humans attack the Orcs, a few of the orcs from the other block of Orcs follow the call for help range, but the rest are to far to do the same.

Alright. I'll fix these things with the next update (whenever that may be).

I mean areas between trees that the three kids can pass through. Unless those are intentional...

Yeah, that's intentional.

It's model was actually pretty cute. Yet I couldn't really say that he was strong. I cut him to size with Berserk. >:D

Really? What level were you?
But he was pretty annoying, right? ;P

By the way, see this text on the first page: ''Be the first to write a review! If you do so, contact a moderator to get it marked as one.
Do keep in mind it has to be unbiased and well written.''
Maybe yours could be the first ''official'' review?

And one last thing: Could you rate this campaign on the first page (beneath the ''hits'')? I'm hoping to get at least 10 actual votes.
Ramza said:
Really? What level were you?
But he was pretty annoying, right? ;P

Level 10. >:D
My skills were:
Argahnor - Level 4 Artic Strength (I love this skill), Level 4 Ice Nova (I love this skill), Level 1 Glacial Storm (I love this skill), Level 1 Attribute Bonus
- I didn't find the 2nd skill too interesting. The three were perfect in the defense.
Nestor - Level 4 Berserk (I love this skill), Level 4 Deadly Strike (I love this skill as well), Level 1 Cripple, Level 1 Carnage
- Cripple just didn't meet the requirements I needed to fight back.

Arctic Strength on Nestor, Berserk on Nestor, Ice Nova on Tonberry, then let the attacks do the rest. :D

Ramza said:
By the way, see this text on the first page: ''Be the first to write a review! If you do so, contact a moderator to get it marked as one.
Do keep in mind it has to be unbiased and well written.''
Maybe yours could be the first ''official'' review?

And one last thing: Could you rate this campaign on the first page (beneath the ''hits'')? I'm hoping to get at least 10 actual votes.

Sureeee. I'd love to. :D
Level 2
Jul 31, 2010
in the last chapter after some time all forces of dalaran are attacking me somehow, including guards from the villages... when i turned in the 1000 gold for the quest, that main quest still wasnt finished. and it sucks to do it all over again since it took a long time
Level 2
Mar 30, 2011
Pls somebody tell me, what the hell is the problem with my warcraft3???Cuz my computer is surely good...
I played the first chapter, cuz the prelude freezed down at starting and it closed the game, and so, i only saw the daddy Anderlay, and the boy Argahnor!And i only see the shadow of the mom and the other kids!And i can't even select em!And my map is full of big black and pink cubes!!!
Pls, somebody tell me, what the hell is the problem?I have a bad patch?Or these maps don't work with downloaded version? :S
Just beacuse until this time the maps worked, and i don't had the buy the original game...
( Sorry for bad english :D )
Level 2
Mar 30, 2011
I mean, i downloaded the game from a filesharing page, and didn't buyed from the shops!
If This is the problem, i can get the original game :D
Level 12
Jun 10, 2008
Umm, that might be the problem. I'm also pretty sure that violates some laws and the User Agreement, though I'm not 100% on that. i'd try buying the real game, and you need The Frozen Throne. You also need to save this to Campaigns instead of Maps, though im pretty sure you have TFT and did that anyways since you say you actually got to the first chapter. It could be your computer, though thats highly unlikely. Maybe your firewall/security is blocking parts of the game or something
Level 17
Jul 1, 2010
Ok, even though I may get banned I gotta say it ! Everyone please just STFU with all the fucking custom spells..what a map can't be good if it doesn't have custom spells ? Jesus Christ man !
Ontopic: Testing your campaign the looks of it it should be nice ! :)
Level 2
Mar 30, 2011
So, i just realized that i have the original game deep under all the CD-s :vw_unimpressed:
So, i uninstalled all the files, reinstalled from, and i still don't see some characters!
Now, i really don't know what the hell is the problem, i have a bad patch or I became a real noob and can't even install a game, but it's annoying!:ogre_rage:
Level 2
Mar 30, 2011
I'm sure :)
i have 1.26!This is the latest i found :p
I have new idea :D
Can it be because of I have Windows 7? :)
Level 12
Jun 10, 2008
I have Windows 7 to and it works for me. The only thing I can imagine anything from WCIII having problems on is Vista, which from personal experience screws with half your games.
Level 2
Mar 30, 2011
I'll try to stay cool :D
IT'S WORKING HELL YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I have deleted eeeeverything, reinstalled the game, and now its working :D
But its strange because i have already done this once and it didn't worked that time XD
So thx everybody who tried to help, now i can enjoy these fantastics maps ^^
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Level 2
Mar 30, 2011
Lol XD
That idiot Aurius really don't want to free his love XD
I killed the Satyrs, and he's just standing...Waiting for something...(The lady's bored...)And then I restart from the last save :)
But the map is good :)
Nice terrains, awesome cinematics, nice unirs and spells :)
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
Lol XD
That idiot Aurius really don't want to free his love XD
I killed the Satyrs, and he's just standing...Waiting for something...(The lady's bored...)And then I restart from the last save :)
But the map is good :)
Nice terrains, awesome cinematics, nice unirs and spells :)

Thanks for the comment.

After you loaded, did it happen again though?


Thanks for the 5. =)


You can control 2 heroes at the same time, both of them have powerful and flashy spells, making them really fun characters to play.
The campaign isn't really that long, however in the second chapter, the defense sequence takes way too long, it's too slow and it would be better if you reduced it to 10 minutes max and just pack every enemy unit in these 10 minutes to also make it more fast paced and intense.
There are a lot of story driven quests to do and also some minor side-quests with rewarding items&xp&...
Some of the quests aren't that fun, for example the gold gathering one where you just have to go trees to find gold coins, but the mini-arena quest is kinda fun, but a bit too hard.
The storyline is also interesting and sad.


You've covered the basic terraining points, it's not too flat, there's tile variation and the environment isn't too empty, however the castle for example misses huge, detailed structures and the castle overall is really empty, it feels very abandoned.


Neat preview image and description!
The spell tooltips are also clear and informative.


A short campaign, packed with some really fun quests, but with some features that could still be improved and the terrain being a bit lacking, but acceptable.

Rating: 4/5
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
Thanks for the review, Kael.

About the one hour siege; there are two reasons it's that long. The first one is that it's a big city. Ten minutes to take over one of the largest human cities doesn't feel right to me. The second one is that I just love defense maps. It was because of defense maps like Helm's Deep that I started map making (the other map I uploaded on here years ago is a defense map as well).
Reducing the siege to ten minutes would also be way too time-consuming. The amount of triggers I would need to edit is huge.

The arena quest is a bit hard, yeah. But all optional quest difficulties are based on the hero levels though. The higher the level, the more creeps are spawned (per three levels, I believe).

Didn't expect the terrain criticism. I spent lots of time on Dalaran's terrain (much more than outside Dalaran).
I don't really understand how you think it feels very abandoned. Could you try to explain this a bit more? Surely I put enough villagers in there? :p

Edit: One more thing. I noticed you haven't said anything about the cinematics. I wonder what you think about those?
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Edit: One more thing. I noticed you haven't said anything about the cinematics. I wonder what you think about those?
Nothing spectacular like the Lone Panther cinematics, but it's very polished and well executed, the camera work is nice, there's a lot of movement and overall the unit movement is smooth and the dialogue as well.
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
I love that campaign. And thx for leaving it open. When will you update it again?

Thanks. I don't think I'll update it again (at least no huge updates). I always wanted to do a really big campaign, but it was just too much work on my own. I started too late, and I'm really busy studying and doing other things. So I dropped the whole thing. Then about a year ago I decided to edit and upload these couple of levels, so people could at least see part of what I was planning to do.

Nothing spectacular like the Lone Panther cinematics, but it's very polished and well executed, the camera work is nice, there's a lot of movement and overall the unit movement is smooth and the dialogue as well.

Well, the fact that you're even comparing them to the Lone Panther cinematics is already a good thing, I think. ;P