-are creatures supposed to sleep at night while three kids and four dogs get past them?
-they gathered all the kids outside in the open!?
-not all men come to aid in the northern part of the village where the battle takes place; instead they sit south near the towers
-some gold coins are doodads...
-where did the Warden run? I've seen no other way out
-funny thing: there were two persons already in the library before it being unlocked
-so many tomes of strength and not one of intelligence until now
-the defeat condition could make use of some waiting time before that wayward cinematic scene starts; I'd like to load the game and not waste time waiting for that scene to end every time one of my heroes dies
-the arena quest isn't quite optional if going there will make the time to wait for Dalar to rest fade
-not a good idea to continue a transmission's text with new sentences instead of replacing the previous with new ones (easier to follow and not miss anything)
-funny thing: the orc attack didn't even become a visible danger factor for Arius
-60 minutes is kind of boring, mostly doing the same thing
-when Arctic Strength is cast on a friendly unit, that unit's icon becomes red like it had a negative buff (Cripple or Slow for example); it reduces movement speed but it creates confusion
-Jaina was level 7 in the library; suddenly appeared in the north with level 10
-the enemy units might block themselves in narrow places and stay there; happened in the western part of the city; well, no biggie, after a while, the green orcs started moving properly again
-right, so getting his father in the city when the attack started wasn't a smart move; they had to wait for the orcs to be a legion first
-not exactly all military units evacuate; some Markswomen and some red coloured troops remain
-the peasants in the east were still working

-"a siege tower has been established" Does it really matter anymore? The city has been evacuated
-what did the necromancer help Nestor with, the opposite of anger management?
3/5. Incomplete.