This is a Depot its original use was to store:crates, oil and sibernite.
It supose to be a russian building.
Can be used in some World War maps.
This normaly was upgrading into the Werehouse.
Can only build buildings around the depot and u cant have 2 depots in the same radius.
The resurces u have are not general there are the ones u have in the depot and when the depot dies some of them u can still find them on the ground where the depot was.
Can morph ppl into enginers.
If the depot is destroyed the buildings around it will not have power and u need to make a new one.
Updated: I have added some new anims and particles. Corect some particles they where showing up bad in the game and rename anims, added a decay anim and team color to the ruff.
The power in my house went of for 1 sec and i fucking lost the 3ds max depot saves now there are broken.
I have removed the "empty" animation.
Do u want more buildings like this?
Depot Store Comunism Hall