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Decisions, decisions. . . .

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Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

So, I've been trying to decide whether an RPG or a Campaign is more interesting. Which one do you prefer and find more appealing?
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
Campaign, because I like playing across maps.


Mah boi chobibo, you must be kidding, RPG's are awesome mah boi,
awesome! In RPG's you can have custom equipment (even custom
equipment systems too!) and custom status points. There's more things
too. That's why mah boi, I like 'em RPGs.

I still like Campaigns though.

Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

Well, I'm torn between 2 ideas. 1 is a very extensive SPRPG with lots of features and a wide selection of locales whereas the other is a campaign more in the style of heroes of might and magic V where you can upgrade your units across several different paths but I'm really not sure how that would actually work, I'm not a coder by any stretch of the imagination but I was thinking maybe a dummy hero who gets an item each time a decision is made and then every new map a function checks the type of item and determines what type of unit will be spawned/made available. At the same time though, I've amassed a pretty nice selection of model edits I've made which are more suited towards a RPG so I'm curious which one would the players, the community be more interested in.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
I guess you could use gamecache for that(?). If you could make an outline giving the overall idea, then I think you could post at Request or Map dev to rally support and help, and also to get a plan on how to materialize the project. Good luck.


Text wall mah boi, hyuk!

Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

Then again!. For the RPG idea, I'm thinking about randomized abilites, you get a pool of 3 abilities to choose from every time you do whatever action (not yet decided). I guess you could have that in a campaign as well but a campaign shouldn't really be focused on the hero in my opinion.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
Yeah, but isn't the RPG the same too? I mean you play a role, so it should also have an immersive (is that right? the word?) story too.

Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

Well, that's actually up the the dev. A true RPG, in my opinion, is Dark Souls and Demon Souls. Those games really allow you to make up your own character's story, maybe Skyrim to a certain degree does it too but you still have some constraints there. Not to mention Dark Souls' story is very fun to discover, it's hidden around the world and only those who look get to see it, it basically rewards exploring and reading.
Level 16
Mar 27, 2011
I started a project some time ago and it was massive. I was attempting to recreate a game called Breath of Fire 2 on Warcraft 3. To do that, I needed more tiles, cliff types and a hell a lot more space than a single map can provide. So I decided to make it into a campaign.

- Limited to single player, however there has been a tool developed which says otherwise.
- Have to put up with load times.
- Can take a fuck load of time to make.
- Using multiple maps allows you to use more tiles, cliff types and most importantly space.
- Campaign screen, and individual map loading screens may be an effective way to provide unique descriptions and splash art (loading screen picture) for the player. So maybe loading screen wait times aren't such a bad thing?

- Less space, tiles and cliff types available.
- Fully supports proper multiplayer.
- No loading wait times. However, loading screens can prove useful.
- Generally takes a lot less time to make.

In conclusion, campaigns are better if you have the time to make them and if the map is single player. Campaigns offer a greater, richer, potentially longer and more personal experience.
IMO I like the idea of making a campaign more.
You are able to make a story line about something great that can span further more easily.
One thing to note, is that you are able to organize things easier.

Although the only real thing that is limiting you with making a campaign is making it
multiplayer, so it's your choice if you want to be able to make it playable by more than one player.

I don't really like the idea of endlessly needing to play a game by simply killing monsters just to
get some special equipment though. So if you are going to make an RPG I would suggest to make
it in a campaign style that can tell a story and keep things actually interesting.

Trouble with this though is that it probably wouldn't be as easy to play with randoms online.

Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

Well, I've done some thinking on my own and maybe I've been influenced by playing Heroes of Might and Magic 5 recently but I've decided on a campaign. I'll be posting the thread hopefully some time during the holidays.
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