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DBZ - Rise Of The Saiyans


Here's the latest version of "Dragonball Z - Rise Of The Saiyans"
Created and Released on: 13/3/2012
Discontinued on: 9/11/2012

For list of updates and changes to the map please read the Updates inside the map on the Info tab.

Change Log for (Beta 0.6d)
- Full change log is in "Information Tag ingame"

Known bugs in this version:
- Gigantic Meteor causes leaks
- The odd occasion Characters are removed (Very rare chance this happens)

Things That don't work:
- Fusion
- Gohans Ooaru

DBZ, Rise Of The Saiyans, Dragonball Z

DBZ - Rise Of The Saiyans (Map)

16:53, 14th Nov 2009 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 11
May 11, 2008
I'm not sure why I'm posting my comment on this instead of Unlimited but o well...

Sorry to say robot but.... it's unplayable litterally.

To much lag to even move a character, I'm not sure if you decided to mass memory leaks or something but it's not playable.

Can't rate any further other than the loading screen...
Level 19
Jun 16, 2007
This is warcraft 3.

Your must be running 9001 triggers every 0.01 or something like that to cause that much lag. I didnt see any visual effects that could have caused it.

We have alot of triggers detecting alot of things every 0.3 seconds, But this is still a beta, and we are accept a full review on our site where we can make changes, and fixes to improve future gameplay.
Level 19
Jun 16, 2007
Look I got a Pentium 4 Hypertheaded 3.0 GHz

8400 GS

2 GB of RAM and I still can't play it lol, I'm not sure if a moderator will ever review it.

Well, i'm going to send it to one off my team members soon as i fix a few spells, and triggers and have him look over the tirggers to check any memory leaks and fix any bugs.

Thank you for the information.
Level 3
Apr 21, 2008
hey dude.. looks ok.. little lags thru..
my mashine is:
CPU Type: DualCore Intel Core 2 Duo, 2600 MHz (13 x 200)
Motherboard Name: MSI P6N SLI V2 (MS-7346) (2 PCI, 2 PCI-E x1, 2 PCI-E x16, 4 DDR2 DIMM, Audio, Gigabit LAN)
Video Adapter: ATI Radeon HD 3800 Series (1024 MB)
RAM: Kingston (1 GB DDR2-800 DDR2 SDRAM)x3
Level 13
Jun 5, 2008
Most certainly it has leaks if it laggs. It doesnt really matter all that much whatkind of computer you have wc3 shouldnt lagg without leaks. Unless you spam some special effects or something. You cant have any leaks in periodic trigger that run 0,03. They pile up so fast and jam up your computer.
Level 1
Feb 15, 2009
i tryed it in Ubuntu 9.04 in OpenGL mode and it lags like hell, not every one have fast PC but it seams that it doesn't work on fast PC's

Only Chuck Norris can run this map without lags :D
Level 2
May 18, 2009
I tested it with a 2.66 ghz dualcore , 3.5 GB DDR2 Ram and HD3850. I had like 44-35 fps and a one second delay with actions and animations IN SINGLEPLAYER. :thumbs_down: How to make a map lag in singleplayer ?
I dont even see a reason for that, there are no super poly models (at least not noticable) , no effects , the terrain is lordearon summergras all along and strange trees using the same model all the time.

I dont see a positve point about that map at the moment, if I would want to play a DBZ map there are plenty of running alternatives out there.
Level 9
May 14, 2008
Oki, what i found great is the landscape and the minimap, what needed updates were spells (all not done), and help/hints.
Hope the PVP aspect will be more than the first who chase this saga is the best...
it would be an other dbz tribute whereas dbz tribute elite is already the best one.
Level 19
Jun 16, 2007
Ours hopefully will be different compared to dbz tribute since we wont be just having saga's to improve your levels, but ours is more along the lines of the first one to able to destroy the universe, so its actually possible later on with a serton Amount of KI to finish the game with one Blast,

Like a Power Struggle between good and evil ;)
Level 2
Jul 31, 2007
I can play this map just fine. But when i host it and play it online Teal, Orange, Green, Light Blue, and Brown get disconnected right when we start the game.
Level 1
Jul 18, 2009
You should change the cast time of kamehameha and add the "Kamehameha" voice sound
And my PC is pretty good and it works well but every time I miss with the Kamehameha it gets laggier and after I think 5 misses or something "error" not enough bla bla you know that
Level 9
May 14, 2008
I guess it's not the map, it sometimes happens to me it's a bug, so i restart internet etc...

As for 0.2 version I was Babidi lvl 15 and i killed Raditz, then the new saga was loading and it started lagging and 2 sec after the game ended (like a memory crash but the error message didn't show up) so you can fix this bug !
Puipui doesn't last enough, 20 seconds is shit !

EDIT : in 0.3 it lagged more than in 0.2, maybe the rain does this ! and the game crashes when Nappa and Vegeta show up, just after they explode the city.
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Level 2
Jul 18, 2009
I'm not sure why I'm posting my comment on this instead of Unlimited but o well...

Sorry to say robot but.... it's unplayable litterally.

To much lag to even move a character, I'm not sure if you decided to mass memory leaks or something but it's not playable.

Can't rate any further other than the loading screen...

yea i got to attach this. i guess this map includes a lot of work but u should try to remove a few triggers or sumthing.
Level 19
Jun 16, 2007
I did protect Beta 0.3 a different way this time, i guess it could be that, and yet, when ever i test it out on my machines over here i've never lagged out once, but i do have over speced Computers, so i guess i'll hope "Red-Baron" fixes any current issues within the unprotected version i've sent him so he can fix all known issues,

So helpfuly for Beta 0.4 we will fix these issues, and make even more improvements, It could be that i've used a "Nuclear Explosion" dummy to be placed on the city, i could change this to a simple Dust *Ingame Model* for it, to reduce Particle Effects,
Level 2
Aug 14, 2007
Just had a go on this and I was playing as Goku on single player mode. I had no lag, but I died against the very first anamy I found (power level 11) and then I got killed by bubbles in "heaven". That was pretty lame. I restarted and go my power level over 9000 then went to go kill Raditz but going near him caused my game to crash.
Level 19
Jun 16, 2007
I'm not sure how I missed this but thanks.

Its all right Zerox the current Beta version is very buggy, and was rushed to get a released since we was delaying it loads from the start from starting as a ORPG then going to a campaign then going to a multiplayer Version. But finally we are pushing forwards and fixing a lot of issues, in Beta 0.4 up coming release a lot of issues will be solved and New Terrains and hopefully two new models for Current Characters.

I'll be getting some Screenshots later on. To update my Thread on Hiveworkshop so i have a list of current new screenshots gives people a better idea what to expect before downloading,
Level 2
Sep 8, 2009
I just played the map just now... It was so "laggy" I'm not sure what kind of processor and whatever I have but it was badly rigged. The reason might be...

1. Spammed doodads on one place.
2. Too many spells.
3. Too many triggers.
4. The weather and stuff.

Also, why was it raining at start... There was no rain!!!
Level 5
Feb 27, 2009
Our map, requires a high speced computer.

We've designed it around a computer with

Geforce 9800GT 2GB
PC2-6400 2GB
Intel Core 2 Duo 3GHz

I suggest you require a computer with a graphics card:
Geforce 5/6 Series and above.

Will the DBZ Campaign have the same requirements?
Level 19
Jun 16, 2007
Well the Dragonball Z campaign version is currently on hold. The reason our mutliplayer requires such high specs sadly at the moment is due to memory leaks, and a mass of triggers.

We are currently fixing this issue so you wont need such high specificaitons.

The campaign version wont require such specifications.

Mostly Likely issues for Lags:
- Amount of Units
- Detailed Spells (1 - 5 Spells are low Detailed Spells)
- Custom Models
- A Big environment covered with different area's and doodads, and destructibles.
- Memory Leaks
Level 2
Sep 8, 2009
Well the Dragonball Z campaign version is currently on hold. The reason our mutliplayer requires such high specs sadly at the moment is due to memory leaks, and a mass of triggers.

We are currently fixing this issue so you wont need such high specificaitons.

The campaign version wont require such specifications.

Mostly Likely issues for Lags:
- Amount of Units
- Detailed Spells (1 - 5 Spells are low Detailed Spells)
- Custom Models
- A Big environment covered with different area's and doodads, and destructibles.
- Memory Leaks

Ahh, do you think you can try to fix it?
Level 19
Jun 16, 2007
Erm, memory leaks? Why not fix them?
(I highly suggest you do so, since laggy maps aren't allowed).

I've fixed quiet a lot of them already, i don't really know if its lagging or not for others. But for me its perfectly fine at the moment.

So thats why its going through a Beta version and public release so i can find out, and try and find the issues.

I've also just recieved a review on Beta 0.4b from a member of Wc3u,

nikslg said:
Hm i tested it and it doesnt have lags (i got better PC)
Awesome models, Best Skills and powerlevel system

all places is dark in this game so this is bad...
Effects is too big so after beam attack (example galick gun i dont see my chars in smokes)
Snakeway in this mape have a grace

Galick gun must be shooted to anyplaces (like shockwave) (I played as vegeta)
If goku and gohan got pwn as radits, vegeta all ways be thems enemy and if he will die, he will fight in afterlife
Galick gun shots is purple but charging is blue (explosion is red and too much smokes)

So pared to Beta 0.3 this one is less memory leaks, and less Laggy. Everything has been improved.

Following Changes are being done(Nearly Finished):
- Fixed "Death Impact" & "Masenko" & "StarDust Breaker"
- Reduced range of blasts (So they don't go as far now)
- Added more information onto some spells
- Fixed a few spells
- Reduced "Raditz" damage and stats
- Working on Tournament
- Working on Namek
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Level 1
Oct 3, 2009
Hey robot,
This map has some decent spells and models.
My specs are 3.0ghz duo core and 4gb ram. No lagg for me =D
Try making the map a bit brighter, its a bit too dark =[.
looking forward to see more.
Good Job
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
The idea,models, and spells are awesome. But controlling Garlic Jr? Try to replace it from someone more important. Turles too. And it lags like hell. And i can't see the terrain on the mini map. Except for that, all good.Though still have a long way to go.. 4/5. Also, search for Watcher Kave on youtube. His spells are too incredible to be made by human hands.

There is a campaign? A solo campaign for dbz on wc3? WHERE!?