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damn you ghosts!

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Level 3
Jan 4, 2005
i know its weird but... my computer opens himself with his own will. its starting to freak me. it occured twice that i would close the computer, and one second after it would reboot himself. during the night, he opens himself too. another time, when i stepped in my room, i walked to my bed, grabbed my pencil, then my computer booted, i was stunned.

it opens himself about once or twice per day, is there surnatural forces, this isn't supposed to happen.
Level 5
Oct 22, 2004
well, I heard once that some ghosts can give off electrical pulses or w/e, they ave electrical fields around them or something,
or maybe just a screwed up computer
I heard that in a weird place, peaceful place,
everyone thought there was a ghost haunting that city, cause there would be fires for no reason, everywhere, and things would drop for no reason, they had scientists come by and see if they could find what would be causing the fires, and they checked everything and found nothing, they even tested the train driving by, to see if that set something underground to start a fire, but they found nothing.
but I am sure it isnt a ghost
Level 22
Jul 3, 2004
That's really strange, I dunno how can this happens.
But I really don't think it's some ghost... more electric problem, I've already heard things like that. :wink:

Ghost don't exists, it's a weird human explication for unexplicable problems ! We should be reasonnable.

Only Cthulhu The Great, Cthulhu the Dreamer exists.
Level 8
Oct 5, 2004
well, there is ghosts that appear on t.v. and computers if you use a special type of thing, im not gonna show you the video showing about ghosts, ill have to listen to the creepy music whil copying link. Any ways, ive seen one, it looked just like IrBays avatar, i was pretty creeped, also saw a lot more boring ones.
Level 5
Oct 22, 2004
Ghosts are real, I have seen them before, so has my cousin, my dad, my other cousin, and my step brother,
I heard my grandpa talking one night, no one in the room with him, then I saw a ghost walk into his room,
my step bro, he saw a really scary one, my dad was sitting there watching tv or something, then my step bro started screaming like a mofo, my dad ran in, saw the ghost, and told it to leave, and it always sat outside staring in from the window, then my dad found my step bro in the closet, also my dad knew there were ghosts in this one house, and when we moved out of it, my dad forgot some of his stuff in there, he was about to go in to grab his stuff, then there was this "BAM" the house vibrated, then my dad was like **** this, im outta here
Ghosts exist, I have seen them
Level 12
Jul 2, 2004
Take a step back. Some of us aren't going to believe what you believe. So if you're going to argue with us about the truth, well then don't try it.
Level 5
Oct 22, 2004
ya I have seen one of those also, it was like 11 at night, riding on my bike back home, right hwne I was like 20 feet away from my house, I saw this white thing right behind my house, my whole body shriveled, I got scared a little bit, then it moved to the right, and dissapeared when I looked back, gone in less than a second
Level 5
May 13, 2004
W a r t n e r said:
i know its weird but... my computer opens himself with his own will. its starting to freak me. it occured twice that i would close the computer, and one second after it would reboot himself. during the night, he opens himself too. another time, when i stepped in my room, i walked to my bed, grabbed my pencil, then my computer booted, i was stunned.

it opens himself about once or twice per day, is there surnatural forces, this isn't supposed to happen.

This can happen, because power drops and raises. Something similar occured to my cousin computer. The motherboard or the power supply unit in your computer is too delicate for power changes so check when this happens. Then you'll know what is the problem, I don't think a ghost could done it.
Level 7
Aug 26, 2004
tsk, what you and your family have seen, xblack-deathx, can be dismissed as an unconscionious reaction, a mind game, to a particular uncomfortable enviroment. A figment of imagination - I saw this one dude who was able to play peoples minds on television, so at a dogsrace, he was able to convince the girl at the exchange counter, that the dog he bet on, had won, even though the dogname written on his ticket was that of the dog who lost. Suggestively, the mind can make up stories that a door was open, when it infact was locked. That is the beauty of the brain, it is still very much uncharted territory. Have you been directly affected by a ghost, be it not an item or scratchmarks, but it actually touched you? Ektoplasm is bull, I say, but - any who believe in this, should go watch the movie called "The Grudge" - then they can choose to believe ghosts exists and live a sad life in fear - or simply dismiss it as fiction.

I live in a farm-like house, and I've experienced myself, what other people would call "ghosts", but come to realize, it most often appears the murkiest and darkest of places, it becomes fairly easy to dismiss it as "fear for fear" brain activity. If a nice ghost ever shows up during daytime, and starts to chat with people, then I will begin to believe in them, but as long as the stories around them are as stereotyped as they are, I am gonna dismiss the thought.

Consider what you choose to believe! Religious belief can be a big relief if you fear death and what lies beyond. There are no ghosts, if people are in heaven. And besides, if they existed what would they be? Mindless! Uncorpulent! It is easy to be afraid, but bear in mind that according to logic, ghosts are unable to hurt you!

This is my belief, if any, towards theese nether beings

@W a r t n e r - Yours is a hardware problem, I'm sure :wink:
Level 8
Jul 3, 2004
one time, i was playing The Sims. My cousin called me and asked me if i could come down to her with something she forgot. I said yes.
I found the thing (Don't remember what it was). Locked all the doors, ran down to her, back home opened 1 door, walked back to the computer. started The Sims..but it didnt start. I found the CD inside my drawer..w00t!

My parents was at job, my stepsister was at her mom's place (20 miles from here)

Level 5
Oct 22, 2004
Ya, the mind is very strong, teleknesis does exist, and all of that crap, as long as the person opens his/her mind to let you do telekenesis to him/her, or it tricked into opening his/her mind, it can be done,
the mind and soul can do many things, like even though someone isnt very strong, crack a coconut with one hand easily, because the person wants it so bad,
when you reach to grab a pencil, the pencil moves back for no reason,
its your soul doing the physical stuff, not the mind
I learned that everything in the universe is in your mind, you know it all, just the mind doesnt access these parts of the brain, you are only using 3% of your brain, if you used even 4% you would be a frikkin genius.
I also learned about the mind thing, picking up a rope, and hold it in your hand, thinking about it hard, you would figure out what it is made out of and how to braid like the rope is braided
not much people know this stuff
Level 8
Jul 3, 2004
GreyArchon said:
"Opens" itself?? I really hope you don't mean, as in, suddenly your PC's hardware is showing? (e.g. the casket is opened up?)

You mean "starts up", I hope. If that's the case... just cut off its' juice when not working on it.

Opened the door to the house :p
Then when i started the Sims, i go a message that i had to put the Cd in the CD drive. (woot i thought, i looked for it for a few min. Then i found it in my drawer...Weird!)
Level 16
Sep 3, 2004
Well there's good ol' Chinese Qigong (chi gung). It focuses the "chi," or energy from some source in your abdomen into whatever you please through certain exercises. The grandmaster at my kungfu was hit by a car 3 years ago and dislocated every one of her vertabrae. The doctor thought she would die, but she used qigong and is still alive and well in her 60's. It can let like any part of your body become hard ehough to break bricks or even cement boards. The proof is through heat-detection which shows an increase in thermal energy around the hands and areas of qi focus
Level 22
Jul 3, 2004
As I say in my first post, ghost don't exists, they're just human's explication to understand phenomens we don't understand.
You will find so much pseudo-scientifics studies about ghost, no one of them is correct and there is always a natural explication.
Ghost are in our heads...

Of course it's my opinion, and I'm a sceptic.
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
Meh. I dont believe in ghosts, chi, telekinesis, or anything else like that. I do believe in the power of the brain though. Kinda like when you think you're sick, and you do actually feel the pain, but theres nothing wrong with you, the mind simply believes something is wrong, or you're nervous, or something.

Go take a psychology course and you'll understand what I'm saying. :wink:

And if you believe ghosts are real because of a video on the internet....then you're extremely gullible. Sorry, but thats the truth.

@Worm...W a r t n e r: Your computer is not haunted. It just sucks. Go get it fixed, or get a new one.
Level 7
Aug 26, 2004
I never said anything about telekinesis :s That guy from the television show was just able to play peoples mind, so that the brain infact responded to certain patterns of behaviour, and he was able to map those respondings. Btw. I heard that it was 10% not 3% of the brain capacity we used? But yes, that the extra percentage divided the genious from the average.

About Qigong, I think its the abillity to repress the neural activity in the skin-axons (since "pain" is connected to the nerves rooting in the skin) thus you don't feel pain in your hand? Anyways, "channeling your energies from the abdomen"? The solar plexus is a mass traffic area of neural activity, where all nerves at some point is connected to...

If Qigong is learned, it suggests that everyone can do it - its a matter of "will", or suggestively, the abillity to repress your nerve-symphatic reactions

A little more on topic; I refuse to believe that I will wake up as a ghost after I died, and I don't see any reason why I would haunt anyone. Not to be able to rest in peace, would not be an end but an endless torture. If it happens, I'm gonna get really mad at the supervisors, and I'm more likely to take it out on the Grim Reaper! :p
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
Gah, Eusira double-posted!!!! :shock:

*takes a picture*

HA, I have photo evidence!!!


I'm not saying that stuff isn't real, I just don't believe in it.
Level 10
Aug 2, 2004
Rexfist Malice said:
I never said anything about telekinesis :s That guy from the television show was just able to play peoples mind, so that the brain infact responded to certain patterns of behaviour, and he was able to map those respondings. Btw. I heard that it was 10% not 3% of the brain capacity we used? But yes, that the extra percentage divided the genious from the average.

About Qigong, I think its the abillity to repress the neural activity in the skin-axons (since "pain" is connected to the nerves rooting in the skin) thus you don't feel pain in your hand? Anyways, "channeling your energies from the abdomen"? The solar plexus is a mass traffic area of neural activity, where all nerves at some point is connected to...

If Qigong is learned, it suggests that everyone can do it - its a matter of "will", or suggestively, the abillity to repress your nerve-symphatic reactions

A little more on topic; I refuse to believe that I will wake up as a ghost after I died, and I don't see any reason why I would haunt anyone. Not to be able to rest in peace, would not be an end but an endless torture. If it happens, I'm gonna get really mad at the supervisors, and I'm more likely to take it out on the Grim Reaper! :p
yes people only no wat 10-25% of our brain does..........wonder wat the rest of the 90-75% does.......hmmmmmm *drools while thinking much too hard*
Level 9
Jan 13, 2005
there are no ghosts only demons, other things both natural & not, & the creatures of God.

when a human dies, he does not go to heaven or hell at that very instant or in any ff. days he'll just be unconcious until God will judge the living & the dead. of all the mortals who hav died, the saints are the only one who are now in heaven through the prayer of the living & the will of God.

Well, concerning powers & telekenisis, they do exist but i think they are impossible for humans to discover bcoz God will not allow such knowledge, for the fact that humans in general are not capable to handle powers bcoz when they taste power they go out of control sometime in their life. for those who hav it, its a gift.

next time plug off ur computer...

ghost dont exist & therefore they cant hurt us coz they just hav no power over living only God who has the power over the living & the dead.

one more thing, do not be afraid of things/beings who can kill only the body but not the soul... oks..
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