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Curse of the Forsaken v3.0.1

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.


1) This campaign was made on Warcraft III patch 1.30.2. Make sure your Warcraft III is
patched as well. The campaign WILL NOT WORK properly without the most recent patch.
2) Download the campaign and place into your My Documents/Warcraft 3/Campaigns folder.
3) Play the campaign!


Models Credits
Skins Credits
Icons Credits
Miscellanous Credits
Campaign menu by Sellenisko
Undead buildings with human birth animation by Mister_Hadrauf
Vrykul models by Sellenisko
Forsaken buildings and worker by Ujimasa Hoso
Wretched units by Ujimasa Hoso
Blood elf Buildings by SinisterX
Alexstrazsa by 67chrome, Sellenisko
Arthas by Kwaliti
Lich King by Kwaliti
Inferno Knight by Tarrasque
Baron Dark/Iceclaw by Fan & xXm0RpH3usXx
Val'kyr models by Sellenisko
Campaign menu by Sellenisko
Dullahan Omega by -Grendel
Fir by Fingolfin
Hero Drider by Garfield
OrbOfFire by UgoUgo
Garrosh by takakenji
HeroGlow by assasin_lord
The Grim Reaper by The Grim Reaper
Banisher by -Grendel
Demoness by Gottfrei
Castle Tower by Tranquil
Hero Dark Kael by Sephiroth_VII
Nathrezim Sage by Vermillion Edict
Mortis by Gottfrei
ObsidianRuneblade by Blood Raven & Revilo
Queensland Shield by I3lackDeath
UndeadBloodElf by ironmaiden
Blizzard Eruption by JetFangInferno
Frost Nova by Daelin
Frozen Shell by Daelin
Imp5 by Ramza
HarvestLife by Power
InquisitorMalendis by Sellenisko
UndeadMissleGreen by Power
PeeKay's PunishMissle Model by PeeKay
Sir Valiant by CloudWolf
SnowPine by Gottfrei
Projectiles by sPy
SwordOfKingVarianWrynn by paladinjst
WaterElemental by alfredx_sotn
Shadow Bolt by Champara Bros
SoulArmor by JesusHipster
Mist Aura by Pyritie
SC2ForceField_ByEpsilon by epsilon
AbyssShade by EvilCryptLord
Ancient Ziggurat and Derivates by Ujimasa Hojo
AnimateDeadTarget by JetFangInferno
Arcane Nova by dhguardianes
Arrow of Pestilence by 00110000
Battle for Azeroth Sylvanas by kangyun
Beastmaster by frostwolf
Beastmaster and Derivates by Ujimasa Hojo
Blizzard Missile by s4nji
Blizzard Target by Freezer
Blood Mage and Derivates by Ujimasa Hojo
Green Slime by Hayate
Blood Elf Champion by General Frank
Blood Elf Wizard by General Frank
Bottle of Poison Missile by JesusHipster
GrudgeAura by JetFangInferno
Chaos Bestiary by MasterHaosis
CloudOfFog by JetFangInferno
Cold Buff by dhguardianes
Corpse Blood Missile by Frotty
Darkness by Pyritie
Demolisher Fire Missile by JetFangInferno
Demonic Crystal Generator by MasterHaosis
Draenei Huntress by Sellenisko
Dragonmaw Rider by Sellenisko
Dreadlord Jaina by Stefan.K
Fatal Wound by cotd333
Fel Fire models by Lothar1994
Fel Fire Ball by Zephyrius2412
Fel Incinerate by Zephyrius2412
Frost Missile by bisnar13
Frost Nova by Daelin, Frost Name
Frosty Shield by marcus158
Gan'arg Engineer by Mephestrial
GarithosPaladin by Stefan.K
Garrosh by Tauer
Grey Smoke by Ergius
Ancient Explosion by WILLTHEALMIGHTY
OrcSpearThrower by Radagast
Heart by republicola
Holy Fire Slam by ratamahatta
HumanLargeDeathExplode by destroza
IceBolt by Weep
IceSlam by valkemiere
Inquisitor by FerSZ
Jailer by FerSZ
Legion Teleporter by Mephestrial
Lich and Derivates by Ujimasa Hojo
Lor'themar by kangyun
Lady Liadrin by kangyun
Blood Elemental Missile by Devine
Orb of Blood by General Frank
Orb of Darkness by General Frank
Orb of Ice by General Frank
Orb of Corruption by UgoUgo
Orc Witch Doctor by -Grendel
Orcish Wall by takakenji
Purple Arrow by DCrimson
Pursuer by Vortigon
Saidan Dathrohan by kangyun
Scourge Banner by Cuore
Shadow Assault by UgoUgo
Shrapnel Shards Explosion by WILL THE ALMIGHTY
Skyfire Gunship by HerrDave
Snipe Target by Tranquil
Spirit Bolt by WhiteDeath
Spirit Arrow by epsilon
Temple of the Damned and Derivates by Ujimasa Hojo
Tyrande Whisperwind by kangyun
Ultimate Explosion - Air Based Explosion by WILL THE ALMIGHTY
Undead Apothecary by AnemicRoyalty
VenomousGale by JesusHipster
Vereesa Windrunner by kangyun
Warp Dark by Thrikodius
Wings of Nightmare by Usedwell
TheHolyBomb by JetFangInferno
Ziggurat and Derivates by Ujimasa Hojo
ProteaSapiens by Daenar7
Betrayed by Daenar7
Sorceress by chr2
BloodElfSentry by 67Chrome
BloodElfAssassin by 67chrome
BloodElfSpellThief by shockwave
BloodElfRanger by 67 Chrome
Gilneas Buildings by CloudWolf
DarkChampion by 67chrome
DarkElfArcher by Juice_F
DarkSylvanas by 67chrome
DarkwingBat by 67chrome
Daemoness Mage by b17rider
Dalaran buildings sin'dorei textures by Spinel
HumanMage by 67chrome
Jaina by 67chrome
Scarlet Crusader by CloudWolf
GilneasFarm.BLP by Raelith
Turalyon by CloudWolf
ReturnedArcher by 67chrome
ReturnedCaptain by 67chrome
ReturnedMage by 67chrome
Rilrae Thraele by shiiK
ScarletCrusader by 67chrome
ScarletKnight by Heinvers
ScarletOracle by Heinvers
Icons from World of Warcraft
Icons from Heroes of the Storm
BTNAcid2 by bigapple90
BTNAdept by PeeKay
BTNUnguentv2 by 4eNNightmare
BTNRubyAmulet by PeeKay
BTNSkullSpirits by -BerZeKeR-
BTNSapphireAmulet by PeeKay
BTNGarroshHellscream by FrIkY
BTNBlackWidow by Dan van Ohllus
BTNDarkElfWitch by chr2
BTNOrbPain by Big Dub
BTNFerealInstinct by PeeKay
BTNAlexstraszaIcon by 67chrome
BTNArcaneBlast by Darkfang
BTNBatby67chrome by 67chrome
BTNCWScarletCrusader by CloudWolf
BTNCWValiant by CloudWolf
BTNDarkChampion by 67chrome
BTNDarkSylvanas by 67chrome
BTNDeathguard by 67chrome
BTNDraeneiHuntress by Sin'dorei300
BTNDKPotM2 by zadelim
BTNHeroDullahanOmega by -Grendel
BTNGoreShield by PeeKay
BTNLevelQQDSJaina by 67chrome
BTNLichKing by kwaliti
BTNLifeIntoMana by PeeKay
BTNMiasma by San
BTNNoxiousFumes by Lelling
BTNOrbOfChill by JollyD
BTNPCosmicBolt by Svenski
BTNPoison by PeeKay
BTNPoisonBlast by Elainiel
BTNPoisonBow by Army-of-Pandas
BTNPoisonElemental by Marcos DAB
BTNPoisonNails by Elainiel
BTNRilraeThraele by shiiK
BTNScarletCrusader by 67chrome
BTNSoulRune by PeeKay
BTNSpikedRing by -Berz-
BTNSylvanas by 67chrome
BTNWeaver by PeeKay
BTNWeb2Spiderless by Golden-Drake
BTNWorgenHero by NFWar
BTNANANatureReviveExplosion by Anachron
BTNCWTuralyon by CloudWolf
BTNDeadCoil by Mr.Goblin
BTNDeathCoil by -BerZeKeR-
BTNDeathPulse by -BerZeKeR-
BTNFireSwordRed by 67chrome
BTNLifeEssenceDAB by Marcos DAB
BTNReanimate66 by Marcos DAB
BTNSoulBurn by Infinitynexus
BTNTorch by FhelZone
BTNFireTornado by Army-of-Pandas
BTNPyroblast by aki15
BTNRiseUndead by zbc
BTNSearingArrow by Darkfang
Blood Elven Upgrades by Zephyrius2412
Curse of the Forsaken: Combination of Warcraft 3 cinematics, WoW cinematics (Wrathgate, Battle for
Azeroth CGI, Stormheim Cinematic, Lament of the Highborne) and Warcraft 3 ingame cutscenes from the
Wrath of the Lich King: WoW WotLK CGI
Invasion of Northrend: Combination of WoW cinematics (5.1 Alliance and Horde Landfall, Broken Shore
Cinematic, Lament of the Highborne)
The Wrathgate: The Wrathgate cinematic

WoW: Anduin
WoW: Arthas, My Son
WoW: Azjol-Nerub
WoW: Broken Shore
WoW: Dalaran
WoW: Darnassus
WoW: Demon Invasion
WoW: Ebon Hold
WoW: Evil Forest music
WoW: Fate of the Horde
WoW: Icecrown
WoW: Icecrown Citadel
WoW: Invincible
WoW: Lament of the Highborne
WoW: Orgrimmar
WoW: The Wrathgate
WoW: Tirisfal Glades
WoW: Silverpine Forest (Cataclysm)
WoW: Undercity
WoW: Xaxas
Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls: Abattoir
Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls: Ancient Ruins of Dholmour
Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls: Battlegrounds of Eternity
Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls: Blood for Blood
Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls: Crusader
Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls: Full Circle
Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls: Paths of the Drowned
Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls: Runes
Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls: Sartor, Grodoloth, Kordoroth
Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls: The Guise of Man
Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls: Urzael
Dragon Age Inquisition: Adamant Fortress
Dragon Age Inquisition: Calling the Inquisition
Dragon Age Inquisition: Dark Solas
Dragon Age Inquisition: Death on the Bridge
Dragon Age Inquisition: Lost Elf
Dragon Age Inquisition: Siege of Adamant
Dragon Age Inquisition: The Fall
Dragon Age Inquisition: The Inquisition Marches
Dragon Age Inquisition: The Well of Sorrows
Two Steps From Hell: Black Blade
Two Steps From Hell: Dark Ages
Two Steps From Hell: Master of Shadows
Two Steps From Hell: Power of Darkness
Adrian von Ziegler: Angel of Death
Mass Effect 3: An End Once and For All
Resident Evil Remake: Macabre Hallway
Within Temptation: The Silent Force Intro

Sound effects from Heroes of the Storm, World of Warcraft
Voice lines from Heroes of the Storm, World of Warcraft
Tracer voice line from Overwatch

Some lines written by ericwu102

- Released.

- Fixed the gold mine bug in chapter one.
- The fountain of health in chapter two is no longer flying.
- Changed the side quest name in chapter two to ''The Cleansing''.
- Renamed mur'guls to murlocs in chapter two.
- Ghosts of Dark Rangers no longer cost food.
- Orc Warlocks have unarmored armor now.
- Darkclaw is dead in chapter four, he won't stay alive.
- Selection on units is removed in all cinematics.

- Side quest in Chapter Three is available almost immediately.
- Difficulty of Chapter Seven has been reduced. The gold mines also have more gold.
- Alexstrasza's line won't trigger before the quest.
- Sindragosa drops a different item.
- Marrowgar will no longer spam his line after his death.

- If you skip the intro cinematic in Chapter Four, Darkclaw's items won't teleport to Sylvanas.
- Phaelynne doesn't teleport with Varimathras in chapter four.
- If a hero dies during the Frostmourne part of the Lich King fight, they won't stay transparent later.

- Overall difficulty of some maps reduced a little.
- The ''bug'' in chapter eleven where all units freeze is no longer present.
- It is now more clear where to go in chapter nine as the blood elven base is visible from the start.
- Some other minor bugs fixed.

- Some small changes happened in Chapter One and Two.
- Most of the quests now get pinged on the minimap so that it's more clear where to go.

- Vereesa now has her voice from WoW: Mists of Pandaria
- The Lich King fight intro cinematic has been changed a little,
now both Sylvanas and Jaina have their lines voiced from WoW.

- Revamp of the Forsaken race and tecthree.
- New building - Royal Laboratory - 10 new upgrades within it.
- Apothecary has a new spell, replaced Alchemic Decay.
- New maps added - Chapter Eight, Part One, all new interludes.
- Chapter Five and Six changed places.
- Chapter Six and Nine revamped.
- All other chapters improved and tweaked.
- All AIs improved.
- Lots of new cinematics that replace the old ones.
- Improved, expanded storyline - most of dialogues changed and improved.
- Some heroes' story has been expanded. There are also new heroes present in the story.
- Most heroes have new spells.
- All hero spells now hotkeyed to QWER.
- New characters added.
- New ''exotic'' items added.
- Cliff slopes fixed in all maps.
- Skip level cheat now works in all maps.
- LOTS of other minor stuff that are not noted here.

- Garrosh collision size reduced to same like all heroes.
- Choosing Lor'themar no longer grants 12 extra food in Chapter Eleven. (The Forsaken farms get killed
if you choose him, making you lose 12 food while his building still gives 12)
- Garrosh is no longer called Jaina in Chapter Eight.
- There should now be enough space at the gold mine in Chapter Seven to expand.
- Dalaran units should now stay neutral in Chapter Four.
- Cinematics in Chapter Five and Nine should no longer run at the same time.
- Chapter Five should now be a little easier.
- Gargoyles should no longer be able to leave the playable area in Chapter Six.
- Shaman can now use Bloodlust again in Chapter Eleven.
- Varimathras now drops his item in Chapter Eleven upon death.
- You can't build any orc buildings anymore in Chapter Three.
- There is now more gold in the gold mine in Chapter Six.

- A cinematic in Chapter One now skips properly.
- Malefaction fixed, it no longer works on heroes and Phaelynne won't bug herself.
- Two Raymonds bug fixed in Epilogue.

- Chapter Ten ending cinematic can now be properly skipped
and you can now choose heroes properly if you skip it.
- Vereesa will no longer say her line in Chapter Nine before
she actually appears.
- Finale has been renamed to Edge of Night from Edge of the Night.

- Removed mention of Shadow of Blood in the Epilogue.
- Couple of dialogues rewritten, most notably in Chapter Two.

- Some dialogues in most of the chapters have been updated.
- Sylvanas' voice has been changed to her WoW/Heroes of the Storm voice.
- Cold damage area in Chapter Ten removed,
- Undead in Chapter Five now has less upgrades.
- Few other minor fixes/changes.

- The campaign now contains four optional CGI cinematics. You can choose in the first map to instead view ingame versions of them.
- The campaign now has three difficulties: easy, normal and hard.
- New chapter: Chapter Four – Devil’s Deal.
- Four completely revamped chapters, while all others have received updates of varying sizes.
- Two new interludes.
- Massively updated storyline and almost all dialogues rewritten.
- New background music, taken from World of Warcraft.
- Lots of new soundtracks throughout the campaign in cinematics and boss fights.
- New major characters: Bolvar Fordragon, Grand Apothecary Putress.
- Several characters have reduced roles in the storyline, while few have increased roles.
- Apothecary Phaelynne’s role in the story has been taken over by Grand Apothecary Putress.

Major Chapter Changes

- All chapters have received storyline and dialogue updates. Most of the dialogues have been completely rewritten, all cinematics have been improved in some way.
- Revamped maps have the same or similar storyline as their old versions, but have completely new terrain, cinematics and gameplay.
- Chapter Two: Aiding the Cursed has been removed.
- Lots of other minor updates; only bigger updates are listed here.

NEW: Cinematic: Curse of the Forsaken

Introductory cinematic for the campaign, detailing the Forsaken’s past and their current goal. You will also choose whether you want CGI or ingame cinematics in this map as well as the campaign difficulty (easy, normal or hard).

Chapter One: A Necessary Intervention

- Renamed from Unnecessary Intervention to A Necessary Intervention.
- New intro cinematic.
- Second cinematic (in the Scarlet Crusade base) removed.

Chapter Two: Icy Menace

- All non-orc units have been replaced with orc units.
- Terrain changes, more pathways to the final orc base.

NEW: Interlude: Purpose

While Varimathras advanced through the Alterac Mountains, Sylvanas and her forces travel through the Silverpine Forest.

Chapter Three: Disdain

- Renamed from Forsaken Incursion to Disdain
- New intro cinematic, other cinematics vastly changed.
- Two new side quests.
- Apothecaries can now be trained from the beginning of the map.
- Significant terrain changes to the map.

NEW: Chapter Four: Devil’s Deal

Lead the assault on the Scarlet Monastery, the final battle with the Scarlet Crusade, while commanding a new Forsaken ally, the vampire bats.

Cinematic: Wrath of the Lich King

- Renamed from The Awakening to Wrath of the Lich King.
- World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King opening cinematic available instead of the ingame cinematic.

Interlude: A Royal Coup

- Renamed from The Demon Within to A Royal Coup.
- First part of the cinematic altered.

REVAMPED: Chapter Five: A Rallying Point

Chapter Six: Battle for the Undercity

- Intro part altered, a demon inside the first base must now be killed in order to gain control of it.
- Three enemy Forsaken bases replaced with demon bases.

Interlude: Memories

- New intro part.
- References to Malygos removed.

NEW: Cinematic: Invasion of Northrend

After gathering their forces, the Horde and the Alliance set sail for Northrend.

Chapter Seven: Into the Frozen Heart of Northrend

- Map expanded, whole new part added to the left side of the map.
- The blood elves and Lor’themar are now playable in this map, separately from the Forsaken. The blood elves must destroy Scourge Spires in order to allow the Forsaken forces to advance further.
- The enemy AI will now attack by loading their units into zeppelins and landing outside the Forsaken base, instead of teleporting.
- Enemy vrykul AI added.
- Darkfallen units added to the Undead Scourge AIs.
- New cinematics.
- Second cinematic removed.

NEW: Interlude: Crossroads

While the Forsaken battle against the Scourge at the east of Northrend, the Horde and the Alliance find themselves before an unavoidable hurdle, the nerubian kingdom of Azjol-Nerub.

REVAMPED: Chapter Eight: Azjol-Nerub

Chapter Nine: Hearts in Ice

- Renamed from Echoes of the Past to Hearts in Ice.
- Lor’themar is no longer playable in this map.
- Blue dragons and references to Malygos removed.
- New intro cinematic and an Alexstrasza cinematic added.

Bonus Interlude: Journey to the Sunwell

- Jaina and Lor’themar no longer appear in the cinematic. Aethas now appears in the cinematic.
- Lady Liadrin has a new model.
- More dialogue added.

Chapter Ten: Hour of the Forsaken

- Altered terrain at the part where the Alliance and the Horde fight against the undead.
- The Alliance and Horde bases can no longer be destroyed. Likewise, the undead base they are fighting against cannot be destroyed.
- First part of the intro cinematic changed.
- New side quest.

NEW: Cinematic: The Wrathgate

Bolvar Fordragon and a Horde general finally lead a successful assault against the undead forces at Angrathar the Wrathgate.

REVAMPED: Chapter Eleven: Trial of Monsters

Interlude: Deliverance

- Renamed from Lost to Deliverance.
- Sound from the World of Warcraft Patch 3.3.0: Fall of the Lich King Trailer added.

REVAMPED: Chapter Twelve: Fall of the Lich King

Finale: In Damnation

- Renamed from Edge of Night to In Damnation.
- Split into this new finale and the new epilogue. The old epilogue has been removed. The new finale only contains the beginning part with Sylvanas.
- The part with Jaina, Vereesa and Varian has been removed.

Epilogue: Edge of Night

- The third part of the old finale.
- New ending part added.

Techtree Changes

- Structures that previously used the undead birth animation now use a more human looking one: Graveyard, Temple of the Damned, Slaughterhouse, Boneyard and Tomb of Relics.
- Creature Attack Upgrade and Unholy Attack Upgrade have been consolidated into a single upgrade.
- Royal Laboratory no longer requires Dark Castle to be built. Instead, some upgrades now have certain building requirements.

NEW UNIT: Vampire Bat

- Replaces the Gargoyle unit.
- Can use Blood Plague: Infects a target ground enemy unit's blood which deals 5 damage per second for 15 seconds. If the infected unit dies while under the effect of Blood Plague and if there are any enemies nearby, the Vampire Bat will cause its corpse to explode, causing additional 50 damage to nearby enemy units.
- Can use Vampiric Bite: Converts 50% of attack damage done back to life.
- Can use the upgrade Blood Circulation: Increases Vampire Bats' health by 150 and allows them to use the Blood Plague ability, which deals damage over time to enemy units and causes their corpses to explode.


- Has a new voice.
- Multiple Workers can now construct a single building at the same time (like human Peasants).


- Shadow Claw has a new sound effect. It also no longer makes Ghouls have a visual effect when researched.

Dark Ranger

- Poison Arrow has a new special effect.


- Has a new voice.
- Attack has been lowered.
- Dreadguards now begin with Drain Life, but must research Spell Runes to use Spell Immunity.
- Dark Arts has been removed.
- New ability: Siphon Life: replaces Drain Life and causes Dreadguards to heal for 50% of attack damage done.


- Now plays a voice line when trained.
- Noxious Cloud has been removed.
- New ability: Cleansing Toxin: Consumes all magical buffs from units in an area. Each unit that is cleansed costs 15 mana.
- Healing Flasks no longer heals enemy units as well.


- Vengeance has a new sound effect.

Meat Wagon

- Exhume Corpses has been removed.
- New ability: Defile: creates an area of Blight around the Meat Wagon.


- Disease Cloud has been removed.
- New ability: Gorge: Consumes an enemy land unit, slowly digesting it and dealing 5 damage per second to it.

Val’kyr Battlemaiden

- Has a new voice.
- Named changed from Val’kyr to Val’kyr Battlemaiden.
- Increased health and attack.
- Increased gold and lumber cost.
- Raise Dead, Animate Dead and Spirit Sacrifice have been removed.
- New ability: Revive: Brings back to life the corpse of a nearby friendly unit.
- New ability: Unholy Protection: Increases all nearby friendly units' armor by 10 for 10 seconds and restores 150 hit points.
- New ability: Icy Grip: Decreases nearby enemy units' movement and attack speed.
- New upgrade: Runic Attunement: Increases Val'kyr Battlemaidens' mana regeneration rate and allows them to use the Icy Grip ability.

Hero Changes


- Silence, Black Arrow and Call of the Queen have new icons.
- Banshee’s (Call of the Queen) abilities renamed to Terrify and Scream of Terror. Both abilities have new icons and sound effects.
- One of the Call of the Queen Banshees should now automatically cast Scream of Terror when used.
- Has a new model from Chapter Five onward.

Phaelynne (Putress)

- Replaced by Putress: new model, new voice, new stats.
- Virulence and Malefaction have been removed.
- New ability: Summon Volatile Ooze [E]: Summons a volatile ooze that explodes upon reaching an enemy, dealing area damage to enemy units in the area.
- New ability: Blinding Cloud [R]: Poisons enemy units with a plague, causing their movement and attack speed to be heavily reduced, and causing them to miss their attacks for 15 seconds.


- Has a new voice.
- Has a new skin and a new attack projectile.
- Telekinesis, Brilliance Aura and Pyroblast have been removed.
- New (old) ability: Blizzard [Q]: Calls down waves of freezing ice shards that damage units in a target area. Fires less waves than default, but deals more damage and has a higher area of effect at higher levels. Has a new icon.
- Updated ability: Summon Water Elemental [W]: has a new icon. Can use Frost Attack at level 2, and Frost Attack and Frost Armor at level 3.
- New ability: Frostbolt [E]: Fires a frostbolt at an enemy target unit, slowing its attack rate and movement speed.
- New ability: Ring of Frost [R]: After a 1 second delay, creates a Ring of Frost in an area that deals 250 damage to ground units and stuns them for 10 seconds.


- Bloodbath [R] has been removed.
- Updated ability: Enraged Regeneration [Q]: has a new sound effect.
- New ability: Taunt [R]: The closest 10 enemies are forced to attack this unit.


- Has a new model.
- Has a new voice.
- New hero classification: Marksman.
- Updated stats: now attacks slower than most ranged heroes, but deals more damage and has a higher range.
- Summon Hawk, Cold Arrows, Trueshot Aura and Vengeance have been removed.
- New ability: Aimed Shot [Q]: A powerful aimed shot that deals damage to an enemy unit.
- New ability: Vulnerability [W]: Reduces a target enemy unit's armor and gives vision of that unit.
- New ability: Piercing Shot [E]: Fires a shot that damages all enemies in a line.
- New ability: Sniper Aim [R]: Increases the Marksman's attack rate by 125% for 30 seconds, but heavily decreases her movement speed.


- Updated ability: Totem Mastery [W]: Earthbind Totem now also reduces enemy attack speed.
- Windwalk Totem now increases mana regeneration rate of nearby friendly units. Both totems have reduced mana cost.
- New ability: War Banner [R]: Summons an immobile banner that increases nearby friendly units' attack rate and movement speed by 25% for 60 seconds. Has a new sound effect.


- Has a new model and a new icon.
- Dashing Winds has been removed.
- Updated ability: Flames of Retribution [Q]: no longer does friendly fire.
- Updated ability: Blood Cry [W] now affects a larger area.
- New ability: Living Bomb [E]: adds extra damage on each attack and causes units that die while under the effect to explode, dealing damage to nearby enemy units.


- All maps now have new loading screen art.
- CGI cinematics have been removed, they are replaced by their ingame counterparts. (CGI cinematics didn't seem to work for a lot of people before, and patch 1.30 broke them completely for me. Ingame cinematics, however, work for everyone. I will re-add CGI cinematics in the future if I figure out a way to make them work.)
- Most maps have received balance updates to normal and hard difficulty. Normal should overall be easier while hard should be harder. (Normal and hard were very close in difficulty in v3.0. Normal should no longer feel like you're playing on hard, but some maps will remain challenging as they were intended to be. Hard should now feel much harder than normal.)
- Friendly AI Heroes will no longer drop items.
- Aimed Shot, Arcane Barrage, Blood Plague, Blood Plague Corpse Explosion, Consecration, Divine Storm, Divine Purpose, Enraged Regeneration, Frostbolt, Piercing Shot, Revive, Ring of Frost, Sniper Aim, Taunt, Unholy Protection and War Banner sound effects can no longer be heard globally. (Varian's mapwide AAAAAaaaaaGgggHHHHHH is gone, rejoice!)
- Lots of minor changes, such as fixing typos, changing tooltips, bug fixes, etc.


- Dark Ranger - Black Arrows and Poison Arrows now also increase Dark Rangers' attack range by 75. Dark Rangers can now have a maximum of 650 Attack Range. (From 500) (Dark Rangers become too frail in later chapters, this change gives them some additional survivability.)
- Dreadguard – Now has 500 Hit Points (From 600). Siphon Life now converts 35% of damage done back to life. (from 50%) (Dreadguards are too durable with all their upgrades, these changes will make them less so.)
- Banshee – Using Possession on worker units now once again allows you to construct their buildings.
- Meat Wagon - Forsaken Plague no longer deals friendly fire. Also changes Meat Wagons' missile to a cloudy green projectile. (Forsaken Plague is a fun ability, but was not worth using due to its friendly fire.)
- Abomination Outbreak now allows Abominations to afflict a target enemy unit with a deadly plague that festers inside the target, dealing 5 damage per second for 30 seconds. If the afflicted unit dies while under the effect of Outbreak, four Maggots will spawn from its corpse. Also stores maggots inside the Abomination's body that crawl out to fight after its death. Now unlocks in Chapter Ten.
- Royal Laboratory – New upgrade available: Fortified Defenses (50 gold/250 lumber, requires Dark Castle), which upgrades Guard Towers, Coil Towers and Virulent Towers so that they have fortified armor. Unlocked in Chapter Ten.
- Vampire Bats, Black Spiders and Maggots are now classified as undead. (This change is so these units can also be healed by Putress' Elixir of Death.)
- Vrykul units and buildings have new icons.
- Unholy Aura now once again affects mechanical units.
- Gan'arg Engineer's selection circle should no longer fly above his head.
- Dreadlord Jaina has a new model.

CHAPTER ONE – A Necessary Intervention

- The Scarlet Crusade Keep from the first base now drops a Tiny Shadowhall.
- Main Scarlet Crusade AI will now attack when trees fall down.


- An additional gold mine has been added to the south of Sylvanas' base.

CHAPTER FIVE – A Rallying Point

- Garrosh and his forces now use the maroon team color.
- An additional shallow water way across the river in Orgrimmar has been added to reduce units from getting stuck on the bridge.

CHAPTER SEVEN – Into the Frozen Heart of Northrend

- Blood Elves now have a gold mine and a shipyard.
- Blood Elf units now require upgrades to unlock all of their abilities.
- Tiny Shadowhall, Tiny Crypt and Tiny Graveyard are now dropped by the buildings in the first Scourge base.
- Enemy AI should no longer bug and stop attacking.
- Orange AI can now also attack Blood Elves.
- Purple AI can now attack you if you expand to the Orange AI's goldmine. Purple AI will also attack Blood Elves if all Forsaken bases are destroyed.


- Azjol-Nerub terrain updated, certain paths have been closed off and the way up to Anub'arak is now linear. There are some new encounters and traps and Anub'arak can no longer be reached earlier than intended. Fire traps before Anub'arak are no longer deadly.
- Side Quest revamped. You now have to find three parts of a key to open the way gate. The way gate has also been moved to a new location.
- Signet of the Traitor King is now acquired from the side quest.
- Nerubian burrow attacks in Azjol-Nerub now happen a little less often.
- Ice Rocks now have less health.

CHAPTER TEN – Hour of the Forsaken

- Not doing the side quest should no longer bug the Blood Elf AI, they will destroy the gate leading there themselves.

CHAPTER ELEVEN – Trial of Monsters

- Lich King respawn timer has been increased and is shorter depending on difficulty.

CHAPTER TWELVE – Fall of the Lich King

- All Obelisks should now get disabled properly.
- Twin Val'kyr no longer fly around, instead the additional val'kyr units simply spawn, so the fight no longer bugs.
- Sindragosa boss fight should no longer bug.
- Alexstrasza can now die during the Sindragosa and Lich King boss fights.
- Alexstrasza now resurrects all Heroes before the Lich King boss fight.

Known Issues
- If Quel'Delar is moved to a different spot in the inventory, its abilities
disappear. Drop it and pick it up again to fix the issue.
- Targeting circles fly above the ground in Chapter Six.
- A few sound effects can be heard mapwide.
- Sound effects that are ripped directly from WoW videos sometimes
may not be completely synced with the cinematic.
- Bolvar's Wave of Light special effect is invisible in Chapter Eight.

Extra Downloads
Curse of the Forsaken v1.0 - The very first version of the campaign, released in January 2013.
Curse of the Forsaken v2.0 - The second version of the campaign, released in August 2014
Voice Sets - Voice sets used in the campaign, you're free to use them in your own projects.

Chinese - v3.0.1, hosted on pan.baidu.com (提取码: bb2w), by nuck001.
Russian - v3.0, hosted on xgm.guru, by kirlandiya.

My Other Campaign

Please post any bugs, suggestions and tips!

Curse of the Forsaken v3.0.1 (Campaign)

» Vengeancekael:[c] 「Profile :: Message :: Hive Staff」 » Date:[c] 「20/Mar/2013 16:02:25」 » Reasons: » Comment: [Moderated version: 1.01] Not Rated » Rules: [c] 「Map Submission」 [TR]» Contact: [c] 「Staff Contact」 ! 'Reasons' are automated !
Level 18
Aug 22, 2013
Bug report:
- Summon more Ziggurats to continue unit production.
- First map: If I skip cinematic after destroy all Scarlet outposts, then that cinematic show up again and can't skip.

- Change Garrosh level 6 skill. It is not good as Tauren aura and it require mana.
- When Verresa and Sylvanas use their arrow skill, their locket attack effect doesn't work, it is a bit odd I think (a bit useless)

Sorry for bad English

Because Orb effects does not stack
Level 2
Apr 10, 2014
Because Orb effects does not stack

I know it, but that make a skill or an item become useless. It is an important equipment, should be more useful :).
It can be like this: Improve their arrow skill, or remind them about Quel'thalas and give an active rage buff
Level 8
Apr 14, 2011
Well , i guess because after killed the Vrykul , and instantly see the time to save Vereesa , i was in hurry to save her so i launched all my forces directly to the base of Kel'thuzad to save her...it was too hurry.
Level 3
Jan 18, 2013
Replying chapter by chapter.

CH1: After clearing all outposts except the final one where a paladin was, the cinematic came up, red vampire said something about attacking from east and west then I click Esc and the cinematic stuck.

CH2: It is the same as Curse of the Forsaken 1.

CH3: It is the same as Curse of the Forsaken 1 but now the new thing was a spider for dark ranger and that made Forsaken be the swarm.

CH4: Walls at the base at center of the map should have been auto destroyed or having something to deal with them. Still, if red vampire base was destroyed before the center one at the center of the map, I could not fight purple vampire. I used dark ranger to finish this.
Interlute between CH4 and CH5: this could be a chapter where our dark ranger escaped.

CH5: I just defended west entrance since almost all orc units defended south entrance. Most difficult thing in this chapter was frost wyrm and enemy's hero could kill player's heroes easily.

CH6: It seem as if it was hard. I used only dark ranger with spider and there was no problem.
There was also a pile of rocks when I attacked under city. After destroying all of them, I saw the path outside but I could not go.

CH7: Warp point or something that look like sacrifice pit, I am not sure if there was a description about it. This chapter was not hard since 2 heroes can easily eliminate ground force what were added were some meat wagon to clear building faster and gargoyles to conquer air field.
The gold mine at north of the south east gold mine, due to no more haunted gold mine, I could not established a base there.

CH8: Part1 was going so smooth so far. In part2, I was a bit amazed that our nurabian just dropped item, which +3 armor and +3 str, however it was good for jaina.

CH9: I defeated Sindragosa and blood elves hero stole the loot. I remembered that.

CH10: When it ended, I choost blood elves hero and the screen ended that I did not have a change to choose the second so...

CH11: I started with two hero, dark ranger and jaina. Luckily, I had good sword which can cast healing wave and holy light so it was a bit hard for me but it was beatable

Campaign still had a problem about mission was completed automatically, probably because of allyourbasearebelongtous.

For the score, I must say I am impressed. Old boring chapter 5 was removed and add the new one to fight against forsaken plague. I was shocked at first until I found out that I could just spam dark ranger non stop for the win.
Hopefully, I could fight against Forsaken again, that plague was so awesome.

Last thing: I did not like a song when fighting Phaelynne at all, so annoying.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
I haven't seen all the Royal Lab upgrades yet, but they could do with some tweaking. You should have it available from the start instead of requiring a castle (possibly making the individual upgrades dependent on town hall level), and make the ethereal upgrade available starting from the second mission to make up for the lack of Shades.

Towers should regenerate mana a bit faster: enemy attack waves are close enough that they run dry very quickly.

The spiders created don't attack unless told to, even when their owners are attacking.

As far as I can tell, Malefaction hits your own units, preventing them from casting as well as attacking, and appears to be permanent. That or Phaelynne is among the least competent magic users in history, since she's the one I'm seeing these effects on (incredibly obvious pun: averted).
No, because this is Forsaken story, The Forsaken are undead and the undead cannot reproduce like the living can. And the story to this campaign is a love for eternity type story, you know what i mean.

Then Undeads don't reproduce?... And just love each other for eternity? Then probably the Lich King's army would be destroyed before WotLK, the dead would suicide coz of no babies.



Level 3
Sep 16, 2010
X59, glad you liked the changes. Thanks for reporting all those bugs, I'll fix them today (dunno why the cinematic overlaps happened, though). And about the Phaelynne storyline, she finally managed to break free in the last map and Sylvanas actually killed her long enough to manage to finally kill Varimathras. I do agree it's not the best explained part of the story, but I do think it's alright. And yes, I do have some plans for Darkclaw in a sequal, but it's not 100% certain if I'll use him.

Thanks for explaining how the Phaelynne storyline allows her to be the Jailer of the Damned without others worrying about Varimathras unleashing the Scourge on us and if you do end up deciding to not use Darkclaw could you at least mention him so people can see what his ultimate fate was?

Deleted member 239421


Deleted member 239421

This campaign was worth the hype. Certainly a huge improvement from the original. You did real good mate.

So it seems like you managed to fix a lot of bugs recently so I guess I don't need to report any since I was playing version 2.0.

I have some questions though, about the ending. Did Sylvanas commit suicide by jumping off the cliff? If so, after the void scene, how did she end up back to the top? And I was confused what the val'kyr was saying, that she would take Sylvanas's place. In what exactly? I remember in version 1.0, the way to make the pact was to sacrifice one val'kyr so that Sylvanas is their leader (so she ended up with having 8 val'kyrs). Did the same thing happen to this version? I actually did some counting at the finale and in the map, there were 7 val'kyrs including Agatha.

Definitely a 5/5 map though, just some confusion at the ending but maybe that's just my small misunderstanding :p
Level 3
Jan 18, 2013
There is a bug if you cast Phaelynne's ultimate skill on herself, she will be muted forever.
Level 27
Nov 5, 2010
Thanks for explaining how the Phaelynne storyline allows her to be the Jailer of the Damned without others worrying about Varimathras unleashing the Scourge on us and if you do end up deciding to not use Darkclaw could you at least mention him so people can see what his ultimate fate was?

Thanks, yeah, I hope I'll be able to use Darkclaw in the future.

This campaign was worth the hype. Certainly a huge improvement from the original. You did real good mate.

So it seems like you managed to fix a lot of bugs recently so I guess I don't need to report any since I was playing version 2.0.

I have some questions though, about the ending. Did Sylvanas commit suicide by jumping off the cliff? If so, after the void scene, how did she end up back to the top? And I was confused what the val'kyr was saying, that she would take Sylvanas's place. In what exactly? I remember in version 1.0, the way to make the pact was to sacrifice one val'kyr so that Sylvanas is their leader (so she ended up with having 8 val'kyrs). Did the same thing happen to this version? I actually did some counting at the finale and in the map, there were 7 val'kyrs including Agatha.

Definitely a 5/5 map though, just some confusion at the ending but maybe that's just my small misunderstanding :p

Thanks, and yes, Sylvanas committed suicide, and the val'kyr switch her place with Sylvanas so that she would be alive again and the other 8 val'kyr would be bound to her. It's based on this story, might be a bit less confusing there: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/lore/leader-story/sylvanas-windrunner/1

There is a bug if you cast Phaelynne's ultimate skill on herself, she will be muted forever.

Yeah, other people have mentioned that as well, I'll have it fixed soon.
Level 5
Feb 3, 2014
you know Tomo you should REALLY changed the townhall of the Blood Elves instead of it being a Barracks... it looks weird lol all in all very good campaign..... finished it and gonna play again (maybe this time less cheating :p lol)
Level 27
Nov 5, 2010
Have u fix those cinematic errors yet

If you mean the ones where two cinematics ran at the same time, then I think I did.

I haven't played this may yet (maybe tomorrow) but are there/will there be scenes where the Forsaken has forged an alliance to the Blood Elves as well and Sylvanas having some dialogue with Lor'themar Theron?

Lor'themar is a playable character, but there isn't much interaction with Sylvanas.

tomo I've been gone for a bit, I just downloaded it and am at the campaign screen.. a custom campaign screen.. AN AWESOME one. WELL YOU SURE HAVE BEEN BUSY.
Screams excited

Have fun!
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
I stand corrected.

Undercity mission: the minibase directly to the west doesn't revert to your control even after killing all five bosses.

I liked the second half, though terrainwise some areas were slightly too cluttered, and there's a bug with the final battle: there are two portals selectable, one with a portrait and less HP.

At one point the last visible portal stopped taking damage despite the units appearing to pound on it (they might have been hitting the other one, since they overlap I couldn't tell) but that was solved when it fell to splash damage.

Sylvanas' WoW voice... eeyugh. Time has not been kind to her.

The Memories interlude: sometimes the action is in parentheses and sometimes in quotation marks. Personally, I think it'd look better with all parentheses, but that's up to you.
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Level 8
Apr 14, 2011
The thing of Undercity only happened to you , at least for me all the outposts and bases have reverted to my control after killing the generals.



Level 3
Sep 16, 2010
Decided to play this new version to see how everything runs with the bugs fixed and while I did have fun I ended up discovering new errors.

*Ch. 4: Balnazzar didn't appear in the end scene, where he's supposed to be killed.
*Ch. 11: My units caused my farm to be at 34/24 farm wise (picked Thrall and Garrosh as my extra two). If this is not an error, then please explain how the farm system works for the last level. For example do you start off with additional units....
*Ch. 12 - The Epilogue: I had two Raymond Hero Units and the NPCs only reacted to the Raymond assigned to F2.

Additionally I think it would be a cool idea to replace a few Forsaken Units with Blood Elven Units during the Battle of the Undercity. That way when Thrall and Sylvanas are fighting against Varimathras's forces in the UC, we get to see the entire playable Horde from Wrath work together to reclaim a Horde capital.
Level 1
Apr 3, 2014
first mission after destroying the outpost and the cutscene/cinematic just goes blank and i cant proceed further.LOL
Level 1
Apr 3, 2014
Hmm, thanks for reporting more bugs, I'll fix them soon.

lvtmvp, I don't really know what could be causing that. Maybe your WC3 isn't up to date so it bugs at this point? I don't really know.

but my wc3 is up to date :( lol ah well
Level 3
Feb 1, 2014
This makes me hate jaina when she was blaming sylvanas. But it made me cry when Vereesa showed something to jaina then the voice and the words oooooohhhhh that makes arthas and jaina = couple. Anyway, Nice campaign.
Level 1
Apr 3, 2014
lol ok nvm i solved it apparently i aint suppose to skip the cutscene where the trees went away
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Azjol-Nerub mission: the rescuable priest starts moving towards you despite being webbed up.

I would suggest closing off Vereesa's ramp before she gets put there, it's awkward seeing the "Help me" message and undead just sitting around an empty pen. From the same mission, the Alliance and Horde are able to destroy Arthas' base, not sure if it's supposed to happen or not.

Icecrown gate mission: After getting both keys, I sent some skeletons to scout up the last ramp, this was enough to win (without attacking the remaining undead).

Icecrown mission: Shaman's Bloodlust requires Steel Forged Swords.
Kel'Thuzad's last lines are too quiet, especially with the battle music blaring as it does.
Bug with Quel'dalar's spells not showing up, but dropping and picking up fixed it.
Bug in the everyone-falls-down cutscene, several units remained standing. Also, you should give Locust to Phaelynne once her battle's over.
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Level 2
Feb 10, 2013
Then Undeads don't reproduce?... And just love each other for eternity? Then probably the Lich King's army would be destroyed before WotLK, the dead would suicide coz of no babies.

i was thinking about love story for sylvanas and the rebeld death knight only. And as for undead i was thinking maybe of some rebel necromancers or val'kyr or something in that way for the forsaken to fill their ranks.
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Level 2
Feb 10, 2013
Thanks again for reporting all the bugs so far, I'll fix them today or tomorrow if I really don't feel like doing it today.

cezarynight7, a love story about Sylvanas would be completely out of her character.
When she is Banshee queen yes in this you're right, but i think that if she would still be a living high elf it would be possible don't you think.
Level 2
Feb 10, 2013
Yeah, but it will be up to tomo. It could work but Wc3 cannot show feelings very well.

i was thinking that i could make such campaign with romance subplot but on my own, it would be a hard task. But i have few ideas on one or two campaigns from which for example, one is a redemption story and second is the story that is a bit of alternative to what happend in warcraft 3.
Level 2
Feb 10, 2013
Please don't make something like that on wacraft 3 im going to puke my guts out
It won't be entire campaign about love story. love would be a small part of the story that's all, and it's only for one campaign, other campaigns can have totally diffrent story that don't have romance in it.
And i'm not doing this campaings because i can't do much on my own, and those plots for campaigns are just ideas that's all.
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