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Contestants are to create a piece of artwork depicting a gigantic being or creature. It can be inspired from ancient mythology as long as it brings something interesting to look at and it's obviously immense in size.

- First Place: 50 reputation points and your entry on the award icon
- Second Place: 35 reputation points and an award icon
- Third Place: 20 reputation points and an award icon

- Each judge will receive 5 reputation points.

Theme: 10/10. Kaijus are colossal and fit the theme of giants quite well.
Execution: 10/25 The design of this Kaiju is clear, however there is nothing particularly spectacular about the rendering of it. Even the rendering is done with no clear light source, shadows are minimal creating the impression that the creature is quite flat.
Concept: 20/40 The concept of a Kaiju-esque monster is not a new idea.
Realism: 10/25 The structure and construction is fairly beginner level. In particular, the chest, shoulders, elbows, and hands arent clearly defined and look more like cylinders rather than hands.
0/100 dont plagiarize
Theme: 10/10 Character seems quite large compared to everything else around it.
Execution: 12/25 You make some basic attempts to shade using color, however there is no clear light source, and most objects are shaded like perfect cylinders.
Concept: 25/40 Fairly interesting concept, however a lot of elements dont seem to make sense. Why is he wearing elephant heads as shoes? What is that on his back? Why is he dragging a shipwreck?
Realism: 5/25 There is some scale issues. Assuming those elephant heads are significantly bigger than they should be in comparison to the human (unless theyre some sort of giant fantasy elephant of course). The perspective is all over the place, and the construction and structure is elementary. In addition while the top of platform looks to be some sort of construction site, I have no idea what the stone structure on his back is.
Theme: 10/10 Character is larger than the people around it.
Execution: 15/25 You should really try to render more effectively. The shading is not very clear in building up form as there is only one tone. Try to get away from the chicken scratch style. Be very deliberate with your brush strokes and dont make dozens of needless strokes as they simply create unnecessary noise. Darken up the truly dark spots on the character (the holes in the tentacles, the deepest part of the mouth), or pick different colors.
Concept: 20/40 Fairly average monster that you would expect to meet in a desert fantasy setting
Realism: 5/25 I wouldnt describe this as a plausible fantasy creature. It clearly is a burrowing type creature thanks to its worm body, lack of eyes, and the classic circular mouth with many rows of teeth. However why does it have tentacles and spikes on this back. This would harm the creatures efforts in trying to tunnel/burrow through the ground.
Theme: 10/10 Character is significantly larger than the dwarfs around it.
Execution: 20/25 good job on creating a sense of form with your shading and use of highlights. I would criticize you on some inconsistencies in the light source. It appears the light source is the viewer, yet some areas particularly the forehead/top of the neck area should have some highlights to indicate that (like the rest of the body). Good job on the breasts section with all the intricate veins/muscles.
Concept: 35/40 pretty cool concept. The humanoid face give the impression this is some sort of abomination or perhaps a god of some sorts.
Realism: 20/25 looks real enough thanks to your construction and form. As an aquatic monster though, it would recommend some webbed feet to further cross the idea that it lives in the water.
Theme: 10/10 Character dwarfs the small sub in the scene.
Execution: 8/25 Your rendering is fairly basic and suffers from chicken scratch. In addition there is no clear light source.
Concept: 10/40 sea-serpents are an overused fantasy monster
Realism: 20/25 construction is actually not that bad. A bit flat if anything, but for the most part there are no big glaring errors.
Theme: 10/10 character dwarfs everything around it
Execution: 15/25 Slime/mud creature need highlights, and quite frankly your monster only has mid tones and shadows, with very very weak highlights. Like most of the other submissions, there is a lack of clear light source. Otherwise though, its a decent execution in attempting to create a slime monster.
Concept: 20/40 There isnt anything special about this.
Realism: 20/25 It LOOKS like slime/mud. There really isnt much else to say about it. As i mentioned before, i would really add some stronger highlights and darker shadows to help create more form.
Theme: 10/10 Character is bigger than a city.
Execution: 5/25 Just chicken scratch lineart. No use of shading or rendering to create form.
Concept: 25/40 Giant creatures with cities on their back is not a new concept. However some it seems like your giant is bound, has the city somehow captured something so large? Whats the purpose of those spikes on its ankles? The ankle bit seems a bit forced and doesnt make any particular sense. In addition the giant itself is very….plain. There isnt anything particularly special about it.
Realism: 5/25 Construction and perspective is very elementary.
Marcos DAB
Theme: 10/10 while smaller than most of the other submissions, i guess this would still be classified as a giant.
Execution: 23/25 good use of rendering to create form. i like that you used different colored lighting instead of the typical white lighting other submissions had. i would say however that the skin almost looks too soft and pudgy, particularly in the leg closest to the viewer. In addition the fire in the eyes doesnt really look like fire imo.
Concept: 25/40 not a bad concept, just a little basic. hellbulldog/rhino the strength of the design comes from the rendering imo.
Realism: 23/25 looks good the only thing would criticize about the structure is the fact that the tail seems extremely long with the way its in the foreground and in the background at the same time.
Theme: 10/10 looks like a giant.
Execution: 22/25 good use of rendering to create form in the muscles, and the sword.
Concept: 25/40 There really isnt anything particularly interesting about this piece. It looks to be a norse/viking god/giant with large horned helmet….and thats it.
Realism: 20/25 As I sad before, good work on the arm. However there is some issue with the framing of the piece, is he just floating in the clouds? I like how you made the head significantly smaller instead of simply creating a human and scaling it up.
Theme: 10/10 Looks like a giant
Execution: 25/25 good use of a wide variety of tones to render and create form. Good use of lighting to draw focus to the head. I havent seen this in any other piece but you also use depth of field as well.
Concept: 35/40 Pretty interesting giant. Makes the viewer question the origins of it, clearly it isnt a savage beast, but came from some sort of civilization. Etc.
Realism: 25/25 pretty good looking picture. Not much to say really.
Theme: 0/10 Quiet frankly i cant tell if this is a giant or a regular human. There is nothing to indicate a sense of scale.
Execution: 18/25. I like the harsh lighting you use and dark shadows around the face to create form. However, the painting as a whole feels like you used too much burn and dodge tool.
Concept: 15/40 Some sort of werewolf…?
Realism: 15/25 The perspective and posing of the character is very flat and unappealing. The muscles in the arm are incorrect.
Theme: 10/10 Its big
Execution: 15/25 You chose a really bad composition to show off your giant. The sun is directly behind it, meaning pretty much all of the giant we can see is blocked out in shadow. The grass looks over rendered, and the shadows on the ground are not very well defined. I do like that you use rim light however.
Concept: 25/40 There isnt anything particularly interesting about this design. Its a big spiky stone giant
Realism: 12/25. The head is actually incredibly big for its body. The arms look very thin.
Theme: 0/10. I cant tell how big this is, there is nothing to really indicate scale.
Execution: 20/25 good use of a wide variety of tons to render your image. HOWEVER, the blue flame reflections should be significantly stronger. In addition I would recommend you have a light source that isnt coming from the viewer.
Concept: 30/40 The concept is kinda interesting, however the human arm seems really really just tacked on and doesnt fit at all.
Realism: 10/25 Your construction and perspective is fairly elementary. The middle section of the serpent makes it seem like its a profile view of the giant, but then the front and head are poorly done ¾ views, and the tail is all over the place.
Theme: 10/10 its big
Execution: 20/25 honestly pretty good linework . The chicken scratch is pretty minimal compared to some of hte other line-art submissions. I like how you took the effort to try and render each individual form (i.e. the knuckles).
Concept: 25/40 The concept itself is not a new one, in fact its very stereotypical for a giant. Looks like quite uncivilized. The only things going for it is that its much more lithe than your typical giant and has 4 arms.
Realism: 10/25. Your giants pose is very awkward, and makes it much more flat and elementary than it should be. In addition, your monster seems to have no less than 4 biceps in one of its arms, which doesnt really make much sense.
Theme: 10/10 seems pretty big
Execution: 15/25. Not bad linework. You avoid a lot of chicken scratch, while adding in details and creating form with some rendering. However I would really suggest a different composition. From the thumbnail its very difficult to tell whats going on, and that is a really big warning flag for concept art.
Concept: 20/40 Big undead frankenstein giant? Eh...ok...the design doesnt seem to mesh together really. Its more of just a hodgepodge of random pieces put together. Look at the abomination from wc3, even though its similar and is a frankenstein kind of beast, all its sewn on parts come together and fit with each other and contribute to the design as a whole.
Realism: 15/25 you do a good job of creating detail in the skulls, however the concept as a whole is really marred by the fact you went with this aciton scene where the subject is completely upside down and there is this large black VFX in the middle.
Theme: 10/10 its big
Execution: 22/25 Pretty good use of depth of field, highlights, and shadows to create form.
Concept: 25/40 There really isnt anything particularly interesting about your backstory or the monster itself. None of the elements really mesh together, its just a a whole bunch of random things mashed together. The only thing that raises any interest is the groin-head.
Realism: 15/25 your construction has very clear flaws. Especially in the mid section area with the arms sticking out of his stomach. The lack of jaw is also a little concerning, as it would mean that the whole top of his head would flop back when his mouth opens.
Theme: 10/10 its big
Exeuction: 8/25 The silhouette of the giant is actually very uninteresting. The cloud dont really look like clouds at all, and the limited shading you did doesnt add anything to the picture. Not much real detail.
Concept: 25/40 A giant turtle with a city on its back isnt a particularly new concept, and niether is a giant troll type creature either. However i must say it is my first time seeing the two together.
Realism: 5/25 Construction and perspective is very poor. The anatomy and pose of the giant is very stiff and unnatural.
xYours Trulyx
Theme: 5/10 There actually isnt anything here to indicate scale. However your proportions (small head big body) seem to indicate that it is bigger than a human.
Execution: 3/25 your character is very flat, the linework is mostly just chicken scratch and suffers greatly. There isnt an identifiable light source, and the limited rendering youve done doesnt do much to add to the picture.
Concept: 15/40 poor concept.
Realism: 3/25 Construction and perspective is very poor. The character looks very flat, with no sense of form. Chains do not look like that when they wrap around a cylinder.
Theme 6/10
Lovely thematic choice for your entry. The fact that it takes a more reptilian look mingled with some otherwordly features, makes it seem truly on point.
However, it seems a bit stray from the theme since it has some uncannyfeeling to it.
It mainly concerns the head shape.
Execution 11/25
Well done with this. It certainly has the feelingand look of a monstrous giant but it does suffer from some disproportionate features.
The limbs do seem 'bit detached from the rest. As if it makes the viewer think twice before concluding that it has a fluent executional work to it
Concept 28/40
It is quite appreciated that you took the reptilian look. It is however screaming to the viewer something among the lines that he's seen this type before.
The wings are interesting. I like them.
Realism 17/25
It borders on the edge...quite much I'd say. Once again the head and limbs seem disparate and overwhelmingly poor.
Proportions are definitely off around.
Total: 62/100
Theme 0/10
This is underwhelming just like the show it was referenced from.
Poor thematic and quite unclear. The rough edges don't help either.
Execution 2/25
You've had a good start but someway along the middle path you took a wrong turn and run it down. It is unclear, rough(not in a good way sadly).
It looks as if it could use more work and better thought put into it.
Concept 2/40
Heavely referenced from the Ice Giant titan from the Hercules cartoon show.
Referencing is not bad at all, in fact is is greatly encouraged. BUT, as we all know, copying the concept entirely without adding some uniquness to it does not help an artist.
Scoring low and bringing this to a halt. Next time, please do try to come up with something unique if you're taking references from around.
Realism 0/25
This is almost non-existent. It looks like it is ready to lean on its sides and break into pieces.
You need some kind of resistance points to it in order to bring some believeable looks here.
Total: 4/100
Theme 8/10
This theme of nomadic mixed with pirate-like elements does help the overall piece quite much.
I do think that some elements could have been disregarded. For example the goblins. It is a personal choice however.
Quite likeable.
Execution 20/25
Albeit the execution is a bit iffy at best it does have a rather nice cartoon look to it.
Lovely choice of colors and shades of tones for the mid-ground. Too bad that the creature's 'weapon' doesn't look that intimidating.
Concept 32/40
Great look it has. Though you could have further integrated those 'boots' to better suit the giant's overall feel.
The choice of 'clothing' does bring a fresh and deprecated feel to it. I am not sure how this happened but I'm glad that you did decided to go for it.
Realism 19/25
Heavely detailed and very much alive. Though, the posture seem to indicate something else.
Total: 79/100
Theme 5/10
Somehow this particular theme approach reminds me in a remote way of Dune. 'bit too sketchy but 'least it does have a warm feeling(albeit in small quantities).
Execution 7/25
A weak execution with small hints of proportions that seem off in many ways. The 'mouth' is one of those.
It almost seems abstract. It could be the body 'limbs' that you tried attaching here and there.
Concept 10/40
We're quite low on conceptual work here. It needs more substance.
Realism 10/25
I give it to you, it makes small sense to have those archers around the creature and the lack of further details attached to it makes it seems unrealistic at best.
However, the teeth and spikes do seem to bring some bits of realism to it.
Total: 32/100
Theme 10/10
Right on point. It has the feel of a giant being indeed.
The movement and anatomy just proves that fact.
Execution 24/25
Well done. I love the highlights and overall shades you've worked on.
I do however feel that some areas like the tail and head confuse the viewer a bit concerning the light source. As in where it comes from.
Attention to anatomy details and shapes is truly admirable.
Concept 37/40
It's lovely. Quite the sight in terms of shape, look, anatomy and overall feel.
The eye candy factor is done good.
Realism 22/25
Something feels odd about it. I think that the lower body shapes are contrasting a bit with the rest of the body,
Total: 93/100
Theme 7/10
Clearly on theme but some aspects seem to say otherwise.
Execution 11/25
It is rather dull on this aspect. You would need more texture and a better approach at shading stuff around.
I do appreciate the details of the head's anatomy however.
The lack of believable highlights drag this one down quite much.
Concept 10/40
This aspect suffer from something that we've seen before. That being serpentine creatures.
Realism 8/25
There's not much to add here. It lacks some sense of differentiation between the focus of your work and surroundings.
In need of work.
Total: 36/100
Theme 10/10
Good way at appealing to surroundings for managing the giant factor.
Execution 12/25
It isn't the best or the worst. It would need extra texturing work and a better displaying of shadows all over it.
The smudgy feel makes it seem 'bit too inconsistent. I would've added extra small details to make it seem like a good flow of goo.
Nice way of making it look goo-iy and really swamp like.
Concept 31/40
Good one generally. I appreciate a break in concepts once every now and then.
Swamp it is and swamp feel it gives. Factor points well here.
Realism 11/25
The anatomical structure is its downside here. Then again this is fantasy and it makes it hard to discern it in a realistic matter.
Total: 64/100
Theme 10/10
This is humongous. 'love the various elements that bring life to it.
Execution 15/25
It is a bit too sketch-y. Not bad in factors of life, textures and details. Maybe a bit poor on smaller issues like straps, musculature.
What drags it down is the look that makes it unfinished. Not bad but still not enough either.
Concept 25/40
Interesting and fresh with looks that brings it to motion.
Realism 18/25
There are some proportion issues like the city's dimensions and feet size.
Though, having a city on your back does hinder the movement quite much sadly.
I do find it passable nonetheless.
Total: 68/100
Marcos DAB
Theme 9/10
It is a bit unclear but it does the job done.
Execution 22/25
Good style and a clean one with definitive features that make the anatomy truly in depth.
Texture is clear, colors warm and atmosphere is genuine. Some problems seem to arise with the smoke and fire particles.
A bit too solid on those I might add.
Concept 37/40
This one is a bit generic unfortunately. I do like the bestial nature of it that gives a respite from normal giants.
Lovely character design.
Realism 23/25
No noticeable sight of bad bits here. It has a realistic factor but elements of it like the tail's position and proportion makes one wonder of the creature's actual size.
The back seems rather separated somehow. I think that the spine is to blame there.
Good approach overall.
Total: 91/100
Theme 10/10
It does well. Lovely addition with that blade.
Execution 16/25
I find it disappointing and going hayroads at times. Not really good for you.
Horns and and colors bring it further down due to shape and texture.
The giant's texture is in need of more work and better shading in all places.
You seem to have gone lazy in the meantime.
Concept 14/40
A bit mundane and not so impressive in conceptual design. Need to do better morbent.
Realism 21/25
This drops the blade low and swings it back up. Good work at integrating elements of real life elements.
The anatomy could use better depth and proportion plus a pose that does justice for it.
Total: 61/100
Theme 10/10
While not the bigger and meaner of giants this is still well worked upon.
Indeed this is right on spot mate.
Execution 25/25
Taken at a professional level that takes the cake and makes the texture, colors, feeling and overall look to high levels.
You've done well, almost too well I'd say. However, the blades and 'lower' clothes could've use more work in places.
Higher hardness and more motion for those.
Concept 39/40
Amazing design you have going on here. It might be a shame that the historical factor for the clothing brings it slightly down.
Lovely inspiration and concept going on. Good job.
Realism 23/25
Anatomy seems about right, proportions are a bit off, mainly for the arms, legs position and blades perspective.
All in all, good work at portraying it in a realistic fashion there.
Total: 97/100
Theme 4/10
The only element that indicate that it is in fact gigantic is the distant horizon.
It is insufficient to make it look big.
Execution 18/25
Not bad at all. It still needs more texturing and material work. Colors are really weak and not play well with your character.
Concept 20/40
Titans or Gods don't get along well with bestial wolves and werewolves.
It needs more work on the aspect of concept, design choice of pose and gigantic feeling.
Realism 10/25
Here the pose, musculature position, perspective and look drop the bar quite a lot.
I do like the results even if not the best one around.
Total: 52/100
Theme 8/10
The nature of it goes right into your hands. Giant is what I see even if not the best.
Execution 20/25
Rushing is the word I think of. It does need more substance and depth. What you compensate with lighting you loose with shades and stronger shadows.
The giant lacks emphasis and better texture details on its body. Details do seem enough in places.
Still quite fine art here.
Concept 20/40
It would be really great if it weren't for the Titan concept. The ones that are mean, look big and wreak havoc around.
Luckily, nature saves your work and adds some respite to the character.
Realism 8/25
Once again, positioning and pose play a big role here. Not for the better I'm afraid.
The limbs look dis-proportioned, even more than they should be. Head is off perspective.
The body shape is alright as it looks now, just the body elements bring it down.
Total: 56/100
Theme 3/10
You've gotten lazy, much after awhile.
Sadly it doesn't strikes me as gigantic in nature. You need to work more on that.
Execution 11/25
This is underwhelming. Colors, structure, attention to details and effects all look washed and give the impression of a mushed up color palette.
It lacks a proper depth, perspective and hard edges.
The colors could've been more diverse and better managed but it is fine for the overall feel.
Concept 15/40
Serpents don't help your piece all in all. It makes me think of Dragon Age for the single fact of that head.
Good think that you've added some draconic aspect to it.
Realism 7/25
Limbs are missing apparently. Poor creature, it must be a daily struggle to cope with a missing right limb.
The creature is oddly positioned and twisted in an unrealistic fashion. Look at the tail, 'arms' and head motion for examples.
Total: 36/100
Theme 10/10
Inviting in a berserker way.
Execution 19/25
Quite weak on texture work, pencil pressure seems to be too light and line work could've used better pronunciation.
I like the details and feel that you've given him.
Concept 30/40
Albeit this reeks of a mummy, it works as intended. The desert feel that goes here makes it cope for the lack if better texturing work.
Realism 17/25
It plays fine for now. Arms posture and position is slightly weak and gives off the feeling of a creature that could destabilize at higher shock.
Body proportions are well thought of overall.
Total: 76/100
Theme 10/10
It is mean, bad and giant. Seems right on theme and various surrounding elements further emphasize that.
Execution 23/25
I love the comic strip look quite much. The textured parts are okay, well looked after.
However, the characters lack further strokes of shades and complimenting highlights.
The details are overwhelming and I like that fact. Might be too sketchy at places though.
Concept 30/40
Well thought of in general.
'love the undead vs. living strife that this outputs to the viewer.
Realism 20/25
However good this looks in terms of anatomy and motion, it does makes one wonder why the legs unfold in an uncharacteristic and painful fashion.
The head's position is slightly off and the armor is not following the typical swinged down posture that one expects from a turned upside-down one.
Good work though. You've created it in a fairly believable manner.
Total: 83/100
Theme 9/10
Gigantic. Nothing more to add here.
Execution 23/25
I feel as if you've taken a wrong turn at depth with the body. It is in low quantities and makes it look a bit flat.
Details are finely done and add the much needed eye candy one would expect from a creature like that. The skull is a bit weird though, it makes the textures wrap oddly around it, same for the groin heads.
I'm loving the rim lights and the overall highlights used for it. Good solid, well emphasized body tissue work.
Concept 33/40
Interesting design you chose to tackle your entry. I like the bat and lizard-like features you've gone for in managing your giant.
Greatly done with the idea.
Realism 15/25
It is scoring lower on this aspect than on others dues to the pose you've gone for and some inconsistent body proportions coped with small incorrect perspective issues.
It concerns the 'arms movement in a weird position that makes it simply impossible to be like that.
The torso is also one size too small I fear which further makes the head positioned lower than it should be.
I could live with the groin area but the movement that would require would make the creature have some serious problems.
It is, besides those factors mentioned doing alright.
Total: 80/100
Theme 10/10
The being dwarfs everything around it. Well done here.
Execution 6/25
The execution falls short on texture, shades and depth plus a lack of recognizable point of view.
That should've been the giant since now all looks as if IT is the point of view and not the being you were aiming for.
Concept 20/40
Although you've done a fairly generic giant, I'd say that the touch with that turtle ride did bring some diversity around.
Realism 2/25
Position, posture and anatomical problems cost you a lot at a realistic look.
Most of the giant's body seems as separate parts due to perspective and wrong size in shapes.
Total: 38/100
xYours Trulyx
Theme 0/10
Horrid, the best I can say right now. It lacks some kind of anchoring element to make it big.
Execution 2/25
Not much to deal with. Plenty to improve with texture work and complimentary shades.
Elements lack cohesion and display chaos.
Concept 3/40
It has been done before and it was done for undead mages. It lacks a proper idea sadly.
Realism 1/25
Wrong perspective, odd proportions, twisted posture and lack of definite decent look.
More work and learning is needed here.
Total: 6/100
Scoring formula: J1+J2/2*0.75 + P/Ptot*25
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