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Complete Chaos Orcs for ladder Race

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Hi guys. My project CCFE has a Chaos Orc ladder race as some of you may know. However this race is unbalanced and has problems. Also their abilities suck. So I decided to remake the race and I came up with this ideas. However I am not sure if this new ideas are good. I fear that I am making the race too powerful and too unbalanced, and I also lack ideas and names for some key units. So I am here (again) asking for the opinion of the community.

Please give suggestions and ideas, I give rep++ to people who help.

You are not forced to read the whole, thing, just jump to the last part where I say the stuff I need, then use "ctrl + f" on this webpage to search the ability in the document.

Based on:
Design Guide for a Fifth Race - Wc3campaigns


- Model: Orc Great Hall
- Icon: Orc Great Hall
- Funtion: Can gather resources and evlve to 3 tiers.
- Units:
- Fel Orc Peon
- Researches:
- Chaotic Rage
- BackPack
- Abilities: Spiked Barricades
- Tier 1

Fel Orc burrow
- Model: Orc burrow
- Icon: Orc burrow
- Funtion: Increases food. Can load peons to defend itself.
- Abilities: Spiked Barricades
- Tier 1

Fel Orc tower
- Model: Orc tower
- Icon: Orc tower
- Funtion: Basic defensive unit that attacks enemies
- Abilities: Spiked Barricades
- Tier 1

Corrupted fountain
- Model: Blood fountain
- Icon: Blood fountain
- Funtion: Sells items for the race. It is also a requirement for some units.
- Abilities: Spiked Barricades
- Tier 1

Fel Lumber Mill
- Model: Orc Lumber Mill
- Icon: Orc Lumber Mill
- Funtion: Serves as a drop point for lumber. Also has upgrades for the Fel Orcs.
- Researches:
- Spiked Barrciades
- Melee attack
- Melee armor
- Ranged attack
- Ranged armor
- Abilities: Spiked Barricades
- Tier 1

Chaos Barracks
- Model: Orc barracks
- Icon: Orc barracks
- Function: Trains basic warrior for the Chaos Orc race
- Units:
- Fel Orc Grunt
- Fel Berseker
- Chaos cart
- Researches:
- Inner Flame
- Inner Burn
- Driver License
- Abilities: Spiked Barricades
- Tier 1

- Model: Demon Portal (needs birth animation)
- Icon: Demon Portal
- Function: Trains and revives heroes
- Units:
- Summoner
- Chaos Warchief
- Chaos Blade Master
- Chaos Leader
- Researches: none
- Abilities: Spiked Barricades
- Tier 1

Possession Lodge
- Model: Orc Spirit Lodge
- Icon: Orc Spirit Lodge
- Function: Trains casters and also has upgrdas for them
- Units:
- Chaos Warmage
- Fel Seeker
- Researches:
- Chaos Warmage Adept training
- Chaos Warmage Master traning
- Fel Seekerk Adept training
- Fel Seeker Master training
- Skeletal Unholy strenght
- Ward Longevity
- Abilities: Spiked Barricades
- Tier 2

Chaos Bestiary
- Model: Orc Bestiary
- Icon: Orc Bestiary
- Function: Trains medium units with abilities for fast attacks and support. Also trains the shop unit.
- Units:
- Fel Orc Rider
- Fel Chaos Kodo beast
- Fel Dragon Rider
- Researches:
- Devil's Speed
- Battle Transe
- Throw spear
- Abilities: Spiked Barricades
- Tier 2

Chaos Dragon Roost
- Model: Red dragon roost (need birth, train, and death animations)
- Icon: Draon Roost
- Function: Trains the ultimate unit for the Chaos Orcs. Also has upgrade for it.
- Units:
- Red Dragon
- Researches:
- Dragon Ability 1: (need idea)
- Abilities: Spiked Barricades
- Tier 3

Corruption Core
- Model: Power Generator (lack birth, train and death animations)
- Icon: Power Generator
- Function: Trains a corrupted spirit wyvern and is a requirement for Dragon Roost. Also has abilities for the unit it trains.
- Units:
- Corrupted Wyvern Spirit
- Researches:
- Spirit stick (need cool name for ability)
- Abilities: Spiked Barricades
- Tier 3

Fel Peon
- Description: Can harvest gold and lumber and it can also build structures. Can learn Greave ability and get inside burrows.
- Model: Fel Peon
- Icon: Fel Peon
- Abilities: Chaos Rage

Fel Grunt
- Description: Strong melee unit made to counter the Orc grunt but to be weaker in long term. Can learn Chaos Fire and Greave.
- Model: Fel Grunt
- Icon: Fel Grunt
- Abilities:
- Inner Flame
- Chaos Rage

Fel Berseker
- Description: Chaos Orc ranged unit. It is strong and has a great attack. Can learn Inner burn and Drive Cart.
- Model: Units\Demon\ChaosOrcRange\ChaosOrcRange.mdl
- Icon: Replaceabletextures\Commandbuttons\BTNDiabloCar.blp
- Abilities:
- Inner Burn
- Ride Cart

Chaos Cart
- Description: A siege unit for Chaos Orcs, just like the catapult.
- Model: Countraption machine
- Icon: Countraption machine
- Abilities: Get in (allows mix Fel Berseker with this unit)

Chaos Combination
- Description: A mix of the Chaos Berseker with the siege unit. This new unit is very good against buildings and air units, but weaker in melee combat.
- Model: Units\Other\DiabloCar\DiabloCar.mdl
- Icon: Countraption machine
- Abilities: Get Out (allows to separate the units again)

Fel Rider
- Description: Counterpart of the Orc rider, fast and deadly, specially good to harras. Can learn Devil's speed.
- Model: Fel Rider
- Icon: Fel Rider
- Abilities:
- Devil's Speed
- Chaos Rage

Fel Kodo Beast
- Description: Counterpart of the Orc Kodo Beast. Weak as a ranged unit, but excelent in support. Has devour and can learn Battle Transe.
- Model: Fel Kodo Beast
- Icon: Fel Kodo Beast
- Abilities:
- Battle Transe
- Devour

Fel Dragon Rider
- Description: A flying unit expert at making ranged assaults against other air units. It is also a good anti-caster. Can attack both ground and air units. Has Mindful Spear ability and can learn Throw spear.
- Model: Fel Orc Lancer - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site
- Icon: BTNFelOrcEnforcer - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site
- Abilities:
- Mindful Spear
- Throw Spear

Chaos Warmage
- Description: Ward casting unit made to be a dark counter of the Orc witch doctor. Can first cast "Draining Ward" which drains hp from enemy units near the ward. Can Learn "Soul Ward" and "Dark Stick".
- Model: Orc Warlock
- Icon: Orc Warlock
- Abilities:
- Drain Ward
- Soul Ward
- Dark Stick (need cool name)

Fel Seeker (need better name)k
- Description: Spellcasting unit made to be an alternative to the xaman. Can first cast "Firebolt" which damage and stuns enemy units for a short duration of time. Can learn "Burn" and "OnFire".
- Model: Fel warlock
- Icon: Fel Warlock
- Abilities:
- FireBolt
- Burn
- OnFire

Corrupted Wyvern Spirit
- Description: It is supposed to be as usefull as the undead ghost unit but it should be a born scouter and a master at confusing and escaping from the enemy.
- Model: Spirit Wyvern
- Icon: Spirit Wyvern
- Abilities:
- Invisibility
- True Sight
- Stick ability (need cool name xD)

Red Dragon
- Description: Might Air unit that has devour and is magic immune. Can also learn Drafon ability 1. (do you think that a flying unit with 3 abilities is too unbalanced? I think it is =S )
- Model: Red dragon level 10
- Icon: Red dragon
- Abilities:
- Devour
- Ability 1

Upgrades and abilities

- Icon: backpack
- Description: Allows some Fel orc units to carry items
- Tier: 1

Chaotic Rage
- Icon: BTNBloodlust - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site
- Description: Everytime a Fel Grunt, Fel Rider or a Fel peon attack an enemy unit, it has 15% to cause chaos damage to the unit.
- Tier: 2

Spiked Barricades
- Icon: Spiked barricades
- Description: Eveytime a melee unit attacks a building, it takes damage.
- Tier: 1

Inner Flame
- Icon: turn on immolation
- Description: Allows Fel Grunts to make a powerfull roar that will increase their armor depending on the number of allied Undead or Chaos units nearby. Maximumm armor bonus is 5.
- Tier: 2

Inner Burn
- Icon: turn immolation off
- Description: Allows Fel Bersekers to make a powerfull roar that will increase their attack depending on the number of allied Undead or Chaos units nearby. Maximumm attack bonus is 7.
- Tier: 2

Driver's License
- Icon: Load unit
- Description: Allows Fel Berserker to ride a Chaos Cart, thus forming a new unit with a siege attack against buildings and stronger against air. It is however weaker in combat.
- Tier: 2

Chaos Warmage Adept training
- Icon: Tome Book 1
- Description: Allows Chaos Warmage to cast Soul Ward. Soul Ward summons a skeleton from a corpse eveytime a unit dies near it. Also and increases their attack, mana and mana regeneration.
- Tier: 2

Chaos Warmage Master traning
- Icon: Tome Book 2
- Description: Allows Chaos Warmage to cast Dark Stick. Dark Stick decreases enemy units max hp by 2% and slows their movement speed by 20% as well.Also and increases their attack, mana and mana regeneration.
- Tier: 3

Fel Seekerk Adept training
- Icon: Roar item 1
- Description: Allows Fel Seeker to cast Burn. Burn burns all enemies in the target AOE for 3 hp/sec and decreases their armor by -2. If a unit that is being burned dies, it will explode and the effect of Burn will go to all enemy units near it. It also dispells magical buffs.
- Tier: 2

Fel Seeker Master training
- Icon: Roar item 2
- Description: Allwos Fel Seeker to cast OnFire. OnFire gives allies units +3 damage, increases hp regeneration, a fireshield that damages enemy units by 7 hp/sec and a fire AOE attack as well.
- Tier: 3

Skeletal Unholy strenght
- Icon: Champion Orc skeleton
- Description: Upgrades the skeletons summoned by Soul Ward, making them stronger. Their life time does not change.
- Tier: 2

Ward Longevity
- Icon: (need one)
- Description: Increases the life time of wards from the Chaos Warmage
- Tier: 3

Devil's Speed
- Icon: BTNHaste - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site
- Description: Allows Fel Riders to gain 2% extra movement speed per each allied Chaos or Undead unit nearby. The Fel Rider also loses his path size, so he can move through units. When doing this, if he moves through a unit, that unit get slowed by 20% o his speed for 5 seconds. Has a maximum stack of 25%. Lasts 15 seconds.
- Tier: 2

Battle Transe:
- Icon: (need one)
- Description: Allows the Fel Kodo beast to have an aura that increases allied units hp by 2%.
- Tier: 2

Mindful Spear
- Icon: (need passive Icon)
- Description:: When the Rider damages a unit, it poisons the mind of the unit, making it lose 4 mana per second (it is like poison ability but with mana. The chaos orcs like dispelling and anti-caster abilies, so this is a good one). If a caster with Midful spear casts a spell, he also loses adition 5% of his mana. When targeted on Summoned units, it poisons thier sould making them take 33% extra damage from all sources. Lasts 30 seconds.
- Tier: none, comes with the unit

Throw spear
- Icon: ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNImpalingBolt.blp
- Description: Allows the Fel Dragon Rider to throw a big spear that will travel through the air, damaging other enemy air units it finds.
- Tier: 3

Spirit stick (need cool name for ability)
- Icon: (need good icon)
- Description: Allows the corrupted spirit to stick to a unit and allways follow it. It can unstick anytime he wants.
- Tier: 3

I would like to have suggestions for units abilities and buildings.
Now this is what I need to find/know:
- Do you think this race is overpowered ?
- Cool name for Dark Stick ability ... lol
- Special ability for Red Dragon (supposed to be a counter for Frost Wyrm)
- Cool name for the special corrupted wyvern ability
- Cool icon for Stick ability from Wyvern
- Cool icon for Mindful Spear
- Cool icon for Ward longevity
- Do you think Mindful Spear is too strong against casters ?
- Do you think I should replace Spiked Barricades for something more original?

- Completely remade the description, now everything has more detail!
- Remade mindful spear ability
- Found an icon for Chaos Rage
- Made Battle Transe weaker
- Now people can download the file!

I think this is all =D


  • New Chaos.txt
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If you could add a map with the race in, i'm honored to test it and if you play it, you better can see pros and cons. But overall it looks interesting +rep
Thx. Well, I can't add a map with the race yet. However the prototype of this race is in my project CCFE Beta 1.9. This race (completed) will be in version 2.0.
I am looking for some feedback before I enter the changes in the map though...
Level 3
Apr 7, 2009
I definitely think that spell immunity on your ownage unit is a bit much, especially if its going to have a second ability.

Because the fel orc dragon rider dude is riding a black dragon, perhaps your ownage unit should also be a black dragon.

The names "Orc Warlock" and "Fel Warlock" should be more different. Perhaps "Demonologist" or some other name would be better.

More info on the heroes?

The chaos orc units (fel orc rider and fel kodo) use an ability their orc counterparts have, and more. Maybe just remove the orc counterpart abilities and just give them their chaos orc abilities? Or will that leave them with too little abilities?

"Inner Burn" --> "Inner Flame"? Or perhaps, "The Flames Within"?

Looks good so far though. Good luck with this, as well as the Naga! :thumbs_up:
Level 2
Apr 16, 2009
i this is a great idea Remember that the Chaos orcs are demonic So i think some short of demons should be added i would like to see cooler heroes i understand the blade master is a real Fel hero so maybe you could make a Demon hero Also it sounds like you want the Fel-orcs and orcs to be the same play style while this is ok i think it would be cool if you were able to change the play style so it really is like a different race not just a overpowered version of a existing class
I definitely think that spell immunity on your ownage unit is a bit much, especially if its going to have a second ability.
Agreed. Having in mind it also has devour, I agree that the ownage unit is far too powerful and that needs balance. I will remove devour and spell immunity, after all, I want it to be a counter part of the Undead Frost Wyrm (Ice -> Fire).

Because the fel orc dragon rider dude is riding a black dragon, perhaps your ownage unit should also be a black dragon.
Not an option. Each race can only have 1 ownage device unit. I can make this unit the "shop" unit however.

More info on the heroes?
The heroes are secondary on this stage of development. I will post more information about them, but only when the ladder units are complete.

The names "Orc Warlock" and "Fel Warlock" should be more different. Perhaps "Demonologist" or some other name would be better.
Agreed. I will look for some more suggestions.

The chaos orc units (fel orc rider and fel kodo) use an ability their orc counterparts have, and more. Maybe just remove the orc counterpart abilities and just give them their chaos orc abilities? Or will that leave them with too little abilities?
Agreed. Chaos Rider will lose Ensnare ability and Fel Kodo beast will only have 1 aura.
I still need ideas for the dragon rider however...

"Inner Burn" --> "Inner Flame"? Or perhaps, "The Flames Within"?
Another good suggestions as well. I may use Inner Fire for the Grunt =P

Looks good so far though. Good luck with this, as well as the Naga!
Thx !

Another useful post made by you. rep++!


First post updated, please read it for more info !
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
First of all, it is too much of a rip-off from normal orcs - like same models, red skin, smae names + Chaos/Fel prefix & chaos dmg. This aint tasty =)) Make them unique... somehow...

Also, chaos dmg is indeed a bit overpowered and doesnt fit with normal units. Maybe you should give all chaos orcs an ability like

Chaotic Rage - Grants th unit Chaos damage but drains 4% hp per second. Lasts 20 seconds.

Also, i would expect dragon rider be more powerful than just a dragon.

Diablo car is too cartoonish imho.

What does 'Dark Stick' do? cant think of a name if i dont know what it is about =))

Red Dragon:
Magic immunity is OP. Give magic reduction/resistant skin at least. As for ability:

Crimson Flame - direct damage, air units only, scales with target's health in such way:
100 hp - 25 dmg (roughly; insert your number here)
500 hp - 200 dmg
1000 hm - 400 dmg

Thus, the more hp target has, the more damage it takes. Exceptionally good against Frost Wyrm.

Dragon Rider: what is he supposed to be effective against?

Spirit Invocator ---> Corruption Core
Fel Warlock ---> Demoniac
First of all, it is too much of a rip-off from normal orcs - like same models, red skin, smae names + Chaos/Fel prefix & chaos dmg. This aint tasty =)) Make them unique... somehow...
The race is loyal to the lore. In campaign when you play Chaos Orcs you don't have new buildings as well.
Also, what should I call a Fel Grunt ? Chaos Grunt ? It is a grunt from the orcs, there is nothing you can do about that. I don't mind importing more buildings, but they must be decent and small ... I didn't find many good working small models here ...

Chaotic Rage - Grants th unit Chaos damage but drains 4% hp per second. Lasts 20 seconds.
All Orcs already have an innate ability called "Greave" which is a version of Pillage. However seeing the thing right, maybe I could make it more "unique". Greave is in fact too simple.
I don't mind changing the ability, but it must be passive Trillium. In all other races the innate abilities are passive, this can't be an exception.

Also, i would expect dragon rider be more powerful than just a dragon.
How can you expect that if the unit doesn't even have a function ? lol...
Diablo car is too cartoonish imho.
Many testers like it. I agree with them =D
What does 'Dark Stick' do? cant think of a name if i dont know what it is about =))
- Orc Warlock Master traning: Allows warlocks to cast Dark Stick. Dark Stick decreases enemy units max hp by 2% and slows their movement speed by 20% as well.Also and increases their attack, mana and mana regeneration.

Crimson Flame - direct damage, air units only, scales with target's health in such way:
100 hp - 25 dmg (roughly; insert your number here)
500 hp - 200 dmg
1000 hm - 400 dmg
I had in mind something against ground units. The wyrm is specialist against ground tier 3 units and buildings, I was expecting to do something equivalent for the dragon.

Dragon Rider: what is he supposed to be effective against?
The dragon rider is the shop unit. I also don't know against what it should be good too xD
That is why I posted it here, I need your opinion. What would you like the unit to do?
Spirit Invocator ---> Corruption Core
Good name !

As for the casters the new names:
- Fel Seeker (red)
- Chaos Warmage (green)

you made a nice post. rep++
EDIT: I have to spread =S
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
In all other races the innate abilities are passive, this can't be an exception.

Troll Berserker? =))

or maybe this:

Chaotic Rage - gives a 15% chance to deal Chaos damage on attack

I had in mind something against ground units. The wyrm is specialist against ground tier 3 units and buildings, I was expecting to do something equivalent for the dragon.

Ah, thought 'counter' meant 'effective against'

Then maybe

Flame Breath - generally a channeled flamestrike (idea is that the flame comes from dragon's mouth. dunno how to make that. May also increase damage of Chaos orcs that step into the fire (they'll still take damage though)

The dragon rider is the shop unit. I also don't know against what it should be good too xD
That is why I posted it here, I need your opinion. What would you like the unit to do?

Erm, maybe i'm a noob, but what is a shop unit?

As for abilities/purpose - maybe make it a special unit against enemy flyers, like gargoyle or hippogryph, but ranged?

He would be very weak against ground units. but effective against air. (special attack type only against air units + fire breath from my previous post)

Dark Stick (not sure 'bout its type) --->
Fel Focus (if its a ward)
Enfeeblement (if thats a simple spell)
Spark of Corruption (either)
Level 3
Apr 7, 2009
Not an option. Each race can only have 1 ownage device unit. I can make this unit the "shop" unit however.

I'm not saying to add another ownage unit. Since the Fel dragon rider is riding a black dragon, then perhaps the one ownage unit, the red dragon, should also become a black dragon.

Perhaps the corrupted wyvern spirit can have an ability where he possesses a creep for a certain time, then the creep explodes after a timer(maybe with aoe dmg). The wyvern would also be able to end the possession at any time. (Alot like banshees ability)
Or maybe he could just "Stick" to a unit, not possessing it, but gaining its vision until he wants to unstick from the unit.

If the dragon is going to be mainly a ground attack, maybe the fel dragon rider should be anti air. Maybe the fel dragon rider could have an ability that sends a javelin in a straight line, dealing damage to any air units in its path.

I like the orc icon for the fel dragon rider better, but thats just my opinion.

An ability for the dragon could be an aoe fire breath that deals direct dmg to ground units in an aoe then deals dmg over time (ground units and buildings) as the flames linger. Or it could be a channeling ability with similar effects.

The chaos attack is a staple part of the fel orc units. Perhaps just lower their attack damage to balance them better?
Troll Berserker? =))
?? don't get it ...
Chaotic Rage - gives a 15% chance to deal Chaos damage on attack
Great idea. It sounds a lot better than Greave if you ask me =D
I think this will now be their innate ability.

Flame Breath - generally a channeled flamestrike (idea is that the flame comes from dragon's mouth. dunno how to make that. May also increase damage of Chaos orcs that step into the fire (they'll still take damage though)
An ability for the dragon could be an aoe fire breath that deals direct dmg to ground units in an aoe then deals dmg over time (ground units and buildings) as the flames linger. Or it could be a channeling ability with similar effects.
I am looking for something more than a channel ability. When looking to other ownage device units I see that they all have passive abilities. I wonder perhaps, (as a standard) this dragon should also have a passive ability?
Erm, maybe i'm a noob, but what is a shop unit?
A shop unit is a special unit that need the race's shop in order to be trained. (just like a rifleman needs a blacksmith).

As for abilities/purpose - maybe make it a special unit against enemy flyers, like gargoyle or hippogryph, but ranged?
Maybe the fel dragon rider could have an ability that sends a javelin in a straight line, dealing damage to any air units in its path.
This makes sense, this unit shall be mainly an anti-air unit, but that can also attack ground units, although the ground attack will be less effective.
I think this would be a good idea for an ability. What do you guys think?

Dark Stick (not sure 'bout its type) --->
Fel Focus (if its a ward)
Enfeeblement (if thats a simple spell)
Spark of Corruption (either)
Again it is a ward .. seems hard to find names for wards nowadyas =P

I'm not saying to add another ownage unit. Since the Fel dragon rider is riding a black dragon, then perhaps the one ownage unit, the red dragon, should also become a black dragon.
Also occurred me, but having in mind that in the campaign Chaos Orcs have Red Dragon, and that I want to be loyal, I won't change this.

Or maybe he could just "Stick" to a unit, not possessing it, but gaining its vision until he wants to unstick from the unit.
I like this. In fact I am going to do this !!
Ideas for the name?

The chaos attack is a staple part of the fel orc units. Perhaps just lower their attack damage to balance them better?
This already happens in the current state. All unit have Chaos damage but it is lowered. However I still get reports that Chaos is unbalanced like hell. To fix this I must remove the source of the problem -> the Chaos attack.

Ok guys, I now have a lot of ideas.
1st post will be updated soon!
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
NVM 'bout troll berserkers, didnt catch up with what u said at the 1st moments.

As for that dragon... Well, since it Chaos Orcs, it is corrupted by the legion. Maybe smth llike this:
Impstorm - each attack has a 5% chance to summon a number of Imps equal to the 1% of target's health. Only works on ground units & buildings. A footman will spawn 2 or 3 imps, but an abomination, for example, like 10 or 11. Imps are weak but in big numbers they should be a pain =))

As for imp model, i've once used a Doomguard with 50/50/50 tinting, harmless immolation and 0.15 scaling. Also can use dark troll of 0.2 scaling & immolation.
Level 3
Apr 7, 2009
I am looking for something more than a channel ability. When looking to other ownage device units I see that they all have passive abilities. I wonder perhaps, (as a standard) this dragon should also have a passive ability?
Perhaps a passive ability that offers a chance to leave an fiery aoe in the wake of the last attack, similar to flame strike? Something like "Lingering Flames"?

I like this. In fact I am going to do this !!
Ideas for the name?
Impstorm - each attack has a 5% chance to summon a number of Imps equal to the 1% of target's health. Only works on ground units & buildings. A footman will spawn 2 or 3 imps, but an abomination, for example, like 10 or 11. Imps are weak but in big numbers they should be a pain =))

As for imp model, i've once used a Doomguard with 50/50/50 tinting, harmless immolation and 0.15 scaling. Also can use dark troll of 0.2 scaling & immolation.
Nah ... I have something else in mind =D
Perhaps a passive ability that offers a chance to leave an fiery aoe in the wake of the last attack, similar to flame strike? Something like "Lingering Flames"?
If you play the race in the project you will see the dragon already has something like that ... it sucks in my opinion xD
Found another name xD


Guys, I updated the first post with stuff I still need. I also need your opinion on the new abilities the units have.
Also, now you all can download the ".txt" file I am using to make this race.
Hope you all enjoy !
''The Dragon Rider stabs his dragon, giving it a rage increasing attack by 20, but giving a 2% of killing the unit instantly on attack. Lasts 30 seconds''
Good luck making it MUI though
I don't think this would be a good idea for a melee ladder spell lol...

About making it MUI, that would be very easy. I simply give the buff to a unit. Then each time a unit attacks, I check if the unit has the buff, if it has the buff, I calculate a random chance and if that chance is <= 0.02 I kill the unit.

Don't worry about "how to make the spell", leave that to me. I believe I have quite a gallery of MUI spells that prove my coding skills (well, not all of my coding skills, but some of them xD ).

however I think I will replace the "throw spear" ability. I think that a buff, just like M4stah suggested would be more appropriated.
Level 8
Apr 30, 2009
How about giving your dragon Resistant Skin instead of total immunity, and have its ground attack leave a patch of flames like the Orc siege weapon. Maybe get rid of Devour too. Devour is specifically a counter-ability... building Kodos for Orcs was a purely support/counter choice as Kodos added almost nothing to the raw damage of your army. Devour counters the "ultimate" ground units like Knights/Druid of the Claw/Abominations/Taurens. Putting the ability on a race's "ultimate air" unit is like adding it to Frost Wyrms or Chimaerae - units the player would likely make even without Devour.

And every ladder race has a tier 1 counter for wyverns in the cheap, ranged units that do piercing damage (extra damage to wyvern's armor) and have medium armor (greatly reduces wyvern's attack) - Rifleman/Archer/Crypt Fiend/Headhunter. If the enemy is going to risk rushing wyverns, this race's counter shouldn't be to do the same and rush their big air unit. Give them a cheap unit that is excellent against air and mediocre against almost everything else (that's how counter units work). If you make this dragon too strong, it will be the only unit players build and makes your race just as cookie cutter as the current orc strategy is.

If you're really keen on the idea of risking hurting the unit when it attacks, maybe just add a chance that it will do self-damage like the Combustion/Backlash mechanic in Warhammer Online:

  • Dragon
  • Events
    • A unit is attacked
  • Conditions
    • Boolean - (Attacking unit) has buff (Whatever) Equal to True
  • Actions
    • If/Then/Else - If (Random number between 0.00 and 1.00) is Less than 0.25), then cause (Attacking unit) to damage (Attacking unit) for 30 of damage type Normal attack type Normal
How about giving your dragon Resistant Skin instead of total immunity,
A good idea =)
and have its ground attack leave a patch of flames like the Orc siege weapon.
It already does that xD

Devour counters the "ultimate" ground units like Knights/Druid of the Claw/Abominations/Taurens. Putting the ability on a race's "ultimate air" unit is like adding it to Frost Wyrms or Chimaerae - units the player would likely make even without Devour.
So, what do you suggest ?

I was expecting something else for the air dragon ability .. maybe an anti-air, anti-caster unit?
Level 8
Apr 30, 2009
To make it anti-air you could do one of 2 things:

1. if you really want to be ballsy then make it have medium armor, which reduces the attacks of almost every air unt excepy hippogryphs and gargoyles

2. or give it a second attack against air-only targets that maybe places a DoT burning effect on them
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