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Community inputs regarding Tournaments

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As the community's input is crucial in this case, I want to know if you'd like THW to organize tournaments with reputation prizes and possibly badges.

Also, I want to know on which server you'd want the tournaments to be done on (odds are that only NA and EU would get tournaments, though).

Before anyone drops the question, we would do swiss, best out of three.
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
You can use the same account to connect to NA/EU/Asia servers now so you're able to host it world wide now. Host now plz.
Technically speaking, you can't. There is no actual cross region play. (and most likely won't be)
What it actually does when you change region is it creates a brand new HS profile within your b.net account for that region, meaning you won't have any progress or cards or anything else carried over.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Best out of three means everyone plays three games and the one who win 2 times defeats his opponent. This means that you will be given two decks if you loose with both decks you loose the challenge.

Statharas never mentioned one deck or a six card side deck.
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
  • To play in this tournament, you must have access to the European Hearthstone Servers.
  • The tournament's type will be Swiss, everyone keeps playing until the end:
    • Best out of three
    • If you are absent in a game, you are dropped from the tournament
    • If you are dropped from the tournament, you do not receive any rewards
  • You must provide your battletag to the other heroes that participate in the tournament.
  • A side deck can be used that has up to 6 cards different from your main deck
Clarification: A side deck is a second deck you may use that has up to X card differences from your main deck.

Sign ups end on 15/5/2014.
The tournament will start on 17/5/2014 and end 18/5/2014

Yes he did.
And I still don't get how you concluded best out of three means you will be given two decks.
Logic dictates you would have three decks by default, if you were to use a different one in every match.
I've edited the clarification part: You are now allowed to use any number of decks, provided they contain cards from your main deck and side decked cards.
aka: I play against someone who rushes a lot, and I have cards in my side deck like Abomination which clear such threats: I can play a deck that has the Abomination in and another card switched out.

You can essentially have any number of decks, provided they contain cards only from your main deck and side deck.

If you need further explanation, ping me up on chat
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