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Coming of the Horde 23.9

Coming of the Horde 23.9

Designed and built entirely by TheBronzeKnee (USeast)

A protected, multiplayer only map that blends elements of DOTA, Warcraft 3 Ladder, and siege maps (Helm's Deep), Coming of the Horde allows players to rewrite the history of the 1st and 2nd wars in Azeroth and Lordaeron.

Quite unique, addictive and refreshing in the current land of quickly made maps, Coming of the Horde was an idea that took two years to reach 1.0, built totally in secret. The map doesn't load slow or lag ingame, is fairly simple to play and has huge replay value. It takes about an hour to play a full game.


[email protected]

Join the Coming of the Horde Discord Server!

23.9 Changelog

- Fixed the loading screen.
- Fixed an issue that allow unit limits to be ignored.
- Fixed the model of Garona.
- Fixed multiple bugs with Daelin's Anchor.
- Fixed multiple issues with Mara's Unity.
- Fixed multiple bugs with Zuluhed's Hellfire Blast.
- Fixed a bug with Tichondrius' Curse of the Nathrezim preventing item points being given or activating Libation of Blood on kills.
- Fixed a bug with Sylvanas' Hail of Arrows.
- Fixed a bug with Alleria's Arrow Storm.
- Fixed a bug with Maim's Slaughter that limited his cleave to 50%.
- Fixed a bug with Gelbin's Megaton Bomb.
- Fixed a bug with Defend for Stromgarde's Footmen .
- Fixed a bug with Gavinrad's Hammer of Light graphic.
- Fixed a bug with the Wisdom Carver.
- Fixed a bug with Dentag's Hellish Projectile.
- Fixed a bug with Death's Edge
- Fixed a bug with Glacial Shield
- Fixed a bug with the Blades of Agony
- Hellfire Blast now deals less damage, but it's cooldown has been reduced to 70 seconds from 170 seconds.
- Zuluhed's Dragon Mastery is now a passive and can no longer be casted on Dragons.
- Increased the damage of Zuluhed's Searing Egg by to 30/60/90/120 from 25/40/55/70.
- Increased the health of Searing Egg from 4 to 5.
- Antonidas can now target his Water Elementals with Crushing Wave to make stunning enemies easier (does not damage them).
- Unity now gives hit point regeneration instead of magic resistance.
- Increased the slow of Hail of Arrows to 35% from 20%.
- Slaughter no longer gives Maim damage reduction.
- Slaughter now gives Maim 50% lifesteal.
- Decreased the damage done by Maim's Smash to a single target from 4/5/6/7 damage per percent of health to 2/3/4/5.
- Smash now deals 90/150/210/270 AOE damage.
- Retailiate has been replaced by Defiance for Maim.
- Remade Muradin's Avatar, it now gives strength and armor instead of health and damage reduction.
- Muradin's Clobber damage now scales with strength.
- Remade Gul'dan's Finger of Death.
- Decreased the AOE of Gul'dan's Death and Decay.
- Death and Decay no longer deals damage to friendly units.
- Increased the damage of Mannaroth's Trample.
- Increased the damage, stun length and AOE of Mannoroth's Rain of Chaos.
- Mannoroth now drops an Infernal every time he kills a hero.
- Increased the strength given by Danath's Strength of Stromgarde to 15, 30, 45 from 14, 26, 38.
- Danath's Shield Bash now deals AOE damage (stun remains single target).
- Shield Bash damage now scales with strength.
- Increased the percentage bonus given by Thoras' Divine Strength to 6/12/18/24% from 5/10/15/20%.
- Thoras' Heroic Strike damage now scales with strength.
- Increased the movespeed slow of Heroic Strike from 5/10/15/20% to 10/20/30/40%.
- Aegwynn's Necklace is now immune to Death's Edge.
- When active, Llane's Lion Hammer of Azeroth now causes Orc Slayer to do AOE damage.
- Increased the AOE of Magni's Storm Bolt from 125 to 145.
- Teron killing heroes no longer resets cooldowns for items.
- Increased the damage of Derek's Flare from 50/100/150/200 to 55/110/165/220.
- Reduced the cooldown of Flare from 20 seconds to 18 seconds.
- Blackhand's Black Grip now affects units.
- Reduced the cooldown of Black Grip to 20 seconds from 30 seconds.
- Increased the duration of Blackhand's Warpath from 8 seconds to 12 seconds.
- Increased the cooldown of Warpath from 16 to 20 seconds.
- Increased the attack speed bonus of Griselda's Presence of Turok to 30/45/60% from 20/30/40%.
- Increased the ability bonus for Griselda's Urukal's Essence from 10% to 15%.
- Turok's Gift now affects Griselda when she casts it on other heroes - if she casts it on herself, her Bodyguards and Turok's Spirit benefit.
- Increased the bonus life given by Grom's Corrupted Blood from 250/475/700 to 300/600/900.
- Increased the number of Lesser Water Elemental spawned when Antonidas casts Tranquility near a Water Elemental to 3 from 2.
- Increased the life of Lesser Water Elementals from 400 to 500.
- Increased the expiration timer on Lesser Water Elementals from 30 to 50 seconds.
- Increased the stun length and damage when Antonidas hits a Water Elemental with Crushing Wave.
- Reduced the cooldown of Genn's Seal of Protection from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.
- Reduced the cooldown of Genn's Fortitude from 30 seconds to 16 seconds.
- Reduced the movemoment speed reduction of Genn's Slam from 25/35/45/55% to 20/30/40/50%.
- Slam now reduces attackspeed by 20/30/40/50% for 3 seconds.
- Reduced the cooldown of Slam to 14 from 15 seconds.
- Reduced the mana cost of Genn's spells.
- Galen's Fury now gives him bonus strength every time he attacks an enemy
- Increased Galen's base attack speed and strength per level.
- Decreased the cooldown of Blistering Blade from 13 seconds to 8 seconds.
- Decreased the number of attacks for Blistering Blade from 8 to 5.
- Blistering Blade no longer has a cast animation.
- Fury now has a cast animation.
- Increased the damage of Dentarg's Shadow of the Fallen by 20 per level.
- Remade Dentarg's Trophies of the Fallen, it now stuns nearby enemies and deals damage in addition to healing him when activated.
- Increased the armor bonus given by skulls for Dentarg's Bone Sheath
- Increased the healing of Alonsus' Blessed Aura from 1/2/3/4 to 2/3/4/5 hit points as second.
- Increased the range of Blessed Aura from 650 to 700.
- Increased the bonus damage of Genn's Vengeance from 40/70/100 to 40/80/120.
- Increased Lor'themar's agility per level.
- Lor'themar Piercing Glaive now scales with agility.
- Decreased the mana cost of Lor'themar Piercing Glaive.
- Decreased the mana cost of Rend's Undying Strength, Rend, and Inner Rage slightly.
- Increased the intelligence per level of Rend.
- Decreased the cooldown of Kargath's Slash from 13 to 12 seconds.
- Increased the range of Kargath's Frenzy from 450 to 650.
- Increased the healing of Kargath's Death Pact by 5 per level.
- Increased the damage bonus given from the max health of Cho'gall for Decapitate from 4% to 5%.
- Increased the damage of Cho'gall's Runes from 15/25/35/45 to 20/30/40/50 damage per second.
- Increased the number of attacks Turalyon's Righteous Fury from 2/4/6/8 to 3/6/9/12.
- Decreased the number of attacks Turalyon's needs for Holy Strike to activate from 5 to 4.
- Increased the damage of Holy Strike by 5 per level.
- Increased the power of Turalyon's Purification to 100/200/300/400 per level from 90/180/270/360.
- Increased attack damage bonus of Turalyon's Divine Light from 30/50/70 to 30/60/90.
- Increased the damage of Anasterian's Pheonix Strike and Heightened Fireball.
- Increased the stun duration of Heightened Fireball to 1 second from .75 seconds.
- Increased the AOE of Heightened Fireball.
- Increased the damage of Kael's Blaze to 80/110/140/170 + 5% of max mana from 100/120/140/160 + 4% of max mana.
- Increased the manaburn of Rhonin's Mana Bomb from 10/20/30/40 +5% of his max mana to 25/50/75/100 +5% of his max mana.
- Increased the manaburn of Rhonin's Mana Sword from 8/16/24/32 to 10/20/30/40.
- Increased the range for bonus damage for Warpath from 1000 to 1200.
- Increased the health bonus of Ratso's Steam Contraption to 250/500/750/1000.
- Increased the armor bonus of Steam Contraption from 2/4/6/8 to 3/6/9/12.
- Increased the health bonus of Medivh's Avatar of Sargeras from 700/1400/2100 to 900/1700/2500.
- Increased the armor bonus of Sargeras from 3/6/9 to 4/8/12.
- Essence of Aszune now heals 9% health for range heroes instead of 20%.
- Stonepath Chestguard now increases armor by 12% for ranged heros instead of 25%.
- Increased the chance the Blades of Agony do bonus damage from 20% to 25%.
- Death's Edge now gives +200 mana instead of 90% to mana regeneration.
- Lightning Stave now gives +90% mana regeneration instead of +200 mana.
- Bloodmoon Plate now gives evasion.
- Increased the cost of Blood Moon plate to 3400 from 3175.
- Increased the mana regeneration of the Ogreskull Helm to 90% from 80%
- Increased the hit point regeneration of the Ogreskull Helm from 6 to 8.
- Increased the mana regeneration of the Soul Ring to 100% from 80%.
- Increased the mana given by the Soul Ring from 200 to 300.
- Increased the agility given by the Soul Ring from 26 to 30.
- Decreased the cost of Wolf Hunter's Guise from 3400 to 3300.
- Increased the agility given by the Wolf Hunter's Guise to 26 from 25.
- Increased the health given by the Wolf Hunter's Guise to 450 from 375.
- Increased the damage of the Owlsight Rifle by 5.
- Increased the damage bonus of the Wisdom Carver from 16 to 24.
- Decreased the cost of the Wisdom Carver from 3500 to 3300.
- Increased the all stats bonus of the Urn from +6 to +10.
- Increased the duration of the Dueler's Blade armor bonus from 12 to 15 seconds.
- Changed the armor bonus of the Dueler's Blade to 14 armor.
- Increased the damage bonus of the Dueler's Blade from 50 to 60.
- Reduced the cooldown of the Loop of the Shieldwall from 60 to 30.
- Increased the armor bonus of the Loop of the Shieldwall from 4 to 6.
- Increased the number of ships that can be be built by Alliance players after their main base falls.
- Decreased the number of towers that can be built by the Horde to 6 per player.
- Turalyon is now better looking.

coming, of, the, horde, strategy, risk, tactics, tactic, castle, defense, lore, warcraft 2, warcraft, dota

Coming of the Horde 23.8 (Map)

Coming of the Horde 23.9 (Map)

12:58, 16th May 2015 StoPCampinGn00b: Despite its average looking terrain, it's balanced and innovative (at the time before others have mimicked this classic) nature helps earn this map four stars. Sure, the geography is a little off and sure...
Level 2
Sep 29, 2009
map isnt that good :/

needs more balance and better control possibilities, at the moment its more like mass unitspam
Level 8
Jan 16, 2008
map isnt that good :/

needs more balance and better control possibilities, at the moment its more like mass unitspam

Cool. A bunch of vague comments that in no way tell me what is wrong and what could be improved.

And if you spam units, your just feeding enemy heros. So you really have no idea what your doing. Game is far more complicated than that (see replays on my forum for more info on said topic if you wish). Anyway, enjoy other games on Battle.net, and try to improve your reviews.
Level 6
Jul 2, 2008
Cool. A bunch of vague comments that in no way tell me what is wrong and what could be improved.

And if you spam units, your just feeding enemy heros. So you really have no idea what your doing. Game is far more complicated than that (see replays on my forum for more info on said topic if you wish). Anyway, enjoy other games on Battle.net, and try to improve your reviews.

The comments aren't vague, you just keep ignoring them.


WAY too much emphasis on perfect team play if your alliance. Its frustrating, and makes me hate the game the second I realize one of their Orcs is stronger than 5 of my guys. Also, the hero I played (Trollbane, the one that has heal) had shitty abilities. Some lame 1-target low damage attack that was supposed to decrease the enemy movement speed but didn't, and some heal ability that I could basically use 1 time with mana that wouldn't even fully heal one of my fodder units (the same units that just get butchered by Orcs anyways).

Town portals teleporting only 5 units (which as I said before, is basically 1 Orc) is pointless, because even if EVERYONE teleports you still get butchered thanks to the crappy terrain clogging all your units. What I'd rather see is a town portal teleporting 15 units, but having a COOLDOWN or having a longer stock refresh. That way its more than just a suicide button that costs mana.

1/5 from me (not 0/5 because the door system actually works)
Level 8
Jan 16, 2008
Thanks for sharing.

Certain the community that plays and enjoys this map disagrees 100%, as I do. Thoras Trollbane is one of the best Alliance heros, and I've been constantly asked to nerf him, so I'm not really sure where you are coming from. But what it is clear is that you haven't played the map enough to fully understand it, as I'm also 100% certain if I was on the Alliance and you were on Horde you'd get tooled so bad you think the Alliance needs nerf. Finally, I'd like to say this map plays differently that every other map on B-net, so it will require learning so new skills to master and understand.

Enjoy other maps.
Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
The comments aren't vague, you just keep ignoring them.


WAY too much emphasis on perfect team play if your alliance. Its frustrating, and makes me hate the game the second I realize one of their Orcs is stronger than 5 of my guys. Also, the hero I played (Trollbane, the one that has heal) had shitty abilities. Some lame 1-target low damage attack that was supposed to decrease the enemy movement speed but didn't, and some heal ability that I could basically use 1 time with mana that wouldn't even fully heal one of my fodder units (the same units that just get butchered by Orcs anyways).

Town portals teleporting only 5 units (which as I said before, is basically 1 Orc) is pointless, because even if EVERYONE teleports you still get butchered thanks to the crappy terrain clogging all your units. What I'd rather see is a town portal teleporting 15 units, but having a COOLDOWN or having a longer stock refresh. That way its more than just a suicide button that costs mana.

1/5 from me (not 0/5 because the door system actually works)

i think you're just bad
Level 4
Sep 9, 2009
+ Description is good enough.
+ I like games like this, defending. It's like a survival too.

- Seems to be quite long game. Must have much time to play it till end.

+- Well-made terrain, but moving in the cities is a bit too hard. There should be less gates or more space. But it's not so necessary.

I don't undesrtand how is this like a DotA... but it doesn't matter, I dont like DotA :).

Rating: 4/5.
Level 8
Jan 8, 2008
I've noticed a problem with Quel'Thalas's ships. You state that elves prefer not to use gunpowder but the elven destroyers from warcraft 2 used cannon balls. It's not a real big issue but I'm doing warcraft lore justice ^^. BTW good map :p
Level 8
Jan 16, 2008
Level 9
Dec 22, 2008
One of the most entertaining maps on Battle.net nowadays. Fun is shared on both sides (as Alliance and as Horde). The balance is a point where this map lacks, but equalizing 4 against 8 is never an easy task, though I think that 12 players of around the same level could make this well-rounded. I personally think it's easier for beginners to play as Horde rather than Alliance because the rules for the Horde are simplier; invade the nations, spam units and micro your hero, while on the Alliance side there are added a few more "rules", like aiding other nations (for example Stormwind) to survive as much as possible, micro your units to your best to avoid lossing too many units, since the Alliance-Horde unit count is 1 to 3 atleast.
I also love the Hero system. Very weak at start, but tends to become a real thread by his/her spell combination and various items.
Of course the nation-placement isn't very well done and I wished an Alterac and Shadowfang Keep factions would exist, but the terrain overall is well-made and tends to be as realistic as possible.
5/5 is the best mark from my opinion. Nothing else to be added, just congratulations.




If any of you guys really like this game, but cant get a good game started, join me and my cronies we play this all the time (usually), we play on US. east (my username is the same as my Hive one
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Well, this map was one of my favorites despite how questionable I always was about how the map looked. Where did Lordamere lake go? The elves were in a weird corner area. Dark portal was probably hundreds of Kilometers than where it was supposed to. Err, Aerie Peak is above capital city in this XD.

Nevertheless, a very entertaining map that I've started playing years ago. We just need some more players who don't chicken out on Battle.net as horde :D
I can officially say that this map is balanced, it's probably 50/50 outcome from the times I played Horde and Alliance.
Level 8
Jan 16, 2008
EDIT: Forgot the most important improvement of all, I fixed the desync issue! (well 90% sure, and if I am wrong, I know the trigger that is causing it, so it will be fixed in the 17.0 series!

I need more feedback, a lot more! Post some!

Here is what I want to fix with 17.0, in addition to adding two new Horde heros (the final heros to be added to the game):

1) Gates Usage and Defending- I do not like how people use Gates, never really have. People leave them open, then only close them at some random point right before they are about to lose their throne in an effort to delay their demise.

I want people to use them properly, so I increased their hit points considerably, but made gate levers vulnerable when the gate is open. Therefore the Horde can kill the levers off if the gate is left open, and the Gate can then never be closed. The levers are still made invulnerable if the gate is closed.

I also redesigned some of Stromgarde and Gilneas to make it harder to defend the throne level, but easier to defend the lower levels. I want people defending their initial Gates, it makes the game more fun, and is actually good strategy. Falling back from one level to another and using the Gates properly buys time, which is what you need to win.

It is also a lot easier to defend at the outer Gate of Silvermoon now, and I adjusted some of the doodads to make the inner walls a bit easier to breach.

2) The Economic System - I realized after coming back that the economic system sucks. The problem with it is that either side snowballs way too easily due to bonuses.

From even the earliest versions to 16.9c, the Horde gets a bonus for every throne they kill, and therefore if they get rolling early, they end up steam rolling. However, if they get held up early, then they don't get the bonus, and the game gets significantly slower and the Alliance snowballs because they rely on the bonus. This latter situation isn't good for balance, but it's especially bad for gameplay because the Horde is the protagonists. If the Horde can't do anything, then nothing happens and the game is boring.

I added in some time based bonuses for both sides starting in version 14.0 or 15.0 to help alleviate this problem, but it doesn't fix the problem of the Horde relying on the throne bonuses to begin with.

Therefore, I've greatly enhanced the normal gold the Horde is given every 5 seconds, and dialed back the bonuses (both throne and time based bonuses) for the Horde. I also gave the Alliance smaller a gold buff (not directly proportional with the Horde bonus, much smaller). This should not only create more action, but raise the skill ceiling of the game.

This could have the unintended effect that it might make the game harder to balance, but at this moment, I feel the Alliance has the upper hand, and if anything, the Horde should be the more powerful side, as again, they are the protagonists.

I'm also not happy with item points. I feel too often heros don't get to chance to accumulate that many unique items, so I raised the amount of item points that automatically given to both the Horde and Alliance. This combined with more gold (which equals more item points when units die) should help people have more fun with items (I've done some item rebalancing also).

There are a lot of other changes, the Legion now gets a naval yard and a destroyer and transports, and Azeroth gets a new cool new Footman and Crossbowman while Spearmen are transferred to Gilneas and Axemen to Kul Tiras. There are some aesthetic terrain improvements, Lothar gets a new skin, Mannoroth a new trample animation and some hero changes (such as tranquility for Antonidas no longer channels) and hero balance changes (including Cho'gall getting a nerf to his ultimate).

Please let me know of any pressing hero balance issues, if you'd like you can make a list of champions that are unpowered and those overpowered (explanations and ideas how to balance them too would be excellent!).

Level 1
Feb 8, 2015
I'm also not happy with item points. I feel too often heros don't get to chance to accumulate that many unique items, so I raised the amount of item points that automatically given to both the Horde and Alliance. This combined with more gold (which equals more item points when units die) should help people have more fun with items (I've done some item rebalancing also).

This is a pretty thoughtless edit that's changed the game for the worse, making late game "carry" heroes much more powerful. As well as making late game alliance stronger, since you can keep horde halted just using your heroes. The game already had too much of a focus on items, making some heroes unstoppable lategame.

Giving horde more gold does nothing but encourage bad playing, since massing units makes it more difficult to micro your units and leads to more feeding.

This, plus removing the dragon whelp unit and nerfing chogall's ulti, has made the map considerably lamer.

The change to the gate system is the only good change in the recent version.
Level 8
Jan 16, 2008
I appreciate the comments Panda.

The economic system is still being revised, and 17.6 will address the problem of Alliance heroes snowballing late and giving the Horde too much gold. Many items are increasing in cost in 17.6 and in addition to 11 new items, there is a big overhaul to heroes in general coming.

As for Cho'gall's ultimate, I'm going to be buffing it slightly after realizing I went a bit too far in nerfing it.

Finally, there has been significant demand for the reintroduction of the Dragon Whelp, so a flying scout will be returning for the Horde in 17.6.

Thanks again for the comments.
Level 2
Jan 18, 2015
I really enjoy this map, and I have a total blast every time I play it. I do like the newer changes of allowing you to pick a hero out of a selection which adds a certain level of freedom to it which drastically improves the overall feel of the game.

There is one problem, I don't know if you dealt with it already or if it is just me, but the CD on the boats is ludicrous. It took nearly 3/4s of the gametime to expire for the larger boat to CD and be available for purchase, is this deliberate? A bug? Either way, very frustrating. Not quite deal breaking with me as I love to play Storm which doesn't require naval support that much and is more focused on holding the center which I do so love to do.