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{CLOSED} Change-Log: N/A

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Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
well, this project started in like 2003, and then it was halted in 2005 or 2006 , and i heard rumorz that its gonna start up again.

You know, if you didn't release the beta yet, you shouldn't egg us on :p

and i still dont understand, the changelog makes it sound like the WOW wc3, was already released ? When did this happen? Cause i went to the site and it said it wasn't released yet : /

edit : My mistake, only a beta was released, then removed a month later :/

well still this sounds good. I always wanted to make a good WOW map kind of thing, ( sorta like how Blizzard used the ORCX campagn in frozen throne, and how you can explore areas beyond just that map )

so keep it up :D
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Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
Hmmm, i still want to download it now...
I sent you an e-mail, please check...
First i discovered your project searching on google for a new invetntory system for warcraft 3.
I saw the download section
and then i saw that it writes (removed)
I readed the text below, and i sent you a e-mail
And i answered the questions : Yes, Yes, Yes and Yes
about the 4th question, i will be very happy to report you any bug i find!
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
I haven't had a chance to check all of the e-mails yet, so that is probably why you haven't gotten a response yet. I'll try to read them all soon...

This project recontinued itself a while ago. Its not dead and I'm hoping it won't end up that way in the end. Want a detailed explanation for it all? Save me the time and patience by reading all the threads, posts, and even the stuff on the website. They're all there for a reason.

Level 10
Apr 10, 2008
I read the change log again (2 months since last time). I just came up with a few questions:

Inventory system
- How many slots?
Equipment system - How many slots, and visible or just the effect of each item?
Equipment system and Invetory system - Same screen/window? (How it actually works?)
Food/Hunger system has been removed entirely - Why? Won't it work? Havent tested map so I do even know how it is.
Multiboard now displays the correct level of your hero and more accurately shows health and mana as well - What else it shows? After what screenshots show, days, week, points (earned from quests? what are they used to?) and you current location.
New stats system added - Can you please explain a little bit more?
New currency system has been added. (Gold, Silver, Copper.) - Will it be shown at gold/lumber/food?
Many more quests have been added - CA how many quests will there be for each zone? Just ca.
Added mailing system. With the mailing system you can send a message back and forth between your toons and you can also send one item per mail and Gold, just so long as you have enough to pay the 6 gold shipping fee - How does this works, since it is a single player...? "/ Who will you send it to?
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
I read the change log again (2 months since last time). I just came up with a few questions:

Inventory system
- How many slots?
Equipment system - How many slots, and visible or just the effect of each item?
Equipment system and Invetory system - Same screen/window? (How it actually works?)
Food/Hunger system has been removed entirely - Why? Won't it work? Havent tested map so I do even know how it is.
Multiboard now displays the correct level of your hero and more accurately shows health and mana as well - What else it shows? After what screenshots show, days, week, points (earned from quests? what are they used to?) and you current location.
New stats system added - Can you please explain a little bit more?
New currency system has been added. (Gold, Silver, Copper.) - Will it be shown at gold/lumber/food?
Many more quests have been added - CA how many quests will there be for each zone? Just ca.
Added mailing system. With the mailing system you can send a message back and forth between your toons and you can also send one item per mail and Gold, just so long as you have enough to pay the 6 gold shipping fee - How does this works, since it is a single player...? "/ Who will you send it to?
Answering each question in order.
  1. So far its the old default 8 or 12 slots. However, we're going to be moving to this system most likely since it's simply awesome and fits our needs: This
  2. Same as above. The inventory system and equipment system are generally the same thing in one, but you can have a look at how it would work from this map.
  3. Same answer.
  4. The Food/Hunger system we removed was a simple system that just made your character hungry and die if he didn't eat, which we found to be more annoying than just a realistic addition to the mod. It was very annoying and no one liked it, plus it wasn't even in WoW. Therefore, it was removed.
  5. The party multiboard shows the HP and MP bars of all those in the party, as well as their level. Will it show more later? We might try to add buff icons to the multiboard to show which characters in the party are buffed and which aren't. As of right now, it's not relevent.
    There are two other multiboards we use. One shows the level of the professions you have, the other shows how many days have gone by since you last played and your location. The most useful multiboard though is the party multiboard.
  6. The new stats system is basically replacing our non-WoW-like stats system. The system we had allowed the player to give their character +6 points to either the Strength, Agility, or Intelligence stats. This made it easy to overpower your character, regardless what class you were, plus it was a system not used in WoW. So, we're going to use a system more like WoW's - and actually, it's seems to be the same as in WarCraft III - where when you level up, you gain +1 to a few stats such as Intellect and Agility. It's a WIP, but will of course be done by the time the open BETA comes around.
  7. Yes. I'm not sure how else we could do it, to be honest.
  8. CA? No idea what that means. Right now there aren't any real WoW quests in Wc3:WoW yet, but we're getting close to the point where we'll start adding them. How many per zone? It depends which zone. But Valley of Trials alone will have about 6 quests or more, most likely. Some zones such as Ragefire Chasm (Instance) or Echo Isles don't give you quests, but are mainly places where you must go to finish some of them. If your upcoming question will be how many quests in total when Wc3:WoW is done, I have no idea, but I'm guessing at least 50 quests.
  9. The mailing system is currently targeted to work only for your saved characters. For example, say you are playing on a level 60 account but found a nice level 19 item that would help twink your level 19 twink character. Simply loot the item, go to a mailbox (Usually found in cities or towns) and send it to the character slot that your level 19 character is saved in and it's as easy as that... you can now logout of your 60 character and login as your level 19 character. However, in order to get the mail, you need to go to the mailbox and open your Inbox. You should be able to see a message in there that has an item for you to take. And there you have it! You can send items, money, and text messages to characters through the mailbox. Will there be any other features? Unlikely. However, some day we'll try to make you able to mail stuff to AI bots in your Friends list - when we add a Friends list.

There you have it. Hope my answers were clear enough for you to understand. :smile:

Level 10
Apr 10, 2008
More than clear enough ;D
Thank you very much!

The mailing system sounds awesome!
And "CA" means... hmm I am not sure how to say it... soem thing like, "not exatually" if a number is 593294,293929, then the CA is "593000" isntead of a whole long number. See :p else just forget. I am not very good at explaining!
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
More than clear enough ;D
Thank you very much!

The mailing system sounds awesome!
And "CA" means... hmm I am not sure how to say it... soem thing like, "not exatually" if a number is 593294,293929, then the CA is "593000" isntead of a whole long number. See :p else just forget. I am not very good at explaining!

It just means rounding up/down numbers. :)
Craka_J, you can always just offline message me.
Level 1
Sep 24, 2007
yea....can we get a beta?... it looks very good, and if not... can you tell us a release date of the beta (or the alfa XD)
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