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{CLOSED} Change-Log: N/A

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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
This post will be updated if more is added or fixed. Please report bugs and suggestions in "BUGS" thread. This post shows what will be fixed, added, replaced, and removed in the next released version of Wc3:WoW.
Sentances in bold are things that have been finished and are now in the game:

  • Priest class has been totally revamped.
  • Warlock class has been totally revamped.
  • Rogue class has been totally revamped.
  • Warrior class has been totally revamped.
  • Druid class has been totally revamped.
  • Mage class has been added and has been totally revamped.
  • Hunter class has been totally revamped.
  • Shaman class has been totally revamped.
  • Paladin class has been totally revamped.
  • Stealth now reduces your movement speed when in use.
  • Gouge now has a new special effect, other than stun effect.
  • Healing spells have been fixed.
  • Class trainers now work properly for only a specific class.
  • Many abilities and Buff icons have been replaced.
  • Warrior's Charge spell now works properly.
  • Druid's 'Healing Touch' spell freezes casting unit when clicked on to cast. The only way to become unfrozen is to press S (Stop).
  • Many new weapons have been added and replaced.
  • Many new armor items have been added and replaced.
  • Many new consumable items (Potions, Food, Water, etc.)
  • More profession specific items have been added, but not all.
  • Most weapon and armor items can only be equipped depending on your class.
  • Equipable items are now more affective.
  • Fixed bug for some items that could not be either dropped, sold, or even picked up.
  • Many item icons have been replaced.
  • Orgrimmar has been totally revamped and rescaled.
  • Valley of Trials has been remade to look more like the actual Valley of Trials now.
  • Durotar (Overall) has been remade mostly. Pathing has also been improved.
  • Thunder Bluff has been remade and is now more accurately made. Unit placement, Buiding placement, and regions have been placed in more valid areas of which they are placed in the actual Thunder Bluff in World of Warcraft.
  • Mulgore (Overall) has been remade mostly.
  • The Barrens has been added.
  • Ashenvale has been added.
  • Darnassus has been added.
  • Teldrassil has been added.
  • Elwynn Forest has been added.
  • Stormwind has been added.
  • Echo Isles has been added.
  • Ragefire Chasm has been added.
  • Thousand Needles has been added.
  • Arathi Basin battleground has been added.
  • Pathing in Darnassus has been fixed.
  • Rigid, blocky, and pointy hills and other parts of the terrains of Wc3:WoW are now smoother.
  • Two new caves have been added. (Palemane Rock and Bristleback)
New Features:
  • New inventory system.
  • New quest/quest log system.
  • New equipment system.
  • New stats system added.
  • Item class system has been redone.
  • New currency system has been added. (Gold, Silver, Copper.)
  • Ragefire Chasm is now enterable.
  • A.I. of Player Bots and mobs have been improved.
  • Items are no longer droppable and if dropped, the item is destroyed if you are sure to destroy it.
  • Added a timer to show how much time is left until a spell is casted.
  • Added visual effects on the character when casting/channeling an ability..
  • Save/Load system has been revamped. It now saves Heath, Mana, Location on map (x,y) that you saved on and where your character is facing.
  • Game automaticly saves every 3-4 minutes.
  • Added a "-quit" command that brings up a dialog that says "Are you sure?", options "Yes" or "No". If you hit Yes it saves and exits to the campaign screen. If you hit No it does nothing. This is to prevent the player from trying a situation over and over until they get the result they like best.
  • All classes have been accurately remade.
  • Tilesets of almost every map in the campaign have been replaced.
  • Faction, Race, and Class selection system has been remade entirely.
  • Quests added to Wc3:WoW.
  • A couple Alliance races are now available. (Human and Night Elf)
  • Added mailing system. With the mailing system you can send a message back and forth between your toons and you can also send one item per mail and Gold, just so long as you have enough to pay the 6 gold shipping fee.
  • When creeps respawn, they fade into the game like in WoW.
Bugs Fixed:
  • Fixed a bug that did not allow players to choose Night Elf race, Human race, and Tauren Race.
  • Movement with arrow keys have been adjusted to work more smoothly.
  • Help on how to play has been improved.
  • Professions should work properly now.
  • Fixed a bug that made Warlocks summon all monsters at once.
  • Fixed a bug that crashed the Wc3:WoW campaign back to the main menu.
  • Orgrimmar no longer allows players to climb atop the walls of the front entrance.
  • Pathing in Orgrimmar has been fixed. (Units can no longer run through walls, cliffs, and buildings)
  • Fixed a bug that spammed Zeppelins and Wyverns everywhere in the sky. Now they come rarely and come either solo or in pairs.
  • Fixed some major bugs with healer classes that froze the caster permanently when trying to cast a healing spell.
  • Models of most classes have been replaced with unarmored base models. The classes we didn't have a base model made for are using a placeholder model for now.
  • Removed many trigger leaks.
  • Stealth now decreases your movement speed by 40%(depending on level of your Stealth ability) when casted.
  • Stealth now has a 10 second cooldown.
  • Eredar models that served as a placeholder for some Undead classes have been replaced with Undead models now.
  • Fixed a bug that made a Night Elf Player-Bot disappear permanently and unrevealable.
  • Horde/Alliance guards now attack hostile Players/Player-Bots.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed potions to target other units.
  • Mana/Health potions now work properly and have been fixed.
  • Potions now have a two minute cooldown.
  • Plainstrider model has been replaced with Saitek009's Plainstrider model.
  • Mobs difficulty have been decreased.
  • All classes now deal a fair amount of damage to mobs and other players/player-bots now.
  • Food/Hunger system has been removed entirely.
  • Character Creation map and the load map have now been merged into a Character Management map.
  • Toned down air traffic so you don't have a massive amount of Zeppelins on one map.
  • Fixed a bug when you save a game from any map and then load it again you start at your factions starting map. But then you immediately die and it takes away the 15% of your gold for dying.
  • Fixed the bug when every once in a while when one of your NPCs dies they come back when you move to another map.
  • Fixed bug that made dialogs duplicate and bug-out if player clicks a class trainer several times(if class has not been chosen yet), the dialog comes up "Do you want to become a <class name>?" and the options Yes / No buttons are duplicated greatly and the player cannot choose their class.
  • Multiboard now displays the correct level of your hero and more accurately shows health and mana as well.
  • All classes have a new unarmored model base. Weapons and armor will become visible on the character when equipped.
  • When an Undead priest casts a spell, it plays a spell casting animation rather than just standing their without a proper animation.
  • Mobs no longer flee when in combat for no reason. (This is due to the 'Wander' ability)
  • Group information multiboard that shows everyone in the group's health, mana, and level now displays accurate and proper information.
  • Collision value of all classes and the orc Grunt unit have been reduced to decrease the chances of A.I. controlled units from blocking you or other units in tight spaces.
  • Music in Orgrimmar loops now.
  • The escape key no longer brings up a "Are you sure you want to quit?" dialog and is now used only for changing the camera modes.
    [*]Sometimes, when you click on a friendly hero, a dialog pops up asking "Do you want to invite >NAME< ?". If you click "Yes" and nothing happens and you click on the hero again for the second time it duplicates the number of dialog buttons
    . (The two lowest dialog buttons are the real ones)
  • Oasis Stingers in The Barrens no longer have the Burrow ability which caused them to constantly burrow and unburrow over and over again.
This post will be updated later...
Last edited:
Level 4
Nov 3, 2006
im guessing by the full public release that you never sent me the private beta tester one -.- anyway sounds great
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Thanks Iron_Warrior and Av3n. Nice to hear that my effort to keep this project interesting and anticipating is working well and affective.

My goal is to give everyone a taste of the Closed Beta eventually. It's just your job to be patient and wait for your time to come when I send you an e-mail with a download link to the Closed Beta. No need to go hostile because you did not recieve a beta yet. Besides, the beta I handed out is very out-dated compared to what we have now. If you get accepted to the Closed Beta team soon, then you'll be in even more luck than the others!
Level 4
Nov 3, 2006
as i said the reason i am so "hostile" is because I WAS ACCEPTED and have waited over a month and a half with no hint of any testing coming at all
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
The progress goes fast for a couple days, then slow, then fast, then slow. So it's impossible to make proper plans. The earliest a Closed Beta will be released is probably next week. Though I have a feeling it'll be the weekend after. No later.
Sorry for the confusion and inconveniance our lack of information provided may have caused for you.
Level 9
Jun 18, 2004
I hope by Movement with arrow keys have been adjusted to work more smoothly You really mean Movement with arrow keys is actually useable.

Anyways, great job from what I've seen of the old beta...the terrain is incredible. If you look at the high points of what you've got done it's amazing.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I agree with iron_warrior, the key movement in the beta was pretty poor to say the least. I gave up quick, although I have played maps with a decent key movement, so I know you guys can get it right! :wink:

Anyways, this is awesome, been waiting for a good update, thanks Craka!
Level 3
May 3, 2007
can i plz have a old beta i realy want it even though its old. i eraly wanan see this map after the countless sugestions and questions i asked that make me want it more
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Does it still use the Arrow Keys? I know when using GUI they have a slight delay, but whether this happens in JASS too I do not know.
Running backwards would be pretty amazing, I'd have to say.

Yes. Arrow keys are used in Wc3:WoW. There is no delay when the arrow keys are used in Single-Player games, even if triggered in GUI. The delay occurs only in Battle Net for some odd reason which Blizzard probably refuses to fix, since it'd be a long and hard process just to fix the delay problem. Probably will never be fixed.

And no, I will not hand out any more betas. Sorry.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Can't wait to get testing!
How are you doing skill learning? You buy it from a person who is a shop? Or like in the beta, a box next to them, or what? Are there a lot of skills?

Sorry about the barrage of questions you keep being plastered with Craka.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
The purchasing of spells is the same as the old beta for now. Though we might change it pretty soon, probably after the Open Beta release.
Are there a lot of skills? Well we're totally revamping each class and won't release the Open Beta until we think they're all done. You can check out the spells at http://wow.allakhazam.com and search for spells by class and see for yourself how many abilities there are. In other words, yes, there is a lot of abilities.



Level 4
Aug 18, 2007
Please make this clear... The post is named "open beta" but still you're talking about a closed one. Which one is coming first?
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Really? Multiple spellbooks inside spellbooks? I didn't know they could have 36. =P
Guess it won't be a problem.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Rotate a camera with the mouse? That would be the perfect camera adjustment system ever if we were able to implement that. Hopefully we can get that in before the release of the Open Beta!

What comes first, Open Beta or Closed Beta? Well quite obviously, we're going to release a couple Closed Betas before the Open Beta is released. The Closed Betas are for beta testers to test for bugs/glitches, for comparison to WoW(Not that major at the moment), and to suggest what can be improved and to give us ideas on what else we can add that WoW has that we have not added yet.

The Open Beta is pretty much a finalized Closed Beta. When we believe we've fixed a lot of bugs and have a feeling that the beta is ready for a public release, we will upload it to either FileFront or Rapidshare.com and then link it to our website at the Downloads page.
I feel that the releases of Closed Betas are nearing finally, though we adding of new systems and spells at the last moment is what is really delaying the releases. So really, in a way, its release is for a good cause and will hopefully be even more entertaining once you get to play it than it would be if we had not made the last minute implementations.
However I do feel bad for the fact that we've been making so many delays and still have had not much to show for it such as terrain, in-game screenshots, or a good update very often. I'll try to get things moving a little faster; in fact that's all I've been trying to do. But it's becoming a lot harder on me due to school getting in the way and stuff like that. Though I will not believe that that reason excuses me from all the delays and lack of progress we may've been having lately. I really hope we get a Closed Beta running really, really soon! I may even release the first Closed Beta to the official closed beta testers on the 28th, which is also the ending of the Wc3:WoW Logo mini-contest. Hopefully that'll keep at least the beta testers more contained as far as anxiety goes.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
You could also use four other keys for the camera. So arrows would be movement, and I,J,K,l could be camera, or something. OR, you could make WASD the movement and arrows camera.

Also, do you have a key that would turn auto run on, like NumLock in WoW.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Actually you can. You need a mod for it. I can't remember the map right now, but someone did do it. I'll get it when I get home.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Cool camera system I found

This sytem kinda kicks our current camera systems ass. It allows the player to zoom in and out with the scroll on the mouse and is adjustable with the arrow keys. I forgot who it was created by though. I'm pretty sure it tells you who to credit in the World Editor and when testing.
You be the judge and tell me what you think.


  • Camera System.w3x
    26.2 KB · Views: 143
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Is it the right map? As in does the camera allow you to adjust the camera up, down, left, right, and allow you too zoom in and out with the scroll? Just want to make sure I uploaded the correct system. I'll look for the creator now.

Okay. Here is the link to the map in the Hive Workshop's resource area. The creator is EndBringer90. If you use this system, please give him credit. I think you should download it because the one I uploaded I believe before wasn't it.
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