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Classic Terrain Showcase

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Some more snowy mountains;

Not sure I like the ice cave. The idea is great but the execution is a tad bit lacking. Too many different ice models are used in combination, especially the deep blue with the white ones produce a contrast that looks really cartoony. And the spikes feel out of place as well.
Yeah I guess I can change it up a bit. I'll see what I do, but I agree with your points.
The bridge looks cool though!
I think what I am most impressed about is the sense of scale you got going.
The scale of the buildings compared to the rest of the terrain and the units just all seems to fit so well,
really outstanding job on that!

I was thinking that if the houses and so on are gonna be of a realistic scale, where you can enter them and such they shouldn't be too small or else it would feel weird.
A hike in the mountain;

I'm nearly done with the exterior. Some things are still unfinished, and the door animations will be made non-looping. I haven't started on the interiors yet, but there will be elaborate interiors for most buildings/forts/castles and whatnot.

P.S: Skip 14:30 - 15:55, it's just me waiting for day break.
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
Will watch the whole thing later. One thing that came to my mind is the transition between the large cliff rocks and the ground.

For my taste the transition is too sharp and it looks too much like one gigantic large piece of boulder stuck into the ground. While that may be ok, there are nearly no other rocks nearby, which makes it feel a tiny bit weird.

But its really a minor issue. I totally love the debt you've created with the cliffs, valleys, mountains and so on. Been aiming to create a similar feel as I've not seen a map that portraits that feeling modern isometric games have.

And you might want to try out footstep sounds :p i feel the immersion takes a huge step up when using them.
One thing that came to my mind is the transition between the large cliff rocks and the ground.
I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to, do you have any examples?
I totally love the debt you've created with the cliffs, valleys, mountains and so on.
And you might want to try out footstep sounds :p i feel the immersion takes a huge step up when using them.
The video has all Warcraft 3 sounds muted, and just has two youtube videos running in the background for ambient sounds and music. Footsteps (at least visually) must be added to the model as far as I know, and sounds I'm not sure if is added to the model or not but yeah, it would be cool to have. I can probably just use a movement tracker and play a looping sound whenever the hero moves, but the steps would be out of sync I guess.
Heck yeah. I love the feeling of height and width. Really feels like the interior of a fort.
The only thing bugging me is the different colors of stones, where the floor is a normal grey, while literally everything else has a largely blueish tint to it. Will it be fixed through ingame lighting and fog?
Yeah I used the exterior walls/doodads for the interiors. I was gonna retexture it before I made the fort interior, but I didn't really find any fitting free textures to use. I'll probably just end up editing the texture they already use to make it a bit more gray.
Good to hear. I for one always preferred playable terrains (even when not made for a specific map) to the purely artistic ones that were hugely popular back in the days.
Yeah me too, although I do find scenic terraining very impressive it's only good for one shot and have no practical uses.
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