Clan wars version 0.1

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
OK heres the 0.1 version of this map.
For those of you that have not played the original which are alot here are the specks.

There are 6 units, and they consit of your basic builder, your basic melee, your basic ranged, your basic healer, your basic siege, and your basic elite unit.

There are 3 buildings, and they are your town center, your barracks, and your houses.

All your military units are trained at the barracks.

Gold is given to you over time.

OK for the people that have played this (which is very few) there are some new things in 0.1.

#1 there is only one race (it's the att race, but it's named a bit better).

#2 computers can now play.

#3 you have to set every one as the humans otherwise you can't play.

#4 you can mine gold.

#5 there is trees on the map, but lumber is completely useless.

#6 barricades have more HP (400hp).

#7 not ghost of past wars or that mumbo jumbo.

#8 how do you lock the races for the players???

This was not possible without my friend suggesting that I change the regular starting units for the human's. Also though hive and other areas tutorials about the AI editor. Though it may not be any were near great it's a bit better now.


Clan wars version 0.1 (Map)

10:01, 7th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 3
Oct 5, 2008
Mostly this is not a test it would be considerd a completed map. The reason why I say this is a test is to see if people willl like it. I make sure that every thing works before I post the map, but since I made my own clans I can not test them out very well with out another human player, but alas I can do that.

Most of my description is in the map. Villege builder also called villege builder gold. Mostly it's a name of a map. This is just your bassic melee map. It's just you have to choose your race though using the banshise posses ability.
By clans I prefer to races. Your starting points start you out with 6 netral hostile units each has no attack. You also start out with a unit that can take possesion of a unit. Mostly this map is ruff the 80 gold building is the town hall the 60 is the barracks the 40 is your house and the 5 is a barricade. At the barracks the 35 gold is your siege unit, the 30 gold is your specail, the 20 gold is the standerd melee unit, the 16 is you standerd range unit, and the 14 is your standerd preist unit. At the town hall you can only train you basic builder. O for the ranged clan the trueshot arua icon with the discritption is a basic firebolt with a changed modle file. Also there are no heros in this map yet so it makes it even more simple.

First of I have to say im not that great at the war craft 3 world editor so it won't be that great of a map. I can't test alot of the map due to it being a human player map only. I can't get my custom units in the AI editor. Computers will not play this map. I have to do alot of learing before I can go further with this map, and that is why I want to see how well people like it before I go further. Other then the discriptions and stuff, wich I will have to get in later if this map is worth going on with.
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Level 3
Oct 5, 2008
If this is not a melee map can you please tell me what is so I don't make the same mistake again. I always thought a melee map referd to a map were you trained units and faced of. Basicly a regular warcraft 3 style game play map. Beacues the gameplay is the same it's just different units. Less units and no heros and you get the gold autmactly. Can you also please tell me what map catagory this would be in so I can correct it, but I will please ask you to play it first before you tell me so I know it's the right one.

As I said this is a fully functioning map. I have tested it out to see if I could get it to work as much as possibal. I know all the abilites work and so do the units. The thing I am not sure about is the balence. I know there are a few flaws I acidently missed like the building and unit decsriptions. Honestly I never need them while testing and they werent my priorty so I was glad when I got the map ready, and forgot to put those in. The only reason why I don't put them in now is that I know it will take a while to put them all in. There are around 50 units and buildings in this game. I have spent hours working on this map so when I finaly got done I was glad. I know compared to some maps this is nothing. I have heared of one map were the person says he took a few months or a month can't remeber wich.

May I ask you to please play the map before jugding it. I will glady take comments about how I can improve the map. At the same time I like this to be in the right place for hive, but if you are going to point out somthing to me please don't make it a complaint tell me why it should be were it is. With negitive comments can you tell me why you did not like it, and how you think I can improve it. The way I see hive is a way to improve my map editing skills, to learn how to make better maps, and finaly to share my maps with people.

So I beg of you please don't just complain tell me why you complain.

If you are offended in any way beacuse of this I am sorry , and ask you fogiveness. I am not very well with making things not very offensive. I just say it as I think it.
Level 3
Oct 5, 2008
Yes alterd melee now makes sense.
So how do you think I can improve the map just out of curisoty.

The major question I have is how did I do on the clan making.
Thanks for ansering my alterd melee question.
Level 3
Oct 5, 2008
Well thanks anyway. Just to weren you it probaly ins't going to be good at all. Don't know don't have much experince with making maps like that. Aslo you have to tell what you geting by how much gold it costs. One of the flaws I did not notice until I postid it. Mostly I never botherd with it in the test's and complety forgot about adding it in.

Thanks though

OK real quick past this is the 0.1 version
Wow that's said the picture it's the wrong one on the map page. There should be a boarder of land.

Need help I tried doing a smiler thing with another race as I did with the humans and they won't attack. Did the other race as the orcs. I'm messing in the AI editor. They will build, but they won't attack. I'm not working on the map at the moment, but if you have any advice that I haven't tried ill try it out. Thanks

next edit
Someone in the AI editor form mentioned that a dummy attack unit is used for guiding attacks have to find the orcs.
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