@Ralle: Sorry, didn't know that (I just recalled that other abuse thread, so I thought this was the appropriate place for it).
Can someone lock this thread anyway, since I can't get a copy of the conversation therefore it is fruitless for this thread to continue on. But there are a few things I would like to clarify.
Continually butting into conversations without any idea what you're talking about, then telling someone to shut up because they respectfully asked you not to start talking crap is a bad idea.
"no u" - lets just think about how this statement works. For me to use "no u", I must be first given a statement, ie. "shut up". Therefore, I cannot say "shut up" with "no u", unless I was told to "shut up" first. Which I was. And I hardly think "shut up" is a respectful way to tell someone to "stop talking crap".
Furthermore, it is a public chatroom. People discuss things. If you didn't want people to "butt in", then you should have whispered such conversation to each other. I simply gave my opinion on the topic (although since I arrived in the middle of the topic, I did not exactly know what you were talking about, although I thought I heard enough to know what you were talking about), yet you attempted to shut me down simply because the conflicts of opinions, and my slight misunderstanding of the topic.
Yeah, so anyway, lock this thread, and if someone can PM me the conversation, please do.