I am reviewing "Chaos Invasion", by Velex.
I do not understand very well what was the objective with this map. In this scenario, you use one of the 3 available heroes – which, by the way, are clearly all based on the same hero, since they share the same primary attribute and stats – which are not chosen, but already property of each player by default. These heroes contain basic Warcraft abilities with a few extra levels, whose tooltips are not updated to display them.
It is hard to tell if it's medieval or modern warfare... you meet marines, but your enemies are axe and crossbow-wielding "chaos spawn". The heroes too: you have a crossbow-wielding witch hunter, a marine, and a paladin that throws light with his hammer, the first and the later being imported models (unnecessary, in my opinion). Seeing as how the creator did not select a category, I'll put it in Miscellaneous.
Basically, you have to fight a lot of forces the entire game, so this is probably classifiable as an RPG.
You know, my rating would be 1/5, but seriously, this map gives you a laugh. I forgot to say earlier, but the heroes always revive in the spot they die, losing a level afterwards, and ironically, the description encourages those who die to be tanking, since they cannot lose experience. And when you start micro-ing (drawing enemies to attack the one with highest HP), and you get one of those coincidences like, the enemy ensnares your hero, or you stop paying attention to the hero's health and suddenly he dies... as well as the way the map is made... tanks that can float on water, I mean, later game you just laugh out loud for real.
That alone grants this map an extra point, and so making it 2/5 (Lacking). Seriously, there's nothing else good about this map.