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Castle vs Castle Flame Edition 2.0c

It has always been my dream to create a map, but not only a map, a map that could make a difference, help people. This is that map...Flame_Phoenix

Hi guys, this is my map, from clan SOR. I've been developing this map the last 3-4 years, but only now I started working on it due some issues. This map is a Castle vs Castle map, it is by far the best I've ever seen and played. This is the beta version, it has bugs and needs testing.

You are invited to be an alpha tester if you want. You will gain reputation points if:
- You find and report bugs
- You give me good suggestions on how to improve the map
- You suggest spells, models or icons
- If you are a good tester, your name will appear in the loading screen.

Reason's to why you should play this map:
- Unique Items for you to use
- Unique Waves for you to buy
- 2 New Unique races: Blood Elf and Chaos Orc
- 4 new Tavern heroes
- A detailed multiboard with information about the game
- This map is open source, so you learn everything and gain experience
- Every Hero has a detailed story connected to the game (if not it will soon be added)

My to do list:
- Fix any bugs you may find
- Implement AI for all races

I am also looking for a team to help:
- If you are a good coder, you are welcome to join
- If you have good ideas on how to improve, you are also welcome
- If you are a good model maker, or know special places where I can find good models, welcome in
- If you are a good Icon maker, or know special places where I can find good icons, suit yourself

Current Team:
- Anachron (terrainer with name on screen!)
- Ciebron (coder, with colored name!)
- Themerion (coder, with colored name!)
- Byaku (icon, model, spell searcher, tester and suggestion giver)
- You can also have your colored name on the loading screen, join the team today !

Note, Some heroes are being remade, those heroes may not function properly for now. They are:
- Gate Summoner from Chaos Orcs
- Chaos Rider
- Electron

History, Major Changes:

Version Beta 1.1
- Remade and balanced the Wave system, now you can buy waves with lower costs and balanced spawns
- Remade and balanced the spawn system, now the castles spawn less units and there is more synchronization
- Added Shop System, now the shops can travel across the map, also each shop also has 2 pages of items
- Remade the welcome text, now it is more informative and fun to read
- Player 9 can now benefit from the Night Elf tutorial, Players 10 and 11 will have to wait
- Added the shop system!! Now it is even funnier to play! Remember to buy items and waves!
- Title corrected, added colored name "Themerion" to the Special thanks and colored "Ciebron"'s name
- Removed some useless units from the map (for now) in order to make it smaller and did some other minor changes to them as well

Version Beta 1.1a
- Fixed a bug with spawns, they used to attack very fast but to cause no damage.

Version Beta 1.2
- Remade the hero Sylvana from the High Elfs. Now she is a hell of a hero and I am sure most of you will enjoy her.
- Remade and updated the code of the Blademaster from the Chaos Orcs. Made some spells more powerful and efficiency was increased in all his 4 spells.
- Fixed a bug with the description of Shocking Aura, the description is now correct.
- Gold in mines was improved to 150.000
- Fixed various spelling errors
- Now first hero is free and costs only 5 food
- Ranger hero (Sylvanas) now costs food as well

Version Beta 1.3
- Fully remade the Night Elf tutorial system. Now it is MUI and has more functions the player can use. Press F9 for more information.
- Remove the Hunts and Dryads tactic. It may be added in a further version, but not for now.
- New icons for the Goblin's items! Now every item has an unique icon!
- Remade the code of some items in order to be easier to update for a next version
- New Item system Added, now the problems with recipes that were reported will no longer exist!
- Fixed spelling mistakes in High Elf race
- Fixed Hotkeys clashes with in Hiht Elfs
- Now Sentry ability works on High Elven towers
- Fixed a bug with the spawning buildings, now the south spawning buildings do get vulnerable
- Fixed a bug with the gold mines, now they all start with the same amount of gold
- Added a control system, now if the computer players have many units, the castle units will stop spawning
- Changed the terrain on the north up exit, now the lane has more space
- Corrected and fixed many spelling mistakes on the item's descriptions from both shops and races
- Fixed Spelling mistakes on the races description in the box
- Fixed many spelling errors in hero abilities and unit abilities
- Fixed many spelling mistakes with the Chaos Orc race
- Now the Chaos Cart siege unit explodes when it dies
- Added Byaku to Special Thanks and improved loading screen text. If he keeps working hard, he will get colored nick =D
- Added new Ability to Bandit Lord, Sun Ray

Version Beta 1.42
- Now the map version is TFT
- Fixed a typo in the Bandit Lord's name
- Made several drastic changes in the terrain. Now the map has some decent terrain at last in te lanes. More will be done in time.
- Completed, finished and balanced the Chaos Orc Warchief hero, now he is ready to rock!
- Fixed many typos on items and on the Chaos Orc race
- Added Anachron, the new terrainer of the team!
- Decreased map size by removing some models and others
- Fixed an exploit with a grass model

Version Beta 1.5
- Corrected many typos in both races and in items/spawns
- Remade the Hotkeys for the HE race
- Finally fixed the annoyance with the trees. Now they will only grow when no units are near them
- Remade the Hotkeys for the Chaos Orc race
- Added new spell to Druid Dwarf and replaced Ram Horns icon. Also changed the icon of the "Penguin Insult" ability
- Made the Druid Dwarf bigger
- Updated the SheepStrike code, now it is easier for my fans to use and import, and now it is JESP !
- Updated all comments on the Druid Dwarf spells, now if you need to import something you won't get lost =)
- The Icon from Ram Horns is now passive at last ! Now the icons are according to the abilities they represent (not like in crappy Dota xD )
- The Druid dwarf hero is now ready and complete !! Please enjoy ! =D
- Added new spell for Axe Dwarf, Earth Shaker
- Added revlisliver to loading screen !
- Fixed typos on the description of the map
- Added new system to detect damage!
- Added new ability to the wolf creeps ! Now the lv2 wolfs have a special ability to make the stronger!
- Replaced the passive ability from Axe DWarf with TeamForce
- Updated spell Apocalypse, now the code is no longer old and now the spell is more balanced
- Finished the Axe Dwarf hero !! Now he his abilities "Blood Bound" and "Power Jump", and remade his two other abilities !

Version Beta 1.6
- Added the first item to the bomber seller! A bomber that drops Fire Bombs!
- Added Sleepy Path Recipe, now Permanent Sleepy Path is available to buy!
- Added Ethereal Recipe, now permanent ethereal path is available to buy!
- Improved the code for the HolyReception item, now it is easier to change and read
- Improved the code for the WaveAttack item, now it is easier to change and read
- Improved the code for the FrostAttack item, now it is easier to change and read
- Improved the Jungle Axe item, now code is easier to read and use.
- Improved the Havens Armor item's code and balanced the item. Now it has 5% chance to be invulnerable for 10 seconds, instead of 7% for 15 seconds.
- Added another item to the Plane shop, the Explosive Bomber! Two new items for a fresh start for our shop!
- Drastically improved spell Chain Death from the Chaos Warchief
- Fixed Spiked Armor (now it works!) and fixed "Spiked Anchor". These items now work, and their code was heavily improved!

Version Beta 1.7
- Improved the Damage Detection system the map has
- Updated the Greave Ability code
- Updated comments on some other codes
- Changed the cost of the Improved Lumber Harvesting Upgrade. Now it also costs lumber.
- Made deep changes in some the internal system RaceAndTips and Icons for the Multiboard
- Made a full remake of the multiboard, from the zero, to fix all bugs and make it usefull by adding new fields
- Fixed the iddle workers bug. Now the human peasant will no longer appear!
- Added the sleep system just for fun! Now when the workers are idle a sleep animation will appera above their heads just if as they were sleeping for real!
- Added 2 new quest logs about named "Credits" and "MapInfo"
- Remade the Chaos Orc Fel Xaman. Now he has two new super abilities that will stack 100% with eveything else.
- Balanced the Chaos Orc Fel Xaman spells. Made the firebolt weaker and add him decent spells (it is about time =P)
- Changed the model, description, icon and name of the Altar of the Chaos Orcs. Now it fits with the other races.
- Changed the model, icon, description and name of the Chaos Orc shop building. Now it also fits with the other races.
- Fixed bug with the Ethereal item, the description now matches correctly the spell of the item.

Version 1.8
- Reduced dependencies from the Devour coded abilities
- Fixed and balanced MultiOrb from the Chaos Orcs. Now the healling effect appears, and the slow from the orb will stack with any spell.
- Improved the code of Strenght Armor to be more efficient and easier to change.
- Improved the code of Wisdom Armor to be more efficient and easier to change.
- Improved the code of Electric Armor to be more efficient and easier to change.
- Improved the code of Electric Sword to be more efficient and easier to change.
- Change of Damage Detection system. Now the map is able to have shield abilities and spells as well as a better interaction with the buff system.
- Improved the Sleep system code
- Greatly improved the Holy Reception item. Now it has more eye candy and the code was improved to stack with the other items of it's kind.
- Greatly improved the Sleepy Path item. Now it has more eye candy and the code was greatly improved as well.
- Greatly improved the Ethereal Path item. Now it has more eye candy and the code was greatly improved as well.
- Greatly improved the Unsafe Path item. Now it has more eye candy and the code was greatly improved as well.
- Greatly improved the Fast Path item. Now it has more eye candy and the code was greatly improved as well.
- Improved the code from the new OnFire ability from the Chaos Orc Fel Shaman, in order to be faster and prevent bugs.
- Greatly improved the Frost Attack item. Now it has more eye candy and the code was improved to stack with the other items of it's kind.
- Greatly improved the Lightning Attack item. Now it has more eye candy and the code was improved to stack with the other items of it's kind.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the player from having the Permanent Lightning Attack Recipe.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the player from having the Permanent Rage Reception Recipe.
- Greatly improved the Rage Reception item. Now it has more eye candy and the code was improved to stack with the other items of it's kind.
- Fixed a bug with Rage Reception, now it damages the enemies instead of teh allies and now it works properly.
- Change the icons of Rage Reception and Wave attack, so now they match the effects better.
- Greatly improved the Wave item. Now it has more eye candy and the code was improved to stack with the other items of it's kind.

Version 1.9
- Fixed a bug with the multiboard when buying heroes from teh tavern.
- Fixed and changed the name of Sauron's ring to Chinese Cheap Sauron's Ring.
- Removed some items from "The Oracle" shop that were useless.
- Fixed Blood Bound ability, now it has a correct buff.
- Corrected the name of a spell from Electron from "Orb of Zeuz" to "Orb of Zeus".
- Fixed the name of "Incendiary Bomber" item to "Incendiary Bomber" from "Amulet of Recal".
- Fixed the description of the Chaos Grom Hellscream.
- Fixed the amount of charges and stock replenish time of some goblin items.
- Fixed the resources bug, now all players (finally) start with equal amounts of gold and lumber.
- Improved the hero counter module of the multiboard, to prevent a possible bug.
- Improved the documentation of some systems of the map.
- Added a new check system. Now the race choosers will only be created if the corresponding slot is not open nor closed.
- Fixed a bug with the multiboard when a hero dies.
- Fixed a bug with the invisibility aura of teh Ranger, now it works well and the code was also optimized to be more efficient.
- Fixed a typo in the Speed Thurst ability.
- Fixed a typo in the Aliance Sanctum building.
- Fixed a typo in Retrocess ability.
- Fixed typos in the melee upgrades for High Elves.
- Fixed 2 typos in the High Elven barracks.
- Added Human AI to the map. Now you can play against the computer!! (finally) xD !
- Improved the Shadow aura ability of the Ranger by updating the code.
- Improved the Nature Bound ability of Ranger by increasing code efficiency.
- Made major changes in the terrain of the map in the middle, now the Oracle is easier to access and is better protected.
- Fixed a bug with the multiboard Peons module, the counter now works fine.
- Fixed a typo in the loading screen.
- Fixed the soldiers multiboard module, now it works for AI players.
- Increased the colddown of all Reception and Attack items from Goblin.
- Fixed Manaroth story.
- Updated Kills multiboard module to work with AI.
- Updated Buildings multiboard module to work with AI.
- Added an history and strategy tips to the Human heroes.
- Fixed a missing hotkey for Shard Rain.
- Fixed a typo in the starting message of the black screen.
- Fixed a bug with Greave ability, now it only has 10% to work and it doesn't work if attacked unit is ally.

Version 2.0a
- Fixed a bug with the Ram Knoackback ability, now it won't fire on buildings, mechanical units, dead units and air units. Also improved the performance of the code.
- Updated the "Launch Seal" spell from Druid Dwarf to be more balanced and to have a minimum range (so the paraboloic effect does not look stupid =P ).
- Fixed Chaos Barracks tooltip
- Remade Chaos Grunt unit. Now it has better abilities and fits in the theme decently.
- Remade the Chaos Berserker unit. It has new abilities and is fits in the theme better as well.
- Remade the Chaos Cart and fixed a bug with its air attack animation.
- Balanced all units from Chaos Orc Barracks.
- Replaced Greave with ChaoticRage.
- Now Chaos Stronghold is also able to research Chaotic Rage ability.
- Replaced Glorious Charge with Light Shield in the Bandit Lord hero. Now he has a usefull ability at last.
- Replaced Summon Gate with Fiery Summon in the Summoner. Now this hero (finally) has a decent ultimate that is not crap =P.
- Completely remade the Summoner's "Summon Fel Beast" ability. Now it is balanced to be a counter-part of the "Summon wolf" spell from the Orc hero and now it is (finally) balanced for melee game.
- Added CreepSys systems. Now some creeps revive in their areas.
- Replaced "Orb of Zeus" spell with "Ligthning Grenade" in Electron hero (from the tavern). Now his skills are more usefull.
- Fully remade and balance Lightning Invocation from Electron hero. Now it is bug free and it is (finally) decent to use and is faster.
- Completely remade the Orc Warlorck from Chaos Orcs. Now he is a ward unit made to counter orc's doctor.
- Changed Loading Screen of the map! (now we finally have a decent loading screen!)
- Removed shield dwarf, he was a bugged hero with no strategy defined. By doing this the map also becomes smaller to accomodate other models that will be more important.
- Removed a few model imports that are no longer necessary.
- Remade the history of the Druid Dwarf to fit the removal of the Shield Dwarf.
- Removed ABC timing system (finally).
- Removed DebugLib system.
- Updated BloodBound ABility and fixed.
- Changed the voice of Electron hero
- Remade the tier upgade message system. Now it is a lot smaller, the same player doesn't get repeated tier tips and he is the only player to hear the sounds.
- Replaced TimedEffects system with TimedHandles. Now I have more freedom for eye-candy in spells =D.
- Made major changes in the inner structure of the map so it could work for the next patch.
- Changed the attack type of all chaos units to piercing, magic and normal, in order to balance the game and the race.
- Due major changes that will occur in the next patch, the shop system in now down for a remake. Shops will only have 1 page inventory items and they will not travel.
- Due major changes that will occur in the next patch, the NE tutorial is not just down, it was also removed. Maintaining such a complex system with the new update coming would not be worth the effort.
- Due major changes that will occur in the next patch, the following heroes are down for a remake: Chaod Rider, Electron. These heroes have spells removed are being remade.
- Summoner hero is also down until a new design line comes up. He was too unbalanced to be played with, now his unbalanced spells got removed.
- Replaced the Urn item with Greave item on Chaos Orc shop. Now they have a tier 1 item very useful.
- Rebalanced Strenght Armor by lowering the chance of success.
- Fixed a bug on the Power Jump dwarf ability. Now the hero won't lose mana if he can't jump.

Version 2.0b
- Now Soul Ward doesn't raise skelies from dead summoned units.
- Diablo car siege unit now is able to attack buildings.
- Changed attack type of Chaos Machine to siege.
- Chaotic Rage will no longer activate on buildings, mechanical units nor on allies. Now it also requires the upgrade to work.
- Chaotic Rage is now a tier 2 upgrade and costs more gold.
- Fixed Chaotic Rage ability, now it won't destroy shield for no reason.
- Remade the Chaotic Rage ability. Now it gives 1% chance to deal Chaos damage per 2% hp missing. It will also be a tier 2 upgrade.
- Added new system to project, NovaSystem xe by Akolit0r.
- Added new spell to Electron, Shock Nova and fixed his Lightning Grenade spell (now it works!).
- Increased the quality of the code of WolfStrike ability now it won't collapse shields for no reason.
- Removed 2nd item page from Tank and Plane shops. Now all their items work properly xD.
- Added new ability to Chaos Warchief, Death Persistance. This new ability not fits well the tactic line of the hero.
- Added new ability to Summoner hero, Appocalypse. This new ability not fits well the tactic line of the hero.
- Added new item to Chaos Orcs, Fiery Summon tier 3 item that replaces useless Serathil.
- Balanced the fire power of the incendiary bomber, now it only deals 20 damage / sec.
- Added new item to the Bomber shop, Icy Bombs are now available to buy.
- Now Sylvana can pass the Murloc river.
- Fixed BloodBound ability, now it won't destroy shields for no reason.
- Removed the story from the Chaos shop and from the High Elf shop. It made no sense to only have 2 buildings with history while the entire tech race and other races were left alone.
- Made the WarChief hero bigger.
- Made all wards from Chaos Orc green caster visible, and now all ward spells have an AOE so the player knows the area each ward will affect.
- Rebalanced SoulWard by setting its colddown to 8 seconds instead of 2.

Version 2.0c
- Updated Special Units internal library to make the map more stable.
- Added the black screen again. The prevents AI from acting stupid and allows players to synchronize at the start of the game.
- Chaotic Rage is now a tier 2 upgrade.
- Fixed the description of Chaotic Rage upgrade.
- Fixed an important exploit with Chaotic Rage, now it won't affect units that are not supposed to be affected and it will not affect buildings as well.
- Fixed Rider Devil's Speed upgrade, now it increases speed instead of taking it away.
- Made major spell checks to grammar in Chaos Orc race and Tavern heroes.
- Fixed some descriptions of heroes.
- Scaled the unit model of Chaos Rider Warchief hero.
- Fixed a major bug with Soul Ward, now it works properly.
- Increased the cooldown of Draining Ward from 2 seconds to 3.
- Made minor spell checks to other units.
- Removed Ensnare from Chaos Rider. This unit is being prepared for an update.
- Added new spell to the Summoner - Dark Clones. This is an excellent support or counter for summoners.
- Finally, the Rider is now ready for his new Devil's Speed ability. This ability was finally added, and it is sure to make many fans happy. Added the remake of Devil's Speed (finally).
- Remade the description of the Chaos Orcs Race.
- Fixed the description of all upgrades from the Lumber Mill.
- Fixed the description of the Greave item.
- Removed Kodo's Vault. This makes part of a preparation for a new unit and strategy for this race.
- Removed Chaos Riderless Kodo, this unit was bogus and useless to the new main strategy of the race.
- Chaos Bestiary now trains Fel Orc Kodo.
- Now Fear Aura's buff corresponds to the buff of an aura.
- Added Myre to credits!
- Improved the README file a lot. Now you have more information about the credits there so you can research for your project =P

Please note that the map is not 100% completed yet, I would appreciate any help I could get and please be kind on comments.

Here are some scrennies of the new hero Ranger, I am sure it will make you interested!

Now here some new abilities for Bandit Lord

Look how the terrain was improved!

In Beta 1.8 the items were heavily improved!

Now in version Beta 1.9, we finally have AI!

To know more spells from the hero, download the map !

Flame_Phoenix, Castle vs Castle, castle, Byaku, Anachron, Cakemeister, dday, clan sor, Myre, Flame Edition, flame, CCFE, IceCrown, Beta

Castle vs Castle Flame Edition 2.0c (Map)

01:46, 16th Aug 2008 Septimus: Map have been set to pending and going to be review again Edit : Tested it again, lot's of hotkey error. Apart from that it seem to be fine. http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/783956-post6.html 18:29, 19th...
If that's the case, then I apolagize. And to be accurate, I've said it twice, maybe three times.

I would recommend the use if Photobucket, if attaching is not possible. Also, albums.

I checked 2 forums ( This one and another one ) and you said the same sentence on both. Maybe it was luck so I dunno.
Well now I have a bit more time so I might be able to spend time on terrain if you want.. =)

Edit: 1337 post lol :D
Damn, now that was a fast reply !
Well, sure, I will need your help, that's for certain. However please wait, I need to update the version to ddayworld community and other hosting communities first. After that I will start making plans for the new version =)
Damn, now that was a fast reply !
Well, sure, I will need your help, that's for certain. However please wait, I need to update the version to ddayworld community and other hosting communities first. After that I will start making plans for the new version =)

Yeah okay do so, I am doing my arena aswell, you maybe wanna check its screenshots and/or trailer, see on my signature.

And btw, that answer was insane fast lol.
Level 8
Jul 2, 2008
Flame_Phoenix said:
Not yet.

Byaku can you do some testing ?

I've test chaos orc race and druid dwarf hero. afaik, there is some typo and bug.

If i use launch seal spell to target near bridge, the bridge will broke.

There is a typo on launch seal spell, if you want to look launch seal spell typo, look to my attached screenshoot.

There is a typo on chaos grunt, if you want to look chaos grunt typo, look to my attached screenshoot.


  • Launch seal typo.jpg
    Launch seal typo.jpg
    367.9 KB · Views: 104
  • Chaos Grunt typo.jpg
    Chaos Grunt typo.jpg
    347.2 KB · Views: 106
Level 8
Jul 2, 2008
Flame_Phoenix said:
So the bridge is destroyed !? Man I was afraid this could happen .... I think I better remove the bridge for terrain.

Yeah, that's real, i saw it, the bridge destroyed. I think it's just error from my computer, but, when i test it again, the result same (the bridge destroyed).

Flame_Phoenix said:
Thx for testing =)

You're welcome and hope this makes your map better.

Edit: Found typo in high elf and bug.

Bug : If i use Power jump (Axe Dwarf skill) to target near bridge, the bridge will be destroyed.

If you want to see the typo, look to my attached screenshoot.


  • High elf typo.JPG
    High elf typo.JPG
    173.9 KB · Views: 68
  • High elf typo 2.jpg
    High elf typo 2.jpg
    306.2 KB · Views: 74
Last edited:
Ok guys, news about the map, I already started adding some new stuff for the project. Version 1.6 will have 2 new recipe items, 1 is already added and the Little BOOM will also have its first item, an Incendiary Bomber.

I also intend to correct the typos. About the bridge Anachron can't fix the terrain so I don't know how long it will take to fix it.

Merry Christmas!
Ok guys, news about the map, I already started adding some new stuff for the project. Version 1.6 will have 2 new recipe items, 1 is already added and the Little BOOM will also have its first item, an Incendiary Bomber.

I also intend to correct the typos. About the bridge Anachron can't fix the terrain so I don't know how long it will take to fix it.

Merry Christmas!

Next 2 weeks are bad, but after that I am gonna fullspeed terraining.
(Traveling ftw)
Next 2 weeks are bad, but after that I am gonna fullspeed terraining.
(Traveling ftw)
Two weeks from now I will be back to university and to hell as well. It will be bad timing for me .... I will make an extra effort.

- Sleepy recipe for goblin page 2 added
- Ethereal recipe for goblin page 2 added
- Incendiary little boom page 1 added

Ok guys, I need ideas now, any suggestions ?
Well, I would also want that, but I need to improve terrain badly. let's face the fact that if you think your terrain sucks, than we better not talk about the terrain in my map.
If you can't improve the terrain, I will be force to find a 2nd terrainer. I want the project to move, and I need help, i can only do this is people are willing to work, even if it is from time to time, but I need work done ... =S
Its awsome! I also used the flying shop bomber which was very cool! I beat the guy I played he was so noob ;P
Yee ! Well stay around because next version will have new bombs!

Also, please change signature to "CCFE Tester and Supporter" (the name changed a while ago xD)

Also, please report bugs and suggestions, I want to improve the map.
So far the only thing missing here is a decent Damage Detection System. Without one there is little I can improve, since all my other ideas depend on one. Anyway, hope you like the changes, and hope that some day, the clan also likes it.


Ok, I posted a reply on the official hosting community to as the team an opinion.
Current Team - DDayWorld Forums

I decided to give hunter a chance. Let's see what he has.
Instead of creating a new thread I decided to revive this one.
As I said, my casters for the races suck quite a little bit (lol) so I am remaking them with decent custom spells.
The first I would like to fix are the Chaos Orc Casters because they are the worst so so.
I would like to fix the Chaos Xaman, he must have at least 1 auto-cast ability (can also be two), no passive abilities and a total of 3 active support abilities. This unit is an offensive caster.
Please report your ideas in the format:

Caster: Chaos Orc Xaman (the red guy) xD

Tier 1:
Auto-cast: no
Description: balblablaablabla
Mana cost: 75
Colddown: 10

Tier 2:
//same thing as tier 1

Tier 2:
//you get the point

Others: some personal opinion you may have

I will credit people if I use their ideas, and will rep+ them in here for making suggestion.
All ideas are welcome.
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
looks like lame
the DAAARKKK blade master uses MEGA ability to SLAY his enemies
bah just piece of dumb
jass spells doesnt make anything better
You dont even have correct hotkeys but you put detailed information meh
rate ? 1/5
No, they are vJASS, big difference here.

jass spells doesnt make anything better
Actually they do ... in fact that is the main reason why people learn jass, if you remember.

You dont even have correct hotkeys
All hotkeys are corrected since version 1.5, I advise you to download version 1.7
Revsilver is in the loading screen because he helped me correcting all hotkeys.

you put detailed information
I like it and I find it useful.

Seriously dude, this is a bad joke, i don't find it funny .... perhaps there is a reason why your account got silenced in wc3c ...
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
meh whatever 5/5 ok now ?
anyway you are just like wc3c members and I dislike you

Edit: no no Ive changed my mind 5/5 and +rep
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
meh if you ask me this is nothing but a big Show off
"Yea Im cool, my map is vjass and it has detailed descriptions"