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Castle vs Castle

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Reactions: -Kobas-
CASTLE vs CASTLE – The two Kings


Map Progress
Heroes: 100%
Landscape: 100%
Items: 100%
Triggers: 100%
Balancing: 99%
Shops: 100%
Creep Shops: 100%

16 New Heroes, (1 each Race and 12 neutral Heroes)
Many Items
9 Unique craftable Items (Legendary Items)
Many imported Models and Buttons
Easy but fun Game principe (based on Meele Game/Castle Defence/Hero Arena)


Map objective is to kill the enemies King and to defend your own King. The Kings can be found at the center of their Castle.

Because Air Units are very strong on this Map each Castle is defended by Strong Anti-Air Towers and the King has a devasting Anti-Air Attack which kills Air Units in a great Area Instantly. At Last Air Units should be as strong as they should and not turned into too weak by theese issues.

In the Middle of the Map there is a River, wich has a Bridge in its middle and a small Bridge on each side of the River.

In the Castles are Barracks that spawn Royal Units every 90 seconds. Royal Units mostly Help in the early Game, in later Game they are not really Important.

The Castle Gates have 3 defenders each: a level 4 Paladin Hero and 2 Level 3 Mountain King Heroes. They exist to make the Game a bit longer, more interesting and prevent enemies from entering the enemy Castle in the early Game.

In each Castle there are 2 nearly unexhaustible Gold Mines for every Player and at the Castle Side there is one Lumber mill for each player, wich can train Workers. Theese Lumber Mills are Invunerable.
Workers are Fast-Built and do not cost any Food, but there is a Limit of Workers to prevent lame worker-massing tactics to crash the enemies PC.

Food Limit on this Map is 200, it`s full from beginning, so there is no need to build Farms.

Maximum Hero Level is 15. All heroes have an Ability increasing their Damage by 15 over 5 Levels trainable from level 11 to 15.

On the Map there are many Neutral Buildings, same on each side of the River.

Neutral Buildings in the Castle

Cantina - Trains the Standard Neutral Heroes.
Altar of Legends - Trains Legendary Heroes.

Neutral Buildings in the City


Weapon Smith - sells Weapons,
Armor Smith - sells Shields and Helmets,
Boutique - sells Cloth Armor,
Orb Shop - sells Orbs,
Gem Merchant - sells Aura-Items,
Jewelry - sells Rings for attributes and Pendants with active spells,
Alchemist - sells Potions,
2 Reagents Merchants - sell Items needed for crafting Legendary Items.

-Academic Quarter

Church - Trains Monks,
Library - Sells Tomes, Books and Scrolls,
Wizards Tower - Sells Legends (Recipes for Legendary Items).


Holy Well of Regeneration - Regenerates Hitpoints and Mana.

-Military Quarter

Silverhand Stronghold - Trains Paladins, Silverhand Infantry and High Elven Archers,
Tower Shop - Sells Instant-Build Tower-Items of any Race.

Neutral Buildings at the Village

Village Hall - Trains Fanatics and Militia.

Neutral Buildings at the Forest

- Trades Gold for Wood and Wood for Gold 3:1
- Sells Mules (weak Units that can carry items and move fast)
- Sells the Divine Chest of Wonders
(carries and uses Items, has the Teleport and Divine Shield abilities)

Legendary Items

There are 6 Legendary Items that can be crafted on this Map.
Legendary Items are unique, it can be only one Legendary of each type on the Map and every Hero can wear only one Legendary Item.
Legendary Items are from the Warcraft and World of Warcraft Stories, so you may know them.


Atiesh, Grandstaff of the Guardian

Atiesh is the Legendary Staff of Medhiv, The Last Guardian of Tirisfal, who was possessed by Sargeras, the Fallen Titan and Leader of the Burning Legion.
When Medhiv was killed by his Apprentice Khadgar the Soul of Sargeras got caged into Atiesh, and Atiesh crushed into pieces. The Soul of the Fallen Titan still sleeps in this Staff.

Stats: +25 intelligence, +20 Damage and + 75% Manaregeneration.
Use: Summons an Infernal.


Archus, Grandstaff of Antonidas

Archus was the Staff of the Archmage Antonidas, who fell defending Dalaran, City of Mages, from the Scourge of Prince Arthas Menethil.
He was not successful, and the Lich Kel`Thuzad was able to Summon the Demon Lord Archimonde with the Help of the Libram of Medhiv. Archus was Lost when Archimonde Destroyed Dalaran.

Stats: +25 Intelligence, +20 Damage and +500 Mana.
Use: Teleports up to 36 own units to the Heroes Position.


Gorehowl, Axe of Grom Hellscream

Gorehowl, the Legendary Axe of one of the Greatest Heroes of the Horde, Grom Hellscream, has sown terror among thousands of Battlefields.
The most brave action Hellscream did with this weapon was to Kill the Pit Lord Mannoroth and freeing the Orcs from the Demonic Rage.

Stats: +25 Damage, +15% Attackspeed, 25% Chance to critical Hit for double damage.
Use: Decreases the Damage of all Enemies around the Hero by 35%, does not Stack with terrifying Howl.


The Ashbringer, Sacred Blade of Alexandros Morgraine

The Ashbringer was created by Alexandros Morgraine, first Highlord of the Scarlet Crusade, from a Dark Artifact from Outland, which has been purified by the Most powerful Paladins of these Times.
The Legends tell that this Artifact was the corpse of a dead Naaru, a Holy creature of the Light. The Blade itself was forged by Magni Bronzebeard.
The Blade has its name from its ability to burn all Undead it fights to Ashes, it was enough when its bearer just unsheathes the blade to burn Armies of unclean creatures, and so its bearer was called the Asbringer too.

Ashbringer Stats: +25 Strength, +20 Damage
Use: Unleashes the Holy Power of the Ashbringer, dealing 250 Damage to all Enemy around the Hero and stunning them for 4 seconds. Has 1,5 seconds Casting time.


Shadowmourne, Cursed Axe of Darion Morgraine

Darion Morgraine, son of the Ashbringer, forged this Axe to take vengeance from the Lich King. Darion once was a Death Knight of the Scourge, but he was freed by High Lord Tirion Fordring, leader of the Order of the Argent Crusade.
To take vengeance he collected Saronite, the Blood of an old god, a thousand unclean souls, blood of the most Powerful Abominations of the Lich King and the Power of the Scourges Generals. He forged all this to this powerful Weapon.

Stats: +25 Strength, +25 Damage
Use: Heals the bearer by 1000


The Warglaives of Azzinoth

These Warglaives has been worn by Illidan Stormrage, the Betrayer.
I Must not tell much about these weapons, because even the oldest creatures from Azeroth fear their Name.
Since Illidan was killed by Maiev Shadowsong at the Black Temple in Outland the Blades were lost, and this may be called a stroke of good fortune.

Stats: +25% Agility and +35% Attackspeed
Use: Increases the bearers Attack Speed by 50% and his Movement Speed by 20% for a short while.


Val´anyr, Hammer of the Ancient Kings

Val´anyr, Hammer of the Ancient Kings is one of the oldest weapons of Azeroth.
It has been worn by one of the first Kings of the Ancestors of the Dwarfs in the Times of the Titans. Bran Bronzebeard has found this weapon while he explored Ulduar, the Prison of the Old God Yogg Saron. Mighty Heroes were able to reforge this Hammer with the power of the Old Gods acidic Blood.

Stats: +20 Intelligence, +500 Hitpoints, +5 Health Regeneration
Use: Heals a Target Unit by 300.


Thunderfury, blessed Blade of the Windseeker

Thousands of Years ago, the Lord of Fire, Ragnaros, caged an Elemental Prince of Wind into magical Chains. One of his Minios managed to reclaim his Chains, but it was impossible to free his Prince, so he decided to forge this Blade as a worth Vessel for his Master.

Stats: +15 Agility, +25% Attackspeed and + 20% Movement-Speed Bonus
Use: Calls for the Power of the Windseeker, dealing Damage to all enemy Units around him, cleanses all magical effects from them and slows their movement-Speed for 10 seconds.


Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros

Sulfuras, the Hand of Ragnaros is the Hammer of Ragnaros, Lord of Fire who has his home at the Molten Core of Azeroth, wiches entrance can be found under the Blackrock Mountain.

Stats: +20 Strength, 60% of all Meele Damage caused is Area Damage.
Use: Causes a Volcanic eruption in a Target Area.

Legendary Heroes

On this Map are 16 Legendary Heroes, one per Race and 12 neutral ones which can be recruited on the Altar of Legends.
I tried to make those Heroes more interesting to play, but not stronger than the Standard Heroes, and I think I got it. Maybe they will get some weaker in the Balancing Phase, but they are not really overpowered at the Moment.


Undead: Deathlord

Army of the Dead: Summons an Army of skeletons
Dark Gift:Heals a Unit, but then deals damage over time equal to the amount healed
Disease Cloud: Damages enemy Units around the Deathlord, but they won´t die from this Damage.
Plague Dragon:Summons a mighty plague Dragon with Disease Cloud ability. The Plague Dragon can Attack only Land Units, but he can take off and attacks Air Units Then. Its disease Cloud ability damages Air or Land units depending on the Dragon is flying or Landed.


Humans: Highlord of the Silverhand

Wave of Light: Heals all friendly Unit around the Highlord.
Light Shield:Grants a Chance to ignore all Damage taken from an Attack against the Highlord.
Fist of Justice: Deals high Damage to a single Target. Undead Units take additional Damage.
Call for the Light: (Ultimate) Summons an Angel that fights for the Highlord and has the Holy Light ability.


Orcs: Stormreaver Shaman

Souls of the Stormreavers: Summons Orc Skeletons from a Corpse.
Lightning Attack : Deals Additional Damage on every attack while active. Costs Mana for each Attack.
Forgotten Rites: Sacrifices an own Unit. The Shaman gets Mana and health depending on the Health of the sacrificed unit.
Lightning Storm: (Ultimate) Calls Lightnings from the Sky, dealing high Damage but come with slow interval.


Night Elves: High Druid

Entangling Roots: Entangles all Units around the Druid for a Short Time. Entangled Units ca not do any actions.
One with Nature : The Druid turns into an Ancient with more Life and Armor and a high Mana regeneration.
Rebirth : Resurrects one friendly Unit, Cooldown and Mana cost decrease with each Level.
Wild Growth: (Ultimate) Heals a Friendly Unit by a low Amount but then Heals it for a higher Amount over 12 seconds.



Bloodrage Aura: Increases the Attack Speed of all nearby friendly Units.
Dark Rage : Increases Movement an Attack Speed for a high amount for short duration.
Art of Killing :Grants the Demonprince a chance to deal Multiple Damage and a Chance to dodge.
Immortality: (Ultimate) The Demonprince revives when he has being killed. Has ionly a short waiting-time and a High Cooldown.


Pandaren Wardancer

Critical Strike : Increases The Wardancer has a Chance to deal Multiple Damage.
Panda Speed : Increases the Wardancers Movement Speed.
Evasion : The Wardancer has a Chance to dodge Attacks.
Panda Twins: (Ultimate) The Wardancer Summons his Twin Brother to fight beside him. The Twin Brother deals normal Damage and profits from the Wardancers abilities.


Naga Lord

Splash Attack : The Naga Lord hits enemies with such force that his Attacks hit enemy targets around the first target.
Poison Skin : The Naga Lord reflects meele Damage taken to the Attacker.
Naga Beasts : Summons Naga Beasts to fight for the Naga Lord.
Tsunami : (Ultimate) The Naga Lord Summons a Powerful Tsunami Wave dealing Damage to everything in its Path.



Feedback : The Mage Hunters Attacks burn Mana and deal damage Equal to the Mana destroyed. Lower Effect on Heroes.
Antimagic Shield : A Shield that makes the target immune to all spells.
Silence : Inhibits Enemy Units in an Area from Spellcasting.
Mana Absorption : (Ultimate) Absorbs up to 500 mana from a target Unit and gives it to the Magehunter. The Maximum mana absorbed is limited by the Mana left by the Target and the Mana Lost by the Magehunter.
Self hatred : Burns Mana from the Magehunter and deals Damage to him. Useful to increase the Mana absorbed by Mana absorption, if the Magehunter has full Mana.


Bloodelven Retributress

Blessing of Might : Increases the Damage done by a target friendly unit, does not Stack with inner Fire
Aura of Retribution : An Aura that Increases the Damage dealt by nearby friendly Meele-Units.
Hammer of Justice : Stuns a Target enemy Unit.
Divine Wrath : (Ultimate) Deals Damage to all Enemy Units around the Retributress and heals her by 26% of the total Damage dealt including overkill Damage.


High Priest

Sacred Shield : Increases the Armor and deacreases the Magical Damage taken of a Target friendly Unit.
Holy Aura : An Aura that Increases the Health regeneration of nearby friendly Units by a High Amount, has only low Range.
Holy Shock : Deals Damage to an enemy Unit or Heals a friendly Unit.
Divine Inferno : (Ultimate) Heals friendly Units and deals Damage to Enemy Units in an Area.


Ice Lord

Deep Freeze : Deals Damage to an Enemy Unit and Deep freezes it.
Ice Nova : Deals low Damage to all enemy Units Around the Icelord and deep freezes them.
Ice Bolt : The Attacks of the Ice Lord slow enemy Units and deal additional Damage. Each Attack costs Mana.
Shatter : (Ultimate) Deals low Damage with Low cooldown. Deals four times normal damage to deep frozen targets.


Eredar Warlock

Dark Inferno : Summons burning Ashes and Darkness over all Units in an Area, dealing High Damage over 3 Seconds.
Cripple : Decreases Movement Speed, Attack Speed and Damage dealt of a target Enemy Unit.
Strength of the Legion : The Eredar Warlock gains additional Hitpoints, increased Health Regeneration and his Attacks deal Chaos Damage.
Meteor: (Ultimate) Summons a Meteor, that deals Damage to enemy Units in an Area and stuns them.


High Elven Ranger General

Summon Hawk: Summons a Hawk wich fights for the Ranger General.
Arrow Storm: Allows to fire multiple Arrows at.
Stealth: Allows the Ranger Genral to turn invisible, but decreases Movement-Speed.
Rapid Fire: Allows the Ranger General to attack with double Speed for a short while.



Exorcism: Deals Damage over time and Silences the Target.
Test of Faith: Deals High Damage over time. If the target survives, it gets healed for 100% Life and Mana and gets increased Attacks speed for a while.
Salvation: Redeems the Soul of an nearby Corpse. The Redeemed Soul will fight as an Angel for the Bishop.
Conversion: Takes Control of an Enemy Unit.


Dwarven Runesmith

Rune of Neltharion: Throws Shards of Burning Metal against the Enemies.
Rune of Alexstraza: Passive. Heals the Runesmith whenever he casts a Rune Spell.
Rune of Ysera: Turns Units in an Area into Sleep.
Rune of the Titans: Deals High Lightning Damage to Multiple Targets.


Elven Siege Engineer

Siege Engineering: Increases Damage and Movment-Speed of the Siege Engineer and allows him to Build additional Towers. Also increases his Repair-Speed.
Sabotage: Turns the Siege Engineer Invisible and increases his Movement Speed. When he Attacks a Building or Mechanical to break the effect he will deal very high Damage.
Engineers Presence: Increases the Attack Speed of nearby Towers and Mechanicals, also Increases the Movement Speed of Mechanicals.
Siege Engineering Mastery: Allows the Engineer to Build a Research Center with Upgrades for all his Towers and increases his Attributes.

Creep Race - The Order of the Silver Hand


Mounted, heavy armored Holy Warrior.
Holy Light - Heals friendly living Units for 150 or deals 75 Damage to enemy Undead Units.
Divine Protection - Grants a 10% Chance to ignore all Damage taken from an Attack.

Silver Hand Infantry

Heavy armored Holy Footman.
Inner Fire - Grants Bonus Armor and Damage to target Friendly Units.
Holy Shield - Reduces all Magical and Piercing Damage taken, allows to reflect Piercing Attacks against the Infantrist. Reduces Movement Speed while active.

High Elven Archers

The Best Archers from the Kingsom of Quel`thalas.
Volley - Increases Attack Speed and Damage taken.
Ensnare - Allows to throw a Web over an Enemy Unit, wich makes it immobile. Air Units loose the Ability to fly while ensnared.
Elunes Grace - Decreases Piercing and Magical Damage taken.
Trueshot - Grants a Chance to deal double Damage.


Monks from the Church of the Holy Light.
Prayer of Hope - Heals all friendly Units around the Monk for a small amount.
Prayer of Hope - Increases Armor of all friendly Units around the Monks for a while.


Fanatic, Insane Villagers.
Fanaticism - Increases Attack Speed and Movement Speed of a Target friendly Unit.


Armed Villagers, weak but cheap.

Final Comment

This Map works on an easy principe, which I used from an older Map called “Castle vs Castle”. This Map was popular 6 years ago, when I stopped playing WC3, so some older players may remember it.

Especially because of this easy principe I think tha Map is really fun for everybody who likes Meele Games, but also like mor Items, additional heroes and so on or miss these features sometimes at the Standard-meele Games.

The Map has room for Many tactics, like Massing Units, Buiding defences, keep the Enemy under Pressure, Surprising Attacks to the Wood places or with air Units from the Castle sides or Hero based playing or much other things u can emagine. Because of this it wont be boring for a long time.

The Game is sophisticated enough to discover new things and be interesting, but easy enough to learn it fast.

The Map was nearly forgotten now and so I decided to make an extensive remake.

This is the first Map I ever made, I can say. I made some Mapping when I played 6 years ago, but nothing complicated, so I think I don’t lie when I say this is my first Map.
I wish much fun with playing this really fun and made with heart Map.

Map Credits

Map Created by Beneathar

Buttons, Skins and Models from the following Hiveworkshop.com-Users:

expresso, Anachron, KelThuzad, CRAZYRUSSIAN, GooS, Mr.Goblin, Dmazzz, Palaslayer, -BerZeKeR-, Paladon, Elenai, Tranquil, WhiteWolf, kola, Nightwish.ger, Ribenamania, sPy, Akolyt0r, Static, Destructor [DoR], -Stygian-, Darkmoon Hero, fagge, Quech, hawk900, Narandza, Forgotten_Warlord, blahson256, Yak, SexYFrostWyrM, JetFangInferno, BlackDoom, Mc !, ajoj11, LichKing, Norinrad, Army-of-Pandas, -Kobas-, L_Lawliet, OgeRfaCes, ike_ike, Pyramidhe@d, HappyTauren, bananaHUNT, VaLkYroN, Illidan(Evil)X, exN, Pyritie, JetFangInferno ,Denu, Dan van Ohllus, Lord_T, Hellx-Magnus, Ket, Radagast, Zerox, Dark Hunter1357, assasin_lord, Pharaoh_, NFWar, Champara Bros, Kitabatake.

Exeptional Thanks to olofmoleman and Jigrael for the great Plague Dragon Model!

Special Thanks for the Panda Evasion Button to Akkount from INwarcraft.de

Special Thanks to the INwarcraft.de Forum Community for Help and Testing.

Changes from last to this Version:
- 4 new Heroes
- Creep Shops with new Custom Units
- Terrain completely overworked, new Shops added
- Spelling Misstakes corrected
- Tips implemented at beginning.
- More Balancing
- Custom Soundsets removed because they were in German and took too much filesize (50% of the whole Map filesize)

Map Version: 1.0 Final.

This Map is now Final. If u find some Bugs i havn`t seen while testing or have Balancing issues please post here or write a private Message.

Please Excuse my Bad English, I hope it is understandable.

This Map is Protected

Hotfix 8-23-10: Fixed a Bug with the Ranger Generals Arrow Storm ability
Update 8-27-10: More Balancing added, removed Units that were left from testing :/
Update 9-2-10: Fixed a Bug that sometimes occures with the Siege Engineers Aura

Castle, Meele, Paladin, King, Legendary, Castle vs Castle, Meele, Altered, Arena, Defence, Defend, Holy, Reborn, Angel, Beneathar

Castle vs Castle (Map)

18:52, 11th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 3
Jun 18, 2010
Screenies can be found at the more detailed German Map description on InWarcraft.de (Link at the description)

Maybe ill add the Hero Prewiews with the pics in the Next days (Maybe)

Thanks for the Compliment to the Terraining, is just like it too, but i know i can do ot better, so there would be a complete overwork of the Terrain in the Next version.
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Level 3
Jun 18, 2010
Well, ill do this in a few days... i promise.

Well... I ulpoaded it here because the maximum filesize at INwarcraft.de is 4MB... and i did it fast.... and my english ist not that good.

I promise this would be nearly as good description as the german one is, but please let me some time with this.
Level 6
Oct 21, 2009
Versuchen Sie bekommen dann den Google-Übersetzer . Es ist ganz nützlich. Mit nur einem kurzen Klick auf eine Schaltfläche können Sie die Wörter von Deutsch auf Englisch zu konvertieren via versa.

Try getting the Google translator then. It's quite useful. With just a quick click of a button, you can convert the words from German to English via versa.
I just used it for the German version of my comment ;)
Level 3
Jun 18, 2010
Well.. i hope you can speak German... if not: Nobody can understand the German translation :)

Google Translator maybe nice if you never learned english and must write something in english... but if you are able to speak english a bit its MUCH better to translate by Hand... so... just be a bit patient, ill do Translation in the coming days :)
Level 3
Jun 18, 2010
The Map description has been completely Updated. :grin:

I hope u like it and its understandable, because my English is not THAT good :bored:

Here´s a Replay from my Last Game, it was a 2v2 game, but soon 2 Players Left :)slp:)
Well... my enemy was sightly noobish and so it became an easy win for me after i managed it to conquer his gates...
it would have been much faster if have had choosen the Icelord and not the magehunter for last hero (i really dont know why i did this ^^)

its against one Herobased Player and me with 3 Heroes and a Griffin/Knight Army.

Hope you will enjoy


  • CvCReplay.w3g
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Level 1
Jul 8, 2010
This map has some errors u should put to pick heros and not worker picker, the undead lich skeletons warriors and magic skeletons should have too a ranged archer to complete set and put a little more damage.

Well the rest its good and u should reduce books for 100 gold 1 stats and for exp. 500.

U should put too creeps and take out those houses to hire creeps.

And get hive packs of spells those very cool lol but seriously u need to see those things to make that map better, cause i really liked it and i hope u work a little more on it. :thumbs_up:
Level 3
Jun 18, 2010
Well, the Tomes price is high, i know, but if a player goes hero based a single hero can grow very strong atm, and i dont think it would be good to make heroes much stronger than they are, this will make Units useless i think.
But of cpourse, i know thar Tomes are expenisve here, to save some Money you could buy normal items with stats at the thieves shop (will be jewelry in next version).

The Deathlords Army of the Dead had gone a long way of Balancing and its okay now as it is, think about is strong Ultimate(probably strongest summon in Game). U should also think about the skeletons get stronger with upgrades, so its powerful enough. For style, for sure, it would be nice to have archers, but at least i think the Army is okay.

Theese hoeses for creeps are in the Map just to watch how creep shops work in this Game, other Creep shops with better (self-made) Units wil be added in the next version, so ure right, they suck and they will be removed :)

For the Spell packs... well, i normally try to get easy, but styleful, spells that work on a conservative way, as u see there are some triggered spells in this map and some who are based on normal ones. There will be added some new heroes to the Map (im planing 4 new heroes, but i need more ideas^^), and i think i wont change the way i do my Heroes for the last 4 ones. More Heroes may be an interesting thing, but Map size is awful high now, and will be much higher in next version, so i dont think i will do much complicated heroes more :)

As i said in description, the Map will get a new terrain, some new shops and new heroes, after this theres only balancing and some minor changes left to do, but of course i wont stop the work on the Map until it is finished and feels complete to me :)

Thanks for testing and your suggestions, and thanks for the Help at the Request Forums.
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
This map looks cute on the screenshots, I love them, man I will say this gladly:


As a Reviewer of the Map Reviewers Group, I joined the THW Cleaning Event.
end up writing a fast review, or just posting the end state of the map, rating is not always included!

Current State for this map: Approved

I will contact the moderator to Approve/Reject the map, depending on what you recieved.

Level 6
Aug 21, 2009
Gonna try this ^^.

Btw, Rune of Alexstraza is spelt wrong. Her name is spelt "Alexstrasza" with an S before the Z.
The features you've listed in the description are not very satisfying.

Also @Barathrum, now we're approving maps because they "look cute"?
I'm not liking your way of judgement at all, you just approve the map because you thought the screenshots were "cute"? Well damn me if I haven't found out yet that the reviewing system has completely changed.
Level 3
Jun 18, 2010

Well, i myself dont want to have my map shortly overflown and then approved.. so maybe you want to have a closer look to it? (But at end i hope he watched it closer, but just didnt tell much...)

I know its not a very complicated Map principe, so the features aren´t that great for sure, but im sure u will like the Map too if u watch it.

And - as well - for an altered Meele Map it has many cool features ;)

A Great Design isnt about Features, or Checklists. Its about feeling, i think.

So... just have a look on it and then judge me, as u wanted Barathrum to.
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Level 6
Apr 1, 2009
Just tried this out and this is quite good. The problems are the unoriginality of the new heroes. I'll judge some of the new Heroes one by one(glitches not included):

Highlord of the Silverhand: Skills are pretty original but the Call for the Light is pretty much Inferno. Why not a skill that can make some of your units invulnerable? And i believe it's "Silver Hand" not "Silverhand".
Overall: Acceptable.

High Druid: Engtangling Roots is a Keeper of the Grove skill. Why not a skill that creates a wall of trees? Isn't Wild Growth pretty much Healing Salve? Why not a skill that causes enemies to temporarily miss every time they hit?
Overall: Rather unoriginal.

Deathlord: Deathlord sounds too old school. Revenant of Undeath souunds better. Army of the Dead = very uncreative. Why not a skill that is opposite of Fist of Justice? Dark Gift is very very useless. Why not a skill that explodes a corpse and deal damage to units near it? Okay, maybe Plague Dragon is better than Call for the Light.
Overall: Same as the High Druid.

Stormreaver Shaman: Souls of the Stormreavers is just a plain copy of Raise Dead. Why not a skill that temporarily turns one of your units into a full health Skeletal Orc to fight for you? Lightning Strike is just re-skinned Searing Arrows. Why not Monsoon? Monsoon is already implemented in the game and can be found in the Object Editor. It's a pretty cool ability. A Dark Ritual + Death Pact = Forgoten Rites won't do a magic of originality. Why not an aura that decreases the mana regeneration of nearby enemies? Lightning Storm is just Starfall. Why not a skill that causes enemy casters in the area to have their mana completely depleted? Also Stormreaver Shaman should be Stormreaver Warlock. Because overall skills are more Warlock-like than Shaman-like.
Overall: Just a mix of different heroes and units.

Ice Lord: Deep Freeze and Ice Nova are too similiar. I recommend you to change Ice Nova. Why not an ability that causes units in an area to deal lesser damage by well freezing their weapons? Ahem, Ice Bolt belongs to Naga Sea Witch. Why not an aura that decreases the movement speed of nearby enemies? Shatter is pretty cool.
Overall: Same as the High Druid.

I'll judge the other heroes later. But i have to say that you should replace all the ridiculous amount of neutral Human/Dwarven/Elven heroes. At least change their races.
Nice map man, cozy! :thumbs_up:

This map looks cute on the screenshots, I love them, man I will say this gladly:


As a Reviewer of the Map Reviewers Group, I joined the THW Cleaning Event.
end up writing a fast review, or just posting the end state of the map, rating is not always included!

Current State for this map: Approved

I will contact the moderator to Approve/Reject the map, depending on what you recieved.


To many colors; didnt read
Level 3
Jun 18, 2010
So I am Back after months...

Well... my old PC crashed and the Map is gone with it, now it is protected here and I am not able to do updates...

Maybe someone here knows how to unprotect the Map (well... on the other Hand i hope not, but if it would be really usefull for me ;) )
Level 4
Jan 8, 2014
So I am Back after months...

Well... my old PC crashed and the Map is gone with it, now it is protected here and I am not able to do updates...

Maybe someone here knows how to unprotect the Map (well... on the other Hand i hope not, but if it would be really usefull for me ;) )

LOOOL really ? : O :ogre_rage: AHHHH ... :`( i knew the origninal Map Castle vs Castle too it was fun and you made there a cool map . i wanted to write down an option for the map terrain .. now it will be nerver updated. On the other Hand it can be updated .. but somebody have to make it once again ! :D i was thinking this one time too when i played the original Version. Anyway this Story is tragic somehow like the Ashbringer, was forged then corrupted(in this case crashed) now someone have to cleanse it (Or rebuild it)^^ you dont have to if you are thinking i asked you to do it again

Sry for bad english