This time i am sure that i translate all
Maybe there are some mistakes of ortography but i dont know english very well
In this map you can select to follow the bushido rules and be a samurai or follow the shinobi rules and be a ninja
The idea is to kill the other general to win
If you find any bug please say and i pm you because some guys report me for voting in 3 maps only low -.- unbelevie ah if you are some of that guys and rate low make a comment of at least 1000 words because if not, your comment its to short
for the others, comment if you want, rate what you want, i will give you free expresion
the map isnt protect so you can modified it if you want, and i willl not ask you to give credits... if you want give thanks XD
Hope you like it
EDIT: I improve the terrein because a somebody told to me that was bad, but the others things that told to me arent true so, this map is has better terrain
"Your terrain and enviroment art is still lacking since you worked on it leastly two minutes."
Welcome to JAPAN in japan they fought in large forest with no mountains! Thanks for know a lot of our world, for more information use google earth
Bushido Shinobi samurai ninja war