Burning_dragoon's Warhammer 40k models pack

As my project seems to be down forever, I decided to share with the community all the 40k models I made for now.

It includes:

Space marines models:
Bolter, Flamethrower, Meltagun, Plasmagun, Missile-Launcher, HeavyBolter, HeavyPlasmaGun, Lascannon and Sergeant;

Imperial guard models:
Lasgun, Flamethrower, Meltagun, Plasmagun, Radio, Medic, Sergeant, Kasrkin;

Orc Models:
Pistol'Boyz, Fling'boyz

As it was supposed to be a project, most of the models have at least 2 textures (gathering model texture, weapon textures, equipment etc...). The reason is quite simple to understand: with about 3-5 textures, I can have almost all the models I need for one race (except vehicules, unfortunately). So, to save space, I gathered into several textures all the aspects, so I won't be annoyed with 1 texture per models.

It has though a drawback: if you need a single model, you'll have to import to many textures. That's why I advise you to use these models for campaigns. Guardsmen are, fortunately, 1 single texture, so you can use them more easily in MultiPlayerMaps

Also, One thing to now: as these units weren't supposed to be revivable in my mod, they may be messing up if you set the Death type to "reanimate, can decay". So, I advise you again to set this to "cannot reanimate, can decay".

All the models have 2 sets of animation, representing their ability to attack either in melee or range. The melee mode is the "alternate" stance.

Oh, and don't watch these models work well (don't trust War3ModelEditor, it has some troubles with exported-from-3dsmax models)

I think that's all, enjoy!

Warhammer, 40k, Space, Marine, Space marine, Guardsman, Imperial, Guard, Imperial Guard, Ork,
18:38, 20th Oct 2008 General Frank: This pack is filled with epic stuff.




18:38, 20th Oct 2008
General Frank:

This pack is filled with epic stuff.
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
well ya but theres bound to be tutorials on the net somewhere plus i have a map i got from epicwar just search warhammer 40k and the name s just warhammer 40k its a small diagonal map with two white slabs in the corner and the description should say something like "this is a remake of dawn of war, all music and sounds you are are from DoW" or something like that
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
errrr... well itll need alternate anims for the missile launcher and the flamer...
seriously, tau isnt that important. i could careless if they were excluded from wh40k all together. they dont play a big role in the fluff like chaos or the inquisition do at all.
Level 4
Mar 25, 2008
Actually the Tau are a focal point when you delve deep into their lore. It has been predicted they will take the Imperium's place when it is burned and shows the numerous new upstart races that have formed in lack of their vigil. But still, I think the Tau would make a beautiful centerpiece for any mod, plus they have the awesomist guy besides Cypher, O'shovah. He personally is the most open to convert character along with the Farsight Enclave. It's truly impossible to understand the drive behind the Ethereals as well, because it all pretty much shows that Animal Farm by George Orwell is portrayed in this race, while the Space Marines are just the Sword of the Imperium.
Level 4
Mar 25, 2008
I'm sorry. It's just my project that uses this pack isnt going perfect and man is that SM with flamer model pissing me off. I wish I could just make it work or else someone is gonna get sliced. But I do need that Space Marine Sargeant I know you have somewhere in the middle of nowhere.