Ork: Pistol'Boyz

As my project seems to be down forever, I decided to share with the community all the 40k models I made for now.

As it was supposed to be a project, most of the models have at least 2 textures (gathering model texture, weapon textures, equipment etc...), but they include all the stuff needed to import all the variations.

Here's the Ork's Pistol'Boyz. It has 2 set of animation: one for range, one for melee. It is including TC.

Remember to give credits.

Warhammer, 40K, Ork, Pistol, Boyz

Ork: Pistol'Boyz (Model)

20:49, 17th Oct 2008 Pyritie: The portrait background is showing in all anims. Fix plx. 26th Oct 2008 Pyritie: Never mind, that was my own problem. Approved.




20:49, 17th Oct 2008
Pyritie: The portrait background is showing in all anims. Fix plx.

26th Oct 2008
Pyritie: Never mind, that was my own problem. Approved.
Level 14
Jan 5, 2009
How to make melee attack animation Work

You have to use triggers, well thats i figured out.
  • Ork Boy Attack
    • Events([B]Not just blue and red make sure all players[/B])
      • Unit - A unit owned by Player 1 (Red) Is attacked
      • Unit - A unit owned by Player 2 (Blue) Is attacked
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Attacking unit)) Equal to Orc BOY(Your Ork)
    • Actions
      • Animation - Play (Attacking unit)'s Attack Alternate animation
And thats how you make the orcs melee attack animation come to life
Level 1
Jul 22, 2009
The feu.blp Texture didn't work someone please help!!!!!

P.S.Did I Import It to the right path, "I used feu.blp" as my path?