A very simple, yet very "big" map in many ways.
It's basically an arena with a lot of control points. Every control point you conquer can be upgraded to a Great Ziggurat for food, a Gold Mine for income, or a unit-training building.
There are 38 different types of main units, all with their own peculiarities. Most of the abilities are standard, so that you know what they do.
Win the game upgrading the center of the map to a useless, expensive Mausoleum, and defending it for 10 minutes.
There is no AI, so the map is meant to be played with other players. The more they are, the better it is.
The triggers are leaky so I know this map will never be approved.
It for sure requires a lot of balancing, but I can figure out umbalanced units only playing online, and I wanted it to be here before spreading it as a proof that I'm the first, original author.
I'm testing, balancing and updating the map every day.
Alright!!! Now I think the map has all the feature it needs! It has èlite units, Titans, and items. I think it's ready to be called "Beta". From now on, I'm going to consider it a different version with every improvement. Obviously the new features aren't balanced yet, but I'll do my best to make it fair.
. The Ring of Regeneration now works properly
. Fixed Death and Decay, which was overpowered
. The Artificial Titan now costs gold
. The Butterfly Templar has now more life
. The Centaur Archer is a bit weaker
. Titans are now a lot more expensive
. Fixed a bug about Goblin Sappers, that now always deal damage to buildings
. Titans are now (again) much more expensive
. Upgrading buildings to towers is now more expensive
. èlite units are more expensive aswell
. Removed a spell from Ninjas, Timmies and Wall men, that they weren't supposed to have
. The Life Titan is now a bit stronger
. Troll Killers have now a longer range
. Death and Decay is now a bit weaker
. Stomping Beasts have a little more attack
. The cost of all basic units has been re-balanced
. Holy Light is now less effective
. The food cost of all basic units has been re-set
. People will be told with a ping where the Titans are being trained
. Added warning sounds and messages for Titans
. Rejuvanition is now less effective
. The level of èlite units and some mercenaries isn't shown anymore
. The Wolf Master is weaker
. The Razormane Warrior is weaker
. The Teleport is delayed, it requires 2 seconds of channelling
. The Teleport has now a special effect
. The Troll Killer is weaker
. The Stomping Beast is weaker
. Frenzy is now automatically set on "autocast"
. The Polypanda didn't have an inventory: this clear mistake has been fixed.
. Titans have now 1000 more Health Points each
. The Fire, Darkness, Stone, and Sky Titans' spells have been balanced
. Mystic Warriors are now weaker
. Removed a neutral-hostile unit that I put by mistake (lol)
. The Darkness Titan's animations now work properly
. Devouresrs have a bit less life
. In version 0.7 I accidentally removed "Devour" from the Devourer. This has been fixed
. The Goat Rider has now a slower mana recovery
. Cancelling an upgrade and starting another caused a crash. This has been fixed.
. The Tree of Vengeance has now more attack when unrooted
. I added the instructions as quests
. The special effect of the Teleport now appears properly in any situation
. Stealthy B*****s are now weaker
. Assassins have now Piercing attack instead of Normal
. Titans cost only 10 food
. The starting income is now 90
. Gold Mines only provide +5 income
. Ziggurats now provide 20 food instead of 15
. A useless part of a Trigger has been removed
. The player 1 (Red) can now decide wheter to play in teams or FFA
. There are now 4 teams, of 3 players each. Teams are named after starting areas.
. The Bovine of Pain has a bit wider splash, and a bit less hit points
. A small typo has been removed from the Mausoleum's description
. Razormane warriors are now weaker
. In the previous version the "Forest" team had shared control. This has been fixed
. Elven Juggler's attack drastically reduced
. Titans cost less gold
. Resurrection now brings back to life 10 units instead of 5
. The Dark Crusader has now less mana and a weaker "Animate Dead"
. In FFA mode, people could see at start the towers of adjacent players. Now no more.
. Death pact is now much more effective (it was kind of useless in previous versions).
Risk, Units, Control, Points, Control Points, Blue, Domination, Arena, Strategy, HorizonTal, Blue Domination, Saint, Augustine, Saint Augustine, Mauso