14:59, 3rd Apr 2013
Orcnet: fine map for a 2 player game, map approved
Orcnet: fine map for a 2 player game, map approved
Pick between 6 factions with 3 leaders each
"In a time when chaos and uncertainty reign, the Alliance remains steadfast in its determination to bring light to the darkest corners of the world."
The Alliance is a coalition formed of humans, dwarves, gnomes, night elves, draenei and worgen; its forces focus more on defense and health over damage; however, they should not be underestimated.
Leaders: High King Varian Wrynn, Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind, Archmage Jaina Proudmoore
"In the Horde, action and strength are valued above diplomacy, and its leaders earn respect by the blade, wasting no time with politics."
The Horde is a loose coalition of orcs, trolls, tauren, forsaken, blood elves and goblins; its forces focus more on dealing damage over health.
Leaders: Warchief Garrosh Hellscream, Chieftain Vol'jin, Regent Lord Lor'themar Theron
"Hear me now, you trembling mortals! I am your lord and master! Illidan reigns supreme!"
The forces serving Illidan are a blend of fel orcs, naga, blood elves and broken. Their melee units are very powerful.
Leaders: Illidan Stormrage, Lady Vashj, Kael'thas Sunstrider
"I have waited far too long for my revenge. Now the shadow of the Legion falls over this world. It is only a matter of time until all of your failed creation... is undone."
The Legion is a vast, innumerable army of demons who seek to destroy any trace of order in the universe. Their forces are capable of dealing incredible ammounts of damage at the cost of defense.
Leaders: The Avatar of Sargeras, Archimonde the Defiler, Kil'jaeden the Deceiver
"Ak'agthshi ma uhnish, ak'uq shg'cul vwahuhn! H'iwn iggksh Phquathi gag OOU KAAXTH SHUUL!"
The Old Gods are mysterious, godlike and greatly malefic entities which ruled in tyranny over the infant world of Azeroth before they were sequestered by the titanic Pantheon. Most of those who serve them are completely insane; hence their disregard for their health and the ability to sacrifice certain units for bonuses.
Leaders: General Vezax, Deathwing the Destroyer, Cho'gall
"The nerubian race, yes. Then the master came. As his influence spread, we made war upon him, foolishly believing we stood a chance. Many of us were slain and raised into undeath. In life I was a king. Today I am a crypt lord."
Composed of various undead under the iron rule of the Lich King, the Scourge forces are numerous, but poor in quality.
Leaders: Arthas the Lich King, Anub'arak, Kel'thuzad