Libram is "just another spellbook"...
Sounds like you are unsure about the game design, you should put that straight before you think about the usability aspects.
I already changed this many times, constantly trying something different and I hope better.
Hmm, what you think about custom interface that will look like Custom Inventory.
But instead items there are abilities, you can move them to 4 slots, and hero will got abilities with QWER hootkeys depending where we added ability.
Ofc there will be only unique abilities, you won't be able to have 2 same abilities like you have 2 same swords.
@SeriousEnemy I know about DGUI, but I can't use it in my map.
Here you go 3 images attached below:
First one is my custom inventory system, that show backpack, pet 4 slots, and hero slots.
2nd one show current talent tree system for abilities, you click on ability and then trough dialog buttons you do stuff.
3rd one show my latest idea.
There are few ways how to manage this.
- Abilities in backpack, or call it whatever could be placed in strict order (or user can split them the way he want, for example move healing ones to the right/left and so on.)
- Unlocked abilities could be ignored (empty space, or shown as DISBTN icons, example on image)
- Used abilities can also be ignored (empty space, or shown as DISBTN icons, example on image)
so what you think, at the end I just create 4 abilities instead of 1 with Q W E R hotkeys, and when you move ability to slot 1, hero get ability on X:0 Y:2, with Q hotkey...