okay.. the whole lower part of the model, aka that skirt, is terribly static, leading to a rather weird 'dislocation' in the death anim, wouldn't it be better if ti was rigged to a few more bones of the legs? or maybe the edges of the skirt should have something that lifts them up a lill bit because of that mass of particles beneath?
second thing; she wears a hood, yet she has an animation where she " strokes hair?" through the hood? Oo i don't think you need that animation..
third thing; the particle count on that 'cloud' beneath her is way too high.. try to reduce it around 60-70. and also the particles mysteriously 'vanish' in the walk animation
looks like a cool model, but needs more work on it.. oh and, fix that line on her chest and tummy, so it isn't seen
19:32, 22nd Jan 2014
Lower-most part of the robe is still unrigged. Fix that and it's approvable.