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"Avatar" Rant

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Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Meh, I'm well aware that there was a thread about Avatar already, and that the movie is rather old by now, but I watched it today, because people have been bugging me to see it for an eternity already. "It's great!", "They have finally made 3D good!" and "The story and characters are so captivating!" .. etc. So I just made another thread so you can all read about how shitty I think this movie is.

Right, so I'll just warn you that this review, or rant, might spoil certain key-elements of Avatar, so if you have not seen it (jolly good) and you are considering seeing it (I don't recommend it), you might want to skip the whole thing. Thus I'll sum it up nice and easy for those who do not want to read the wall of text; I think Avatar is a terrible movie, and I sincerely regret wasting 3 hours of my day to watch it.
Well then, to the long story. I'll start with the so-called "3D" that has finally reached a point where it works. Bullshit. Offsetting frames as to illustrate how the human eyes see different images and blends them together in order to achieve depth in a movie, with help from a pair of uncomfortable, small glasses, doesn't work. Everything is still as flat as on a film, a set of holograms in different layers of focus. Sure, you get the feeling there is something behind the hologram until the next hologram, but each level is flat. It's not filmed from two differently angled cameras, representing eyes, for then to merge them together like our eyes do. It's the same video, just pushed to the side and pushed more to the side the farther back you get. Not only does it look awful, but you get a damn headache from wearing the glasses, and if you take them off you can see the actual offset image on screen, which is not pretty. Please guys, stop making "3D" movies, I prefer the 3D in real movies. At least it works and look real.

Second off is the praised original and creative world, Pandora. Obviously none of the reviewers have seen fantasy movies before, and definitely not played fantasy games, like Final Fantasy. The tree-hugging, blue hippie-cats, as a guy on YouTube nicked them, the Na'vi, are nothing but stretched out Ronso (Final Fantasy X), without the fur and horns. Arguably, there are a few minor features that differentiate them, but in the end they're pretty much all the same, even personality-wise. Those robots with a human controller in them is like ripped right out of The Matrix, and probably a lot of other stories as well. The helicopters with horizontal propellers on both sides look a lot like Unreal Tournament 3's Manta (slight modifications). Flying rocks, well haven't we all seen that before. As for the plants and animals on the planet, they are all plausible candidates for any fantasy-game, and I reckon I've seen a lot of it before in Final Fantasy games, but I'll refrain from accusing any design-cloning on that area; at least the hammer-head rhinos are awesome.

Finally, the tree of life, life tree.. whatever they call it; Yggdrasil. Like in almost ALL fantasy universes where there is a nature, there is the tree of life, the world tree.
Wikipedia said:
The world tree is a motif present in several religions and mythologies, particularly Indo-European religions. The world tree is represented as a colossal tree which supports the heavens, thereby connecting the heavens, the earth, and, through its roots, the underground. It may also be strongly connected to the motif of the tree of life.

Specific world trees include the one in Hungarian mythology, Yggdrasil (or Irminsul) in Norse mythology, the Oak in Slavic and Finnish mythology, and in Hinduism the Ashvastha (a Sacred Fig).
Not that it's something wrong with using that in a fantasy story; just don't come here and claim it to be original.

In the end, it rounds down to Avatar lacking a solid storyline, it doesn't look nice visually due to the 3D, but I'm hoping they do better with the DVD/Blu-ray release. It also lacks originality. It lacks EVERYTHING a good movie has. Yet it brings in millions of dollars just 'cause it's "3D" and everyone has to see the new "3D" that looks just like the "3D" that was invented in 1853 (according to Wikipedia), called anaglyph images - one hundred and fifty years ago, guys, it's not ground-breaking.

I guess it doesn't come as a surprise that I'm really angry about spending 3 hours, whereof 2 hours in a headache due to the glasses, watching a movie this bad, for a rip-off of a ticket price. I'll hit Avatar up for 4/10, not worth to watch.
Level 13
Apr 19, 2007
To quote TV Tropes.

# Fan Hater:

* If you don't like Avatar, you are a heartless right-wing capitalist bastard who wants to kill the planet.
* If you do like Avatar, you are a lovey-dovey hippy dendrophile communist!

So, this should be rather fun to watch go downhill.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

I didn't say the story is wrong, I'm not hating the Na'vi, thus the "why I hate Avatar" line is completely irrelevant. I just don't see the Na'vi as original, and the story lacks substance, meaning.
Level 11
Jun 30, 2008
Avatar wasn't made to become a true 3D movie, it used 3D effects to emphasize the beauty of the world of Pandora. Avatar, the title, was used because of the use of the Humans implanting Human Minds into their species. The Creatures, and the Machines were not rips off of other games/movies, if they did then they would be being sued right now. And that Walking Machine the people strap into, are nothing like the ones in Matrix.

In no Way is this movie Racist, at the most part people could try to take it in a way of Native Americans being the Na'vi and the Humans Taking away their land in violence.
In no way was this movie racist! If you do take offense to this then your probably a white person mad that they got their ass kicked by a minority, making you racist. Remember the Na'vi won at the end.

The World Tree that you say it was was not the World Tree of that world, it was just another Large tree that the clan lived under.

The Floating Rocks, well maybe not super original but had a large part in the movie, and at least they put a scientific reason to why they float instead of no logic in it at all.

The graphics, the Story, the Action, the Beauty of it all made this movie famous.
Level 7
Dec 16, 2007
Never said I was racist :(

Also, not only do people believe it is racist they also think it is:

Dancing with Wolves (In SPAAAACCCEEE)
and Dancing with Wolves (in SPAAAACCCEEEEEEEEE!)
and so on...

Although I really didn't see a problem with it, except for the 3D part of course...
Never said I was racist :(

Also, not only do people believe it is racist they also think it is:

Dancing with Wolves (In SPAAAACCCEEE)
and Dancing with Wolves (in SPAAAACCCEEEEEEEEE!)
and so on...

Although I really didn't see a problem with it, except for the 3D part of course...


Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Aye, that tree where you "connect with god through your pigtail" is what I'm calling the Tree of Life, or World Tree. I think that's pretty obvious, if you read the Wikipedia extract.

If James Cameron decided to make the Na'vi exactly like that before Square decided to make the Ronso like that, then I'll take back what I said about it being an unoriginal thought, but they still had 8 years to adjust that, and make the Na'vi unique.

Oh, and yeah, it's pretty much Dancing with Wolves with blue Indians and much more technologically evolved humans. Which was the first that came to mind when a friend summarized the plot for me.

Also, I didn't say rip-off, I said it's not original. When everything you design in your new sci-fi/fantasy/adventure film has been seen before, you can't really call it original.

As for the "3D" being there in order to enhance the beauty of the planet, it utterly destroys it, because you actually can't see anything else than what the director wanted you to see. Everything else is blurred out.

Lastly, one thing I forgot to mention is the brilliant idea to hide the subtitles in-between stuff and on different areas of the screen, making it a treasure hunt to find out what the hell those Na'vi are saying for everyone that doesn't speak Na'vinian.
Level 13
Apr 19, 2007
Funny story about the Na'vi's design. It's more of the crew's fault rather than Cameron's that they bear resemblance to the Ronso.

James Cameron would quite literally bring out a picture of Neytiri, and more or less ask the crew if they'd screw her. He was only happy once the majority said yes.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Not saying they are, the praise around Final Fantasy isn't about the originality. The thing is Avatar is being praised as an original fantasy movie, I'm just bashing that thought.

Oh, and as for the story around Neytiri and Cameron, wtf? How did they end up with a skinny, tall anime-cat-chick then? She looks like she's 12.
Level 13
Sep 14, 2008
The movie IS bad.

The story theme "nature vs technics" is just old and used up.
You know from the beginning how the film is going to end and nobody really thought that the soldier would NOT become a Navi in the end -.-

And the end of the film is also totally stupid... everybody is happy although the humans will return anyway and then just destroy everything....

The only good thing is the actress playing the pilot. The one which betrays the evil ...

She also plays in resident evil and she is just funny :D
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
I just didn't find myself getting bored in those 3 hours so... i'm not supporting those guys who praise this thing into heaven here but it had some goods points.

- The storyline with that guy getting into an avatar and suddenly being able to walk again
- Connecting with animals true that organic thing on the back of their heads (something like that?)

the 3D quality varied a lot, and with subtitles it would look ugly sometimes because lazy people like me would look at those first and then at the screen. But sometimes the 3D was good and gave a good depth to a room etc.

Just saying, i didn't get bored in those 3 hours it took to watch, but i don't think its OMGWTF worldshaking great.
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
Lol, shiiK. You are too hard to impress, and the 3D was actually good. Took 10 minutes to adjust to it though. You must have gotten some really bad 3D glasses if you got headaches and stuff. If you got these:
then you shouldn't have gotten any headaches or having a hard time finding the subtitles.
Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
Since I already ranted around Avatar from the other positive point of the view, I'm not going to do so now (as much). I am aware of the critical reception it already have gotten (hell, theres more than enough info about Avatar on wikipedia already).

If you thought the "3D" was crap, I am sorry you have trouble experience movies with 3D glasses, or you didn't go to a Imax with a "eclipse-shaped-alike-screen" and with a huge projection size? Anyway, when I saw it, I experienced it fully, parts of the movie, like, when the camera viewed down from a branch to the deep below ground made my stomach twist abit. 3D movies has, in such way, different effects depending on how great your eye vision is or how well the glasses are.

Funny though, I guess you will rant around even more (especially DSG if he sees the thread) of how, "I blaim all furrylovers who watched this movie more than once" due to it actually being successful with an income of $2,555,342,764, 118 nominations and 41 awards won.

Now that is what I will say, nothing more. My opinion of what I think about the movie hasn't changed at all.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

No, but it should have at least something unique, not a straight-forward, predictable odyssey where the wondrous world is put together by designs already seen a thousand times before.

As for which cinema I viewed it in; the worlds largest THX-certificated cinema, Colosseum Kino in Oslo. As for whether it's "IMAX", I don't know really.
Level 21
Aug 9, 2006
ah well, i am seriously impressed by the sheer "originality-hunger" of shiik, maybe you should watch never again any movies, because each movie has a story similiar to a other movie, there are certain genres and every genre is predictable, so just leave going to a cinema, you would just come back and whine.

The Avatar movie is not good because of its 3D, but because of the sensation of the acting, and the well-thought action scenes paired with much good story and some logical answers (to the stuff which is happening on the planet), it gives a good feeling, if you can't get that, keep playing wc3 and create your own small worlds, but don't watch ever again a movie... it will never be that awesome or original as any of your maps *sarc*.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Hey I never said I hate Avatar because it's unoriginal, I'm saying I disagree with everyone saying it's original. On top of it I personally dislike the film for various reasons, but mainly because they fucked it with "3D" ..

I saw Shutter Island last week, which was a GREAT movie. I'm not saying it's superiorly original, but there's actually something that keep you wondering in it. Avatar is like .. "Once upon a time there was a planet called Pandora, and on it lived long, blue indians with high-tech tails <insert blah blah colonization>, the hippie cats *ahem* Na'vi prevailed, sent the human colonists back to where they came from and lived happily ever after."
Level 14
Aug 8, 2009
No, but it should have at least something unique, not a straight-forward, predictable odyssey where the wondrous world is put together by designs already seen a thousand times before.

As for which cinema I viewed it in; the worlds largest THX-certificated cinema, Colosseum Kino in Oslo. As for whether it's "IMAX", I don't know really.

Amen good sir. This man is the speaker of truth.
Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
Nothing is original.
According to a theory, everything has been made like an infinite lot of times. That means you all existed before and I already typed this before. To the people that think I'm fucking retarded for saying this, I'm talking, ofcourse, about the theory that states that mana particles, floating through our universe, consist of the exact same universe as it is floating through. So the particles in the manaparticles in the manaparticles (and so on...) are exactly the same as our universe and so have excess to an infinite storage of energy that can be used to alter reality (this however doesn't take place that much). Our universe is a manaparticle too. This explanation is a bit messy, yes. But it's hard for me to explain the submanacular universe theory since it's very complicated. This is a very minimal summary of this theory, it's very hard to believe this version, I realize that.
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
Nothing is original.
According to a theory, everything has been made like an infinite lot of times. That means you all existed before and I already typed this before. To the people that think I'm fucking retarded for saying this, I'm talking, ofcourse, about the theory that states that mana particles, floating through our universe, consist of the exact same universe as it is floating through. So the particles in the manaparticles in the manaparticles (and so on...) are exactly the same as our universe and so have excess to an infinite storage of energy that can be used to alter reality (this however doesn't take place that much). Our universe is a manaparticle too. This explanation is a bit messy, yes. But it's hard for me to explain the submanacular universe theory since it's very complicated. This is a very minimal summary of this theory, it's very hard to believe this version, I realize that.
Last edited:
Nothing is original.
According to a theory, everything has been made like an infinite lot of times. That means you all existed before and I already typed this before. To the people that think I'm fucking retarded for saying this, I'm talking, ofcourse, about the theory that states that mana particles, floating through our universe, consist of the exact same universe as it is floating through. So the particles in the manaparticles in the manaparticles (and so on...) are exactly the same as our universe and so have excess to an infinite storage of energy that can be used to alter reality (this however doesn't take place that much). Our universe is a manaparticle too. This explanation is a bit messy, yes. But it's hard for me to explain the submanacular universe theory since it's very complicated. This is a very minimal summary of this theory, it's very hard to believe this version, I realize that.

theres a bit of a difference between recycling physical shit and ideas, now havent i heard that theory before somewhere
Level 6
Jan 31, 2009
No fantasy world is completely original. Tolken copied Elves dwarves ect from various mythology around the world who copied it from what they saw in nature. Modern writers copy Tolken and mythology and each other. Also 3D did not make the movie I whatched it in 2D and loved it. Also have you ever seen a movie that wasn't predictable? (At least they let some of the characters die).

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

No fantasy world is completely original. Tolken copied Elves dwarves ect from various mythology around the world who copied it from what they saw in nature. Modern writers copy Tolken and mythology and each other. Also 3D did not make the movie I whatched it in 2D and loved it. Also have you ever seen a movie that wasn't predictable? (At least they let some of the characters die).

I've seen a lot of movies that were very hard to predict, for instance Along Came a Spider.

As for the comment about them letting a few characters die; oh yeah, the helicopter gets blown to bits, oh and that's it. You don't really get any insight in who dies and who lives, because it just wraps up and ends really quickly. There's probably a lot of material that has bee cut, but the end is obviously the part where they've taken out the most, because stuff doesn't add up.

I'm saying "3D" killed it, not saved it.
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
I watched it without 3D.

Also, I could make a ginormous rant about originality again, but I won't.

Taking ideas from others is necessary these days, not because everyone's unoriginal, but because pretty much everything has been done before. I like writing, and you have no idea how much better my novellas are if I throw in a reference here and there or use an old idea for an alien appearance and tweak it slightly.
Level 6
Jan 31, 2009
Just one more note on originality that I forgot. Human brains do not create information from nothing, the concept of originality is simply finding new ways to combine data. eg Centaurs, dragons, dwarves are all based on things ancient people found in nature. We are incapable of creating an idea without anything to base it on. No fantasy novel or science fiction has truly different laws than the real world, universal constants like Gravity Inertia ext are always retained or tweaked in small ways because we cannot even imagine a universe by different laws. I see no problem with the originality of Avatar it found new ways to group ideas of Environmentalism, Capitalism, and the plight of the Native Americans and other groups. Just because you didn't like the movie does not mean it was not a good movie. (There are some movies I dislike but would admit are good)
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
Just one more note on originality that I forgot. Human brains do not create information from nothing, the concept of originality is simply finding new ways to combine data. eg Centaurs, dragons, dwarves are all based on things ancient people found in nature. We are incapable of creating an idea without anything to base it on. No fantasy novel or science fiction has truly different laws than the real world, universal constants like Gravity Inertia ext are always retained or tweaked in small ways because we cannot even imagine a universe by different laws. I see no problem with the originality of Avatar it found new ways to group ideas of Environmentalism, Capitalism, and the plight of the Native Americans and other groups. Just because you didn't like the movie does not mean it was not a good movie. (There are some movies I dislike but would admit are good)


Try to imagine a world without gravity, physical existence, etc.

Try to imagine the nothingness of death.

They're both things that the human mind can not fathom.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Everyone seems to miss the entire point of the rant; I'm not blaming Avatar for being unoriginal, I'm ranting about how every damn reviewer on earth claims it to be amazingly original. As I've said a couple of times, my main source of dislike comes from the fact they tossed "3D" effects onto it and thereby doubling the ticket-price. I mean, it's only logical I wouldn't go to a childish adventure movie if it wasn't for everyone telling me to. If all my friends and colleagues told me that "Teletubbies the Movie 3D" was awesome and a movie I wouldn't want to miss, I'd probably go through that too, and it would come out along with this, because it's the same genre, only there's a few more explosions in Avatar (I presume).

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Let's just add that I didn't know what I was going to. I just entitled it "Teletubbies the Movie 3D" to make a picture of what I meant. I did not know ANYTHING about Avatar (well I had seen the promotional posters. Everyone told me it was a great movie, and that they'd got the 3D working nice now, that there was a beautiful and original world, and that I wouldn't want to miss it.
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