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Anyone wanna rp?

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Level 2
Mar 22, 2016
You know, I used to do spriting as a kid. That being said, the models and skins on this site blow my mind. From an rping standpoint, they are nothing short of inspirational gold.

So, anyone wanna rp? I tend to lean towards demons and naga when it comes to plot points, but I'm down for anything. A big thank you to all the contributing artists here, without you I would have nothing to rp lol. I hope to hear from all of you. My WC III bnet is Flameseeker86 and my...I guess modern bnet is Flamesorrow#1354
Level 1
Jul 15, 2016
I've been surfing the web of late, trying to branch out to other factions of RPers.

All I find are the withered husks of eras gone by.

Or we could revive something here. I'm game for that as well. Here's to hoping.
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Level 3
Aug 11, 2016
If you need a guy for a RP , anytime. I'm here.

Played SC2 rp's for 2/3 years ( CortexMaster I was called ) and then abandoned it because personal reasons.
So...if anyone needs a rper. Please , send a PM.

Oh' and...It doesn't matter how many people are in the RP if it has a good story and stuff. In SC2 , I rped with 2 guys for a whole year and the others with the same 2 guys and occasionaly ( once in let's say...5/6 RP's there would be a friend of one of us that wanted to RP ). If you like rp'ing , it doesn't matter how many people are.

@Distinction ?
Level 12
Mar 6, 2008
That could work too. Do you know any other people that wanna RP ?

Back in the days I used to have a squad of players from this community and we were engaging into some really interesting fantasy RP scenarios. Now when I look at them from way back, I laugh at the way we typed each piece. Though, it really wakes up tons of nostalgia in me and some really good memories. Not even sure if they are active at the moment. Might shoot them a visitor or private message to see if they'll respond.
Level 3
Aug 11, 2016
I know what you mean :) I talked a few days ago with a friend from my country that I used to RP with and we remembered our Rps. We had a good laugh at some ideas that we had. Always trying to be " better " than the other character ( our characters personality were in conflict with each other and they used to fight and make up all the time ).
If no one answers. I am up for a 2 player RP 'till other people come. Like we start a story and stuff and they can join on the way.
Level 3
Aug 11, 2016
Ermm... does this count as necropost?

I wish I could join, but sadly I have crappy version 1.27 that can't connect to Battle.Net
And Garena is down :(

The RP never started unfortunately...we talked for a few days ( weeks ? ) but due to life some members no longer could RP.

The RP was play-by-post. So no battle.net connection or Garena was needed :)
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