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Anti-Cheat System 1.05c

Several people have been requesting it time after time so here it is...

A system that prevents cheating in single player.


= Gold cheat<== Disabled from use

= Lumber cheat<== Disabled from use

= Gold and Lumber cheat<== Disabled from use

= Food cheat<== Benefits removed

= Fast build cheat<== Punished with Defeat

= Invulnerability cheat<== Punished with Defeat

= Mana cheat<== Punished with Defeat

= No Defeat cheat<== Punished with kick out of game

= No Victory cheat<== Punished with Fatal Error
Note: Strengthandhonor & Itvexesme cheats are not punished directly.

If you have trouble implementing it to your map, see the Troubleshooting text in the trigger editor. All done in GUI, so you shouldn't really have any problems.

Comments and constructive criticism

Version 1.05c

  • Saved the map with newest world editor version to get rid of bugs
  • Clarified some instructions
Version 1.05b

  • Fixed some text messages
Version 1.05

  • Fixed the Anti-cheat units
  • Fixed some triggers
  • Fixed some of the texts
  • Minor bug fixes
anti, cheat, system, prevent, whosyourdaddy, iseedeadpeople, warpten, leaffittome, greedisgood, pointbreak, warpten, thereisnospoon

Anti-Cheat System 1.05b (Map)

25/10/08 Dr Super Good: Pretty pointless system. I honestly see no use for it as if you disable cheats, you simply force people to take your map appart and renable them via 4-5 minutes of trigger editing (protection efforts can not stop that at...




Dr Super Good:
Pretty pointless system. I honestly see no use for it as if you disable cheats, you simply force people to take your map appart and renable them via 4-5 minutes of trigger editing (protection efforts can not stop that at all). Thus I advise strongly against wasting your time and using this system as it will annoy users of your map more than imporve your map.

However it is still a valid system and although not very efficent (like everything GUI), some people may want to use it (although any good map maker would not).
Updated to 1.04

Version 1.04:

  • Instead of using Fatal Error, the player is now punished with Defeat
  • Anti-Iseedeadpeople no longer defeats player during cinematics
    • (If you remember to set Cinematic_Mode = true before cinematics and Cinematic_Mode = False after cinematics)
  • Fixed Troubleshooting text
Edit: Quick fix 1.04b
Version 1.04b:

  • Strengthandhonor (no defeat cheat) is now punished with Fatal Error
PurplePoot said:
Moderator Review

Not Rated
PurplePoot: Requires an appropriate ingame screenshot.
Uhh? You want me to take a screenshot of a defeat message??

Updated to 1.05

  • A lot of minor bug fixes and small edits here and there

just a lil thing , you can select the building in the right bottom, if you cancel its building youre defeated without cheating
That has also been fixed in the new version. Thanks for pointing it out, +rep.

Dr Super Good said:
Pretty pointless system.
According to the comments seen here and the fact that it was requested by people, it is not a thoroughly pointless system :p

Dr Super Good said:
I honestly see no use for it
Quite odd that other people do...

Dr Super Good said:
if you disable cheats, you simply force people to take your map appart and renable them via 4-5 minutes of trigger editing (protection efforts can not stop that at all)
Hahahaha! Now THAT is ridiculous! :D
If people are willing to hack the map only to be able to spoil their own gaming experience then they deserve it!

But if you leave the cheats enabled, you encourage players to resort to them when they face a difficult situation, thus leading to the game experience being spoiled.

Dr Super Good said:
Thus I advise strongly against wasting your time and using this system as it will annoy users of your map more than imporve your map.
This system is created so people wouldn't need to waste their time trying to find a way to prevent people from cheating in the game.

But of course, as you mentioned before, this system (like all other systems) is not idiot-proof.
But is it a significant loss if a couple of idiots ruin their gaming experience?

At least this system encourages people to not cheat during the game.
Last edited:
I tried all cheats and that table is wrong.
Strengthandhonor does nothing to me within 30 minutes.
itvexesme does absolutely nothing withing 30 minutes.
Like the table says, Strengthandhonor & itvexesme are not punished directly.
I guess it would have been more accurate to say that those cheats have been prevented from disabling the whole anti-cheat system.

In earlier versions, you could have used the strengthandhonor cheat to disable the "Defeat" action, thus disabling the whole anti-cheat system.
(Because then the system was unable to punish the player)

But in the current version the system first defeats the player, and if the player is using strengthandhonor, he is given an instant win without dialogs/scores, and if the player is also using itvexesme (no win cheat), the system resorts in warning the player and producing a fatal error in a couple of seconds.
warpten gives me fatal error
Yes, like is written in the trigger description, it sometimes (quite often actually) does that and I haven't found the reason for it yet.

If you can find a solution, let me know!
whosyourdaddy defeats me and when i click the button i am still in game :bored:
Hmm? That has never happened to me before.
Going to test that soon...
I can design instantly fatal errors if you want so :razz:
I can make fatal errors myself.

But you could take a look if you can find what is causing the fatal error upon typing warpten.

The system is supposed to first defeat the player, but for some reason the anti-warpten trigger often instantly generates a fatal error although it shouldn't.
Level 4
Apr 9, 2008
the best solution and easyest wound be this

for example:

player tpyes whosyourdaddy

defeat player with the text "only fucking noobs like YOU use cheats, thats your punishment"

^^but yours is more creative;) i give you still a 5/5
Level 21
Dec 9, 2007
You fool!
Just try with chat event and see that it DO works!

Edit : and if you look closer in Gameplay Interface you will se that you can change that message "Cheat Enabled!" to anything, but it doesn't matters that, the chat event still recognizes the CHEAT not this message!
You fool!
Just try with chat event and see that it DO works!

Edit : and if you look closer in Gameplay Interface you will se that you can change that message "Cheat Enabled!" to anything, but it doesn't matters that, the chat event still recognizes the CHEAT not this message!
No, chat events do not detect cheats.
Level 2
Dec 7, 2008
Why would you even prevemt people from cheating?
This is like a "big-brother" system, and causes some people to hate your map.
Personally, I do not download or play ANY map from the Hive who are either "Protected" or contain systems like this. It is frustrating that the user can not do what exactly he wants to do. IT IS NOT ILLEGAL TO WRITE ISEEDEADPEOPLE!

These "anti-cheats" should only really be designed for multi-player, but since that cheats are disabled on B.Net anyways, it renders this system useless.
Level 4
Sep 2, 2007
I run this map in game, and entered "whosyourdaddy". It's didn't kick me out... :con:

  • Game - Set Cheats to Off
Dunno if this is just a ngjp function or if you've wasted alot of time lol. Its in set map flag. If so you could use
  • Custom script: call SetMapFlag( MAP_CHEATS, false )
Edit: Nevermind I just tested it and it doesn't work... Strange.

I don't have shuch an option in Map Flag Setting. I've got WE in different language, can u send a screen?
Such Custom Script didn't work too.
I run this map in game, and entered "whosyourdaddy". It's didn't kick me out... :con:
Hmh it works fine for me...
Try downloading the map again.
I don't have shuch an option in Map Flag Setting. I've got WE in different language, can u send a screen?
Such Custom Script didn't work too.
Yes, there is no easy way to block the singleplayer cheats.
Can I change punishments?I would rather punish cheater rather than kick him.
Sure, go ahead.