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Alliance Cavalry

A cavalry team, consisting of a Human Pikeman and a Night Elf mage. As usual, I've supplied a rather low quality picture, but the model quality is decent, I assure you.

Works well in-game and the file size isn't very large considering it's two heroes in one (plus a horse).

Uses only default Warcraft III skins. Made using Magos' Model Editor, Oinkerwinkle's tools and Notepad.

Version 2: Reduced the poly count quite a bit and changed the footman's weapon.

Version 3: I've listened to most of your suggestions and changed the following:

- The attack animation is now much less busy and magical
- The Night Elf is now closer to the Footman
- I've varied most of the animations, so that they are only synced for death and dissipate
- The spell animation only involves the Night Elf, the footman will not attack as well

Version 4: Reduced the poly count more. It has now been reduced almost 900 polies total!! Hopefully you won't notice too many of the changes, but the following stand out quite a bit:

- Shorter legs on the Night Elf
- Footman's plume was made simpler
- Night Elf's upper armour was remade
- Night Elf's eyebrows were removed

!Updated! Version 5: Reduced the poly count to the acceptable level and desynced the Stand - 2 animation.

I hope this helps everybody enjoy the model a little more :)

Cavalry, Night Elf, Fighter, Steed, Horse, Human, Team, Mage, Spellcaster, Pikeman, Hero, Alliance

Alliance Cavalry (Model)

10:03, 17th Dec 2008 Cavman: Ok, I like how this is set up, with two people and the difernt bones and animations. Good work there, but there are way to many pollies. You need to drasticaly reduce those. 4th Jan 2009 Pyritie: Changes made...
Level 3
Jan 20, 2005
I downloaded this model a few days ago and just tried it out now and I love both the idea and the execution. Its attack animation I think they both move in unison which is kind of strange, but I felt the other animations suited very well.

And if retarded people try to spam this in their maps, all it will do is make a crappy map crappier, which will mean we all get to laugh even harder at whichever unfortunate soul made it
Level 5
Mar 26, 2008
Why is everyone complaining about the polycount? Polycount=better graphics. If Blizzard made models with good graphics for Warcraft 3 instead of models that sometimes don't even look like people, everyone would be happy. Wingednosering tried to make a model that was better than the ones made by Blizzard. But all you do is complain. I guess you've forgotten how to appreciate an artist who tries to do their best. Way to bite the hand that feeds you.
Level 17
Jan 21, 2007
Why is everyone complaining about the polycount? Polycount=better graphics. If Blizzard made models with good graphics for Warcraft 3 instead of models that sometimes don't even look like people, everyone would be happy. Wingednosering tried to make a model that was better than the ones made by Blizzard. But all you do is complain. I guess you've forgotten how to appreciate an artist who tries to do their best. Way to bite the hand that feeds you.

Everyone wouldn't be happy at all. If the models of wc3 would be more craving then we would loose a huge part of the community because people with crappy computers wouldn't be able to play it.

And it was nice graphics when it was released.
Level 5
Mar 26, 2008
OK, not everyone would be happy. I guess I'm just mad because sometimes it seems like all people ever do here is complain.
Level 14
Jul 1, 2008
hey its a cool idea, but i recognized, that the two characters are a bit to big for the horse, and that the ingame horse textures do not really fit (in my mind) to these of the campaign screens...

Maybe you could find a way to make this thing better?
I think EVERYONE can agree on this.

The model is probably one of the most decent, maybe even one of the best models uploaded.

It matches the theme of warcraft
It is a useful model that can fit almost any map
Uses ingame textures
It uses custom animations, and not the same WC3 animations
It actually has team color and glow! WOO
The textures are well wrapped and placed
It has multiple animations, making the model versatile for any use

The only thing that seems to bother people is the polycount. I agree that a good model usually does have a good amount of polies. The amount isn't unbearable though. For two units and a horse, 1700 sounds reasonable.
Last edited:
Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
Model looks good if you ask me.

Ok, I'm not a modeler and this is a wery nooby question, but why are polis so iportant
Model looks good if you ask me.

Ok, I'm not a modeler and this is a wery nooby question, but why are polis so iportant

A poly is a triangle in the model. Every model is made up of triangles, whether they be small or large. The higher the amount, the more animation it takes to animate them. If that makes sense.

The lower the polycount, the less there is to animate.
Level 17
Jan 21, 2007
A poly is a triangle in the model. Every model is made up of triangles, whether they be small or large. The higher the amount, the more animation it takes to animate them. If that makes sense.

The lower the polycount, the less there is to animate.

Rather than more animation it takes to animate, i'd explain it as there is more parts that needs to be animated at the same time, which takes more CPU-power.
why hawkwing that was a bit too harsh. strange is that this is coming from a master constructive critiquer oO;;

maybe it's the campaign texture that is... Lol hawk xD

anyway, it is like it is. ~Discusion closed~


I know, I'm well aware of that. But if it is to be a mage a new texture is in order. Also, the reason for me saying it looks stupid is because it looks like the archer (yes, archer.) is sexually harassing the knight.
I know, I'm well aware of that. But if it is to be a mage a new texture is in order. Also, the reason for me saying it looks stupid is because it looks like the archer (yes, archer.) is sexually harassing the knight.
...that's a good start.

"I think he should improve _________________. Then I think the model would be less 'stupid'."
Level 11
Jun 28, 2008
I know, I'm well aware of that. But if it is to be a mage a new texture is in order. Also, the reason for me saying it looks stupid is because it looks like the archer (yes, archer.) is sexually harassing the knight.

Thats what I like most about the model :grin:

Hope I dont get a bann for this post >.>
...that's a good start.

"I think he should improve _________________. Then I think the model would be less 'stupid'."

Bad Mood + Humping Alliance Soldiers + Overall Silly Model = Pissed Post.

Thats what I like most about the model :grin:

Hope I dont get a bann for this post >.>

If you do I'll yell at the admins for you. :p
Level 5
Mar 26, 2008
Also, the reason for me saying it looks stupid is because it looks like the archer (yes, archer.) is sexually harassing the knight.

I have not watched romantic movies, but I have seen commercials for them and sometimes there are couples riding together on horseback. You just have a dirty mind. Maybe you should hire a brain janitor.
Bad Mood + Humping Alliance Soldiers + Overall Silly Model = Pissed Post.

aren't we all in bad mood sometimes xD but the model is not rly problematic. you sure are quite young if you think like that. and yeah, the horse needs campaign textures too xD

Cool! :D could be used like in the battle of Mount Hyjal or whatever. But a bit strange in-game thought... i give it 4/5.

again? that's kinda ovrused.
Level 10
Feb 25, 2006
Do you think it's possible for you to make an exact copy of this model but minus the elf? Coz i'm looking for a lancer(basically a knight with a spear) and there's simply NONE except this model on site!

I would be eternally grateful if you could upload one! xD
Level 6
May 1, 2009
There's something seriously wrong with this model -- it still has the Death Knight's death sound and dissappate animation. I'd like it if it had the Arch Mage's death sound or at least if it had the human/night elf hero dissappate, it's just wrong with an undead one.

Great model, though it could still be improved (the cape is a little long imo).