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A spell once I saw in spell section

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Level 9
Jun 13, 2008
hello there...
I was looking for a spell that once present in the spell section...don't know if its rejected or creator deleted from it but i desperately want it.

I even remember that the hero in that test map was using this skin:

hero was casting a huge frost ball above his hands then launching it to a point...frost ball's movement was parabolic leap-like to the point.

and the orb's model was this:

if anyone knows what am talking about and still keeping that spell, please send me..I'd be appreciated+rep.
Level 9
Jun 13, 2008
yes...a fire globe that travels through path with parabolic movement...dealing aoe damage on target point upon impact.
I know there are many missile systems that can make this kind of spell possible but I want that globe to grow when hero begins casting...u know, from very small to fair size and when cast is complete launch the globe.
say like 1.5 second cast is nice....so the growth of globe would be faster and not booring.
this is the exact type of spell i need:
Level 9
Jun 13, 2008
geez i use it yeah....we're living in 2015 what did u think?:) :p
btw i kinda did the spell thanks to custom projectile system that i found in spells section. but the thing is, adding cast and growing missile globe is the one that makes things very tough for me. Don't know if u looked to the link i posted above but thats the one i want to achieve.
Level 9
Jun 13, 2008
like I said, there is nothing that I did specifically...but got some benefits from this system:
I just edited an example spell in there which resulted almost exactly what I want except the fire sphere casting and graphically growth of it.
I edited immolation arrow spell in the system....changed parabole height and missile object..almost everything is configurable but adding cast and sphere growth requires another loop so don't wanna mess up with things.
Level 9
Jun 13, 2008
doesn't matter, I can wait....but to be clear let me explain what i need one more.
hero casts a fiery globe for 1.5 sec that is growing periodically when u start. globe moves parabolicly and deals AoE damage where it hit on. if it isnt too much to want, I'd also like it to put a damage over time effect on the units.
thank u already Malhorne:)
Level 9
Jun 13, 2008
do whatever you wish since you're the maker:p
btw your fear system is awesome....gonna use it in my map too...looks the best fear mechanics done here so far.

it would be cool if u use this model for the missile Malhorne...continuous growth will fit perfectly on this.
and for the explosion effect u can use anything u want...like demolisher's missile explosion or one of the WILL THE ALMIGHTY's explosion models etc....i can change that later tough.


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