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2P Campaign: Human 01

Human Campaign: The Scourge of Lordaeron
Chapter 1: The Defense of Strahnbrad

"Recent orc uprisings in southern Lordaeron have forced the Alliance to take decisive measures. To contain the orcish threat, King Terenas has sent two of the realm's greatest paladins - his son, Prince Arthas, and the legendary Uther the Lightbringer - to deal with the orcs once and for all."

Version: 2.0
Extra Score: Number of Surviving Footmen

Level Description: Arthas and Captain Falric head to the defenseless village of Strahnbrad to deal with an Orc attack on the village. On the way they also encounter problems with the Bloodhill Bandits and little Timmy has gone missing!

Version 1.0 - First complete release.
Version 1.1 - Fixed a bug which could result in not being able to save/load.
Version 1.2 - Falric spell balancing. Using recent melee patch.
Version 1.3 - Revised score system.
Version 1.4 - Effect when Falric uses great defense.
Version 1.5 - Mass code update. Fixed Timmy bug.
Version 2.0 - Mass update for all maps: [link]

Version 2.1 - Insane/Normal Load Bug Fix.
General Changes:
- Added secondary hero Captain Falric (based on WC lore)
- Replaced reward 'Tome of Power' with 'Maul of Strength'
- Reduced amount of starting footmen

Insane Mode:
- Gnolls Upgraded
- Bandits Upgraded
- Orcs Upgraded
- Bosses have spells


If you wish to report a bug, reply with feedback, or find out more about the project, please visit the Hosted Forums.

2 player campaign human alliance scourge lordaeron arthas

2P Campaign: Human 01 (Map)

21:51, 28th Feb 2010 ap0calypse: Approved


Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
tleno said:
So you are trying to immprove the Blizard RoC campaing? Hmmm, intresting idea, altough maybe you should also make it more chalenging?
I did think of that but I didn't want to change too much.
So all the maps are set to hard difficulty, and the campaign scoring thing was to sorta try do this aswell.

krisserz said:
How is it that you made RoC map need TFT?
Ideally it should be a RoC map, but when I added the hero and stuff it became TFT. I hope that doesn't annoy too many people.

Gecior said:
Grat idea of co-op :) 5/5 and aprroved :
Ty very muchly!

Domasi said:
Coop Campaign ? This is freaking brilliant! Good Job!
Wow thx man : O

Trilby said:
Wait. I can save Timmy now.
I don't know why it didn't work the first time.
Nope not sure what happened there : s
Never had it happen to me.
Perhaps you killed one of the children which fails the quest?

Mugzippit said:
what is the level grade based on? me and a friend did the first 2 levels and ended up with a B and a C :(
B and C ain't that bad.
Everything its based on is on that screen.
Which is:
Time taken to complete it, (Shorter time, better score)
The number of bonuses found (These are normally items, found in buildings, crates, creeps and critters)
The number of subquests completed
And lastly the extra points which is unique for each level. (For level 1 this is how many footmen survive the level. And for level 2 it is for every orc building destroyed.)
Level 3
Apr 28, 2008
I like the multiplayer campaign very much, 5/5.

Also, I've noticed a few minor tooltip errors with the Captain hero:
- The Command ability Learn tooltip says 30/45/60% attack bonus, while the tooltip says 20/35/50% bonus.
- The Great Defense tooltip says 20/30/40% chance to block, while it actually does 10/20/30%.
- And at last the Artillery Strike learn tooltip says "Airtillery Strike"

also, I recommend using the Captain sound set instead of the Footman.
Level 5
Jul 24, 2007
I think it is a brilliant idea to be able to play with another person. So what if he didn't make everything, he did us a favor by making it 2 players which is pretty awesome.

-edit are you going to do all races too? I'll love a good undead one. That'll be great for some lan play


Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
mr.pockets00000 said:
This map should not have been aproved....just editing blizzards work......lazy.... a disapointment if you ask me.
I'm sorry to hear that, I just thought that this would be something people would want to play : o

pooppyhead said:
I think it is a brilliant idea to be able to play with another person. So what if he didn't make everything, he did us a favor by making it 2 players which is pretty awesome.

-edit are you going to do all races too? I'll love a good undead one. That'll be great for some lan play
Thx very much, and yeah I'll try to get them all done,
I wonder why the undead one is so popular xD

forsakener said:
How do you play it Coop??
This isn't technically a Campaign,
It is a series of maps that you can play online with 1 other player
Level 8
Apr 26, 2008
This is indeed a nice idea. I was actually wondering that does this kind of maps even exist, but they seem to do. :grin:

Btw the discussion about the map type, it doesn't matter, for me at least, that is the map RoC map or TFT map.

EDIT: Btw did you load the maps from somewhere and then edited them, and if so then from where?


Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
Code_Lyoko said:
This is indeed a nice idea. I was actually wondering that does this kind of maps even exist, but they seem to do.

Btw the discussion about the map type, it doesn't matter, for me at least, that is the map RoC map or TFT map.

EDIT: Btw did you load the maps from somewhere and then edited them, and if so then from where?
Thx, and I used an mpq reader to read the warcraft file and got them from there.

Teelo said:
Hmmm. How come you removed most of the cutscene about Timmy?
"What about the others who were taken away?" and such?
I wasn't aware that I had, I'll look into it


Hosted Project 2PC
Level 22
Jul 16, 2007
Link2006155 said:
No i dont have a mac, macs suck donkey balls and yes i mean donkey kong. to macs!
Hurm, I'm not sure what it is then.

DPL said:
I might play it with a friend :D
Great idea mate. 5/5
Alright have fun!

- Gnolls Upgraded
- Bandits Upgraded
- Orcs Upgraded
- Bosses have spells

- Few bugs fixed.

There should be no more updates after this to this map.
(Unless a bug is found)
Last edited:
Level 1
Jun 25, 2010
hey, really nice idea and good work on Ranks, Progress, Save/Load and stuff
i found a bug in the first episode: the town is fully revealed whenever you watch there and villagers are just standing there like idiots waiting for the orcs to kill them
Level 1
Jun 26, 2010
finished all your 2 P maps ... very fun to play with a friend , cant wait for the next one :X.
Level 2
Feb 27, 2010
Hi I dont understand how to play? i have played these before until map 3 for HUMANS but now i have re-insatalled Warcraft 3 again and now i have downloaded 2p campaign human 1 butg i cant play it, it tells me there must be 2 players....