[2P/Archon Campaign] How the Founding of Durotar could work

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While the people that created the 2P Campaigns and the Archon Campaigns either gave up or don't know how to implement the Rexxar campaign, I have an idea.
Let's start with the most difficult part. Saving and loading. My idea is actually... Saving and loading. You can save and load multiplayer games. When you go to a new are the game makes you save the game with a certain name (mostly so you don't confuse them). Then it asks you if you want to type either -load (load the heroes and items, you do this after you come back from that zone, after you loaded the game that you saved earlier) and -cancel (go back to the current level without having to load items). If you are going to a zone for the first time you start a new game, else you load the save the game tells you to.
Now for the less difficult part controls. I think the best settings would be full shared units. Because you can choose what character you want to play, and have better inventory management.

Example: You are in Durotar and want to go to Thunder Ridge. The screen goes black and this message pops up:

Path to Thunder Ridge.

If you are going to Thunder Ridge:
Save the game as A1Durotar.
Load the game A1Thunder. If it doesn't exist create a game from map OrcX01_05.w3x.
You may now quit the game. Alternatively type -cancel to return to Durotar.

If  you are coming from Thunder Ridge:
Type -load [code] to load the codes provided at the end of the last level you played. Alternatively type -cancel to return to Durotar with the items you had at the time of the save.

Codes will be saved in a folder like with Kilmaat's Archon Campaigns and Turnro and Ljarvisone's Scourge Campaign every time you go to a new map and they will be in files like A1DurotarToThunder.
Level 25
Jul 26, 2008
I think you are confusing not knowing/giving up on the Rexxar campaign with realising how difficult it would be to make. Your suggestions are based on the former assumption, whereas I think the real issue the latter. There would be multiple ways to design it, but the sheer amount of work required would be enormous. Just the triggers to save locations you have visited ( = remove black mask on that part of the map ) would be a nightmare. Your idea of saving the code after reaching each zone would mean that every single time someone enters a zone, the save code would have to constantly be adding information.
but the sheer amount of work required would be enormous. Just the triggers to save locations you have visited ( = remove black mask on that part of the map ) would be a nightmare. Your idea of saving the code after reaching each zone would mean that every single time someone enters a zone, the save code would have to constantly be adding information.

You don't have to save the black mask into the code because you are saving the map using the Save button in the Menu. When you return to let's say Durotar, you load your previous save and use -load to load the newly acquired items, heroes and quests. You will have a -load for Rexxar, one for Rokhan, one for Chen, one for Cairne and one for the quests, so the game knows when you have completed let's say the Thunder Ridge quest. Everything else you do will be saved in your Saved Game.

The only problem is that everytime you go to a new location you need to load 3-5 codes. But that's the only way it can be done.
Level 1
Aug 28, 2017
a great idea to make a durotar company the only thing I would like to add would be great if you make it not an anchor mod but in the style of a spoon
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