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2012/2013 -- The Big Change?

What do you think will happen in 2012/2013?

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Level 8
Aug 3, 2008
I'm going to have to write this quick, because in like an hour I have another lesson.

OK, so what's the deal with 2012/2013? Paranormals around the world claim that a big change is coming in 2013 due to their inability to predict the year. It's like they can't predict anything about the year 2013. It's as if someone, presuming the one entity we call God, wants to keep what happens as a secret. Which leads to the theory that a huge, global change is going to happen in 2013.

Also I think with the Mayan calendar, which I lack information on, ends in December 2012. But I'm not too sure about this

So? What's so interesting about it? Well, obviously it's a very interesting phenomena as various theories appears on what would happen. I'll mention a few interesting theories:

-There's a theory that says that in the year 2013, a huge comic will blast the Earth, killing the millions that inhabit it.

-There's another saying that the world will see a switch of power. The western countries will go down in poverty while another group of countries rise. One of my teacher thinks this is the most likely to happen.

-Another theory claims that global peace will come. But I seriously can't imagine a world without conflict at the pace we're going at.

-This is a weird theory, saying that a huge disaster will strike the world. And four countries will participate in "healing" the world will be India, China, Brazil and Indonesia. I have absolutely no idea who formed this theory or why the four countries are mentioned.

-Another theory states that something illogical, something the human mind will not be able to grasp, will happen.

That's all the theories I'll mention, but I believe there's definitely going to be a big change whether in a positive way or a negative way.

So, please speak what you think about this. And please be serious. The lolz can be done at another place. :wink:
Level 3
Jan 19, 2008
The Mayas:
Why would I suppose to believe them? If they couldn't even see their end....

I don't think I have much faith to believe in him and in his intentions.

Global Peace:
Sorry but that's just a dream.

Nothing's gonna happen.

The last theory is interesting.

The only thing dangerous is the asteroid Apophis,but I doubt we are that unlucky....
Level 8
Aug 3, 2008
I doubt we are lucky either.

Yeah, I have very large doubts with the Global Peace thing. But someone mentioned it, and you never know what's going to happen.

So you think that all those paranormals made that "not able to see the future" thing? Just so they could get some public attention or something?
Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
Why would I suppose to believe them? If they couldn't even see their end....

The calender predicted things like Hitler, WW2. Yes it was a bit vague but anyways they pretty much predicted it. (I believe they got the year right)

Anyways, until now the thing has always been right i've read.

Don't know what to believe about that i've never seen the thing, but maybe the thing ending at 2012 is just because they had no intension looking further? XD

I believe many things in live people believe have to be revealed as a epic secret are just dumb misunderstandings, lies and so on...
-There's another saying that the world will see a switch of power. The western countries will go down in poverty while another group of countries rise.

I do surely want to see this come...

...Many experts mean that in the year of 2013, there will come another economic crisis due to the global need of more oil.

But whatever, human kind is especially fond of predicting the ''end of the world'' all the time. The truth is; no one knows, it just might happend today or in anouther thousand years... If the end of days accidently happends a day we preddicted, its just a coincidence.
Level 8
Jun 20, 2004
well, not that i believe the world will end in 2012, the mayan calendar while not something you should look at for straight reference...

the mayan calendar does have interesting cycles that somewhat make sense. we are currently in the ethics era of the cycle which is fairly accurate with the sudden influx of gay rights, racial differences(not ethnics), and a black president. On the other hand, it is also turning the other way as well with abortion soon to be possibly a regular practice, as well as stem cell research and possible manipulation of human life through cellular restructuring which is actually been in the news recently. Even moreso, is the assisted suicide law that has passed allowing doctors to perscribe terminally ill patients drugs to kill themselves. As you can clearly see, these past 5-10 years have had more ethic changes for better and for worse than the past 100 years. No longer are governments(republican loss of office in USA for example) able to say 'no' to something because they feel it is ethically incorrect.

I believe the last cycle can be interpreted in different ways. I believe an exact date such as December 2012 wasn't actually supposed to mean the world would end then but the cycle will happen. What this cycle means is that civilization will began looking at life in a different aspect and in a way try playing god (or some intelligent being if you don't believe in such a thing) to the point we diminish all means of morals, ethics, and reasoning for the sake of science. To that point it would lead to the ascension of human kind either by religious means or the expansion of human thought and the body. It could also mean we bring destruction to ourselves through science and seeking answers of co-creation through technology.

If you think about it, there is not really anything else one could think that could come after that cycle which is what is considered the end of the world.
Level 7
Aug 27, 2008
Who know whats going to happen the sun goes supernova or something? You know thats around the time Obama was elected December 12, he'll stop around 2012 i think. Maybe he'll wont want to quit and to something really dumb. Another thing, Jesus was born like 10 days later right? I heard we were going to have 10 days of terror, and then i suppose He'll come and save everybody. (Stay on Santa's nice list!) But i don't know. Lots of people are prophesying the end of the world lately. (I heard it was in 2050.) If you ask me they should cool down If the ends so close, enjoy your life while you still have it right? I think people should peace up a little, and stop using nuclear bombs, we only have one Earth.
Level 12
Mar 26, 2005
Who know whats going to happen the sun goes supernova or something? You know thats around the time Obama was elected December 12, he'll stop around 2012 i think. Maybe he'll wont want to quit and to something really dumb. Another thing, Jesus was born like 10 days later right? I heard we were going to have 10 days of terror, and then i suppose He'll come and save everybody. (Stay on Santa's nice list!) But i don't know. Lots of people are prophesying the end of the world lately. (I heard it was in 2050.) If you ask me they should cool down If the ends so close, enjoy your life while you still have it right? I think people should peace up a little, and stop using nuclear bombs, we only have one Earth.

Next time, dont watch ZeitGeist, nobody knows when Jesus was born (25 december was chosen in arround 300 AD couse of some roman_god was born in 25.12) And noone knows even the year (they say arround 8-4BC)

I think in 2013 the Starcraft II will be released, and that will make the world electricity to colapse. HEHE
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
In 12 december, 2012, warcraft 4 will come out. The mayan calendar obviously was designed around this big event. Pretty much obvious, right?

And yeah, Zeitgeist is a load of bullshit.
Meh, part 1 and 2 pretty much indeed, but zeitgeist: addendum (the 2nd movie) does show a workable solution to many of our problems we face now caused by "bugs" in the monetary system. The monetary system was an improvement back when it was introduced, but it's pretty much outdated today. One of the symptoms is the current crisis: nothing truly has changed, except that consumers lose purchase power each day and factories have to close. Is there suddenly a lack of resources? Is there any good reason for this to happen? Not at all, it's just unsolvable core problems of the monetary system and capitalism. It has worked for a while, and communism isn't an appealing alternative, but the problems with the monetary system truly aren't solvable by political recovery programs. They can, at most, postpone the rise of more problems. Which is in fact what they've been doing the past 70 years.
Level 27
May 30, 2007
Money works like this:
Give me money.

There's more to it than that, like, I give you some food in return for that money, and I also force you to do stuff for me and give you enough money that you can buy enough food in return, but the core idea remains the same.

Give me money.

Okay, but now let's advance a century or so, to where technology can do just about anything that we need to do. Now the step where you do stuff in return for a meager amount or money is gone. I, wanting you to perpetually give me money, now have no need to give you money, because machines can do everything you did, and never ask for me to give them money. This is a good thing for me because me giving money is the polar opposite of giving me money. On top of that, I managed to go fully green and don't even have a power bill. I have no reason to ever give money. But that's not it.

Give me money.

But, if you'll notice, you are running out of money because nobody is giving you money. You must give money to obtain sustenance. Eventually you have given away all you money and cannot give me money. This poses a problem for me, because I want you to give me money, but you don't have any, or, like me, you have no reason to give me money. You are either self-sufficient or need those who are self-sufficient to give you stuff. But they wont give you stuff unless you give them money, but you have no money because I don't pay you, because I am self-sufficient and do not need your help.

Maybe I'll collapse the infrastructure of one of those other self-sufficient people so that their money leaks out and you have money to give me again. But I just collapsed the last one last week. :( I really am baffled. Nobody in the world can give me money. The only way they could give me money is if I give them money to give me, but that does nothing other than just give them free stuff. And why let them have free stuff if they can give me money for that stuff instead? Wait, they cannot give me money instead. Well now, why let them have stuff?

What do we do (economically), when there is nothing for us to do?

Sure, this may be a bit off-topic, but 2012? There's more talk about 2012 than you can shake a stick at.
Level 18
Mar 13, 2009
-There's a theory that says that in the year 2013, a huge comic will blast the Earth, killing the millions that inhabit it.

YouTube - Monty Python - The Funniest Joke In The World

Yes, I think that theory sounds like the best one. The comic blast will kill us! We will all laugh ourselves to death! :grin:

'Oh no, it's not 2012 yet, wait comic don't come!

So, please speak what you think about this. And please be serious. The lolz can be done at another place. :wink:
Hey, you started it! :wink:
Level 8
Aug 3, 2008
What do we do (economically), when there is nothing for us to do?

Damn, what do we do? Maybe money will be replaced by a more advanced barter system, but that's just so fucked up. You wouldn't be able to know the value in the items being traded as there is no more money/token to value them?

YouTube - Monty Python - The Funniest Joke In The World

Yes, I think that theory sounds like the best one. The comic blast will kill us! We will all laugh ourselves to death! :grin:

'Oh no, it's not 2012 yet, wait comic don't come!

OMG LOL!! Didn't even realize I made that typho. Guess starting threads and reading manga at the same time is a bad option.

Hey, you started it! :wink:
Lol :wink:
Level 27
May 30, 2007
Damn, what do we do? Maybe money will be replaced by a more advanced barter system, but that's just so fucked up. You wouldn't be able to know the value in the items being traded as there is no more money/token to value them?
That doesn't change anything except the mentality. It would change to "Give me stuff." When I have everything I need, what are you supposed to trade with me? Of course, changing mentality is one of the biggest changes that can be made. I no longer need you to "give me stuff," because I already have everything I need. Not so with money. I can have, literally, all the money in the world, and still want more. I cannot, however, have a lot of stuff and still want more stuff.

In the end, when you are entirely self-sufficient, the only thing you can do with the extra stuff is get rid of it. There are people that want that stuff, so you might as well give it to them.
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