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(1) Project Y4: A Total Conversion

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Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
I have reworked the design of the G1 Cavalier because it didn't quite settle as a remote-controlled vehicle. It didn't come out quite big enough, either.

So now the Cavalier is, like the Knight, a fairly generic tank that will form the main G1 attack force.


Instead, I have plans for the G1 Paladin -- these will be the remote-controlled super-units. I am currently planning two classes of Paladin, PANIC and HATE (possibly HATRED), though I'd like to fit RAGE in there somewhere too. I will post more about the Paladins when I make the models.


  • cavalier2.jpg
    30.8 KB · Views: 77
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
I have reworked the design of the G1 Cavalier because it didn't quite settle as a remote-controlled vehicle. It didn't come out quite big enough, either.

So now the Cavalier is, like the Knight, a fairly generic tank that will form the main G1 attack force.


Instead, I have plans for the G1 Paladin -- these will be the remote-controlled super-units. I am currently planning two classes of Paladin, PANIC and HATE (possibly HATRED), though I'd like to fit RAGE in there somewhere too. I will post more about the Paladins when I make the models.

These models must be like 2 polies a piece lol... Makes me want to make a massive mech fighting RTS. :ogre_hurrhurr:
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
Just when you thought it was safe...:ogre_hurrhurr:

Sure, the project has been on semi-hiatus for a while. I played through the entire Elder Scrolls series, from Arena to Skyrim, then got The Witcher 2, and all that took its toll on Y4.

I have chosen to re-establish public relations now because a few days ago (during an early-morning session, no less) I reached a very important milestone -- that of completing an uninterrupted playthrough.

Sure, I had to cheat a few times, the balance was often shot to pieces, there are a few persistent annoyances, but there were no game-breaking bugs or misfiring triggers that blocked progress.

There was no finale either, but the finale is totally self-contained so it won't be so hard to test (unlike This Wreckage's use-the-rest-of-the-map final boss).


Since I last posted here, there have been several developer diaries:

And some screenshots:


But that's not all!

Over the last few days I've been going hell-for-leather on sound effects. While the internets have gleefully provided swathes free samples of excellent gunshots and explosions, industrial clanks and smashing glass have been somewhat less forthcoming so there's still a long way to go on this front (eventually might have to settle for some in-game sounds, the horror).

Also on the update train are the blacksmiths. There are two centres where you can turn junk into weapons (for a fee) -- the foundry, where metal ores are smelted and metals are cast, and the research centre, where exotic tech junk is repurposed into useful equipment.

The component items to unlock these new pieces of equipment are scattered around and revealed by different means; the HoverCon Electro-Fence Emitters, for example, can be picked up by trashing a fence post once its barrier is disabled. These can be turned into special projector blades or shields that damage melee attackers.


Still a long way to go, but everything is very much coming together now.

Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Cool stuff. I'm sad about the lose of freezing weapons, but most of the new stuff looks amazing. You should try and wrap some of the rocks better; Some faces seem blurry and stretched. The new AP-AM looks better than before, too. Does the lose of shoulder guns mean that you can never replace your EMP, though? That's kind of saddening. I was hoping for all sorts of cool stuff to replace your stun-guns with. The new doodads and mechs look great, though! And I really hope you're gonna pull off the bio-engineering company, despite your apparent 'inability' to model organic units. I think that's one idea of yours that I really, really would like to see implemented. ^^

...By the way, how were the Elder Scrolls games, if I may ask?
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
Does the lose of shoulder guns mean that you can never replace your EMP, though? That's kind of saddening. I was hoping for all sorts of cool stuff to replace your stun-guns with.
ACTUALLYthere are some upgrades available for the pulse cannons.

The first level is just a straight upgrade, longer stun/more damage. But later on you can choose one of three modes: drop the stun for damage-over-time (biowaste), drop the stun for lots of damage and a small splash (thaelite), or super-charge for a very strong single unit stun. The electricity starts to glow an appropriate colour.

This is a pain to balance because I was trying the fire capacitor out one day and not having the single-unit stun makes the game a total nightmare (hopefully the EMP burst undercarriage mod will alleviate this somewhat).

And I really hope you're gonna pull off the bio-engineering company, despite your apparent 'inability' to model organic units. I think that's one idea of yours that I really, really would like to see implemented. ^^
It's just a fever dream, there really isn't any space for another corporation (at least in the main game). And I tried one afternoon, I really can't model organics (can't draw them either, it's a lose/lose situation).

...By the way, how were the Elder Scrolls games, if I may ask?
Arena is amusing, Daggerfall has moments of brilliance but is a folly, Morrowind is still the undisputed champion, Oblivion isn't as bad as I remember but still floppy, Skyrim is good.
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
ACTUALLYthere are some upgrades available for the pulse cannons.

The first level is just a straight upgrade, longer stun/more damage. But later on you can choose one of three modes: drop the stun for damage-over-time (biowaste), drop the stun for lots of damage and a small splash (thaelite), or super-charge for a very strong single unit stun. The electricity starts to glow an appropriate colour.

This is a pain to balance because I was trying the fire capacitor out one day and not having the single-unit stun makes the game a total nightmare (hopefully the EMP burst undercarriage mod will alleviate this somewhat).

It's just a fever dream, there really isn't any space for another corporation (at least in the main game). And I tried one afternoon, I really can't model organics (can't draw them either, it's a lose/lose situation).

Arena is amusing, Daggerfall has moments of brilliance but is a folly, Morrowind is still the undisputed champion, Oblivion isn't as bad as I remember but still floppy, Skyrim is good.

I always hated Morrowind. Oblivion was always my favorite offspring of the TES franchise.
Nice update btw.
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
Bum bum bum bum.

A recent ramble about sound effects.

Attached is an early draft of the mock game manual that I've been working on. The intro and timeline text should be final. It's supposed to be viewed with pairs of pages side-by-side, with the page numbers on the outer edges.



  • ProjectY4OperationalHandbook.pdf
    787.2 KB · Views: 300



Level 4
Oct 10, 2008
I like this usefull handbook.
Waiting for the final product now.
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
I'm entering the very final stages of content development -- I've dropped the pirate quest for a post-release update because I'm not quite sure what to do with it yet, so I'm doing to balancing the AoS part (it is fiendishly difficult right now, dropping the attack waves by one might have sorted that though) and doing the final boss.

After that, it's test test test test.


In order to track these latter stages, I'm doing a "Y4 Daily" feature on Twitter. Each day, I'll post one tweet about Y4. Ideally, this will encourage progress and not bunking off, so if I post "Y4 Daily: in the pub" or nothing at all you need to call me out on it.


A couple o' recent screenies are on ModDB:

Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
Gotta try this ASAP, even though I'm not big on trying first releases\early versions. I'm just going to go ahead and assume the game is more or less finished, and the only things left are slight touch-ups?
I've been telling people for ages, this is not a beta -- this is a real finished piece.

The additions that will come later are pure content, and bonus content at that. The main game can stand alone.

Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Hell yeah, Y4 is out, checking it out!

EDIT: Okay I tried it, all I can say is Project Y4 gives me a impression of a new different game, from the visuals, cinematic, sounds, great systems and gameplay, Project Y4 really is a impressive map made by one of the best mapper around. And I love the fact that you can equip items for the robot!
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Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
Okay I tried it, all I can say is Project Y4 gives me a impression of a new different game, from the visuals, cinematic, sounds, great systems and gameplay, Project Y4 really is a impressive map made by one of the best mapper around. And I love the fact that you can equip items for the robot!
Success! :ogre_kawaii:
Downloading now.
By the way, how did you manage to change the selection circle for units?
I tinkered for hours with game interface, but nothing worked!
As HappyTauren said, it's the ReplaceableTextures\Selection images. I think there are a few other images somewhere else that pretend to be the correct circles, but those are the ones.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Alright, playing it right now. I'll be updating this post with any errors, bugs, etc I can find.

A couple to start off:

-In the tutorial(and possibly outside of it), the Hybrid Avatar's "Activate Firewall" ability states it's duration as 0 seconds.

-There is a missing comma in the Projectile attack type's description:
"While most corporations still rely on metal bullets RDZ industries has managed..."
Should be:
"While most corporations still rely on metal bullets, RDZ industries has managed..."
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
Maybe a command button placed in 2,3 instead of 3,2?
Naw. If it was something like that it would crash for everyone, not everyone except me.

I've got a new version with a few inconsistencies that may be related awaiting re-authorisation on ModDB now (should hopefully get approved some time later tonight).

There were a few confused references to (Hero Manipulating Item) rather than (Casting Unit) in the bomb drop response trigger, which I have swapped to PLAYER_Hero to avoid any potential ambiguity creeping in.

I also had the string for completed quest requirements set to a single space (rather than "Completed"; I needed something ambiguous between failure and success of a requirement, so I've now settled on "Rescinded"). I get the feeling this could be a localisation issue for non-English versions of the game, and that's the only piece of text that is remotely hacky that could manifest itself at the moment of dropping the bomb (the "plant the bomb" requirement is marked as completed).

Finally, the bomb unit itself had a few odd settings that didn't look quite right, so I've zeroed them in case it makes a difference.

Fingers crossed something in there does the job. If not, I haven't got any more ideas because that sequence works perfectly for me.
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
I can confirm that the bomb was is fixed, at least for me! Good job. ^^
Although... I must say I'm a little bit disheartened at the general lack of music. I trust that's coming soon?
As I've said elsewhere, in lieu of a soundtrack, you should listen to Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark's Dazzle Ships and Kraftwerk's Radioactivity (and maybe Simple Minds' Reel to Real Cacophony, and I think I Will Kiss from the Olympic opening ceremony might also convey appropriate percussion, and there are a couple fitting tunes on the Unreal and Unreal Tournament soundtracks).

I don't know how much music fits into the schedule because I can't make it for myself (believe me, I've tried); it's only the same long-term agenda as voice acting and sadly cannot be a priority.
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Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Well, I would certainly recommend HappyTauren. He makes great music. Just throw him an example YouTube video and I'm certain he could make you some cool stuff, despite the low priority.

EDIT: Uh, I was just wandering around, and I found an area I can't access with a red box inside of it. I blew it up using some Q\W action, and it said "2 more to go"? Did I just find a secret, or a problem with how you fenced off an area? :p

EDIT 2: And apparently I'm allowed to destroy RDZ Industries mechs without any kind of response or repercussion? D:
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Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
EDIT: Uh, I was just wandering around, and I found an area I can't access with a red box inside of it. I blew it up using some Q\W action, and it said "2 more to go"? Did I just find a secret, or a problem with how you fenced off an area? :p
There's nowhere you can access that you're not allowed to get to. :ogre_icwydt:
Exploration is encouraged! :ogre_datass:
EDIT 2: And apparently I'm allowed to destroy RDZ Industries mechs without any kind of response or repercussion? D:
You're a heartless bastard. People didn't like when in This Wreckage all the Empire soldiers turned against them and raped them dead, but I suppose with the whole lives system I can go for that with a little less risk...:ogre_hurrhurr:
EDIT: Uh, I was just wandering around, and I found an area I can't access with a red box inside of it. I blew it up using some Q\W action, and it said "2 more to go"? Did I just find a secret, or a problem with how you fenced off an area? :p

Have you played This Wreckage? You wouldn't be asking questions like these D:
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Well, it's a big, red box. It seems pretty natural, though it took quite a beating(artillery shot + 2 EMPs). :p

That reminds me of something I've been meaning to say. Currently, breakable boxes are indistinct, or nigh-indistinct from doodad boxes(mostly box piles). That's a bit off-putting, because while it's natural to check every box to see if you can break it, sometimes it's a waste of time as you find that the majority of the boxes are doodads. I think there should be some kind of visual distinction, whether it is on the texture or the model. Maybe a red band around the breakable boxes, or a slight variation in the shade of gray.
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