
  1. TheGoldenGoblin

    [Trigger] Ping minimap in a circle doesn't work

    Hello! I have created a circle using units and that works without any problems. But when I try to ping the same area as the units would spawn in, then it doesn't ping at the same location and it really confuses me as to why since I use the exact same location. Any help is appreciated. Instead...
  2. HerlySQR

    Minimap bugged

    Hello, in my map I divided it by sections and I assing camera bounds for each section, so also I change the minimap for those sections with triggers, everything is fine, but for some reason one of them looks like this: When it should look like this: I don't know why its happening, the only...
  3. coconut

    How to make an image instead of a minimap in the lobby

    I need to put a picture instead of a minimap, but so that it is displayed only in the lobby. The game itself should have a normal minimap. I tried to change war3mapMap, but in-game minimap is replaced with image too.
  4. Zimrim

    [General] Custom Minimap / Preview

    I've been following many, many, and when I say many, I mean dozens. Of tutorials and techniques on how people setup a custom minimap (And preview), and I cant seem to get it to work, after hours of trying I've came here for help. I was wondering if anyone could help me with this. It doesn't show...
  5. HerlySQR

    How can I get the correct camera bounds respect the area covered by the region?

    Hello, in the map I'm working I wanna divide it in "sectors" so I opted to take screenshots of every sector the map and then used them as minimap and change the camera bounds to the region that covers that sector, but the minimap doesn't match with what the camera is seeing, I tried to adapt the...
  6. Panda

    In Game minimap completely black..??

    I was taking some doodad models from another map for my map and accidently added some file called "minimap.blp" or something and i deleted it from my import section but it left my minimap all black as you can see in the photos.. anyone help?
  7. Zimrim

    W3 MiniMap issues.

    To start this off, the creator of this map has the entire map unprotected and lets anyone touch it. He's been inactive for nine months and I've decided to see if I can make a few changes that were breaking the map. But when I finally opened the map into world edit and saved it. When I got into...
  8. lolreported

    Minimap Icon Edit (Size Reduction)

    Hello, I'm not sure if these are textures or models that have to be edited, but I'd like to request someone to reduce the size of the icons I've marked in the image below: It might be related to the from the Game Interface in the World Editor. The larger one is the icon for a building...
  9. bruunk

    [General] Dummy Unit that has Neutral Building Minimap Icon

    Hello, I'm trying to mark certain locations with the Neutral Building Minimap Icon using dummy units, though for some reason the Icon shows up during the loading screen, but it does not show on the player's in-game minimap. The unit has: Neutral Building - Shows Minimap Icon = True Stats -...
  10. slimshaby

    Create Minimap Icons/Models

    Hi guys! I want to display various CUSTOM MADE icons in the form of Models on the minimap via the following trigger action: Cinematic - Create Minimap Icon at (Center of (Playable map area)) of color (255, 255, 255) using UI\Minimap\MiniMap-Goldmine.mdl and fog visibility Black mask...
  11. MStylo

    Menu Minimap Image

    Does anybody know how to create custom minimap image when browsing and hosting maps now that it's reforged? What used to work on classic now doesn't.
  12. Tom_Almighty1

    Increase Minimap Size And Move It

    Guys I was trying to move the minimap and increase its size. I am using Warcraft 3 TFT non-reforged 1.31. Here are the triggers (GUI): Custom Script: local framehandle minimap = BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_MINIMAP, 0) Custom Script: call BlzFrameClearAllPoints(minimap) Custom Script: call...
  13. BradPittlord

    2 Questions

    1)Used a imported .blp image, set the path to war3mapMap.blp and it works fine to change the in game minimap however soon as I updated to v1.31 the minimap image is just the map itself. So I deleted the imported image and reimported a new one and soon as I test the map it's still just the map...
  14. MStylo

    Custom Minimap

    Does anyone know how to create custom minimap backround? All threads I found are from many years ago suggesting custom file with war3mapMap.blp path but it just doesn't work. Any ideas?
  15. Bloodheaven_

    [Solved] Possible to zoom into Minimap via Trigger?

    Hey there, there is an function called: Camera - Set camera bounds for Player to Region is there a way to actually zoom into the minimap or out via trigger? Let's say the whole Minimap is Area1+2+3+4. Now I want to only have the Area 2 to be seen from the whole Minimap. Yes of course with...
  16. tadosan

    How do I increase the size of a unit on the minimap?

    The unit I'm working with is too small and gets covered up by units of other players on the minimap. You literally can't see it if it walks among any buildings. There's one way of increasing its size that I know of, turning the unit into a building. However, as this unit moves and is a flying...
  17. Ricola3D

    Minimap: OK in map lists or lobbies, KO in game lists

    Hello, I have a strange issue. I have a custom minimap for my custom map Xnd Hero Siege (I imported a war3mapPreview.tga). At some places it displays OK; at other places it does not display: OK - Map lobby (when you wait players to join) OK - Map list (when you create a new game and look for...
  18. Uncle

    Destructibles created through triggers don't have minimap icons (Any way to generate icons?)

    I'm trying to create minimap icons like trees or buildings would have through triggers. I can't have anything pre-placed on the map. Let me start off by saying that I DON'T want there to be a unit that you can select/see/interact with in any way. Things I've tried that don't work: Locust units...
  19. SoooK

    [Solved] My minimap stoped working

    The minimap disapeared on my custom map. It's completely black. - I used an imported file "war3mapMap.blp", but even after deleting it, my minimap stays black. - Importing it again doesn't work. - I'm currently not using any other minimap related imports - The only minimap reated trigger...
  20. troylowyee

    Minimap+Coders for KodoDefence game

    I've been creating this Kodo Defence game for well over two years and being a trigger only guy I don't do much artwork and terraining. I really need help with a minimap image for my map. I would really appreciate all the help as well as someone who is free to help me code some of the new things...
  21. Zoson


    I need the attached Icons converted as Minimap Hero Icons in the colours of player 1 - 10. Thanks (I will give credits of course^^) -> I require them for Multiverse RPG
  22. Chrismars

    remove minimap rectangular line?

       ↑ How can I remove this minimap rectangular line?