• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.
  • It's time for the first HD Modeling Contest of 2025. Join the theme discussion for Hive's HD Modeling Contest #7! Click here to post your idea!


  1. Lost Ones new Tech tree

    Lost Ones new Tech tree

    Take a sneak peek on the Lost Ones. Again we took into considerations their appearance in the campaign and fill their gaps.
  2. Crystalforge/Tier 5 Paladin

    Crystalforge/Tier 5 Paladin

    Goofing around with model editor, just for showcase purpose.
  3. Gronn Boss

    Gronn Boss

    Careful or he will turn your army into mashed potatoes
  4. Gorian Empire

    Gorian Empire

    Special thanks to the HoS team for the amazing UI and many other models
  5. Draenor Moon

    Draenor Moon

    Arrival on draenor
  6. Frostfire2


    Bloodmaul ogres
  7. Frostfire1


    Draenei campaign in the land of giants?
  8. velen_head.png


  9. SoyMante

    Rising Tide of Strife - Proyect

    More than 40 years in the past, in the remote past of Draenor, where the races that once lived peacefully will be twisted by the rising tide of destruction that will devastate all of Draenor. An unprecedented bloodletting will take place. This campaign is still in very early stages, it is my...
  10. SoyMante

    [SD/Modeling] 3D Models and Textures Request

    Well, I don't know how big a request can be, so I hope I don't sound demanding or anything, this request is more of a "If you can, please someone make one of these." Behind the request there is a project that I have already mentioned in the past and the time has come to include Custom content. I...
  11. Velen


  12. Draenei wall

    Draenei wall

    imitated from https://www.hiveworkshop.com/media/draenei-wall-pack-karabor-version.137031/ @ShadiHD 's fantastic work
  13. WC3ScrnShot_081723_211850_000.png


    A fountain of life on Argus.
  14. WC3ScrnShot_081723_211834_000.png


    The Legion invading Argus, home world of the Draenei.
  15. Dord96

    [SD/Modeling] Anchorite unit

    hello want to make a mep where the Exodar draenei are units the replece the blood elven units what i had in mind is the sorcerer , vindicator , and anchorite for wich i need a model pleass i would appreciate a male anchorite (mabey based on Absolution Regalia set?) pleass and thank you 🙏🙏🙏
  16. DR_KaraborTemple01.jpg


    -- Support on Patreon --- https://www.patreon.com/Shadihd
  17. Draenei House A (Doodad)

    Draenei House A (Doodad)

    concept by @handclaw -- Support on Patreon -- https://www.patreon.com/Shadihd
  18. Draenei Arcane Tower

    Draenei Arcane Tower

    special thanks to @Trolldaeron
  19. Draenei Barracks

    Draenei Barracks

    just a "reminder" render that the Draenei development is still pretty much ongoing. - Draenei Barracks | concept provided by @handclaw -- support the Draenei development on Patreon and get early look at the Draenei -- https://www.patreon.com/Shadihd
  20. Draenei Townhall Tier 3

    Draenei Townhall Tier 3

    ladies and gents...I present to you the FINAL upgrade of the Draenei Townhall 🙂 very special thanks to @Trolldaeron for his concept.
  21. Defenders of Karabor

    Defenders of Karabor

    They stood their ground. Pity it was all in vain.
  22. Momolightrue

    How do I sell off my 5 years old Warcraft III Demon / Corrupted / Naga / Draenei Text Project to Blizzard-Microsoft for money?

    How do I sell off my 5 years old Warcraft III Demon / Corrupted / Naga / Draenei Text Project to Blizzard-Microsoft for money? I got the ideas all set for the Demon, Naga, and Corrupted races in text schematic forms, while I am still working on the Draenei race to complete it... These ideas are...
  23. Luthfandino

    [SD/Modeling] [Models] Draenei Unit Needed

    Hello, i need a draenei unit based on the Human Sorceress and Night Elf Druid of the Talon models, thanks
  24. Draenei Archer

    Draenei Archer

    concept by: @Trolldaeron modelled by: Me
  25. Draenei Captain

    Draenei Captain

    - concept by: @handclaw - modelled by: me - Work in progress, body/armor are subject to change
  26. Draenei Footman

    Draenei Footman

    - concept by: @handclaw - modelled by: Me - Work in progress, body/armor are subject to change
  27. Draenei Peacekeeper (WIP)

    Draenei Peacekeeper (WIP)

    concept by @handclaw model by @ShadiHD
  28. vindorei

    Reforged Draenei shaman working in progress

    Ah... I kinda hate these aliens now, too hard to modify.
  29. vindorei

    Im fed up with Draenei Paladin......WIP

    I just don't know how to make this evil guy decent.
  30. Elite Elekk Rider.png

    Elite Elekk Rider.png

    Elite Elekk Rider
  31. Grinnersh

    [HD/Modeling] Someone have a male vindicator Draenei model for Reforged please?

    Cheers I've been planning a Warcraft 3: Reforged map project and been going through some posts and honestly was wondering if anyone could make a model of a male vindicator draenei, the model can be blue skinned or purple skinned (If you want you can make skins). Yes please? I request it without...
  32. Grinnersh

    [HD/Modeling] A model of an uncorrupted Akama for Warcraft 3: Reforged?

    Greetings, I have been planning a Warcraft 3: Reforged map project and have been going through some posts and honestly, I was wondering if someone could make a model of an uncorrupted Akama. Yes please? I request it without ill intention, only good will :) PS: If you wish, you can suggest more...
  33. Draenei


    Draenei for "Age of Warcraft Project"
  34. HerlySQR

    Draenei heros

    I'm making a map with Draenor theme, but I don't have much idea of what I can do for that (it also can be something related to them), can you help me (and also need models), what I already have to don't tell me something I know: Dark Assassin Seer Herald Akama Salamander Spirit wolf (Because in...
  35. stein123

    Broken model

    Hello everyone, can someone help me with this model? is broken, some parts of it doesn't appear at all in the world editor (head, shoulderpad and weapons), i don't know how to fix this, also if anyone manage to fix it, could you tell me how to do it myself too? thanks in advance.
  36. Dispatcher

    Icon Request

    Hello can somebody recolor the the icon of the Night Elf Archer that matches this one Thank in Advance!
  37. Dispatcher

    Changing Archer Capes

    Hello guys i don't know if this is the right thread which i should be asking these question but i should just continue since i already started. Can someone pls guide me how to edit an archers cape i am editing a draenei one because i'm making a map where the custom units are draenei's "the...
  38. Kemayo

    Reforged Draenei/Velen

    Hey there! Could someone make me a reforged model of Prophet Velen? And maybe a reforged model for a non-hero Draenei ranged caster? At some point the Broken and Eredar models don't suffice anymore^^
  39. MStylo

    Ray of Disruption

    Does anybody know how to order Draenei Harbinger to use Ray of Disruption? The ability itself doesn't use an order and even unit manually casting it is considered as if it was inactive.
  40. SeTh_WC3

    Warcraft 3 creators cups

    Hello everyone ! I want to create a project related to custom race making and tech tree development. I would like to launch a very special serie of cups with a prizepool for Warcraft 3 competitive players in which competitors can pick a custom race ! The format of the cups will be 2on2 with a...
  41. Recklessness

    Earth Totem model

    I have noticed that there aren't any shaman totem models or at least a wide variety of them. I wanted a simple request of an Earth totem that closely resembles the Earth Totem from WoW that is used by Draenei. Maybe other totems like the orc, shaman, and troll ones could be made i'm sure they...
  42. 10. Army of the Light - 1

    10. Army of the Light - 1

  43. 10. Army of the Light - 2

    10. Army of the Light - 2

  44. 10. Army of the Light - 3

    10. Army of the Light - 3

  45. 10. Army of the Light - 4

    10. Army of the Light - 4

  46. 10. Army of the Light - 5

    10. Army of the Light - 5

  47. Diegoit

    (SOLVED) Portrait talk

    Please, i need a portrait talk for this model :)
  48. 05. The Exodar - 1

    05. The Exodar - 1

  49. 05. The Exodar - 2

    05. The Exodar - 2

  50. 05. The Exodar - 3

    05. The Exodar - 3
