Warcraft 3 creators cups

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Level 3
Dec 7, 2017
Hello everyone !

I want to create a project related to custom race making and tech tree development.

I would like to launch a very special serie of cups with a prizepool for Warcraft 3 competitive players in which competitors can pick a custom race !

The format of the cups will be 2on2 with a specific rule of 1 player per team has to pick the featured custom race and the other member will have to pick one the 4 standard race. There will be only one single custom race per edition.

Why this specific format ?

I think it would be unrealistic to feature a new custom race in a 1on1 tournament because it would be too complicated to make sure the new race is completely balanced, and if it is people will not take the risk to pick a race they are not familiar with. This 2on2 format where only 1 player per team pick the custom race is the best way to see how the custom race can interact with the standard races both as allied or ennemy race. There should be only 1 custom race per edition to make it easier for players to adapt and learn the mechanics of the race and also for viewers. The race should be exported to standard 2x2 maps that players are familiar with so they just have to focus on learning the featured race and not on the maps.

The goal of this project is to promote the work of race makers and also to offer new challenges to competitive players and see how they adapt to new content.

Of course for this project I need to find race makers who are willing to share their custom race so it can be exported to standard 2x2 maps. I also need testers and editors to test the races, make sure everything is viable for competitive games and make the necessary balance adjustments if required and then export the race to standard maps.

I already contacted race makers like GhostThruster who made the really nice Dreanei race that you can find here in the advanced tech-tree development section : Draenei

He gave me permissions to make balance adjustements and export his race to other maps.

I also contacted Wa666r who created a lot of unique factions for the Ultimate Battle Project : [UB] Info Thread

He will help if I were to use one of his faction.

My idea for the first edition was to start with the naga race because it is probably the most famous race outside of the 4 standard playable race. Moreover people who played the campaign generally love this race and often wonder why its not a playable standard race. That’s why I think it would probably be the easiest race to introduce for the first tournament.

I find it hard though to find a completely finished naga race map whose creator is still active. I found different versions of naga races here on the hive but most of the time the creators are not active anymore or the race is not completetly finished or balanced. The naga race of the Ultimate Battle project main compilation map is really good but it seems that Unregret who created it is not active anymore.

If anyone here can help me to find a good naga race that is free to be used and exported I will be very thankful ! Otherwise I will probably start with GhostThruster’s draenei race which is really great already. I woud need to do some balance adjustments before exporting it to standard maps and find editors that could help me on doing that. I would need for exemple to make a new hero for this race because it has only 3 heros. I am open to any suggestions right now and if people want to join and help me as editor or tester that would be really great !
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Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
Hello everyone !

I want to create a project related to custom race making and tech tree development.

I would like to launch a very special serie of cups with a prizepool for Warcraft 3 competitive players in which competitors can pick a custom race !

The format of the cups will be 2on2 with a specific rule of 1 player per team has to pick the featured custom race and the other member will have to pick one the 4 standard race. There will be only one single custom race per edition.

Why this specific format ?

I think it would be unrealistic to feature a new custom race in a 1on1 tournament because it would be too complicated to make sure the new race is completely balanced, and if it is people will not take the risk to pick a race they are not familiar with. This 2on2 format where only 1 player per team pick the custom race is the best way to see how the custom race can interact with the standard races both as allied or ennemy race. There should be only 1 custom race per edition to make it easier for players to adapt and learn the mechanics of the race and also for viewers. The race should be exported to standard 2x2 maps that players are familiar with so they just have to focus on learning the featured race and not on the maps.

The goal of this project is to promote the work of race makers and also to offer new challenges to competitive players and see how they adapt to new content.

Of course for this project I need to find race makers who are willing to share their custom race so it can be exported to standard 2x2 maps. I also need testers and editors to test the races, make sure everything is viable for competitive games and make the necessary balance adjustments if required and then export the race to standard maps.

I already contacted race makers like GhostThruster who made the really nice Dreanei race that you can find here in the advanced tech-tree development section : Draenei

He gave me permissions to make balance adjustements and export his race to other maps.

I also contacted Wa666r who created a lot of unique factions for the Ultimate Battle Project : [UB] Info Thread

He will help if I were to use one of his faction.

My idea for the first edition was to start with the naga race because it is probably the most famous race outside of the 4 standard playable race. Moreover people who played the campaign generally love this race and often wonder why its not a playable standard race. That’s why I think it would probably be the easiest race to introduce for the first tournament.

I find it hard though to find a completely finished naga race map whose creator is still active. I found different versions of naga races here on the hive but most of the time the creators are not active anymore or the race is not completetly finished or balanced. The naga race of the Ultimate Battle project main compilation map is really good but it seems that Unregret who created it is not active anymore.

If anyone here can help me to find a good naga race that is free to be used and exported I will be very thankful ! Otherwise I will probably start with GhostThruster’s draenei race which is really great already. I woud need to do some balance adjustments before exporting it to standard maps and find editors that could help me on doing that. I would need for exemple to make a new hero for this race because it has only 3 heros. I am open to any suggestions right now and if people want to join and help me as editor or tester that would be really great !
The reason why naga is not a playable standard race is 1: it would have costed a lot of effort for the development team to complete it.(In the campaign it have only a few kinds of units and compensate that by having them be very strong) 2:They decided to only have 4 races because it is way easier to balance 4 race rather than 5.
On the other hand altered melee maps have usually many races for the simple reason that they are usually not aimed at professional players and so does not needs near perfect balance.

There is already an altered melee map which compiles races made by varied people where you can play like 12+ races(as well as the base melee races) you can find it rather fast by searching hiveworkshop then you might try to ask the creator of this map the permission to get the code of this map and do your system where one player per team at least must use a non melee race.
Level 3
Dec 7, 2017
I think you are talking about this map :
[UB] Info Thread
There is a very cool naga race in it made by Unregret but I can't open the map in the editor because the compiled map is too big.
Unregret might have an individual naga map version but he is not active anymore on this site so I can't contact him.
There are also lots of other playable factions in this map made by Wa666r that coud be interesting to feature.
Level 14
Sep 28, 2011
I was talking about base warcraft 3 which does not have naga as a complete race.
I talked about this map in the second paragraph.
And did you try the world editor made by hiveworkshop or asked the creator for the work version of the map?
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