• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Iron Empire Model Pack

Hey folks!
Here is a pack of models for my project which I have done over the last year or so. Enjoy

Please give credits if you use it in your campaign/map.
Don't edit, repost or share my resources without my full and written permission.
You are not allowed to monetise your maps in any way if you use these models.

If you wish to edit my resources, please write me a personal message on the Hive or on Discord and we can discuss your wish.

If you use the resource(s) in bad faith I have the full right to take away the ability to use this resource.
And if you have questions about the model, feel free to contact me.

All these units are in part inspired and or based on unit from UMW. Give it a try.

Infantry - Engineer

Worker unit and centerpiece of the Empire's economy.
Based on the Ujimasa Hojo's peasant model. Special thanks to him.
Additional geometry created in Milkshape3D and edited with RMS, War3ModelEditor and Notepad.
I needed a worker unit for my 'German' faction/nation and taking a peasant and editing it seemed like a good idea.
Infantry - Grenadier (Soldier)

Well trained and well equipped foot soldier. Armed with a semi automatic rifle.
Based on the rifleman with adapted animations and new custom portrait animations. Additional geometry created in Milkshape3D and edited with RMS, War3ModelEditor and Notepad.
Inspired by the 'New Soldier' from 'Empires - Dawn Of The Modern World'.
Infantry - Throne Guard

Elite commando for exotic and dangerous tasks. Armed with a semi machine gun.
Based on the rifleman with adapted animations and new custom portrait animations. Additional geometry created in Milkshape3D and edited with RMS, War3ModelEditor and Notepad.
Inspired by the 'Elite Guards' from 'Return To Castle Wolfenstein'.
Infantry - Officer

Commanding leader with a sword and pistol.
Based on the Hellscream model with adapted Ogre animations. Additional geometry created in Milkshape3D and edited with RMS, War3ModelEditor and Notepad.
Inspired by the unit of the same name from the UMW maps.
Infantry - Storm Grenadier

Frontline soldier with heavy armor, grenades and a shield.
Based on the bandit spear thrower model with adapted animations and new custom portrait animations. Additional geometry created in Milkshape3D and edited with RMS, War3ModelEditor and Notepad.
Includes various grenades as missiles.
Inspired by the grenadier units from the game 'March Of War'.
Infantry - Technocrat

Mechanical assault support unit. Armed with a special tool and shield.
Based on the HellScream model with adapted Medivh animations. Additional geometry created in Milkshape3D and edited with RMS, War3ModelEditor and Notepad.
Inspired by the unit of the same name from the UMW maps.
Beast - Iron Claw

Human-wolf hybrid that attacks with sharpened claws and is clad in heavy body armour.
Based on the Dreadlord model with adapted and expanded animations and new custom portrait animations.
Additional geometry created in Milkshape3D and edited with RMS, War3ModelEditor and Notepad.
I had the idea for this unit in about 2017 when I wanted to make every faction/nation have a beast unit.
Artillery - Falcon

Automaton field howitzer that lobs explosive rounds.
Modeled in Milkshape3D and edited with RMS, War3ModelEditor and Notepad.
Inspired by the real-life 'Big Bertha' artillery from WW1, albeit such smaller.
Advanced Tank - Cataphract

Modern assault tank with long range weapons, heavy armour and great top speed.
Modeled in Milkshape3D and edited with RMS, War3ModelEditor and Notepad.
Inspired by the real-life and cancelled MBT-70 project and also in part on the West German 'Leopard 1' tank.
Heavy Tank - Cavalier

Short range assault tank with cannons and a Gauss accelerator beam.
Modeled in Milkshape3D and edited with RMS, War3ModelEditor and Notepad.
The idea came from thinking about that every 'commander' should have a unique unit for my project. Also, I just love doing 'weirder' tank designs.
Assault Gun - Lancier

A boxy and shallow armoured vehicle that is used as a concealed tank hunter.
Modeled in Milkshape3D and edited with RMS, War3ModelEditor and Notepad.
Command Tank - Chariot

A heavy and somewhat older tank design chock-full of radio equipment, analysis tools and medium autocannons.
Modeled in Milkshape3D and edited with RMS, War3ModelEditor and Notepad.
Heavy Tank - Champion

A heavy tank design armed with a heavy cannon, a machine gun and grenade launchers.
Modeled in Milkshape3D and edited with RMS, War3ModelEditor and Notepad.
Have fun with the models! :)
Constructive comments are always welcome.


13th December 2022 - Initial upload
12th January 2023 - Adjusted a few models (Stormgrenadiers arms (Thanks Villagerino :) ), made proper feet for the Iron Claw
16th January 2023 - Adjusted death sound for the Iron Claw (Thanks ILH)
17th January 2023 - Added three more Iron Claw variants.
20th March 2023 - Added two additional vehicles.
22nd September 2023 - Added an additional vehicle.

Iron Empire Engineer (Model)

Iron Empire Engineer Icon (Icon)

Iron Empire Soldier (Model)

Iron Empire Soldier Icon (Icon)

Iron Empire Throne Guard (Model)

Iron Empire Throne Guard Icon (Icon)

Iron Empire Officer (Model)

Iron Empire Officer Portrait (Model)

Iron Empire Officer Icons (Icon)

Iron Empire Storm Grenadier (Model)

Iron Empire Storm Grenadier Icons (Icon)

Iron Empire Storm Grenadier HE Grenade (Model)

Iron Empire Storm Grenadier Concussion Grenade (Model)

Iron Empire Storm Grenadier Tesla Grenade (Model)

Iron Empire Technocrat (Model)

Iron Empire Technocrat Portrait (Model)

Iron Empire Technocrat Icons (Icon)

Iron Empire Iron Claw (Model)

Iron Empire Iron Claw Icons (Icon)

Iron Empire Iron Claw White (Model)

Iron Empire Iron Claw White Icons (Icon)

Iron Empire Iron Claw Purple (Model)

Iron Empire Iron Claw Purple Icons (Icon)

Iron Empire Iron Claw Black (Model)

Iron Empire Iron Claw Black Icons (Icon)

Iron Empire Falcon Artillery (Model)

Iron Empire Falcon Artillery Icons (Icon)

Iron Empire Cataphract Tank (Model)

Iron Empire Cataphract Tank Icons (Icon)

Iron Empire Cavalier Tank (Model)

Iron Empire Cavalier Tank Icons (Icon)

Iron Empire Lancier Assault Gun (Model)

Iron Empire Lancier Assault Gun Icons (Icon)

Iron Empire Chariot Command Tank (Model)

Iron Empire Chariot Command Tank Icons (Icon)

Iron Empire Champion Heavy Tank (Model)

Iron Empire Champion Heavy Tank Icons (Icon)

A nice and neatly assorted pack of infantry and vehicles. Works in-game. Approved!
The humanoid units are basically all good this time, except that the tanks are too ugly and have no special features, giving people a very ordinary feeling. You know, tanks are heavy attack units. Compared with the tank models you made before, these tanks are rather poor.
Less is more. Sometimes a more synthesized design can help clarity in theme & gameplay. Yes, Frank can make sober tanks you know !
Tanks aren't always heavy assault units. You don't need a shitton of guns to do the work : main gun + eventually a secondary one can do the job well.
I need to find a medic but complete and nice!
Hmm, actually that is not a bad idea. If I have time, I might make something that'll hopefully fit in. :)
The humanoid units are basically all good this time, except that the tanks are too ugly and have no special features, giving people a very ordinary feeling. You know, tanks are heavy attack units. Compared with the tank models you made before, these tanks are rather poor.
That is a fair assessment, but I like my more down-to-earth approach here and I don't think anyone is holding anyone back to mix and match these with my other previous ones. In fact, they fit in pretty well and I don't think the added variety is a bad thing.
Thanks for the rating despite that though. I really appreciate it.
Less is more. Sometimes a more synthesized design can help clarity in theme & gameplay. Yes, Frank can make sober tanks you know !
Tanks aren't always heavy assault units. You don't need a shitton of guns to do the work : main gun + eventually a secondary one can do the job well.
That's my way of thinking as well...
... except both tanks here are heavy and meant for assault.:grin:
Level 20
Oct 16, 2021
Excellent pack :thumbs_up:. I was waiting for this. Dunno which ones I'm gonna use, but there are many possible options here. Cavalier tank looks like much more mature and elegant variant of some of your earlier tank designs, displaying evolution of your sense of design. Also love the artillery cannon!
Boom, a fresh pack from maestro with a mix of military hardware and infantry, very interesting to see!

This Empire Iron Claw (love the name), one of the best werewolves I've seen here so far, and I really enjoy the way the armor is utilized here. That's also a great idea of having a genetic beast in the army 🐺 My critique for this model is that the 'Portrait' and 'Portrait Talk' look rather poor in comparison with the whole model: they sorely lack facial expressions, woof! A little frustrating. By the way, 'Stand-3' doesn't look quite fitting, as the unit has no "ground" for hanging in the air (sorry if I'm nitpicking).

The Storm Grenadier looks amazing as the concept, I like the backpack execution and the idea of the teamcolored flag. Various 'Spell' animations and the blow 'Death' sequence add a lot to this model :goblin_boom: As for the portrait, I find it unfinished, but a small correction in the form of moving pupils may improve the situation. I would also mind moving the face deeper into the helmet (right now it looks a bit missplaced and scary 😀). Have just noticed that the right arm has a glitchy moment during the rotation in the frame number 13250 (at first I thought it was the viewer's problem but the arm really does the thing).

What I love about the Empire Officer is how some of the textures are used creatively, like the Panda's clasps, the sword lion, the cap badge, and the straps.
The character looks great, the only thing that spoils the impression a little is the animation of the shots that looks somehow implausibly, like a throw. Using the Ogre is quite creative though. And who would know that the Iron Officers are made from Ogres?

The Empire Soldier and Guard also have a great look which, moreover, excellently demonstrates the difference in the status and rank. Love the faces, and the weapons are also amazing. I want to find fault with the animation of the 'Spell' sequence a little, because at the end their figure completely freezes. I'd also improve the mimics in the 'Portrait' sequences, if possible, in order to make the models 100% full-fledged.

By the way, I can't really find the difference between the 'Attack One/Two' and 'Attack One/Two Slam' in models, is this intended? 🤔

Oh, the Technocrat. The Technocrat is great by his name, effects and fitting animations, nicely done. (In the 'Portrait' sequence the mustache glitch through the face right below the nose: unfortunately it catches the eye because of the white hair color, but maybe I'm too picky.)

The mechanical units are awesome as always, I especially like the artillery cannon (by the way, aren't the front teamcolored cones missiles?). For me these war machines look heavy and powerful enough with eye-pleasing animations that are done by fans, pipes and armor pieces. A masterful work: such carpenters, such chips.

P.S. sir, I wish you even more inspiration to make such stilistically consistent packs in the special General Frank's modern warfare art style 🧑‍✈️
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Level 13
Aug 29, 2021
I was blown away by this amazing package so much I would have to see a therapist to tell her how beautiful and beautiful it is. I really liked those tanks as well as the werewolf but what made me crazy was that seeing that custom textures were not used, I really liked that. Also, when I went to the Hive page in the morning when I saw the package, I thought that they would be unit models for a custom warhammer 40k map, but when I saw the description, I said to myself that thank goodness because I was already looking for the map to test it. And certainly I would ask permission to use it if you allow me of course.
I was blown away by this amazing package so much I would have to see a therapist to tell her how beautiful and beautiful it is. I really liked those tanks as well as the werewolf but what made me crazy was that seeing that custom textures were not used, I really liked that. Also, when I went to the Hive page in the morning when I saw the package, I thought that they would be unit models for a custom warhammer 40k map, but when I saw the description, I said to myself that thank goodness because I was already looking for the map to test it. And certainly I would ask permission to use it if you allow me of course.
Thank you. :)
Sure as long as you give credits I will be honoured of you use them.
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Level 4
Aug 16, 2022
A friend of mine and myself ran into an issue with the pack. The Falcon Artillary and Engineer do not appear in any of the maps we tried. All the other models and icons work fine as intended.
Level 4
Aug 16, 2022
Hmm, that might be the issue, but I don't know exactly.
I run the newest version, but I don't think I use any textures from Reforged.
We thought of that but it would be strange if it turned out to be the case given everything else in the pack works fine and all models not labeled as reforged work on the version of classic we use. I will have to see about testing it on a different version to see if it works.
We thought of that but it would be strange if it turned out to be the case given everything else in the pack works fine and all models not labeled as reforged work on the version of classic we use. I will have to see about testing it on a different version to see if it works.
Alright. Please do give it a test.
Might be because mdx formats were changed in reforged, use retera's studio to assign it back to the 800 format and see if it works then.
All my models use 800 format from the start.
I am going to be able to test it this evening. I just wanted to reply mentioning it so you did not think I forgot or anything.
Sounds good. Keep me posted.
I know this issue with newer models of Frank - he uses teamcolors, that were added in 1.30, and since there is no new teamcolors in 1.27, warcraft doesn't see it and it counts as missing texture.
Ah, yeah. That makes sense.
Thanks for your investigation.
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Level 4
Apr 22, 2021
I know this issue with newer models of Frank - he uses teamcolors, that were added in 1.30, and since there is no new teamcolors in 1.27, warcraft doesn't see it and it counts as missing texture.
And also I personally fixed this with 1x1 transparent texture. Doesn't change look of models much, but this fix makes them work on older versions (except for power-up orbs, they needed a little bit more care).
Level 8
Dec 10, 2008
Am I late to this ?
I used the Pack years ago in a mod and noticed I haven't rated yet. shame on me
Probs for the pack, least to say how useful it is to have more models of the same style. They work like a charm in game. Proper Firing animations, fluent movement. No complains to voice here.
Love the flashlights on the tanks and the sufficient player color tiles.

Great work

P.S: Oh did I forget to mention they come with all needed icons as well ? Top of the shelf work!
Am I late to this ?
I used the Pack years ago in a mod and noticed I haven't rated yet. shame on me
Probs for the pack, least to say how useful it is to have more models of the same style. They work like a charm in game. Proper Firing animations, fluent movement. No complains to voice here.
Love the flashlights on the tanks and the sufficient player color tiles.

Great work

P.S: Oh did I forget to mention they come with all needed icons as well ? Top of the shelf work!
Thank you. :)
But these are brand-new models that I made less than a year ago. 😅
Level 8
Dec 10, 2008
Oh that's on me!
They popped up for me and I thought, I forgot to review them :D
Well, I have to use them somehow now for the sake of not throwing out an empty rating

Kind regards

P.S. won't be too much of a bother as they look magnificent. Love the Worden Soldier
Also: 3mb for a bunch of models, that's clean code good Sir!
Oh that's on me!
They popped up for me and I thought, I forgot to review them :D
Well, I have to use them somehow now for the sake of not throwing out an empty rating

Kind regards

P.S. won't be too much of a bother as they look magnificent. Love the Worden Soldier
No worries. Much appreciated. Your map has inspired me to make a lot of models ever since, so your kind words mean a lot to me.
The Engineer Model Refuses To Work when i Use it on world-editor and in game. Why?
It uses some textures that older versions of the game does not have.
You need to have a newer (or newest version) of the game to make it work.

Maybe you are also did a mistake importing it.
Send me a Private Message and I can look into it.