• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
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  • Reputation (+1):
    (Post) Gaia's Retaliation is one of the most spectacularly engineered WarCraft III games I have ever seen. Well done.
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) Nice new avatar you've got yourself there buddy chum pal friend buddy pal chum bud friend fella bruther amigo pal buddy friend chummy chum chum pal.
    Hi Zwiebelchen,
    Just wanted to say, that its impressive to see Gaias Retaliation grow like it does! Great job :)
    Best regards
    Never initialize a new string inside a local block
    Hey, so one should not do the following ?

    function xyz takes nothing returns nothing
    local string s = "this is a string"
    Blizzard is like the only company I can think of that I'd still trust being able to do such a thing.
    I'll keep an eye out for it.
    If you don't mind me asking, do you have any specific game in mind that could bring back life to the strategy genre or was that just an assumption that we'll reach that point eventually?
    I hate the ads. They are non-game related, they are kinda spammy and I am trusting some shady companies with my userbase. I would much prefer direct support if possible.
    Wow, $135. That's pretty cool. I have been thinking about starting my own Patreon and adding as a goal that at $XXX per month I will remove all ads.
    Hey, great news:
    Systemfre1 told me you can export a Blender model
    to .ms3d, that's a file type the Magos Model Editor can import.
    You need to go to your user preferences in Blender and enable the Milkshape import/export.
    Isn't this great ?

    I remember you talked about one model using multiple skins a decent amount of time ago on my project's thread. I found myself in need of this, but the only tutorials I find are based on multiple skins and multiple same models. Perhaps there is a way to use only 1 model and multiple skins, so that skin can change on the model itself without changing the unit ingame?

    Finally cleared up the inbox. You can send me he PM now. Oh and yes, I am european. Swedish, actually.
    Projects like yours are very important to the Hive. We want our news to contain good stories about our hosted projects :).
    The problem with clearing my PMs is because I'm a former moderator. My inbox is full of semi-important stuff and things I'm not sure if I want to clear yet. So about a minimum of 500 PMs at least, needs to be deleted, even more need to be verified to ensure that I can delete it. My total is around 1800? PMs.

    I'll work that out later, because it's time consuming as hell. It was also why I suggested Skype, as it is private and convenient. Technically speaking, any other kind of chat program would also work well. Although I only have a skype account so I'd be forced to make new ones if we go non-skype.

    What is the mod about? What elements does it involve? Are you making something akin to a dungeon crawler.. or variations of it, like diablo and the like? That's the general vibe I'm getting at the moment. The goblin UI also had the Orc Ui at its foundation. But I'm gonna make yours based on the Orc UI, not something cheap like using past work to make something new. It'll turn out well, don't you worry.

    Regarding alpha, I figured I'd ask. You never know. Nevermind that request. :D

    I'm not that much of an artist, although I like to design things. I'm more of a hobbyist designer, I do have my limitations. But your request sounds simple enough. Things tend to grow with time. Btw, are there any specific deadline when you want this complete?
    Hey Zwiebelchen,

    Congratulations on starting your Patreon. Very good job. I have added it to the notices in the top. Hopefully you will get a bit more patrons from that too :)

    If you are interested in posting news on the site, always ask. We are more than happy to support our projects :).
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