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  • Damn it, "rolling stone" is a way better name than rock & roll. :)

    I set the knock back so it really looks like it just bumps units out of the way, rather than a big slam back. I also added war stomp for when it drops from above.

    Bolder Drop Loop
    Time - Every 0.02 seconds of game time
    Set Bolder_Drop_Int = (Bolder_Drop_Int - 100)
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    Bolder_Drop_Int Greater than 60
    Then - Actions
    Animation - Change Bolder_Dummy flying height to (Real(Bolder_Drop_Int)) at 0.00
    Else - Actions
    Special Effect - Create a special effect at Bolder_Point using Abilities\Weapons\Mortar\MortarMissile.mdl
    Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
    Special Effect - Create a special effect at Bolder_Point using Abilities\Weapons\AncientProtectorMissile\AncientProtectorMissile.mdl
    Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
    Unit - Remove Bolder_Dummy from the game
    Unit - Create 1 DummyCaster (fire wheel ground) for (Owner of Bolder_Caster) at Bolder_Point facing Bolder_Angle degrees
    Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Orc Tauren Chieftain - War Stomp
    Set Bolder_Dummy = (Last created unit)
    Sound - Play RainOfFireLoop1 <gen> at 100.00% volume, attached to Bolder_Dummy
    Unit - Turn collision for Bolder_Dummy Off
    Trigger - Turn on Bolder Loop <gen>
    Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
    Bolder Loop
    Time - Every 0.02 seconds of game time
    Set Bolder_Int = (Bolder_Int + 1)
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    Bolder_Int Greater than 160
    Then - Actions
    Set Bolder_Int = 0
    Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_Bolder_TargetLoc)
    Custom script: call RemoveLocation (udg_Bolder_Point)
    Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
    Unit - Kill Bolder_Dummy
    Sound - Stop RainOfFireLoop1 <gen> Immediately
    Animation - Reset Bolder_Caster's animation
    Wait 1.00 seconds
    Unit - Remove Bolder_Dummy from the game
    Else - Actions
    Set Bolder_Point = (Bolder_Point offset by 7.00 towards Bolder_Angle degrees)
    Unit - Move Bolder_Dummy instantly to Bolder_Point
    Set KB_Point[0] = Bolder_Point
    Set All_Units = (Units within 80.00 of Bolder_Point)
    Unit Group - Pick every unit in All_Units and do (Actions)
    Loop - Actions
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    ((Owner of (Picked unit)) is an enemy of (Owner of Bolder_Dummy)) Equal to True
    Then - Actions
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    KB_Skip Equal to 0
    Then - Actions
    Trigger - Turn on Knockback System <gen>
    Else - Actions
    Set KB_Skip = (KB_Skip + 1)
    Set KB_Times = (KB_Times + 1)
    Set KB_Off[KB_Times] = True
    Set KB_Target[KB_Times] = (Picked unit)
    Set KB_Point[1] = (Position of (Picked unit))
    Set KB_Angle[KB_Times] = (Angle from KB_Point[0] to KB_Point[1])
    Set KB_Speed[KB_Times] = 12.00
    Set KB_Spam[KB_Times] = 5
    Set KB_Distance[KB_Times] = 120.00
    Unit - Cause Bolder_Caster to damage (Picked unit), dealing ((Real(Bolder_LvL)) x 70.00) damage of attack type Siege and damage type Normal
    Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_KB_Point[1])
    Else - Actions
    Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_All_Units)
    I'm doing well. I have this map I've been working on very slowly for a long time, but it has a lot of really nice effects and custom UI features. It's Dota style but I don't really play Dota. I'm trying to make it different in some ways. Like you can purchase units to march into battle with the minions.

    I'm going to make another video of another new spell I made. I'll show it to you when it's done. It drops a giant rock from the sky and rolls it in a line knocking enemies back.
    Oh ya, HI! How are you?

    I did "Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_Flash_UnitGroup)," doesn't that do it?

    I only turn on the knockback, it turns itself off. That's how I found it, I didn't write that part. What alternative is there?

    I think I know how to make it MUI, so I can try to fix that and make it configurable.

    Thanks for the critique. I learned a lot from you. It took some time, but I have started to be able to do a lot more with triggers recently.

    p.s. what did you think of the video and the terrain/ui?
    Is there any reason I should not submit this to the spells forum?

    Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
    (Ability being cast) Equal to Blink
    Set Flash_Caster = (Casting unit)
    Set FlashCaster_Loc = (Position of Flash_Caster)
    Set FlashTarget_Loc = (Target point of ability being cast)
    Set Flash_LVL = (Level of Blink for (Triggering unit))
    Set Flash_Int = 0
    Set Flash_Distance = (Distance between FlashCaster_Loc and FlashTarget_Loc)
    Set Flash_Angle = (Angle from FlashCaster_Loc to FlashTarget_Loc)
    For each (Integer A) from 1 to 5, do (Actions)
    Loop - Actions
    Unit - Create 1 Warden_Dummy for (Owner of Flash_Caster) at (FlashCaster_Loc offset by (40.00 x (Real((Integer A)))) towards Flash_Angle degrees) facing Flash_Angle degrees
    Set Flash_Dummy[(Integer A)] = (Last created unit)
    Animation - Change Flash_Dummy[(Integer A)]'s vertex coloring to (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with (((Real((Integer A))) x -20.00) + 110.00)% transparency
    Animation - Change Flash_Dummy[(Integer A)] blend time to 0.00
    Animation - Play Flash_Dummy[(Integer A)]'s walk animation
    Trigger - Turn on Flash Loop <gen>
    Flash Loop
    Time - Every 0.02 seconds of game time
    Set Flash_Int = (Flash_Int + 40)
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    Flash_Distance Greater than ((Real(Flash_Int)) + 200.00)
    Then - Actions
    For each (Integer A) from 1 to 5, do (Actions)
    Loop - Actions
    Set FlashCaster_Loc = (Position of Flash_Dummy[(Integer A)])
    Unit - Move Flash_Dummy[(Integer A)] instantly to (FlashCaster_Loc offset by 40.00 towards Flash_Angle degrees), facing FlashTarget_Loc
    Animation - Play Flash_Dummy[(Integer A)]'s walk animation
    Set Flash_UnitGroup = (Units within 120.00 of FlashCaster_Loc)
    Set KB_Point[0] = FlashCaster_Loc
    Unit Group - Pick every unit in Flash_UnitGroup and do (Actions)
    Loop - Actions
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    ((Owner of (Picked unit)) is an enemy of (Owner of Flash_Caster)) Equal to True
    Then - Actions
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    KB_Skip Equal to 0
    Then - Actions
    Trigger - Turn on Knockback System <gen>
    Else - Actions
    Set KB_Skip = (KB_Skip + 1)
    Set KB_Times = (KB_Times + 1)
    Set KB_Off[KB_Times] = True
    Set KB_Target[KB_Times] = (Picked unit)
    Set KB_Point[1] = (Position of (Picked unit))
    Set KB_Angle[KB_Times] = (Angle from KB_Point[0] to KB_Point[1])
    Set KB_Speed[KB_Times] = 10.00
    Set KB_Spam[KB_Times] = 5
    Set KB_Distance[KB_Times] = 100.00
    Unit - Cause Flash_Caster to damage (Picked unit), dealing ((Real(Flash_LVL)) x 50.00) damage of attack type Pierce and damage type Normal
    Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_KB_Point[1])
    Else - Actions
    Else - Actions
    For each (Integer A) from 1 to 5, do (Actions)
    Loop - Actions
    Unit - Remove Flash_Dummy[(Integer A)] from the game
    Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_FlashCaster_Loc)
    Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_FlashTarget_Loc)
    Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
    Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_Flash_UnitGroup)
    Requires knockback system by Bribe.


    you're right,

    sorry and thanks for reviewing my useless library! lol

    Imma +rep your random post now.
    Yea but the movement spell is set to default BEFORE the effect is over. So the spell#1 interferes with spell#2.
    OMg no!

    Spell sets unit's movespeed to default.

    But there's spell#2 running too, then the spell#2 sets ms to default too, but in fact it's of no use.

    So they interfere as the first spell dienies spell#2's movement speed change.
    Sorry about the VM privacy, a trial mod was harassing me..

    Frankly I don't see the sense of the library. User can achieve anything there is done with only using the natives.
    It's meant to prevent interfering of other spells.
    Gl with your new workshop! Updated my signature! Would be cool if you would inform me, once you close it. :)
    Sorry I didn't reply, I must've looked over your message :S
    Why would it be cool if I inform you when it closes? You want to open one?
    Hello Iceman :)

    I have a question something...

    Possible to detect the entering items in a map in GUI?

    Like a unit

    Thank You! ^^
    Does your Sliding System supports the movements like in the Driving Car games (Need For Speed, etc) ?

    Like when you're driving so fast, and make a turn, you would turn with a slight oversteer for the wheels making it possible to kinda "drift", depends on your turn rate.

    Does that system requires heavy math operation ?
    I already did the acceleration system, only what's left is that part.
    That looks pretty bloated, but I'll give it a try.

    Tbh, I dunno why people favor heavy resources, since jass compiler doesn't remove unused code. Something like Bribe's table is super mega hyper bloated, yet it's so popular.
    Thanks for the help dude the rect is region right? you can name it fireflies region as for the raw code,:( my pc has a problem so i cant look at the WE if it got fix ill check it right away.
    it's nothing,

    you're system is useful :)
    well i don't quite need your whole library for it :/ jasshelper doesn't remove unnecessary code so it will just bloat the spell, sorry
    Reputation (+2):
    (Post) ty for listening to me iceman
    Well I don't think mine is an attempt of impersonation but, as I said, I'll consider what you said.
    I'll take this in consideration but at least no damage would be done if someone thinks I am a moderator while I am not.
    Perhaps give an option not to reset

    That would be all, thanks in advance
    Oh, no, sorry. I just posted it in the thread because I like how UnitScale is done.
    No, I meant a Transparency system that functions just like your UnitScale
    Sorry for the fuck word or if I ever fuck you up. I just need proofs to be banned here. I don't like hiveworkshop. I need to lose this account. Hope you got that.
    Your signature looks neat now!

    Btw you should take my spell request thread out, my school is taking all the damn time I have :(
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