• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Not THAT lot and amazing as compared to others, though.
    How long have you joined the forum (actively) ?

    I see you're climbing up the reputations quite fast :)
    What is your specialty / like to do ?

    Coding ?
    Modeling ?
    Mapping ?
    Reputation (+4):
    (Post) Can't believe you put up with that guy, he's sooooo innocent, I cried reading his sentences ! :D
    It's much more customizable! Very nice! Congratulations on your first resource, here's hoping it gets approved. Wow, I influenced someone a little with just a spell request!

    You didn't manage to put the animation speed added in, but the spell itself has already the concept I was looking for. Also, what did you use to make the gif? It's so crisp!
    I may have had an older version
    Oh dear, that explains a lot. Anyways, since the moderator wants special effects, the dummy stuff will be removed.

    Nah, they usually moderate it after some time, I just asked for it since the moderator helped me a lot himself.

    By the way, why do I need JNGP for the spell you created ? I don't see a reason..
    your spell seems to apply to allied units mang, i infected a peasant and ran near it, and ran to other peasants and i infected them myself.

    is that intentional?
    So you mean just in general look what looks not good in code?

    If you don't have a concret problem I recommend you to upload the spell and you will get good feedback.
    Then please tell me exactly in what order you built and destroyed them
    Did you created the generators before playing, in the WE ?
    They would be not fully supported then and the system would bug.

    I cannot re-create the shown issue..
    Hm, the issue you describe should be impossible. The dummies are ordered to stop and immediately removed afterwards.
    I would appreciate if you do, yes :)
    Oh, if it's too much trouble, you don't have to make it castable in succession because I'm planning on giving it a cooldown far longer than its duration.
    No. I don't do anything Wc3 related anymore, haven't done anything in years and I'm not going to start again, most likely ever. If you can make use of icons I've already uploaded on the Hive, feel free to edit them or have someone else edit them for you. If you need some new icons, try asking in the Request sub-forum, if that place still exists. Good luck with whatever project you're working on!
    I want u to know that i'm not an artist. I'm just a guy who likes to draw occasionally. :)
    And i, in my turn, i'm learning, so i'm oblivious to techniques and styles too.
    If u want the opinion of a true artist, u can ask PeeKay, i'm sure he, being professional, will give u some more useful tips.
    Oho yeah, better get some sleep :)

    Posted it now in Triggers&Scripts btw
    Well, that is a nice moose isn't it ;)
    Only if you don't remove that location before setting TempLoc to something else.
    Correct. Whether they were used or not, if you don't remove them they will leak.
    You are doing it right! If you set the locations during the "then" actions, you know they will only leak under that specific section. So you only need to remove them from that specific section.
    Great to hear, thank you! :)

    Gonna check it out right now!
    Nahhh :p I just didn't think it is THAT buggy..

    + you get the best feedback from users commenting there.
    I will do so tomorrow. Hopefully someone can help me then :( because I don't see a mistake..

    Jesus, I have to fix the Stacking Orbs system, too. That's gonna be a lot of work :/
    Yeah I know, but I have better things to do :p
    Oh Oh Oh, not good... Hm I will see whether I find the mistake..
    Ahh, I understand! Thank you!

    About the issue with the deindex, I wrote a trigger now that correctly de-indexes supplied targets and their dummy effects, as you suggested with a similar trigger with 'A unit dies' as event, but for some reason all supplied units are removed from the suppliedgroup. I update the trigger now
    Hm.. I am trying to write an additional trigger right now, but your solution should work.

    Uhm... you mean TempInteger = TempInteger - 1 ?
    What happens if I don't do so ?
    I thought about creating dummies casting the ability on the supplied targets, but it didn't work for some reason, the supplying of the other generators bugged.

    Dunno, since both loops are used for the same, getting the right index,
    do I have to use different integer variables ?
    Thank you for the triggers :) Would rep you, but seems I already did recently :/

    Edited my post btw
    A model exists out of triangles only, so two triangles make a rectangle so it is a very simple edit.

    I want the model to have a black rectangle as background with the same size as the bar is when it is filled.
    So like a normal health/mana bar, you see a black rectangle with a colored rectangle.
    The black one is missing in this model and I want it.
    Sorry about the late reply, I guess you could say I was sort of busy. Did you need something from me?
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