• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Ah, don't worry about it. The entire team is pretty inactive at this point. They have been for a week or so now, unfortunately. I'm not trying to blame them for it though. Just nothing has been happening.
    OK so Stormy's got the idea together, it's just me, him, and you. We're gonna make a map using Stormy's Village Template on the Hive. We are gonna have it where the Undead invade the village for a little while and then have something random like: a captain coming out and saying, "Um, what was my line again?" Some random guy yells, "Get off the stage!" Then, out of nowhere, an Infernal rain starts! And the director yells, "CUT! CUT! You're all FIRED!!!"
    Yeah yeah, here's the thing, me and stormy have an idea for an April Fool's map to distribute to the Public. Do you have MSN/Windows Live Messenger?

    Btw, the map is on the Social Group. I'll talk about that later. Right now I'm into this little prank. :)
    So, are you gonna do the triggering on Chapter 1 for SoHE or am I gonna have to find someone else?
    Taj Icecrown Conquest mi je LAVAR3 (ili owerpower) pokazao, a ja sam LAZAR :D Techies Wars znam, tu sam mu ja isto pomagao.....Za te rpg mape koje si pomenuo nisam cuo :D te mape slabo igram :D A inace slabo radim na mapama,samo sam ovu Tom and Jerry uradio i to po zahtevu nekih drugova.... :D Ako ti treba neko da ti testira mape i da misljenje pisi mi...kad budem imao vremena testiracu ;D
    e, eo dosao bas zbog tog Tag-a :D Znam da je jednostavan ali je jako popularan, mozda ga bas ta jednostavnost i brza igra cini tako popularnim.Namerno sam ga takvog napravio posto je baziran na onoj staroj mapi Cat catch the mouse....Taj tag sam napravio jer su mi fanovi tog tag-a to trazili, trebala im je malo pristojnija verzija. Sta ti inace,radis li na necemu?
    I have no idea.
    It'll only take a day once I /do/ get started on it.
    BUT, I haven't started on it.
    As you probably know, there's tons of maps pending atm, and I have to check a certain number of those per day(5). So I do that first.
    Then I do any requests that were infront of yours.(3 more).
    Then I'll review yours.
    Sadly, that's how it works.
    First ask, first serve. :I
    I'll go ahead and take a look at it whenever I find the time.
    It could be awhile, but who knows.

    Anyways, I deleted those first 9 posts that were all just useless.
    So you can take that out of your description now.
    Ma imam ja puno ideja za mapu, poput vitality systema a za abilitye još Neznam kako bi to napravio (kad smislim kažem ti) a neznam dal sam redio namapi nakon sto sam ti ju poslo, mislim da nisam.
    Ubiti kad nađem vremena javim ti šta sam sve mislio i kad možemo pocet..
    a cuj, mozemo polako pocet al ja ti trenutno nemam bas vremena. zauzet sam ucenjem iducih 2-3 mjeseca :S spremam se za drzavnu, mislim ic na faks, elektrotehniku tako da necu imat bas vremena sad.
    al kao sto rekoh mozemo polako pocet, ti radi teren polako a ja kad dobijem kakvu ideju postam ti i tako moemo, za sad.
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) it´s simple, though not useful to me seeing as i merely wanted ways to prevent it happening again, you responded in a friendly way so... +rep.
    You asked what I thought about for a model of a dark mage - no undead models.

    What do you think of using a night elf druid, with hero glow and attached "destroyer projectile" at each hand. - then make the attack projectile the same.
    Thanks for the encouragement (regarding custom ui). Hopefully I can find the .blp files of the dots/ring to make it work. I might give the eyes a small colored glow and change the color/position with the time of day.
    pa iskreno da ti kazem mislio sam napravit nesto unikatno xD nisam mislio da to bude kao puno onih "go kill creeps RPG" sto ih ima.
    ideju sam pokupio it WC3 region of chaos kampanje. i mislio sam napravit RPG tipa RPG/Survival kao sto si mogao vidit sa jednim Main questom i puno side questova poput bossova, napravit neke "village" po mapi pa da tp moras otic branit etc, i puno itema (sto si vec mogo vidit da ima dosta shopova u bazi, i mislio sam nrapravit vitality system koristeci "population" ono 7-10 da se hero normalno regenerira, 4,5 i 6 da nema reg i ispod 4 da gubi hp...i ima jos tako nekih stvari po kojima bi se istico.
    Thank you!

    I've been working on the terrain lately (as well as the unit classification), and will send you a map in a month (sorry that it'll take that much, I just cannot ensure that I can send it earlier due to school / linguistics tasks) that is a showcase of the atmosphere that I want to achieve. Is it OK? :)
    si zauzet trenutno s nekim svojim projektom? ili pomazes nekom?

    ako ne da pecnemo radit onaj rpg sto sam ti ga poslo, ako si za?
    I'm going to sleep right now, as my eyes are... fucking me...
    8 hours from now, I will awake, wait me thy Vunjo~
    If I don't wake up, please, take care of my account...
    defskull is the username and the password is..... *snores*
    I never did a joke before, didn't I ?
    Or did I... Did I ?
    Did you realize I was making jokes, before I got joked, by a joker, who worked as jockey and jock club.... bla bla bla
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