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- Feb 9, 2009
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Spell Preview
Preview 1 - Using Modified Spirit Touch Model by Hermit
Preview 2 - Using Hexagon Shield Model by Hermit
Preview 3 - Using Vanilla Spirit Touch Model [with ZERO model edits] by Blizzard with purely triggered modifications to yaw & pitch.
See "how to install tab" for step by step instructions for similar models to Spirit touch (i.e. Lasers using revive)
Showing Shield Life!
Woah Nelly - Boolean Tweaking and their results!
Fading Effect on Segments
(experiment as this affects only the textures of the model not particles!)
(Currently making gif)
(Currently making gif)
Shrinking Effect on Segments
SEM - Simple Effect Mode (Note Fade & shrinking do work this SEM!)
Damage Engine
- Damage Detection
- Indexing & requirement for Damage Engine
- (NOTE: this is included with Damage Detection!)
How to install
BAmr Config
BAmr Config
Map initialization
-------- This value represents how often the BAmr Peridic will run. --------
Set BAmr_PERIODIC = 0.03
Trigger - Add to BAmr Periodic <gen> the event (Time - Every BAmr_PERIODIC seconds of game time)
-------- --------
-------- This value indicates what spell is being used by the caster --------
Set BAmr_SPELL = Bone Armor BAmr
-------- --------
-------- This value indicates which buff will be detected when the enchanted unit is struck, and which buff the enchanted unit needs to keep the effect going. --------
Set BAmr_BUFF = Bone Armor BAmr
-------- --------
-------- Spell stat values --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Then - Actions
-------- Stacking --------
-------- Set to true to allow for "Stacking" of shield values when cast on the same unit consecutively --------
Set BAmr_Boolean[0] = True
-------- --------
-------- This indicates the base value for the shield --------
Set BAmr_BASE_HP = 100.00
-------- This indicates the base value for the shield --------
-------- --------
-------- This value will determine the increase in shield health if the hero invests skill points into the Ability --------
Set BAmr_LVL_HP_BONUS[1] = 200.00
Set BAmr_LVL_HP_BONUS[2] = 400.00
Set BAmr_LVL_HP_BONUS[3] = 600.00
-------- This value will determine the increase in shield health if the hero invests skill points into the Ability --------
-------- --------
-------- This value decides what percentage of the caster's Strength will be used to boost Bone Armor's Health (Default: 0.00) --------
Set BAmr_ATT_BONUS[1] = 0.00
-------- This value decides what percentage of the caster's Agility will be used to boost Bone Armor's Health (Default: 0.00) --------
Set BAmr_ATT_BONUS[2] = 0.00
-------- This value decides what percentage of the caster's Intelligence will be used to boost Bone Armor's Health (Default: 0.00) --------
Set BAmr_ATT_BONUS[3] = 0.00
-------- --------
-------- This value denotes of what percentage of the damage will be taken by the shield. Default:1.00 (100%) --------
-------- Example: 0.5 means only 50% of incoming damage will be taken by the shield and will be dealt to the unit --------
-------- --------
-------- These two values determine what percentage of physical or Spell damage it will resist. Default: 1.00 (100%) --------
-------- Not to be confused with the previous value --------
-------- Example: Spell Resist at 2.00 means that spell damage will deal 200% more damage --------
-------- Setting either of these values to 0.00 will ignore that type of damage --------
Set BAmr_RESIST_SPELL = 1.00
-------- --------
Else - Actions
-------- Spell stat values --------
-------- --------
-------- This value determines the "Flavour" of the Shield, the number corresponds with the options below, match it to get the intended effect --------
Set BAmr_Flavor = 23
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Then - Actions
-------- Flavors --------
-------- --------
-------- 23 --------
-------- Lime / Necro --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Flavor Equal to 23
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[0] = Abilities\Weapons\NecromancerMissile\NecromancerMissile.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[1] = Abilities\Spells\Undead\RaiseSkeletonWarrior\RaiseSkeleton.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[2] = Abilities\Spells\Undead\RaiseSkeletonWarrior\RaiseSkeleton.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[3] = BoneArmorCasterTC.mdx
Else - Actions
-------- 23 --------
-------- --------
-------- 1 --------
-------- Red / Fire --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Flavor Equal to 1
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[0] = Abilities\Weapons\FireBallMissile\FireBallMissile.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[1] = Abilities\Spells\Items\AIfb\AIfbSpecialArt.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[2] = Abilities\Spells\Items\AIfb\AIfbSpecialArt.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[3] = BoneArmorCasterTC.mdx
Else - Actions
-------- 1 --------
-------- --------
-------- 2 --------
-------- Blue / Frost --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Flavor Equal to 2
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[0] = Abilities\Spells\Other\FrostBolt\FrostBoltMissile.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[1] = Abilities\Spells\Undead\FrostNova\FrostNovaTarget.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[2] = Abilities\Spells\Undead\FrostNova\FrostNovaTarget.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[3] = BoneArmorCasterTC.mdx
Else - Actions
-------- 2 --------
-------- --------
-------- 3 --------
-------- Teal / Ocean --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Flavor Equal to 3
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[0] = Abilities\Weapons\SeaElementalMissile\SeaElementalMissile.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[1] = Abilities\Spells\Other\CrushingWave\CrushingWaveDamage.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[2] = Abilities\Spells\Other\CrushingWave\CrushingWaveDamage.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[3] = BoneArmorCasterTC.mdx
Else - Actions
-------- 3 --------
-------- --------
-------- 4 --------
-------- Purple / Ooze? --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Flavor Equal to 4
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[0] = Abilities\Weapons\SludgeMissile\SludgeMissile.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[1] = Abilities\Spells\Undead\DarkRitual\DarkRitualTarget.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[2] = Abilities\Spells\Items\AIil\AIilTarget.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[3] = BoneArmorCasterTC.mdx
Else - Actions
-------- 4 --------
-------- --------
-------- 5 --------
-------- Yellow / Holy --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Flavor Equal to 5
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[0] = Abilities\Weapons\FaerieDragonMissile\FaerieDragonMissile.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[1] = Abilities\Spells\Human\HolyBolt\HolyBoltSpecialArt.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[2] = Abilities\Spells\Other\HealingSpray\HealBottleMissile.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[3] = BoneArmorCasterTC.mdx
Else - Actions
-------- 5 --------
-------- --------
-------- 6 --------
-------- Orange / Drunk --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Flavor Equal to 6
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[0] = Abilities\Spells\Other\StrongDrink\BrewmasterMissile.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[1] = Abilities\Spells\Orc\SpiritLink\SpiritLinkZapTarget.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[2] = Abilities\Spells\Human\Feedback\SpellBreakerAttack.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[3] = BoneArmorCasterTC.mdx
Else - Actions
-------- 6 --------
-------- --------
-------- 7 --------
-------- Green / Nature --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Flavor Equal to 7
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[0] = Abilities\Weapons\KeeperGroveMissile\KeeperGroveMissile.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[1] = Objects\Spawnmodels\NightElf\EntBirthTarget\EntBirthTarget.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[2] = Objects\Spawnmodels\NightElf\EntBirthTarget\EntBirthTarget.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[3] = BoneArmorCasterTC.mdx
Else - Actions
-------- 7 --------
-------- --------
-------- 8 --------
-------- Pink / Darkness --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Flavor Equal to 8
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[0] = Abilities\Weapons\VoidWalkerMissile\VoidWalkerMissile.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[1] = Abilities\Spells\Undead\OrbOfDeath\AnnihilationMissile.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[2] = Abilities\Spells\Undead\OrbOfDeath\AnnihilationMissile.mdl
Set BAmr_Flavor_Path[3] = BoneArmorCasterTC.mdx
Else - Actions
-------- 8 --------
-------- --------
-------- Flavors --------
Else - Actions
-------- This value determines the "Flavour" of the Shield, the number corresponds with the options below, match it to get the intended effect --------
-------- --------
-------- --------
-------- Special effects & related values --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Then - Actions
-------- --------
-------- This path denotes what form the orbiting segments will take. --------
Set BAmr_EFFECTPATH[0] = BAmr_Flavor_Path[0]
-------- This path denotes what form the orbiting segments will take. --------
-------- --------
-------- This value indicates what effect will occur when the segments are first spawned --------
-------- see the "Flavor Section" to customize numerous effect loadouts --------
Set BAmr_EFFECTPATH[1] = BAmr_Flavor_Path[1]
-------- This value indicates what effect will occur when the segments are first spawned --------
-------- --------
-------- This value indicates what effect will occur when the segments are destroyed --------
-------- see the "Flavor Section" to customize numerous effect loadouts --------
Set BAmr_EFFECTPATH[2] = BAmr_Flavor_Path[2]
-------- This value indicates what effect will occur when the segments are destroyed --------
-------- --------
-------- This value indicates what effect will occur when the enchanted unit is struck --------
-------- see the "Flavor Section" to customize numerous effect loadouts --------
Set BAmr_EFFECTPATH[3] = BAmr_Flavor_Path[3]
-------- This value indicates what effect will occur when the enchanted unit is struck --------
-------- --------
-------- Values contained within directly influence the "shield flare" effect governed by BAmr_EFFECTPATH[3] --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Then - Actions
-------- --------
-------- This Value determines whether or not you want the "Shield Flare Effect" to match the player's colour or to a specific colour --------
Set BAmr_Boolean[1] = False
-------- --------
-------- Offset will determine how far away the Special effect will be created from the enchanted target --------
-------- PLAYER COLOUR --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Boolean[1] Equal to False
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[0] = (Real(BAmr_Flavor))
Else - Actions
-------- --------
-------- Offset will determine how far away the Special effect will be created from the enchanted target --------
-------- OFFSET --------
Set BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[1] = 85.00
-------- Offset will determine how far away the Special effect will be created from the enchanted target --------
-------- --------
-------- Height will determine at what height the Special effect will be created, starting from the enchanted target's current height & Z Height. --------
-------- HEIGHT --------
Set BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[2] = 65.00
-------- Height will determine at what height the Special effect will be created, starting from the enchanted target's current height --------
-------- --------
-------- Scale will determine the percentage of scale the Special effect will have --------
-------- SCALE --------
Set BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[3] = 0.90
-------- Scale will determine the percentage of scale the Special effect will have --------
-------- --------
-------- Timescale will determine the speed of the special effect's animation --------
-------- TIMESCALE --------
Set BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[4] = 7.50
-------- Timescale will determine the speed of the special effect's animation --------
-------- --------
-------- RGB value from 0 - 255 will determine what colors will be present in the special effect (note this requires a lot of experimentation) --------
-------- from 1 - 3 is RED, GREEN, BLUE --------
Set BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[5] = 255.00
Set BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[6] = 255.00
Set BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[7] = 255.00
-------- from 1 - 3 is RED, GREEN, BLUE --------
-------- RGB value from 0 - 255 will determine what colors will be present in the special effect (note this requires a lot of experimentation) --------
-------- --------
-------- YPR will determine in order of apperance, Yaw, Pitch, & Roll. --------
-------- Thanks to Hermit, the model provided already has an orienation to 90 degrees we need not add it, but I will leave these all the same for interesting effects! --------
-------- The Values are calculated as (( X * 3.14 ) / 180 ), 1.57 = 90 degrees, 3.14 = 180 degrees, etc --------
-------- To flip normally horizontal models like the default spirit touch, all values below must be set to 1.57 or ((90 x 3.14 /) 180) --------
-------- from 8 - 10 is YAW, PITCH, ROLL --------
-------- --------
Set BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[8] = 0.00
-------- YAW --------
-------- --------
Set BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[9] = 0.00
-------- PITCH --------
-------- --------
Set BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[10] = 0.00
-------- ROLL --------
-------- --------
-------- YPR will determine in order of apperance, Yaw, Pitch, & Roll. --------
-------- --------
-------- This Value checks whether or not the Shield flare intensity will match the shield's current health --------
Set BAmr_Boolean[2] = False
-------- If Above Boolean is true, this handles the minimum the shield will fade to. --------
-------- --------
Set BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[12] = 25.00
-------- --------
Else - Actions
-------- Values contained within directly influence the "shield flare" effect governed by BAmr_EFFECTPATH[3] --------
-------- --------
Else - Actions
-------- Special effects & related values --------
-------- --------
-------- Segement Configuration --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Then - Actions
-------- --------
-------- This value indicates how "segments" will orbit around the enchanted Target. --------
-------- --------
-------- This value indicates how far away the "segments" orbit away from the enchanted Target. --------
-------- SEGMENT ORBIT OFFSET --------
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[1] = 60.00
-------- This value indicates how far away the segments spawn from the their target --------
-------- SEGMENT SPAWN OFFSET --------
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[2] = 120.00
-------- --------
-------- This value indicates at what height the segment will be at in addition the the unit's flying height --------
-------- SEGMENT HEIGHT --------
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[3] = 65.00
-------- --------
-------- This value indicates how far apart the segements will spawn from, this is default to a 360 --------
-------- SEGMENT RADIUS TOTAL (I.e. don't change unless you are sure) --------
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[4] = 360.00
-------- --------
-------- This value indicates where the segments will be offset from --------
-------- 1 (DEFAULT) Caster's Position --------
-------- 2 Target's Position --------
-------- --------
-------- This value indicates how fast the "segments" orbit around the enchanted Target. --------
-------- SEGMENT ORBIT SPEED --------
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[5] = 1.00
-------- --------
-------- This value indicates how fast the "segments" intially move towards the enchanted Target. --------
-------- SEGMENT MISSILE SPEED --------
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[6] = 18.00
-------- --------
-------- This value Indicates the size of the individual segments --------
-------- SEGMENT SIZE --------
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[7] = 1.00
-------- --------
-------- Sets the segments lowest size from damage, the boolean below needs to be set to true for this to take any affect --------
-------- the value below is how small the segment will shrink to as to avoid making it dissapear all together before the segment threshold damage is reached. --------
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[8] = 0.05
-------- --------
Set BAmr_Boolean[3] = False
-------- The value above directly is dependent on the boolean above being set to true --------
-------- --------
-------- the value below is how small the segment will shrink to as to avoid making it dissapear all together before the segment threshold damage is reached. --------
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[9] = 5.00
-------- SEGMENT "DIM" EFFECT MINIMUM --------
-------- --------
Set BAmr_Boolean[4] = False
-------- If Above Boolean is true, then segments will dim based on how much damage they have taken --------
-------- --------
-------- This value corresponds to the segment's "Alpha" i,e. sorta like transparency, do experiment as ribbons and particles will not be affected on the missile... --------
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[10] = 255.00
-------- --------
-------- RGB value from 0 - 255 will determine what colors will be present in the special effect (note this requires a lot of experimentation) --------
-------- from 11 -13 is RED, GREEN, BLUE --------
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[11] = 255.00
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[12] = 255.00
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[13] = 255.00
-------- from 1 - 3 is RED, GREEN, BLUE --------
-------- RGB value from 0 - 255 will determine what colors will be present in the special effect (note this requires a lot of experimentation) --------
-------- --------
-------- YPR will determine in order of apperance, Yaw, Pitch, & Roll WHEN ORBITING --------
-------- The Values are calculated as (( X * 3.14 ) / 180 ), 1.57 = 90 degrees, 3.14 = 180 degrees, etc --------
-------- from 14, 15, & 16 is YAW, PITCH, ROLL --------
-------- --------
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[14] = 0.00
-------- YAW --------
-------- --------
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[15] = 0.00
-------- PITCH --------
-------- --------
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[16] = 4.71
-------- ROLL --------
-------- --------
-------- YPR will determine in order of apperance, Yaw, Pitch, & Roll. --------
-------- --------
-------- YPR will determine in order of apperance, Yaw, Pitch, & Roll ON INITIAL CAST AND CLOSING DISTANCE --------
-------- The Values are calculated as (( X * 3.14 ) / 180 ), 1.57 = 90 degrees, 3.14 = 180 degrees, etc --------
-------- from 17, 18, & 19 is YAW, PITCH, ROLL --------
-------- --------
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[17] = 0.00
-------- YAW --------
-------- --------
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[18] = 0.00
-------- PITCH --------
-------- --------
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[19] = 0.00
-------- ROLL --------
-------- --------
-------- YPR will determine in order of apperance, Yaw, Pitch, & Roll. --------
-------- --------
-------- The value BAmr_EFFECTPATH[4] refers to what buff will be placed overhead of the unit in place of segments --------
Set BAmr_EFFECTPATH[4] = Abilities\Spells\Undead\AntiMagicShell\AntiMagicShell.mdl
-------- SIMPLE EFFECT MODE --------
-------- --------
Set BAmr_Boolean[5] = False
-------- The value above directly is dependent on the boolean above being set to true --------
-------- This alternative mode will be subject to "Dimming" & "Shrinking" if the options are set to true. --------
-------- (i.e. 4x basic value (Default 65), effect will appear roughly over head, blizzard please add Unit model height! --------
-------- If BAmr_Boolean[5] is set to true, segments will not spawn and instead be an overhead buff --------
-------- --------
-------- Any changes made while SEM (Simple Effect Mode) is active must be below the basic default variables above to make intented changes ) --------
-------- --------
-------- SEMode Height of Effect --------
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[20] = 180.00
-------- --------
-------- SEMode Roll of Stationary/Orbiting Effect --------
-------- (i.e.4.71 radian's less than Default 4.71 radians, making the effect appear to follow facing of enchanted unit --------
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[21] = 0.00
-------- --------
-------- This value Indicates the size of the individual segments --------
-------- SEGMENT SIZE --------
Set BAmr_SEG_VALUE[22] = 1.50
Else - Actions
-------- Segement orbit values --------
-------- --------
-------- Preload --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Point[1] = (Center of (Playable map area))
Unit - Create 1 Albatross for Neutral Passive at BAmr_Point[1] facing Default building facing degrees
Set BAmr_Target = (Last created unit)
Unit - Add BAmr_SPELL to BAmr_Target
Unit - Add a 0.03 second Generic expiration timer to BAmr_Target
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_BAmr_Point[1])
Else - Actions
-------- Preload --------
BAmr Cast
BAmr Cast
Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to BAmr_SPELL
Set BAmr_Caster = (Triggering unit)
Set BAmr_Target = (Target unit of ability being cast)
Set BAmr_Point[1] = (Position of BAmr_Caster)
Set BAmr_Point[2] = (Position of BAmr_Target)
Set BAmr_Akey = (Custom value of BAmr_Target)
Set BAmr_ATTRIBUTE[1] = ((Real((Strength of BAmr_Caster (Include bonuses)))) x BAmr_ATT_BONUS[1])
Set BAmr_ATTRIBUTE[2] = ((Real((Agility of BAmr_Caster (Include bonuses)))) x BAmr_ATT_BONUS[2])
Set BAmr_ATTRIBUTE[3] = ((Real((Intelligence of BAmr_Caster (Include bonuses)))) x BAmr_ATT_BONUS[3])
Set BAmr_Real[0] = ((BAmr_BASE_HP + BAmr_LVL_HP_BONUS[(Level of BAmr_SPELL for BAmr_Caster)]) + (BAmr_ATTRIBUTE[1] + (BAmr_ATTRIBUTE[2] + BAmr_ATTRIBUTE[3])))
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Boolean[0] Equal to False
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Health[BAmr_Akey] = BAmr_Real[0]
Else - Actions
Set BAmr_Health[BAmr_Akey] = (BAmr_Health[BAmr_Akey] + BAmr_Real[0])
Set BAmr_Max[BAmr_Akey] = BAmr_Health[BAmr_Akey]
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Boolean[5] Equal to False
Then - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Segment_Missile_Type[BAmr_Akey] Not equal to Default
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Seg_CValue = BAmr_Akey
Set BAmr_Point[3] = (Point((Position - X of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue]), (Position - Y of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue])))
Set BAmr_Segment_Missile_State[BAmr_Seg_CValue] = Dead
Special Effect - Destroy BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue]
Special Effect - Create a special effect at BAmr_Point[3] using BAmr_EFFECTPATH[1]
Special Effect - Set Position of (Last created special effect) to x: (Position - X of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue]), y: (Position - Y of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue]), z: (Position - Z of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue])
Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_BAmr_Point[3])
Else - Actions
Set BAmr_Segment_Missile_Type[BAmr_Akey] = Default
Set BAmr_Segment_Count[BAmr_Akey] = BAmr_SEGMENT_SPAWNED
Set BAmr_Total[BAmr_Akey] = 0.00
For each (Integer BAmr_Loop) from 1 to BAmr_Segment_Count[BAmr_Akey], do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set BAmr_Seg_CValue = ((BAmr_Segment_Count[BAmr_Akey] x BAmr_Akey) + (BAmr_Loop - 1))
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Segment_Missile_State[BAmr_Seg_CValue] Not equal to Alive
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Point[3] = (BAmr_Point[BAmr_SEGMENT_SPAWN] offset by BAmr_SEG_VALUE[2] towards ((BAmr_SEG_VALUE[4] / (Real(BAmr_Segment_Count[BAmr_Akey]))) x (Real(BAmr_Loop))) degrees)
Special Effect - Create a special effect at BAmr_Point[3] using BAmr_EFFECTPATH[0]
Set BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue] = (Last created special effect)
Special Effect - Set Scale of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue] to BAmr_SEG_VALUE[7]
Special Effect - Set Color of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue] to r: (Integer(BAmr_SEG_VALUE[11])), g: (Integer(BAmr_SEG_VALUE[12])), b: (Integer(BAmr_SEG_VALUE[13]))
Set BAmr_Segment_Missile_State[BAmr_Seg_CValue] = Alive
Else - Actions
Set BAmr_Point[3] = (Point((Position - X of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue]), (Position - Y of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue])))
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Boolean[3] Equal to True
Then - Actions
Special Effect - Set Scale of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue] to BAmr_SEG_VALUE[7]
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Boolean[4] Equal to True
Then - Actions
Special Effect - Set Alpha of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue] to (Integer(BAmr_SEG_VALUE[10]))
Else - Actions
Special Effect - Create a special effect at BAmr_Point[3] using BAmr_EFFECTPATH[1]
Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_BAmr_Point[3])
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Segment_Missile_Type[BAmr_Akey] Equal to Default
Then - Actions
For each (Integer BAmr_Loop) from 1 to BAmr_Segment_Count[BAmr_Akey], do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set BAmr_Seg_CValue = ((BAmr_Segment_Count[BAmr_Akey] x BAmr_Akey) + (BAmr_Loop - 1))
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Segment_Missile_State[BAmr_Seg_CValue] Equal to Alive
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Point[3] = (Point((Position - X of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue]), (Position - Y of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue])))
Set BAmr_Segment_Missile_State[BAmr_Seg_CValue] = Dead
Special Effect - Destroy BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue]
Special Effect - Create a special effect at BAmr_Point[3] using BAmr_EFFECTPATH[2]
Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_BAmr_Point[3])
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
Set BAmr_Seg_CValue = BAmr_Akey
Set BAmr_Segment_Missile_Type[BAmr_Seg_CValue] = SEM
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Segment_Missile_State[BAmr_Seg_CValue] Not equal to Alive
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Point[3] = BAmr_Point[1]
Special Effect - Create a special effect at BAmr_Point[3] using BAmr_EFFECTPATH[4]
Set BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue] = (Last created special effect)
Special Effect - Set Scale of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue] to BAmr_SEG_VALUE[22]
Special Effect - Set Color of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue] to r: (Integer(BAmr_SEG_VALUE[11])), g: (Integer(BAmr_SEG_VALUE[12])), b: (Integer(BAmr_SEG_VALUE[13]))
Set BAmr_Segment_Missile_State[BAmr_Seg_CValue] = Alive
Else - Actions
Set BAmr_Point[3] = (Point((Position - X of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue]), (Position - Y of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue])))
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Boolean[3] Equal to True
Then - Actions
Special Effect - Set Scale of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue] to BAmr_SEG_VALUE[22]
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Boolean[4] Equal to True
Then - Actions
Special Effect - Set Alpha of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue] to (Integer(BAmr_SEG_VALUE[10]))
Else - Actions
Special Effect - Create a special effect at BAmr_Point[3] using BAmr_EFFECTPATH[1]
Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_BAmr_Point[3])
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_BAmr_Point[1])
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_BAmr_Point[2])
Unit Group - Add BAmr_Target to BAmr_GROUP
Set BAmr_Instances = (BAmr_Instances + 1)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Instances Equal to 1
Then - Actions
Trigger - Turn on BAmr Periodic <gen>
Trigger - Turn on BAmr Block <gen>
Else - Actions
BAmr Block
BAmr Block
Game - DamageModifierEvent becomes Equal to 4.00
(DamageEventTarget has buff BAmr_BUFF) Equal to True
Set BAmr_Akey = (Custom value of DamageEventTarget)
Set BAmr_DMG_Event = BAmr_Health[BAmr_Akey]
-------- --------
-------- Damage "Flare" effect --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Point[1] = (Position of DamageEventTarget)
Set BAmr_Point[2] = (Position of DamageEventSource)
Special Effect - Create a special effect at (BAmr_Point[1] offset by BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[1] towards (Angle from BAmr_Point[1] to BAmr_Point[2]) degrees) using BAmr_EFFECTPATH[3]
Set BAmr_SPEF = (Last created special effect)
Custom script: set udg_BAmr_Spef_Current_Height[udg_BAmr_Akey] = GetLocationZ(udg_BAmr_Point[1])
Special Effect - Set Position - Z of BAmr_SPEF to ((BAmr_Spef_Current_Height[BAmr_Akey] + BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[2]) + (Current flying height of DamageEventTarget))
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Boolean[1] Equal to True
Then - Actions
Special Effect - Set Color of BAmr_SPEF to color of (Owner of DamageEventTarget)
Else - Actions
Special Effect - Set Color of BAmr_SPEF to color of (Player((Integer(BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[0]))))
Special Effect - Set Color of BAmr_SPEF to r: (Integer(BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[5])), g: (Integer(BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[6])), b: (Integer(BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[7]))
Special Effect - Set Scale of BAmr_SPEF to BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[3]
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Boolean[2] Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Real[1] = (BAmr_Health[BAmr_Akey] / (BAmr_Max[BAmr_Akey] / 255.00))
If (BAmr_Real[1] Less than BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[11]) then do (Set BAmr_Real[1] = BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[11]) else do (Do nothing)
Special Effect - Set Alpha of BAmr_SPEF to (Integer(BAmr_Real[1]))
Else - Actions
Special Effect - Set Time Scale of BAmr_SPEF to BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[4]
Special Effect - Set Orientation of BAmr_SPEF to yaw: BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[8], pitch: BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[9], roll: ((((Angle from BAmr_Point[1] to BAmr_Point[2]) x 3.14) / 180.00) + BAmr_SPEF_VALUE[10])
Special Effect - Destroy BAmr_SPEF
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_BAmr_Point[1])
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_BAmr_Point[2])
Else - Actions
-------- --------
-------- This sets the damage of spells and physical attacks, it will ignore rates below zero allowing you to set strictly spell shields or physical sheilds! --------
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
IsDamageSpell Equal to True
Then - Actions
If (BAmr_RESIST_SPELL Equal to 0.00) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Set DamageEventAmount = (DamageEventAmount x BAmr_RESIST_SPELL))
Else - Actions
If (BAmr_RESIST_PHYSICAL Equal to 0.00) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Set DamageEventAmount = (DamageEventAmount x BAmr_RESIST_PHYSICAL))
-------- --------
-------- This sets the damage to the percentage that the spell will absorb --------
Set DamageEventAmount = (DamageEventAmount x BAmr_ABSORBTION_PERCENTAGE)
-------- --------
Set BAmr_Total[BAmr_Akey] = (BAmr_Total[BAmr_Akey] + DamageEventAmount)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
DamageEventAmount Less than (BAmr_DMG_Event - 0.01)
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_DMG_Event = (BAmr_DMG_Event - DamageEventAmount)
Set DamageEventPrevAmt = DamageEventAmount
Set DamageEventAmount = (DamageEventAmount - (DamageEventAmount x BAmr_ABSORBTION_PERCENTAGE))
If (DamageEventAmount Less than 0.00) then do (Set DamageEventAmount = 0.00) else do (Do nothing)
If (DamageEventAmount Greater than 0.00) then do (Set DamageEventType = DamageEventType) else do (Set DamageEventType = DamageTypeBlocked)
Set BAmr_Health[BAmr_Akey] = BAmr_DMG_Event
Else - Actions
Unit - Remove BAmr_BUFF buff from DamageEventTarget
Set DamageEventAmount = (DamageEventAmount - BAmr_DMG_Event)
Set DamageEventType = DamageTypeReduced
Set BAmr_Health[BAmr_Akey] = 0.00
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Segment_Missile_Type[BAmr_Akey] Equal to Default
Then - Actions
For each (Integer BAmr_Loop) from 1 to BAmr_Segment_Count[BAmr_Akey], do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set BAmr_Seg_CValue = ((BAmr_Segment_Count[BAmr_Akey] x BAmr_Akey) + (BAmr_Loop - 1))
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Total[BAmr_Akey] Greater than (BAmr_Max[BAmr_Akey] - ((BAmr_Max[BAmr_Akey] / (Real(BAmr_Segment_Count[BAmr_Akey]))) x (Real((BAmr_Loop - 1)))))
Then - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Segment_Missile_State[BAmr_Seg_CValue] Equal to Alive
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Point[3] = (Point((Position - X of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue]), (Position - Y of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue])))
Set BAmr_Segment_Missile_State[BAmr_Seg_CValue] = Dead
Special Effect - Destroy BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue]
Special Effect - Create a special effect at BAmr_Point[3] using BAmr_EFFECTPATH[2]
Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_BAmr_Point[3])
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(BAmr_Health[BAmr_Akey] - ((BAmr_Max[BAmr_Akey] / (Real(BAmr_Segment_Count[BAmr_Akey]))) x (Real((BAmr_Loop - 1))))) Less than or equal to (BAmr_Max[BAmr_Akey] / (Real(BAmr_Segment_Count[BAmr_Akey])))
BAmr_Segment_Missile_State[BAmr_Seg_CValue] Equal to Alive
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
BAmr_Boolean[3] Equal to True
BAmr_Boolean[4] Equal to True
Then - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Boolean[3] Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Real[2] = ((BAmr_Health[BAmr_Akey] - ((BAmr_Max[BAmr_Akey] / (Real(BAmr_Segment_Count[BAmr_Akey]))) x (Real((BAmr_Loop - 1))))) / ((BAmr_Max[BAmr_Akey] / (Real(BAmr_Segment_Count[BAmr_Akey]))) / BAmr_SEG_VALUE[7]))
If (BAmr_Real[2] Less than BAmr_SEG_VALUE[8]) then do (Set BAmr_Real[2] = BAmr_SEG_VALUE[8]) else do (Do nothing)
Special Effect - Set Scale of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue] to BAmr_Real[2]
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Boolean[4] Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Real[3] = ((BAmr_Health[BAmr_Akey] - ((BAmr_Max[BAmr_Akey] / (Real(BAmr_Segment_Count[BAmr_Akey]))) x (Real((BAmr_Loop - 1))))) / ((BAmr_Max[BAmr_Akey] / (Real(BAmr_Segment_Count[BAmr_Akey]))) / BAmr_SEG_VALUE[10]))
If (BAmr_Real[3] Less than BAmr_SEG_VALUE[9]) then do (Set BAmr_Real[3] = BAmr_SEG_VALUE[9]) else do (Do nothing)
Special Effect - Set Alpha of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue] to (Integer(BAmr_Real[3]))
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
Set BAmr_Seg_CValue = BAmr_Akey
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Boolean[3] Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Real[2] = (BAmr_Health[BAmr_Seg_CValue] / (BAmr_Max[BAmr_Seg_CValue] / BAmr_SEG_VALUE[22]))
If (BAmr_Real[2] Less than BAmr_SEG_VALUE[8]) then do (Set BAmr_Real[2] = BAmr_SEG_VALUE[8]) else do (Do nothing)
Special Effect - Set Scale of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue] to BAmr_Real[2]
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Boolean[4] Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Real[3] = (BAmr_Health[BAmr_Seg_CValue] / (BAmr_Max[BAmr_Seg_CValue] / BAmr_SEG_VALUE[10]))
If (BAmr_Real[3] Less than BAmr_SEG_VALUE[9]) then do (Set BAmr_Real[3] = BAmr_SEG_VALUE[9]) else do (Do nothing)
Special Effect - Set Alpha of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue] to (Integer(BAmr_Real[3]))
Else - Actions
BAmr Periodic
BAmr Periodic
Unit Group - Pick every unit in BAmr_GROUP and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set BAmr_Picked_Unit = (Picked unit)
Set BAmr_Akey = (Custom value of BAmr_Picked_Unit)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(BAmr_Picked_Unit is alive) Equal to True
(BAmr_Picked_Unit has buff BAmr_BUFF) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Point[1] = (Position of BAmr_Picked_Unit)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Segment_Missile_Type[BAmr_Akey] Equal to Default
Then - Actions
For each (Integer BAmr_Loop) from 1 to BAmr_Segment_Count[BAmr_Akey], do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set BAmr_Seg_CValue = ((BAmr_Segment_Count[BAmr_Akey] x BAmr_Akey) + (BAmr_Loop - 1))
Set BAmr_Point[3] = (Point((Position - X of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue]), (Position - Y of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue])))
Custom script: set udg_BAmr_Spef_Current_Height[udg_BAmr_Seg_CValue] = GetLocationZ(udg_BAmr_Point[1])
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Distance between BAmr_Point[1] and BAmr_Point[3]) Less than (BAmr_SEG_VALUE[1] + 15.00)
Then - Actions
-------- ORBITING --------
Set BAmr_Current_Rot_Speed[BAmr_Akey] = (BAmr_Current_Rot_Speed[BAmr_Akey] + BAmr_SEG_VALUE[5])
Set BAmr_Point[2] = (BAmr_Point[1] offset by BAmr_SEG_VALUE[1] towards (((360.00 / (Real(BAmr_SEGMENT_SPAWNED))) x (Real(BAmr_Loop))) + BAmr_Current_Rot_Speed[BAmr_Akey]) degrees)
Special Effect - Set Position of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue] to x: (X of BAmr_Point[2]), y: (Y of BAmr_Point[2]), z: ((BAmr_Spef_Current_Height[BAmr_Seg_CValue] + BAmr_SEG_VALUE[3]) + (Current flying height of BAmr_Picked_Unit))
Special Effect - Set Orientation of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue] to yaw: BAmr_SEG_VALUE[14], pitch: BAmr_SEG_VALUE[15], roll: ((((Angle from BAmr_Point[1] to BAmr_Point[2]) x 3.14) / 180.00) - BAmr_SEG_VALUE[16])
Else - Actions
-------- TRAVELING --------
Set BAmr_Point[2] = (BAmr_Point[3] offset by BAmr_SEG_VALUE[6] towards (Angle from BAmr_Point[3] to BAmr_Point[1]) degrees)
Special Effect - Set Position of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue] to x: (X of BAmr_Point[2]), y: (Y of BAmr_Point[2]), z: ((BAmr_Spef_Current_Height[BAmr_Seg_CValue] + BAmr_SEG_VALUE[3]) + (Current flying height of BAmr_Picked_Unit))
Special Effect - Set Orientation of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue] to yaw: BAmr_SEG_VALUE[17], pitch: BAmr_SEG_VALUE[18], roll: ((((Angle from BAmr_Point[3] to BAmr_Point[2]) x 3.14) / 180.00) + BAmr_SEG_VALUE[19])
-------- --------
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_BAmr_Point[2])
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_BAmr_Point[3])
Else - Actions
Set BAmr_Point[3] = (Point((Position - X of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Akey]), (Position - Y of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Akey])))
Custom script: set udg_BAmr_Spef_Current_Height[udg_BAmr_Akey] = GetLocationZ(udg_BAmr_Point[1])
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Distance between BAmr_Point[1] and BAmr_Point[3]) Less than (BAmr_SEG_VALUE[1] + 15.00)
Then - Actions
-------- ON UNIT --------
Set BAmr_Current_Rot_Speed[BAmr_Akey] = (BAmr_Current_Rot_Speed[BAmr_Akey] + BAmr_SEG_VALUE[5])
Special Effect - Set Position of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Akey] to x: (X of BAmr_Point[1]), y: (Y of BAmr_Point[1]), z: ((BAmr_Spef_Current_Height[BAmr_Akey] + BAmr_SEG_VALUE[20]) + (Current flying height of BAmr_Picked_Unit))
Special Effect - Set Orientation of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Akey] to yaw: BAmr_SEG_VALUE[14], pitch: BAmr_SEG_VALUE[15], roll: ((((Facing of BAmr_Picked_Unit) x 3.14) / 180.00) - BAmr_SEG_VALUE[21])
Else - Actions
-------- TRAVELING --------
Set BAmr_Point[2] = (BAmr_Point[3] offset by BAmr_SEG_VALUE[6] towards (Angle from BAmr_Point[3] to BAmr_Point[1]) degrees)
Special Effect - Set Position of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Akey] to x: (X of BAmr_Point[2]), y: (Y of BAmr_Point[2]), z: ((BAmr_Spef_Current_Height[BAmr_Akey] + BAmr_SEG_VALUE[20]) + (Current flying height of BAmr_Picked_Unit))
Special Effect - Set Orientation of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Akey] to yaw: BAmr_SEG_VALUE[17], pitch: BAmr_SEG_VALUE[18], roll: ((((Angle from BAmr_Point[3] to BAmr_Point[2]) x 3.14) / 180.00) + BAmr_SEG_VALUE[19])
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_BAmr_Point[2])
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_BAmr_Point[3])
-------- --------
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_BAmr_Point[1])
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Segment_Missile_Type[BAmr_Akey] Equal to Default
Then - Actions
For each (Integer BAmr_Loop) from 1 to BAmr_Segment_Count[BAmr_Akey], do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set BAmr_Seg_CValue = ((BAmr_Segment_Count[BAmr_Akey] x BAmr_Akey) + (BAmr_Loop - 1))
Set BAmr_Health[BAmr_Akey] = 0.00
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Segment_Missile_State[BAmr_Seg_CValue] Equal to Alive
Then - Actions
Set BAmr_Point[3] = (Point((Position - X of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue]), (Position - Y of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue])))
Set BAmr_Segment_Missile_State[BAmr_Seg_CValue] = Dead
Special Effect - Destroy BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue]
Special Effect - Create a special effect at BAmr_Point[3] using BAmr_EFFECTPATH[2]
Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_BAmr_Point[3])
Else - Actions
Else - Actions
Set BAmr_Seg_CValue = BAmr_Akey
Set BAmr_Point[3] = (Point((Position - X of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue]), (Position - Y of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue])))
Set BAmr_Segment_Missile_State[BAmr_Seg_CValue] = Dead
Set BAmr_Health[BAmr_Seg_CValue] = 0.00
Special Effect - Destroy BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue]
Special Effect - Create a special effect at BAmr_Point[3] using BAmr_EFFECTPATH[1]
Special Effect - Set Position of (Last created special effect) to x: (Position - X of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue]), y: (Position - Y of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue]), z: (Position - Z of BAmr_SegmentMissile[BAmr_Seg_CValue])
Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_BAmr_Point[3])
Unit Group - Remove BAmr_Picked_Unit from BAmr_GROUP
Set BAmr_Instances = (BAmr_Instances - 1)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
BAmr_Instances Less than 1
Then - Actions
Trigger - Turn off BAmr Periodic <gen>
Trigger - Turn off BAmr Block <gen>
Else - Actions
-------- --------
Import Bone Armor in your map!
Step 0 REQUIRED - Under Preferences, make sure you have "Automatically create unknown variables while pasting trigger data" checked
Step 1 - Install Bribe's Damage Engine into your map:
see Bribe's Damage Engine for more detailsBribe said:1A: Necessary: Copy & paste the Unit Indexer trigger into your map.
1B: Necessary: Copy & paste the Damage Engine trigger into your map
1C: Necessary: Copy the Cheat Death Ability from Object Editor, and set it to the variable DamageBlockingAbility. [VERSION INCLUDED OF DAMAGE ENGINE DOES NOT USE DAMAGE BLOCKING ABILITY, FEEL FREE TO POLITELY TOSS IT.]
1D: Necessary: Copy the Spell Damage Detector Ability from Object Editor, and set it to the variable SpellDamageAbility.
Step 2 - Install Bone Armor
2A Copy & paste the Bone Armor folder into your map
2B Copy the Bone Armor Ability from Object Editor, and set it to the variable BArmr_SPELL
2C Copy the Bone Armor Buff from Object Editor, and set it to the variable BArmr_BUFF
Step 3 [OPTIONAL] - Installing the Modified Spirit Touch model for Player Coloured damage flare
3A - Export the model "BoneArmorCasterTC.mdx" to a safe location
3B - In your New map open "Import manager" [directly next to the test map button!]
3C - Click the "Import File"
3D - navigate to the "BoneArmorCasterTC.mdx" file location and select it
3E - double click on the newly added "war3mapImported\BoneArmorCasterTC.mdx" and tick "Use custom path"
3F - remove "war3mapImported\" leaving behind only "BoneArmorCasterTC.mdx", copy this and click okay!
3G - Navigate to Triggers and BAmr Config to
Step 3.5 [NO LONGER USED] - Installing the Vexxorian dummy model for trigger controlled model pathing
3.5A - Export the model "Vexxoriandummy.mdx" to a safe location
3.5B - In your New map open "Import manager" [directly next to the test map button!]
3.5C - Click the "Import File"
3.5D - navigate to the "Vexxoriandummy.mdx" file location and select it
3.5E - double click on the newly added "war3mapImported\Vexxoriandummy.mdx" and tick "Use custom path"
3.5F - remove "war3mapImported\" leaving behind only "Vexxoriandummy.mdx", copy this and click okay!
3.5G - Navigate to Orbitunit in the object editor, in the field "Art - Model File", open this and paste "Vexxoriandummy.mdx"
Step 4 [Option to use default spirit touch or other effects that are orientated straight up]
4A - Navigate to Triggers and BAmr Config to the variable
4B - still in BAmr Config go to the
Set BAmr_SPEF_YPR[1]
4C - repeat previous step for
Set BAmr_SPEF_YPR[2]
Set BAmr_SPEF_YPR[3]
4D - Note that we set
Set BAmr_SPEF_YPR[2]
Bribe - for his ever-so-useful-systems that make my life so much easier!
KILLCIDE - for his patience and our time cleaning up my triggers.
D4rk_G4ND4LF - for his earlier attempts at damage shields that inspired me to make this.
Foopad - for his work on my original request loooong time ago for a damage shield ability (Aka Ruined flesh from age of conan game.) back when us GUI dudes were banging rocks together.
Weep - for his Early Damage detection system.
Pinzu - for the player colour shield flare suggestion (Added in Bone Armor 1.08)
Hermit - for his Spirit Touch model allowing for different shield flare colours. (Added in Bone Armor 1.08)
Hermit AGAIN - for his Hexagon Shield Model - Allowing not only player colours as per the previous model, but with fancy futuristic animated hexagons perfect for any Protoss shield!
Vexorian - Excellent dummy model (Retired, using special effects to avoid using dummies)
Looking_For_Help - Hashtable variant damage system
MyPad - Suggesting to add "Stacking" & fixing the casting effect bug.
Spellbound - Suggesting RGB Addition to Segments
Blizzard & Diablo 2 - My inspiration for the *cough* BLATANT COPY *cough* Necromancer's Abilities, and their wonderful editor that still manages to entertain me +16 years later.
Release1.13.1 2019-05-01 at 4:49PM (PST)
- Bugfix on Shield Life Display (Not required!) - Destroying a segment would result in the floating text lingering...
Release 1.13 - 2019-04-30 at 3:00pm (PST)
- Major -
- Added SEM - Simple Effect Mode, turns off the floating segments and makes it a singular effect overhead the target, Fade & Shrinking effects will still work provided the effect is not attached as special effect modification does not work on attached special effects. (Please refer to turtle of the cosmos for why blizzard has done this)
- Added Shield Life display option to test map tome, this displays the individual life of segments (i.e. 300 total shields will result in 100 each (assuming default values)
- Overhauled triggers to include SEM
- Added SEM modifcations to bottom of Config, i.e. defaults for regular segments will not work for SEM, if SEM is on these modifications will overwrite allowing you to choose which one you want, note this is rather buggy on the Shield Life Display so do be careful!
- Angrily stared at variables in config to make sure nothing is duplicated or not connected to values elsewhere in the main triggers.
- Added some Boolean commands as I (can't be arsed)felt they didn't need to be added to the options, Type "Bones" followed directly with "Stack", "Skins", "Dim", "Fade", or "SEM" to toggled the respective Booleans found in the configuration. (example "BonesStack")
- Details of Commands:
Stack - Toggle Shield Stacking boolean, shields will now simply add the base cast on the current shield of the target
Skins - Toggle Player Colour Shield Flare, default is set to chosen flavor, if toggled it will be set to player color
Dim - Toggle Shield Flare "Dimming", Shield Flare will dim based on health of the shield
Fade - Toggle Fade of Segments, Segments will fade based on health of the shield
SEM - Toggle SEM, SEM removes the orbiting segments and creates only one overhead effect. (Might be buggy? Be Wary if you see anything!)
Release 1.12 - 2019-04-25 at 9:22pm (PST)
- Major -
Release 1.11 - 2019-04-04 at 6:18pm (PST)
Release 1.10 - 2019-03-03 at 9:45am (PST)
Release 1.09 - 2019-02-20 at 12:45am (PST)
Release 1.08 - 2019-02-03 at 10:23pm
Release 1.07 - 2019-01-21 at 1:13 AM
Release 1.06 - 2019-01-12 at 6:20 PM
Major Additions:
Release 1.05 - 2019-01-03 at 7:55 PM
Release 1.04 - 2019-01-03 at 7:55 PM
(Happy New Year!)
Release v1.03 - 2018-12-29 at 11:25 PM
- BAmr_Absorbtion_% (Damage % that is handled by the shield and left for the target to deal with)
Release v1.02 - 2018-12-27 at X AM
- BAmr_Absorbtion_% (Damage % that is handled by the shield and left for the target to deal with)
All the comments since it's the only thing I think KILLCIDE was referring to when he made the claim that I didn't read the Guides he suggested.
Release v1.01 - 2018-12-24 at 8:50 AM
- Base shield health
- Shield health bonus per level
- Attribute bonus
- Spell/Physical resistance
- Unittype for Segment
- Number of Segments
- Rotation Distance
- Rotation Speed
- Missile speed (How fast the segments move to enclose the unit)
Release v1.00 - 2018-12-24 at 4:44 AM
- Major -
- Added seperate Yaw, Pitch, & Roll to Travel and Orbit of segments movements.
- Added RGB Color customizations for segments, this already exists for the shield "flare" but I never thought to do so with the segments, Thanks Spellbound!
- Added "Dimming" & "Shrinking" of segments based on how much damage the individual segments have received, (Turn on the corresponding boolean to see!)
- Merged redundant varibles into an arrayed variable (BAmr_SEG_VALUE[X])
- Cast & Block have been reworked slightly to incorperate the new "Dimming" & "Shrinking" changes to segments
Release 1.11 - 2019-04-04 at 6:18pm (PST)
- Bugfix - Special effect not ocurring when casting on unit with all segments active
- Major - Added Stacking Boolean, casting on the same unit will Stack the value instead of resetting it, you can test this by turning on the "Check shield value" trigger (default off) and pressing ESC with a selected & shielded unit. *Credits to MyPad for the suggestion*
- Minor bugfix, BAmr_Boolean[2] wasn't connected to the option in Block trigger
- Minor bugfix, Remove Duplicate creation of special fx in cast trigger
Release 1.10 - 2019-03-03 at 9:45am (PST)
- Major: Segments are no longer dummy units, they are now special effects!
- Major: Flavour Selection: I.e. @Pinzu's idea, Pre-selected "themes" over the special effects used by the spell
- Major?: Damage Flare Intensity Boolean - I.e. hitting a unit with a low shield health will make the shield flare look darker and dimmer - (Included Threshold variable to make sure it doesn't go below 50.00 and dissapear before the shield ends.)
- Minor: merged some redundant values into single variables.
Release 1.09 - 2019-02-20 at 12:45am (PST)
- Major: Added Vexorian dummy model to allow complete trigger control over the orbiting units model path - [Credits to Vexorian & Pinzu for the idea!]
- added BAmr_SEGMENT_MODEL_PATH to config - For use with the newly added dummy model
- added BAmr_Bkey - exclusive for the segment units as a way to access Unit indexing, it appears in BAmr Cast/Block/Periodic for both the initial creation and the clean up after the unit has been cleared
- made segment units into neutral passive as their ownership seemed pointless and simply added to end game score.
- fixed casting stats, strength stat was being added due to a ( * ) being a ( + )
Release 1.08 - 2019-02-03 at 10:23pm
- Major: Added new Spirit touch with player colour variability [Credits to Hermit! for the model & Pinzu for the idea!]
- Minor: Added Boolean to decide if you want damage target's player colour or a specific one.
- Minor: Added Specific Player Colour Variable if the above boolean is set to false (I.e player blue will create a orange flare effect when hit.)
- Major: Added Segment flying height and changed them to flying types allowing for segments to actually orbit near the unit instead of on the ground [Credits to Hermit for noticing]
Release 1.07 - 2019-01-21 at 1:13 AM
- Minor: added current unit height and their current position's terrain height to make it so the Special effect on hit will not sink into the ground. (it still does slightly but I'm not sure how to fix it...)
- Minor: redid commands into spellbook with four abilities
- Minor: redid damage text to show accumulated damaged (occasionally bugs but have it off by default, lost on how it's being silly but it's pretty messy)
- Minor: changed DamageEventAmount calculation in BAmr Block to
- Minor: Replaced all instances of Variables named BArmr to BAmr
Release 1.06 - 2019-01-12 at 6:20 PM
Major Additions:
- Added BAmr_EFFECTPATH[1-3], allows for seperate spawn effect, destroyed effect, and damage effect.
- Added Configuration for Destroyed & Damage Effect Path
- Added Damage Effect in BAmr Block
- Added BAmr_SPEF - to avoid using (Last created special effect)
- Added Configuration for Damaged Effect's: Offset, Height, RGB Color Value, Scale, Timescale, Yaw/Pitch/Roll
- Organized BAmr Config for cleaner look
- Added install instructions
- Added Commands for toggling Damage text & spawning of random hostile creeps
- Added Selection of the test hero on startup as well as message for previously mentioned commands
- Added Mouse tracking move for location point of spawning hostiles via commands.
Release 1.05 - 2019-01-03 at 7:55 PM
- FINISHED - BAmr_Periodic Variable & Trigger add in Init added! (Neat!)
- FINISHED - Removed BAmr_PreloadUnit used BAmr_Target instead
Release 1.04 - 2019-01-03 at 7:55 PM
(Happy New Year!)
- FINISHED - BAmr_Preload_Unit Variable for preloader in BAmr Config - Added!
- FINISHED - BAmr_STR/AGI/INT = Hero S/A/I x BAmr_Attribute_Bonus - Added!
- FINISHED - If&Else checking if Segment unit is still alive, will spawn replacements if needed otherwise it will simply use the spawn effect on exisiting.
- FINISHED - BAmr_Segment_Custom_Value Added, (wow this makes it much easier)
- FINISHED - BAmr_UnitG_Count, replaced in BAmr Cast & Periodic
- FINISHED- Put the conditions on BAmr Periodic (has buff? / Is alive?) together
- FINISHED - Still don't know how to make a variable for periodic (won't use "Real" or "Timer") (Screenie)
- FINISHED? - Segments will fly off if not above %125, especially so when the unit starts moving, (Black Magic Numbers)
- FINISHED- Oops - Old habit of using hashtables since variables didn't work to well with them
- UNSURE - I'm not quite sure what you're referring to but I changed the BAmr_LVL_BONUS to an Array with preset levels in BAmr Config
Release v1.03 - 2018-12-29 at 11:25 PM
- FINISHED - Trigger Prefix changed: (BAmr X > BA X )
- FINISHED - Added BAmr_Caster/Target/Picked_Unit to handle repetitive function calls.
- FINISHED? - Added BAmr_Offset/Angle/Where for segment spawn point configuration.
- FINISHED - Added BAmr_Integer to replace any usage of ( Integer A )
- FINISHED - Added Toggles for block & periodic on cast & group clear
- UNFINISHED - Still don't know how to make a variable for periodic (won't use "Real" or "Timer")
- FINISHED - Put the conditions on BAmr Periodic (has buff? / Is alive?) together
- BAmr_Absorbtion_% (Damage % that is handled by the shield and left for the target to deal with)
Release v1.02 - 2018-12-27 at X AM
- FINISHED - Trigger Prefix changed: (BAmr X > BA X )
- FINISHED - Added BAmr_Caster/Target/Picked_Unit to handle repetitive function calls.
- FINISHED - Added BAmr_Offset/Angle/Where for segment spawn point configuration.
- FINISHED - Added BAmr_Integer to replace any usage of ( Integer A )
- FINISHED - Added Toggles for block & periodic on cast & group clear
- UNFINISHED - Still don't know how to make a variable for periodic (won't use "Real" or "Timer")
- FINISHED - Put the conditions on BAmr Periodic (has buff? / Is alive?) together
- BAmr_Absorbtion_% (Damage % that is handled by the shield and left for the target to deal with)
All the comments since it's the only thing I think KILLCIDE was referring to when he made the claim that I didn't read the Guides he suggested.
Release v1.01 - 2018-12-24 at 8:50 AM
- FINISHED - (Cast --> BA Main Cast).
- FINISHED - (BArmr > BA_X).
- FINISHED - See "Added Configuration below.
- FINISHED - (BArmr > Temp_X).
- FINISHED - See below
- Base shield health
- Shield health bonus per level
- Attribute bonus
- Spell/Physical resistance
- Unittype for Segment
- Number of Segments
- Rotation Distance
- Rotation Speed
- Missile speed (How fast the segments move to enclose the unit)
Release v1.00 - 2018-12-24 at 4:44 AM
Please let me know your thoughts, I will take any feedback on to improve bone armor.