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ItemSet v.2.5

Item Set

Enables the creation of item groups, which form gathered together an item set.


library ItemSet

ItemSet was firstly submitted in my Equipment Package. It should be mentioned that ItemSet
can be easily combined with any inventory system including the standard Warcraft III inventory.
library ItemSet /* v2.5
*   ItemSet allows to create "item sets" as known from various other games.
*   Bonuses are applied to an unit, depending on the number of equipped items
*   of that item set.
*   One item set can have as many bonuses as you want.
*   Upper bound for bonus instancing is 8190.
*   Available bonuses are:
*       1. Abilities
*   Optional bonuses, if libraries exist:
*       2.  ItemPower ( BPower ) for custom item affixes.
*       3a. BonusMod ( Earthfury ) for excellent bonus handling ( Life, Mana, Agility, ... ).
*       3b. Bonus ( Nestharus ) equals BonusMod in API and functionality. I recommend "BonusMod" over "Bonus".
*   */ uses /*
*       */ optional Bonus        /* https://github.com/nestharus/JASS/tree/master/jass/Systems/Bonus
*       */ optional BonusMod     /* http://www.wc3c.net/showthread.php?t=107940
*       */ optional ItemPower    /* http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/spells-569/itempower-v1-1-0-0-a-243917/
*       */ optional ErrorMessage /* https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nestharus/JASS/master/jass/Systems/ErrorMessage/script.j
*   1. Import instruction
*   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
*       Copy the ItemSet script into your map.
*       Libraries listed as optional are not mandatory to have.
*                           ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
*   2. API
*   ¯¯¯¯¯¯
*       readonly static constant integer COMPLETE    = 0
*       readonly static constant integer INCOMPLETE  = 1
*       function RegisterItemSetEvent takes integer whichEvent, code func returns nothing
*           --> GetTriggerItemSet() returns the event ItemSet
*           --> GetTriggerItemSetUnit() returns the event unit
*           --> GetTriggerItemSetEventId() returns the event integer ( COMPLETE, INCOMPLETE )
*       struct ItemSet extends array
*           Creator:
*               static method create takes string name, string model, string attachPointName returns thistype
*                   --> create a new ItemSet instance. Each item set has a name, an effect model and an attach point.
*                           - Can take null as effect model, if a specialeffect is not wanted.
*           Adding items:
*               method addItem takes integer itemId returns nothing
*                   --> Add an item to an ItemSet instance. One item id can only be linked to one ItemSet instance.
*           Adding ItemSet Bonuses:
*               method addAbility takes integer itemCount, integer abilityId returns nothing
*                   --> Adds an ability to the instace as ItemSet bonus.
*                   --> Arguments:
*                       - itemCount : How many items are required to apply the ability.
*                       - abilityId : Which ability
*               Only available if library ItemPower exists:
*                                         ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
*               method addItemPower takes integer itemCount, integer power, real value returns nothing
*                   --> Adds an ItemPower to the instace as ItemSet bonus.
*                   --> Arguments:
*                       - itemCount: How many items are required to apply the ItemPower.
*                       - power    : Which ItemPower
*                       - value    : The amount added to that units ItemPower.
*               Only available if library Bonus exists:
*                                         ¯¯¯¯¯
*               method addBonus takes integer itemCount, integer bonus, integer value returns nothing
*                   --> Adds an Bonus to the instance as ItemSet bonus.
*                   --> Arguments:
*                       - itemCount: How many items are required to apply the Bonus.
*                       - bonus    : Which Bonus
*                       - value    : The amount added to that units Bonus.
*               method addBuffIndicator takes integer itemCount, integer abilityId, integer buffId returns nothing
*                   --> Adds a buff placer to the instance.
*                   --> Arguments:
*                       - itemCount : How many items are required to apply the buff.
*                       - abilityId : Ability id of the buff placer.
*                       - buffId    : Ability id of the buff.
*               static method onItemUnequip takes unit whichUnit, integer itemId returns nothing
*               static method onItemEquip takes unit whichUnit, integer itemId returns nothing
*                   --> Run these two using your inventory system.
*                   --> Can use the normal warcraft inventory aswell.
*           static method operator [] takes integer itemId returns thistype
*               --> Returns the corresponding ItemSet instance for an item id.
*           readonly string name
*               --> ItemSet name
*       Unit Indexer implementation: ( Optional )
*           static method onUnitDeindex takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
*               --> Run this function on unit deindex event for best hashtable cleanup.
*   3. Configuration
*   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
        *   Identifies the type of bonus added to the ItemSet instance.
        *   Should completed ItemSets add a special effect to the unit?
        private constant boolean ADD_SPECIAL_EFFECT_TARGET = true


//ItemSet code. Edit on your own risk.
    private struct ItemSetBonus extends array
        // ItemSetBonus instances are constant data, so there is no need for a recycler.
        private static integer alloc = 0
        integer requiredItems
        integer bonus    // bonus can be of type ability, ItemPower or Bonus.
        integer bonusType
    //static if LIBRARY_ItemPower then
        real    itemPowerAmount 
    //static if LIBRARY_Bonus then
        integer bonusAmount
        // ItemSets are constant. Contact me, if you want to design them dynamically.
        static method create takes integer counter, integer bonusTypeId, integer bonusId, real itemPowerValue, integer bonusValue returns ItemSetBonus
            local ItemSetBonus this = ItemSetBonus(ItemSetBonus.alloc + 1)
            set ItemSetBonus.alloc  = integer(this)

            static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
                debug call ThrowError((this == 8191), "ItemSetBonus", "create", "thistype", 8191, "Overflow!")
                debug if (this == 8191) then
                    debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 10000. ,SCOPE_PREFIX + "FATAL ERROR: Overflow! Stopping Thread!")
                    debug set this = 1/0
                debug endif
            set requiredItems   = counter
            set bonus           = bonusId
            set bonusType       = bonusTypeId
            set itemPowerAmount = itemPowerValue
            set bonusAmount     = bonusValue
            return this
    struct ItemSet extends array
        // Event id's.
        readonly static constant integer COMPLETE   = 0
        readonly static constant integer INCOMPLETE = 1
        // Event response variables. 
        // Wrapper functions are located below struct ItemSet. 
        readonly static unit    triggerUnit         = null
        readonly static integer triggerEventId      = -1
        readonly static ItemSet triggerItemSet      = 0
        // Allocation:
        private static integer alloc  = 0
        // Members:
        readonly string name          // Name of the ItemSet
        private integer bonuses       // Keep track of how many Bonuses an ItemSet has.
        private integer maxItemCount  // Keep track of how many items an ItemSet has.
        private string sfx                      
        private string point                
        private static hashtable hash = InitHashtable()
        private static trigger incompleted = CreateTrigger()
        private static trigger completed   = CreateTrigger()
        private static constant integer BUFF_BUFF_ID_OFFSET    = 20000
        private static constant integer BUFF_ABILITY_ID_OFFSET = 10000
        static method registerEvent takes integer whichEvent, boolexpr expression returns nothing
            if (whichEvent == ItemSet.COMPLETE) then
                call TriggerAddCondition(ItemSet.completed, expression)
            elseif (whichEvent == ItemSet.INCOMPLETE) then
                call TriggerAddCondition(ItemSet.incompleted, expression)
            debug else
                debug call BJDebugMsg(SCOPE_PREFIX + "Error: Invalid ItemSet event index [" + I2S(whichEvent) + "]!")
        static method operator [] takes integer itemId returns ItemSet
            return ItemSet(LoadInteger(ItemSet.hash, 0, itemId))
        private method fire takes trigger whichTrigger, unit whichUnit, integer id returns nothing
            local ItemSet prevItemSet  = ItemSet.triggerItemSet
            local unit    prevUnit     = ItemSet.triggerUnit
            local integer prevEv       = ItemSet.triggerEventId
            set ItemSet.triggerItemSet = this
            set ItemSet.triggerUnit    = whichUnit
            set ItemSet.triggerEventId = id
            call TriggerEvaluate(whichTrigger)
            set ItemSet.triggerItemSet = prevItemSet
            set ItemSet.triggerUnit    = prevUnit  
            set ItemSet.triggerEventId = prevEv
            set prevUnit               = null
        private method itemSetComplete takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
            if (sfx != null) then
                static if ADD_SPECIAL_EFFECT_TARGET then
                    call SaveEffectHandle(hash, GetHandleId(whichUnit), this, AddSpecialEffectTarget(sfx, whichUnit, point)) 
                    call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(sfx, whichUnit, point))
            call fire(ItemSet.completed, whichUnit, ItemSet.COMPLETE)
        private method itemSetIncomplete takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
            static if ADD_SPECIAL_EFFECT_TARGET then
                local integer id = GetHandleId(whichUnit)
                if HaveSavedHandle(hash, id, this) then
                    call DestroyEffect(LoadEffectHandle(hash, id, this))
                    call RemoveSavedHandle(hash, id, this)
            call fire(ItemSet.incompleted, whichUnit, ItemSet.INCOMPLETE)

        private method remove takes unit whichUnit, integer itemCounter returns nothing
            local integer index = 0
            local ItemSetBonus toRemove
            local integer child
                exitwhen index == bonuses
                    set toRemove = ItemSetBonus(LoadInteger(hash, this, index))
                    if (toRemove.requiredItems == itemCounter) then

                        if (toRemove.bonusType == ITEM_SET_BONUS_TYPE_ABILITY) then
                            call UnitRemoveAbility(whichUnit, toRemove.bonus)                          

                        // Impossible to exclude via optional textmacro/module, ....
                        elseif (toRemove.bonusType == ITEM_SET_BONUS_TYPE_ITEM_POWER) then
                            static if LIBRARY_ItemPower then
                                call ItemPower_UnitManipulate(whichUnit, toRemove.bonus, -toRemove.itemPowerAmount)
                        elseif (toRemove.bonusType == ITEM_SET_BONUS_TYPE_BONUS) then
                            static if LIBRARY_Bonus then
                                call AddUnitBonus(whichUnit, toRemove.bonus, -toRemove.bonusAmount)
                            elseif LIBRARY_BonusMod then
                                call AddUnitBonus(whichUnit, toRemove.bonus, -toRemove.bonusAmount)

                set index = index + 1

            set child = itemCounter + BUFF_ABILITY_ID_OFFSET
            if HaveSavedInteger(hash, this, child) then
                call UnitRemoveAbility(whichUnit, LoadInteger(hash, this, child))
                call UnitRemoveAbility(whichUnit, LoadInteger(hash, this, itemCounter + BUFF_BUFF_ID_OFFSET))
           set child = itemCounter + BUFF_ABILITY_ID_OFFSET - 1
            if HaveSavedInteger(hash, this, child) then
                call UnitAddAbility(whichUnit, LoadInteger(hash, this, child))
                call UnitMakeAbilityPermanent(whichUnit, true, LoadInteger(hash, this, itemCounter + BUFF_ABILITY_ID_OFFSET - 1))
            if (itemCounter == maxItemCount) then
                call itemSetIncomplete(whichUnit)
        static method onItemUnequip takes unit whichUnit, integer itemId returns nothing
            local integer id  = GetHandleId(whichUnit)
            local ItemSet this

            static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
                debug call ThrowWarning((id == 0), "ItemSet", "onItemUnequip", "id", id, "Invalid Unit Handle (null)!")
            if (HaveSavedInteger(hash, 0, itemId)) and (id != 0) then
                call SaveInteger(hash, id, itemId, LoadInteger(hash, id, itemId) - 1)
                if (LoadInteger(hash, id, itemId) == 0) then
                    call RemoveSavedInteger(hash, id, itemId)

                    set this   = LoadInteger(ItemSet.hash, 0, itemId)
                    call remove(whichUnit, LoadInteger(hash, id, this))
                    call SaveInteger(hash, id, this, LoadInteger(hash, id, this) - 1)
        private method add takes unit whichUnit, integer itemCounter returns nothing
            local integer index = 0
            local ItemSetBonus toAdd
            local integer child

                // Loop through all ItemSetBonuses created for this ItemSet.
                exitwhen index == bonuses
                    //Load the current Bonus.
                    set toAdd = ItemSetBonus(LoadInteger(hash, this, index))

                    //A Bonus is only applied if the numer of carried items equals its counter.
                    if (toAdd.requiredItems == itemCounter) then
                        if (toAdd.bonusType == ITEM_SET_BONUS_TYPE_ABILITY) then
                            call UnitAddAbility(whichUnit, toAdd.bonus)
                            call UnitMakeAbilityPermanent(whichUnit, true, toAdd.bonus)                            
                        elseif (toAdd.bonusType == ITEM_SET_BONUS_TYPE_ITEM_POWER) then
                            static if LIBRARY_ItemPower then
                                call ItemPower_UnitManipulate(whichUnit, toAdd.bonus, toAdd.itemPowerAmount)
                        elseif (toAdd.bonusType == ITEM_SET_BONUS_TYPE_BONUS) then
                            static if LIBRARY_Bonus then
                                call AddUnitBonus(whichUnit, toAdd.bonus, toAdd.bonusAmount)
                            elseif LIBRARY_BonusMod then
                                call AddUnitBonus(whichUnit, toAdd.bonus, toAdd.bonusAmount)
                //Move on to the next loop index.
                set index = index + 1
            set child = itemCounter + BUFF_ABILITY_ID_OFFSET
            if HaveSavedInteger(hash, this, child) then
                call UnitAddAbility(whichUnit, LoadInteger(hash, this, child))
                call UnitMakeAbilityPermanent(whichUnit, true, LoadInteger(hash, this, child))
            // Check if prev item amount holds a buff.
            set child = itemCounter + BUFF_ABILITY_ID_OFFSET - 1
            if HaveSavedInteger(hash, this, child) then
                call UnitRemoveAbility(whichUnit, LoadInteger(hash, this, child))
                call UnitRemoveAbility(whichUnit, LoadInteger(hash, this, itemCounter + BUFF_BUFF_ID_OFFSET - 1))

            //Check if the ItemSet is completed.
            if (itemCounter == maxItemCount) then
                call itemSetComplete(whichUnit)
        static method onItemEquip takes unit whichUnit, integer itemId returns nothing
            local integer id  = GetHandleId(whichUnit)
            local ItemSet this
            static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
                debug call ThrowWarning((id == 0), "ItemSet", "onItemEquip", "id", id, "Invalid Unit Handle ( null )!")
            // Is item in database and the unit exists.
            if (HaveSavedInteger(hash, 0, itemId)) and (id != 0) then
                // Keep track how often that item was equipped. 
                call SaveInteger(hash, id, itemId, LoadInteger(hash, id, itemId) + 1)
                // Bonuses are only applied on the first item of that type.
                if (LoadInteger(hash, id, itemId) == 1) then  
                    set this = LoadInteger(hash, 0, itemId)
                    call SaveInteger(hash, id, this, LoadInteger(hash, id, this) + 1)
                    //Apply bonuses associated with that ItemSet counter.
                    call add(whichUnit, LoadInteger(hash, id, this))
        method addBuffIndicator takes integer itemCount, integer abilityId, integer buffId returns nothing
            call SaveInteger(hash, this, itemCount + BUFF_ABILITY_ID_OFFSET, abilityId)
            call SaveInteger(hash, this, itemCount + BUFF_BUFF_ID_OFFSET,       buffId)
        method addBonus takes integer itemCount, integer bonusType, integer amount returns nothing
            call SaveInteger(hash, this, bonuses, ItemSetBonus.create(itemCount, ITEM_SET_BONUS_TYPE_BONUS, bonusType, 0., amount))
            set bonuses = bonuses + 1
        method addItemPower takes integer itemCount, integer power, real value returns nothing
            call SaveInteger(hash, this, bonuses, ItemSetBonus.create(itemCount, ITEM_SET_BONUS_TYPE_ITEM_POWER, power, value, 0))
            set bonuses = bonuses + 1

        method addAbility takes integer itemCount, integer abilityId returns nothing
            call SaveInteger(hash, this, bonuses, ItemSetBonus.create(itemCount, ITEM_SET_BONUS_TYPE_ABILITY, abilityId, 0., 0)) 
            set bonuses = bonuses + 1
        method addItem takes integer itemId returns nothing
            static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
                debug call ThrowError(HaveSavedInteger(hash, 0, itemId), "ItemSet", "addItem", "itemId", this, "Adding Item Ids To Two Different ItemSets Is Not Allowed: " + GetObjectName(itemId))
                debug call ThrowError(itemId == 0              ,         "ItemSet", "addItem", "itemId", this, "Invalid Item Id (0)!")
            call SaveInteger(hash, 0, itemId, this)
            set maxItemCount = maxItemCount + 1

        static method create takes string itemSetName, string modelName, string attachPointName returns thistype
            local ItemSet this = ItemSet(ItemSet.alloc + 1)
            set ItemSet.alloc  = integer(this)

            static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
                debug call ThrowError((this == 8191), "ItemSet", "create", "thistype", 8191, "Overflow!")
                debug if (this == 8191) then
                    debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0., 0., 10000. ,SCOPE_PREFIX + "FATAL ERROR: Overflow! Stopping Thread!")
                    debug set this = 1/0
                debug endif
            set name  = itemSetName
            set sfx   = modelName
            set point = attachPointName
            return this
        *   Call this method for best hashtable cleanup.
        static method onUnitDeindex takes unit whichUnit returns nothing
            local integer id = GetHandleId(whichUnit)
            if (0 != GetUnitTypeId(whichUnit)) and (0 != id) then
                call FlushChildHashtable(thistype.hash, id)
    *   Wrapper functions.
    function GetTriggerItemSetEventId takes nothing returns integer
        return ItemSet.triggerEventId
    function GetTriggerItemSetUnit takes nothing returns unit
        return ItemSet.triggerUnit
    function GetTriggerItemSet takes nothing returns ItemSet
        return ItemSet.triggerItemSet
    function RegisterItemSetEvent takes integer whichEvent, code func returns nothing
        call ItemSet.registerEvent(whichEvent, Condition(func))


Important: In order to compile ItemSet you'll need JPNG. Furthermore a basic understanding of vJass or JASS.

By default library ItemSet has no external requirements. However you can extend it's functionality by
using multiple optional requirements like i.e. BonusMod in your map.
A link to Equipment has added, as ItemSet is optionally implemented in it and requires no extra setup from your side.

Optional requirements

ItemSet can use a few optional requirements ( JassHelper link ), once they exists in your map file.
Each optional requirement extends the functionality of ItemSet by those libraries purposes.

Important: Using more than one requirement of each block has no benefit at all! It would be counterproductive for your map!

Hero Stats​
Custom Stats​

  • Bonus ( Requires LUA knowledge, recommended )
  • BonusMod ( highly recommended)

Equipment system

ItemSet is designed to work with any equipment system ever created, as well as the standard Warcraft III inventory.
Call those two function on your equip/unequip event:
static method onItemUnequip takes unit whichUnit, integer itemId returns nothing
static method onItemEquip takes unit whichUnit, integer itemId returns nothing

Demo Code

I attached a demo map, which shows how to use ItemSet. A more advanced demo can be
found in my Equipment Package thread ( see link above or check my resources )


The current vesion of ItemSet seems to be stable and working. If you experience any bugs/error
please report them in the thread. I'm going to fix them as soon as possible.

item, itemset, set

Just another Warcraft III map (Map)

07:15, 19th Oct 2015 Bribe: The demo map works nicely. The duplicate jango of endurance doesn't trigger any additional effects when picked up or dropped. I think the test environment could be better: - What happens if I have 2 of the same...




07:15, 19th Oct 2015
Bribe: The demo map works nicely. The duplicate jango of endurance doesn't trigger any additional effects when picked up or dropped.

I think the test environment could be better:

- What happens if I have 2 of the same completed item set in inventory?
- You mentioned it works with custom inventory, which I believe considering that the code is abstracted from any normal WC3 event. Still, it would have been nice to see this in the demo.

Level 11
Dec 3, 2011
In my opinion I don't see a problem in initializing an hashtable, when required.

I would rather like to change the API of the two equip functions from taking
and item type id as argument to taking an item handle. But i guess it's too late for that.

Use Hashtable won't hurt but I think the only problem of hashtable is hashtable limit.

But anyway cool system :ogre_love:
Level 19
Mar 18, 2012
I added a static onUnitDeindex method, which you can run on Unit Indexers deindex event.
static method ItemSet.onUnitDeindex takes unit whichUnit returns nothing

It flushes all entries from the ItemSet hashtable for that unit. This method is only
useful if you frequently deindex a units which can equip/unequip items, otherwise not.
Level 19
Mar 18, 2012
There exists a submitted custom inventory system, where I used ItemSet ( link ).
I will also improve this demo map.

Currently nothing in this library can be changed dynamically. I was inspired by itemsets ( green items )
in Diablo II / Diablo III. And it works in the same way, like in those two Blizzard games. Allocation of ItemSet:
        private static integer alloc  = 0
    static method create takes string itemSetName, string modelName, string attachPointName returns thistype
            local ItemSet this = ItemSet(ItemSet.alloc + 1)
            set ItemSet.alloc  = integer(this)
As you can see, there is no recycler for instance.
So each ItemSet is permanent data, once it's created. And so are the registered bonuses for an item.
I would like to keep the allocation of the first ( ItemSet instances ) like it is now. Bonuses however could be arranged in a dynamic manner.

Is there support to remove surplus items and exchange them for one, unified item?
If I understand you correctly, you mean like in a "Item-Recipe" system?
No, but that's not the purpose of this resource.

Is there an option to add an item set to another item set?
No currently that is not possible.

What happens if I have 2 of the same completed item set in inventory?
It never came to my mind that one unit can wear a complete set twice.
In this special case the bonuses are applied only once. I will fix that.

It's not supported "so far", because I was thinking too pratical.
My idea of a complete set was i.e. a sword and a shield.
To wear this itemset twice, either a unit needs 4 arms or we totally ignore anatomy.

Thanks for the feedback. I have to think about, which features I will add.