Welcome to Avenger, one of my latest maps. Fight with or against your friends in this new Hero Arena type map. pick from one of ten heros, the Templar, the Hunter, the Corruptor, Frostbringer, the Witch Doctor, Boulder, the Pyromancer, Shadow, the Resurrector, and the Far Seer. Pick a hero from the tavern and level up on the creeps that are scattered across the map. There are some trainer mobs at the bottom and top of the map so look there if you arent in a big team. I will add game modes later on (Team Deathmatch, Capture the flag, ect ect). This is only the first version so dont expect amazing, it's only a beta. If you see any bugs, problems, or if you just have some suggestions please tell me. This version was completely made by me.
::UPDATE:: Added in two gameplay modes, Deathmatch and Capture the flag.
Warcraft 3, hero arena, avenger, heros, creeps, Templar, pyromancer, deathmatch