Avenger (HeroArena) v.2.5 (beta)

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Welcome to Avenger, one of my latest maps. Fight with or against your friends in this new Hero Arena type map. pick from one of ten heros, the Templar, the Hunter, the Corruptor, Frostbringer, the Witch Doctor, Boulder, the Pyromancer, Shadow, the Resurrector, and the Far Seer. Pick a hero from the tavern and level up on the creeps that are scattered across the map. There are some trainer mobs at the bottom and top of the map so look there if you arent in a big team. I will add game modes later on (Team Deathmatch, Capture the flag, ect ect). This is only the first version so dont expect amazing, it's only a beta. If you see any bugs, problems, or if you just have some suggestions please tell me. This version was completely made by me.

::UPDATE:: Added in two gameplay modes, Deathmatch and Capture the flag.

Warcraft 3, hero arena, avenger, heros, creeps, Templar, pyromancer, deathmatch

Avenger (HeroArena) v.2.5 (beta) (Map)

19:36, 4th Sep 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected (until updated)




19:36, 4th Sep 2010
ap0calypse: Rejected (until updated)
Level 7
Dec 29, 2008
what is wrong with my description and how do i post screen shots

plus to anyone who can host and would LIKE to host for me please tell me. i, myself, cannot so any help would very much be appriceated

I could also use some map art.
Last edited by a moderator:
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
Is this BETA? I thought Mr. "Rules" said that no WIP is allowed. Ops sorry my bad.
BTW. Like everybody said, improve the description! Add Screenies!.

Me: Is Beta Maps are allowed to be upload Mr. "Rules"
Mr. "Rules":_____________________________
Me: Thanks. (Even though I got no answer.)
Level 7
Dec 29, 2008
this isnt worth it. i put in good effort into this map and all you guys do is complain. "oh he doesnt have a good description....RANT RANT RANT!" see if i ever post on here anymore. if i want people to play my map ill just post it somewhere like epicwar or something. i doubt any of you actually played the game
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
this isnt worth it. i put in good effort into this map and all you guys do is complain. "oh he doesnt have a good description....RANT RANT RANT!" see if i ever post on here anymore. if i want people to play my map ill just post it somewhere like epicwar or something. i doubt any of you actually played the game
It's not their fault to not play a map that doesn't have something that would tickle them into playing it.

Or is it?

For an easier analogy of your problem, would you eat something that doesn't look good except if you already know that it is tasty or something?

~Reported for not giving a rat's ass to others' advice
Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
this isnt worth it. i put in good effort into this map and all you guys do is complain. "oh he doesnt have a good description....RANT RANT RANT!" see if i ever post on here anymore. if i want people to play my map ill just post it somewhere like epicwar or something. i doubt any of you actually played the game

You realize not one post in this thread has been wrong right?
We are trying to help you more than anything else.
If I had seen a mean post, I would've removed it, but all I see is helpful comments.

You need a description. It's in the rules.
I can reject this right now for it not having a good enough description.
I was just hoping it'd change, because I really don't like rejecting maps.

Anyways, you can add screenshots by uploading them to a site such as imageshack or even this site has a pastebin. (link is in the top left area of your screen)

After it's done uploading it, click the image.
You should see a thumbnail of it and a lot of fields with info in them.
Go to the one that says "Direct" and copy this url.
then come to your description and paste it where you want it.

Click on the image once it's done uploading and it should become the whole screen.
Now, go to your address bar, and copy that address.
then come to your description and paste it where you want it.

After you've done either of those,
directly after that same url.
Repeat this process for each no picture you want.