My relatively uninteresting thoughts (inconsistent in depth) about each spell.
Xiliger's Nether Dagger
Me likes. I particularly like the pretty effects and concept.
Dr.Killer's Hunter's Instinct
My Wind Walk was removed when I attacked the enemy but stopped it immediately to avoid hitting them D: To me, the concept is meh.
Bowser499's Dash and Slash
-Kobas-'s Spiked Strike
The effects looked pretty. The only letdown would be the hero animation. The Crypt Lord should actually use the burrow animation to make it look like he burrowed. Other then this, it looked pretty.
defskull's Stringed Shuriken
The pulling doesn't look smooth when the target is moving, which lets the pretty lightning and shuriken down. I like the concept.
Radamantu's Shadow Shroud
Pity that I've already seen part of the concept before... infact, to me, it's just a combination of DotA skills o.o If I hadn't, I would probably find it a pretty interesting concept. I don't like how the Wind Walk sound plays even if the spell fails. I also don't like how the shadow trail is slightly ajar. I made it look pretty by changing the movement type of the shadows to Fly, so they aren't as.. offset. I do particularly like the shadow trail. It'd probably look better if it was shorter and didn't appear when the invisible unit was stationary. I suppose it is very assasin like - I do like the concept.
mckill2009's Obscuration
DeathChef's Spasm
The fog hurts my eyes
You lie, the spell doesn't stun the units. The green effect also has a shadow, which looks weird (I mean, why is there a shadow if it's light?) I don't know about this one. The concept is interesting, I just don't think it was implemented as well as it could have been.
Kingz's Kraken Shell
Initially I was going to pass this off as boring. I expected something more interesting since I don't particularly test the one spell for too long. I ended up changing the area of effect to a higher value as well as the max chain count, and I must say I do like it. It's pretty.
InfinateAnswers's Decieve
Hauu auu~ I love it. The concept is amazing.
chukkyjr's Phantom Glaive
The glaive effect looks pretty. The concept is meh, not that bad, not that interesting.
Jazztastic's Fan of Knives
Me like.
I voted for
InfinateAnswers. That person is amazing.